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facts of babylon

By AlexPublished 12 months ago 15 min read


the book of revelation talks about an end-time power called

babylon the great which deceives the world

unites with the kings of the earth and persecutes

god's people there's a variety of interpretations about who babylon the great is including the united states of america

jerusalem islam and the roman catholic church

to name a few it is vital to know who

this power is so we don't fall for its deceptions

so in this video we are going to be exploring bible

prophecy to discover who this terrifying power

is as i present to you 10 facts about babylon the great

but before i do that i want to encourage you to sign up for revelation now revelation now is an upcoming bible

prophecy series starting on october the 23rd until

november the 14th it will be hosted by pastor doug

batchelor who is also the president of amazing facts an international christian ministry

some of the things you will learn during

the revelation now prophecy

series is what role does america play

in prophecy is the coronavirus a part of prophecy

what is the mark of the beast what will the rapture be like

who is the antichrist and much more click on the link in the video

description to sign up for the revelation now prophecy series

today now for the facts fact number one

Babylon Is a Woman, babylon is a woman

revelation chapter 17 uses a lot of symbols to describe babylon the great

and one of those symbols is a woman

when the apostle john saw babylon in vision

in verse 3 he said i saw a woman

sitting on a scarlet beast a woman in bible prophecy

symbolizes a church one example of that

is the parable of the ten virgins

in matthew chapter 25. the ten virgins

symbolize the church before the second coming of jesus christ

therefore babylon the great is a Babylon Is a Harlot

church fact number two babylon is a harlot

babylon is not just any woman revelation chapter 17 verse 1

describes her as a great harlot stating

come i will show you the judgment of the great

harlot who sits on many waters a harlot is another way of saying

a prostitute so this is a church that has been

unfaithful to the lord and has corrupted

Babylon Rides a Beast her ways

fact number three babylon rides a beast

to reiterate verse 3 says i saw a woman

sitting on a scarlet beast a beast in

bible prophecy symbolizes a kingdom

for example after daniel had his dream

about the four beasts

that rose up out of the sea in daniel

verse 23 says the fourth beast shall

be a fourth kingdom on earth

so the woman riding the beast represents

a church state union Babylon Is Rich

fact number four babylon is rich

revelation chapter 17 verse 4 says

the woman was arrayed in purple and

scarlet and adorned with gold

and precious stones and pearls fact

Babylon Persecutes Christians number five

babylon persecutes christians

revelation chapter 17 verse 6 says

i saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints

and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus

have you figured out who babylon the

great is yet if you think you know who babylon is

let me know in the comments section down below now

i'm gonna identify who babylon the great

is in just a minute

but just to recap so far babylon the

great represents a corrupt

church who united with the state throughout its existence

persecuted christians and is rich just by those details alone i think it's pretty easy to narrow it down and discover

