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Review of YouTube Video

By Alexander RotinovPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

This 10:31 minute video is brought to us by the "mysteryhistory" channel on YouTube.

Easter Island is one of the most intriguing places to explore anywhere on Earth because of the legends and still existing ruins surrounding the Island. There are legends of a magical Earth Force known as Mana having once been responsible for the as yet unexplained movement and placement of the gigantic Moai Statues that can be found dotting the coastlines. It is believed that over its long history several catastrophic population crashes have befallen the Islanders. Long ago in antiquity, the Island was covered by dense forests that were buried under enormous landslides covering a perfectly preserved pre-historic advanced civilization. Easter Island could be, it ironically turns out, a metaphysical Easter egg, a valuable jewel in the crown of alternative archeological researchers.

Within Polynesia, Easter Island is very remote and difficult to get to, and if you were shipwrecked there, even more difficult to get off. There is the ongoing discussion of how the impressive and rather intimidating Moai Statues which litter it's shores were created out of many tons of solid stone and somehow were moved to their current resting places. A mystery as large as the construction of the pyramids it has baffled all that have tried to explain how it was possible.

There also exists a series of texts just as enigmatic and so far undeciphered known as Rangorango. Many of the surviving texts have been lost, stolen or destroyed over the centuries. Several Scholars have suggested that Rangorango may have been an invention inspired by the Spanish. There are no reports of the script prior to Eugenio Eyraud in 1864. The hypothesis of these researchers is that the concept of writing had been conveyed in a process anthropologists term transcultural diffusion, which then inspired the Islanders to invent their own system of writing. The existing evidence of this writing style, was made upon surviving scraps of driftwood and the wood from shiwrecks, and presumably scratched into the wood with sharks teeth.

The Island was official discovered in the late 1700s. A speck of rock, it was thought to be just a legend for Shipwrecked Souls. People from across the world lucky enough to make it there, lived out the remainder of their days in complete isolation resulting in the island being inhabited with a mixed race population. It was a long-held belief that it had only been inhabited for a few thousand years, however archeologists have discovered remarkable things upon this small land mass that says otherwise and supports native accounts of the Island's ancient history.

An ancient pyramid was recently found. The "grid lines" that scour into the face of Easter Island correspond to the exact plot lines of multiple ancient sites in Egypt including the pyramids in Giza. In the video, there are images of the pyramid. It has three tiers, looking more like south american temples, and is covered by green jungle like growth. Especially at the base, large megalithic stones are visible. Comparisons can be made to full bodied Moai Staues by the pyramid to grasp the size of the megalithis pyramid stones. Because it is a recent find, there is not yet much information that has been released.

The video asks, what exactly is Easter Island doing with pyramids? The Legend describes the land features of Easter Island as having once been part of a much larger landmass. H. F. Landford pointed out back in 1890, that there is clear proof that some land areas lying within the Continental limits of the Islans, have at a comparatively recent date been submerged. Other evidence includes countless Moai statues that are found underwater around the island.

Easter Island lies some 500 km east of the crest of a submerged mountain range called the East Pacific Rise within the so called Easter fracture Zone. The island is believed to be the summit of an immense mountain formed by volcanic activity. It owes its triangular shape to three volcanoes located at its Corners. A large volcanic eruption may have sunk a large part of the landmass. Obviously, there are still many discoveries to be made on Easter Island.

Reviewed by Alexander Rotinov, 16. October 2023
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    ARWritten by Alexander Rotinov

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