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By Alexander RotinovPublished 9 months ago 4 min read


This Video shows the WatchMojo.com viewer's top 10 picks of archaeological mysteries. The list includes: the Moai Statues on Easter Island, the Egyptian Sakara Bird, The Voynich Manuscript, the Stones of Pumapunku in Bolivia, The London Hammer found in London, Texas, USA, Stonehenge in England, the Indus River Valley Civilization in Pakistan, The lost Greek city of Helike, The Antikythera Mechanism from Greece and the Bronze Age Collapse throughout the Mediterranean Relm.

Mystery number 10, the Easter Island Moai Head Statues are considered to be at least a thousand years old. Some of them have the rest of the body below ground, suggesting that they maybe many thousands of years older than expected. The question is how they were transported from where they were carved to were they were placed. Since there are no trees on the island, it has been theorized that they were walked upright by teams with ropes.

Number 9, is the mysterious Sakara Bird Artifact from Egypt. The object was found in a tomb in the town of Eponymous in 1898. This model of a bird is only a few inches long. Even though it is to heavy to fly, the aerodynamic shape has provoked the discussion that the Equptions knew how to make flying objects.

Number 8 the Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious book written by an unknown author. It is named after the man who purchased it in 1912. This codex dates from the early 15th century. The code seems to consist of drawings which depict astrological symbols, people, creatures and plants, not all of them real. Cryptologists say the writing has all the characteristics of a real language. It's generally believed to be a record of herbs and knowledge of the planets, including fictitious plants and animals. Some scholars claim it is a form of encoded latin.

Number 7, the Stones of Pumapunku are located in Bolivia. Pumapunku at an archaeological site constructed by the Tiwanaku Culture. The mysterious blocks are a part of an interconnecting system that features interlocking holes which fit together. The workmanship of the stones is superior to that of the Incas, the culture that came after them. The site, a stone block factory, may have been destroyed by a cataclysm such as a great flood in the 6th century.

Number 6, the London Hammer, was found in London Texas. This man made workman's iron hammer head is mysterious because it can not be dated. It has no carbon traces and was located in the midfle if a rock formation that is at least 140 million years old.

Number 5, Stonehenge in sothern England is famous for its ring of megalithic stones that is 4,000 to 5,000 years old. No one is sure of its origional purpose, although it has been used as a burial site. There are 60 excavated burial pits, most of them in one area referred to as the aubry holes. The question remains as to how these huge stones were moved. It is blieved that they used tree trunks as rollers and rafts on water ways to move the megalithis stones from the quarry to their current location.

Number 4, the Indus River Valley Civilization is also known as the Harappan Culture. Found in today's Pakistan and India, it is one of the oldest civilizations discovered, estimated at more than 5,000 years old. More than one thousand sites have been discovered in a region covering a million square kilometer. Many things remain a mystery about it, chief among these are its writing system, which has not been diciphered. It is not clear why this civilization disappeared. Prevailing reasons under discussion for its decline include, an invasion possibly from central asia, climatic changes, as well as natural disasters leading to drought, that forced its people to migrate.

Number 3, lost city of Helike was reported by the ancient greeks to have sunk beneath the waves. Unlike Atlantis, it was not considered a myth. Historical records indicate that an earthquake and tsunami devastated and sank it in the 4th century. Archeologists believe to have rediscovered Helike, in 2001 under the sea off the coast of Geece.

Number 2, Antikythera Mechanism, was recovered from a shipwreck off the coast of Greece in 1901. It is one of the oldest analog computers ever discovered. It dates from somewhere between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC. Being a clockwork like mechanism it rewrites the history of technology. It was designed for predicting not only the positions of the five observable planets in the night sky but also eclipses decades in advance.

Finally, the Number 1 mystery is the Bronze Age Collapse throughout the Mediterranean Relm. During the 12th century BC, the cultures around the mediterranean sea experienced violent upheavals that led to many of them either declining or collapsing. The suddenness of the decline, has intriqued archeologist. Possible reasons include raids by sea peoples, political instability, the advent of iron weapons, also a succession of disasters including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and climatic changes, may have been responsible for the massive societal collapse.

Top 10 Archeological Mysteries: https://youtu.be/9JaRExSHOag?si=DPOITzMcQvBzrPuf

Reviewed by Alexander Rotinov 6. 0ctober 2023
[email protected]


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    ARWritten by Alexander Rotinov

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