who babylon the great symbolizes and that is

the roman catholic church now in

identifying the roman catholic church as

babylon the great

please don't think i'm saying that all

catholics are bad people

all catholics are not bad people but they are

in a corrupt system of religion it's the religious

institution of the roman catholic church

that is bad

not the people there are sincere godly

christians in the roman catholic church

and many other christian denominations

around the world

i was once a catholic myself and if you

would like to learn why i left the roman

catholic church

you can click on the card in the upper

right hand corner of the screen

to watch my video entitled 10 reasons

why i left the catholic church in terms

of the roman catholic church becoming corrupt

corresponding to babylon being a harlot

the catholic church actually started out

as a good church

the roman catholic church started out as

the church of rome

and it's written about in the new

testament the book of romans

is addressed to the church of rome

however the church of rome later developed

into what we now know as the roman

catholic church

and it became corrupt in the process

because it adopted many pagan concepts

and incorporated them into christianity

that's why catholics pray to mary the saints and the cross

that comes from pagan idol worship

there's no example of christians in the

bible praying to statues pictures or crosses

the second commandment tells us not to

do that exodus chapter 20 verses 4 through 5

says you shall not make for yourselves a carved image

any likeness of anything that is in heaven above

or that is in the earth beneath or that

is in the water under the earth you shall not bow down to them

nor serve them the roman catholic church

has also changed the sabbath from saturday to sunday

they admit this in their own writings

for example the catechism of the council of trent states

the church of god has thought it well to transfer the celebration

and observance of the sabbath to sunday

the fourth commandment tells us to keep

the seventh day holy

as the sabbath which corresponds to saturday

exodus chapter 20 verses 8 through 10 tells us

remember the sabbath day to keep it holy

six days you shall labor and do all your work

but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god

in it you shall do no work the pagans in

the roman empire worshiped the sun

god on sunday so the catholic church

changed the sabbath

from saturday to sunday to accommodate them

this was done during the reign of

constantine the great

because constantine thought that by uniting

christians and pagans by making some

compromises between them

he can strengthen his empire however the

roman empire ended up falling

anyway and the church of rome became

corrupted by paganism

the roman catholic church today is

really nothing more than a compromise

between paganism and christianity there

are a lot of teachings

and practices in the catholic church

that have pagan origins

but have been given christian names to

make them appear

christian in terms of the roman catholic

church being a church state union

and persecuting christians corresponding

to the woman riding the beast

and being drunk with the blood of the

saints for over a thousand years the catholic church

united with european countries

to persecute people who would not submit

to the church's authority

many christian groups with opposing

views to the catholic church

who did not accept the authority of the pope

were viciously persecuted by the church

this was done through crusades holy wars

and the inquisition

one group of christians the catholic

church persecuted

was the waldensians a 2015 online post entitled

pope asks pardon from waldensian protestants

for past persecution by reuters.com states

pope francis asked forgiveness on monday

for the roman catholic church's

non-christian and inhumane treatment

in the past of the waldensians a tiny

protestant movement

the vatican tried to exterminate in the

15th century

the movement an early precursor of the

protestant reformation in the 16th century was branded as heretical

and in 1487 pope innocent viii

ordered its extermination some seventeen

hundred waldensians were killed in 1655

by catholic forces commanded by the duke of savoy

huguenots were another group of

christians that were persecuted by the catholic church

at the command of catholic king charles

ix a massacre of the huguenots began in paris france

on august the 24th in 1572

which was the eve of the feast of

bartholomew the apostle

the massacre lasted several weeks and

extended outward to other urban

centers and the countryside estimates of

how many huguenots were murdered

go as high as 70 thousand and that's just the tip of the iceberg

john dowling

wrote in his book history of romanism

from the birth of potpourri to the

present time

it is estimated by careful and credible historians

that more than 50 millions of the human family

have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy

by popish persecutors an average of more than 40

000 religious murders for every year of the existence

of potpourri to the present day in addition

just like babylon the great is rich

because she's adorned with all kinds of jewels

the roman catholic church is the richest

church in the world

an online post entitled the 10 richest

religions in the world

by church and state.org dot uk states

catholic priests are expected to make a

vow of poverty

so it is ironic that the church is

actually the richest religion

in the world the catholic church owns

some of the greatest artworks

ever made it also has vast gold deposits

and billions of dollars in assets is

also earns a significant amount of

income from the tourism sector

as the vatican is considered an


city-state it also has more than a

billion members

around the world so much for not storing

up your treasures on earth

jesus said in matthew chapter 6 verses 19 through 20

do not lay up for yourselves treasures

on earth where moth and rust destroy

and where thieves break in and steal but

lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven

where neither moth nor rust destroys and

where thieves do not break in and steal

all those works of art gold and precious

Treasures that the catholic church is storing up

is going then the church is going to have to give

an account of how it made use of its

means to advance the gospel

now that we have identified the roman

catholic church as babylon the great

let's discover some more facts about

babylon and see how they correspond

to the roman catholic church fact number

Babylon Sits on Many Waters six

babylon sits on many waters

john wrote in revelation chapter 17 verse 1

then one of the seven angels who had the

seven bowls

came and talked with me saying come i

will show you the judgment of the great harlot

who sits on many waters verse 15 reveals

what those waters symbolize

saying the waters which you saw where

the harlot sits

are peoples multitudes nations and

tongues so babylon sitting on many waters

means that it has a global presence just

like the roman catholic church

the roman catholic church is the largest

christian denomination

in the world with churches on every continent

boasting 1.3 billion baptized members

that's more than all of the protestant

churches combined

according to the world christian

encyclopedia there are more than 33

000 protestant denominations and all of

those denominations combined

have a membership of about 800 million

to 1 billion people fact number 7

Babylon Commits Fornication

babylon commits fornication

revelation chapter 17 verses 1-2 says

come i will show you the judgment of the great harlot

who sits on many waters with whom the

kings of the earth

committed fornication fornication means

to have an illicit relationship

to put it lightly and babylon the great

in other words the roman catholic church

had an illicit relationship

with the kings of the earth throughou

much of its history

because it united with the state to enforce its dogmas

jesus said church and state should

remain separate in matthew chapter

22 verse 21 stating render therefore to

