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Ancient Advanced Civilizations You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Archaeologist's Astounding Discovery

By TestPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

In the Autumn of 2013, archaeologists made an astounding Discovery in China an ancient irrigation system built over 2 and 1 12,000 years ago moreover this network connected 50 different localities that's unbelievably massive for the ancient world but even that is not the most impressive part of this system you see scientists still don't have any idea who actually built it. this Revelation shook up the conventional belief that ancient Chinese culture developed linearly it turns out that at that time there was at least one more advanced Society in this region and that's just the tip of the iceberg because apart from the well-known Sumerians and ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago our planet was home to other much more mysterious civilizations in this video you'll find out which civilization in South America made the Aztecs and Incas look like Hillbillies how did one group of people manage to master technology thousands of years ahead of the rest of humanity and what chilling secrets of ancient people are still unexplained by modern science most ancient civilizations started to flourish from the second millennium BC that's when Humanity slowly transitioned from a nomadic way of life to Agricultural and animal husbandry but how did some ancient societies manage to develop faster than others in 1997 Peruvian researcher Ruth shade LED excavations along the northwest coast of Peru she had plans to uncover another Monument of the ancient Incas but instead she stumbled upon ruins that were at least 4,000 years older than the earliest Inca structures dating back to the third millennium BC how this was just the beginning of the structures of the N Chico civilization were unlike any other archaeological findings known to science Coral the largest city of this enigmatic ancient Society is still being studied by researchers they've already found several squares an Amphitheater numerous buildings and even an irrigation system on its territory but the real engineering Marvel of this ancient city is a few ancient pyramids some experts even believe that these might be older then the famous Monumental complexes in Egypt but how did the N Chico civilization reach such a level of knowhow back in the day when other South Americans were only starting to dip their toes into farming in the very heart of the ancient city archaeologists found interesting artifacts known as chicas bags made of reeds filled to the brim with stones and experts believe these were the tools the ancient people used to put up those grand buildings they supposedly stacked those bags in a way that made pyramid steps and then it was a whole lot easier to place the stone blocks on top although some researchers staunchly oppose this Theory because nowadays no one has been able to replicate that building method successfully furthermore archaeologists have failed to find any traces of pottery or writing within the territory occupied by nor Chico according to Ruset there could be only two explanations for this first coral and other ancient cities in this region were potentially built during the pre-ceramic period And yet we know of no other cases in history where Society built giant pyramids first and then learned how to make basic Pottery even the ancient Egyptians needed centuries of practice before they could create those famous structures in Giza according to another theory the N Chico folks didn't leave behind any primitive artifacts because they were already too advanced for plain-old play pots when Corral was being built but if that's the case the Norte Chico civilization wasn't just ahead of its time it was more Progressive than us today or could it be that the pyramids in Coral weren't built by ancient people at all but by someone else unfortunately we probably won't find the answer in this perplexing City it existed so long ago that it didn't leave many significant Clues behind.


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