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2 Mysteries Earth Civilization. Was It Real?

Agartha - The Inner Earth Civilization And Atlantis - The World's Most Powerful Civilization

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Atlantis you might know it as Aquaman's underwater Kingdom but Atlantis the fictional island was actually first introduced in two of Plato's Works according to him Atlantis was a highly Advanced civilization that existed about 9,000 years before his own time and its story had been passed down by Poets authors and others he wrote about Atlantis and its citizens to give a moral lesson and to teach about the dangers of arrogance as well as the eventual downfall of those who are after too much power in his dialogues Plato stated that Atlantis was a great and powerful Empire that was respected in in all parts of the world it was founded by beings who were half deities and half human and became a great Naval power after a while being an island filled with gold silver and other precious metals certainly helped their case but besides that it was also known for its breathtaking architecture and state-of-the-art Technology as well as its countless rare and exotic wild animals Atlanteans were proud of their great achievements and the Perfection of their civilization but but their excessive Pride was going to bring their downfall they believed they were so Superior that they could gain control over any Nation this led them to launch a series of invasions they conquered many of the Mediterranean lands but when it was time to enter Athens Athenians pushed back with an extraordinary force so the Atlanteans were finally defeated Plato stated that deities then got angry at Atlanteans because of how Wicked greedy and and immoral they became so they punished them by sending earthquakes which caused Atlantis to sink Beneath the Sea although the earliest written records of Atlantis were Plato's Works some people still believed his story to be based on truth and tried to identify the island of Atlantis with actual countries some people suggested it may have been located in the Mediterranean Sea near the coast of Spain or Italy others thought it may have been located in the Caribbean off the coast of Central or South America but there was no solid evidence to support any of these claims one theory in particular seemed more plausible than the others though located in the Asian sea the island of Santorini was the home of a highly Advanced Mareen Society however due to a huge volcanic eruption it was destroyed about 3600 years ago causing the Manan civilization to suddenly disappear these arities between the fictional Atlanteans and the historical Minoans made Santorini a good candidate for the speculations yet again there were still major flaws with it such as how the time when Plato said Atlantis was destroyed doesn't coincide with the time of Santorini's eruption so Atlantis still continues to be regarded as nothing more than a popular legend in the scientific world.

Agartha taking its roots from Eastern mysticism one Legend says there's a kingdom called Agartha that is located deep Ben beneath the surface of the Earth it's where all four corners of the world are connected by paths and tunnels it is said that there's a secret entrance into Agartha hidden in the GOI desert and it's built by Agarthans themselves using advanced technology that can't be detected by us the surface folks According to some beliefs Agartha exists to counterbalance the energies of those who live above the surface while we live in a state of Rush and heightened emotions this world beneath us is the total opposite some even say that those who escaped Atlantis fled here to continue their lives inside the Earth's core and yet others think it's actually a land that's crawling with all kinds of monsters but there's no need to be scared since modern science proved earth's core is not actually Hollow and is a solid hot iron ball so you can cancel your journey plans to the center of the earth if you've made any

World HistoryResearchPlacesFictionDiscoveriesAncient

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