caesar the things that are caesar's and to god

the things that are god's in uniting

with the state the catholic church abandoned

its union with jesus christ and it

relied on the state to force conversions

instead of relying on jesus and his

grace instead of presenting people with the gospel

which renews believers from the inside

out and leads to a truly changed life

it presented them with laws which can

only accomplish outward conformity

for fear of being punished but doesn't

lead to true conversion

by the way bible prophecy warns that

this is going to happen again

in the future and force people to worship in a way

that violates the ten commandments

this will result in the mark of the

beast revelation chapter 13 verses 15 through 17 says

he speaking about apostate protestant america

was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast

the image of the beast represents a church state union

that the image of the beast should both

speak and cause as many as would not

worship the image of the beast

to be killed he causes all both small and

great rich and poor free and slave

to receive a mark on their right hand or

on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except

one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number

of his name

about the mark of the beast

satan doesn't want you to know fact

Babylon Wears Purple & Scarlet

number eight babylon

wears purple and scarlet revelation

chapter 17 verse 4 says

the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet

i think it's no coincidence that

catholic bishops wear

purple and cardinals wear scarlet what's even more

interesting is the reason why cardinals wear scarlet

an online post entitled colors worn by

cardinals and bishops

by simplycatholic.com states the

cardinals wear scarlet red

as an outward sign of their willingness to shed

their blood in defense of the catholic faith

kind of ironic coming from a church that

has shed more innocent blood that

any other institution known to mankind

throughout the history of the world and

in reference to why bishops wear purple

the post by simplycatholic.com states

it is almost certain that the use of

purple attire by bishops

was originally intended to show that the bishops

possessed religious and spiritual

authority equal to the temporal

and civil authority of princes and kings

so much for humble service jesus said in

matthew chapter 20 verses 25

28 you know that the rulers of the

gentiles lorded over them

and those who are great exercise

authority over them

yet it shall not be so among you but

whoever desires to become great

among you let him be your servant and

whoever desires to be first among you

let him be your slave just as the son of man

did not come to be served but to serve

and to give his life

Babylon Is Full of Abominations

a ransom for many fact number nine babylon

is full of abominations revelation

chapter 17 verse 4 says

the woman was arrayed in purple and

scarlet and adorned with gold and

precious stones and pearls

having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations

and the filthiness of her fornication

the bible calls several things an abomination

one of them is idolatry ezekiel chapter

14 verse 6 says

therefore say to the house of israel

thus says the lord god

repent turn away from your idols and

turn your faces away

from all your abominations idolatry is

the worship of images the roman catholic church is

guilty of this and bowing down to

and praying to statues and images of

mary the saints and even the cross disregarding the ten

commandment law of god is another abomination

proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 says one who

turns away his ear from hearing the law

even his prayer is an abomination the

catholic church has disregarded the

second commandment

which forbids idolatry you don't find it

in their list of the ten commandments

they've also disregarded the fourth

commandment the one that tells us to

keep the seventh-day sabbath holy

which is saturday and they have replaced

it with sunday

another abomination in the bible is

eating unclean meat

and speaking about unclean animals

leviticus chapter

11 verse 11 says they shall be an

abomination to you

you shall not eat their flesh but you

shall regard their carcasses

as an abomination some of the animals

that the bible identifies as

unclean include pork catfish

shrimp lobster crabs and rabbits

yet there is no prohibition in the

catholic church against eating these things

communicating with the dead is another abomination

according to the bible deuteronomy

chapter 18 verses 10 through 12 says

there shall not be found among you

anyone who makes his son

or his daughter to pass through the fire

or one who practices witchcraft

or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens

or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells

or a medium or a spiritist

a spiritist is someone who communicates

with the dead

or one who calls up the dead for all who do

these things are an abomination to the lord

remind you of anything the catholic

church does praying to mary

and the saints mary and the saints are

dead resting in the grave

waiting for the second coming of jesus

to be resurrected and taken to heaven they're not in

heaven now

what's more the practice of spiritualism

is rooted in the belief of the

immortality of the soul

what that means is that you have an

immortal soul that exists apart from

your body after you die

but that's not biblical and people who

believe that open up an

avenue for satan and his angels to

mislead them

because they can impersonate the dead

with supposed messages

from beyond the grave to deceive people

there are more things the bible calls

abominations but i think you get the

Babylon Is a Mother

revelation chapter 17 verse 5 says and

on her forehead a name was written mystery babylon the great

the mother of harlots and of the

abominations of the earth

this is additional evidence that babylon

the great represents the roman catholic church

because the roman catholic church calls itself

holy mother church a wikipedia post entitled

mother church states the church is

considered to be a mother to her members

because she is the bride of christ and

all other churches

have had their origin or derived from her

however this is not true the roman

catholic church is not the bride of christ

if anything it divorced christ when it

departed from the faith

by adopting pagan beliefs and practices

and uniting with the state to enforce

its teachings

by the way if babylon is a mother that means

that she has daughters and her daughters

are those churches that have come out of her

but at the same time have retained many

of her false practices

and beliefs that's why some of the

abominations i mentioned

which babylon commits are not unique to the roman catholic church

the roman catholic church is not the

only church that claims that the sabbath

is on sunday now

or that says jesus made it so we can eat unclean meat

or believes in the immortality of the soul shockingly

many protestant churches believe this as

well as a matter of fact

you will find a lot of unbiblical similarities

between many professed protestant churches today

and the roman catholic church because those churches

are the daughters of babylon the great

the bible includes a lot of symbolic

details about babylon the great

babylon is a harlot which symbolizes a corrupt

church she unites with the state

persecutes god's people

is full of abominations and calls herself a mother

there is only one church that matches this description

and that is the roman catholic church now

this may come as a shock to you if

you're hearing this for the first time

and you're a catholic

or something like that the bible has the answer

revelation chapter 18 verses 2 and 4 says

babylon the great is fallen is fallen

and has become a dwelling place of demons

a prison for every foul spirit and a cage

for every unclean and hated bird come

out of her my people lest you share in

her sins.


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    AlexWritten by Alex

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