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Why i really don't like Star Wars saga

"Here is why!"

By Marie FreemanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The Star Wars saga is often praised for its epic storyline, iconic characters, and groundbreaking special effects, among other things. However, not everyone subscribes to the hype and adoration that the franchise enjoys - i am one of them! Some people, like me, don't like Star Wars, but... why? Well... you asking, i reply!

Firstly, Star Wars is often criticized for being overly predictable and formulaic. Many of the movies follow a similar template, where a young hero with a troubled past learns the mystical ways of the Force, teams up with a diverse group of allies, faces off against an evil empire, and ultimately triumphs over them. While this formula might have worked in the past, it has become stale and predictable after decades of repetition. There are only so many times we can watch a lightsaber duel without feeling bored or unimpressed.

I also find the storyline of Star Wars to be somewhat predictable and cliché. The idea of an all-powerful force that needs to be vanquished after a long and drawn-out battle is not new by any means. The fight between good and evil is an age-old concept that has been reproduced time and time again in literature, and on screen. It feels as if the plot of Star Wars, with its battles fought across galaxies, is merely a reiteration of a familiar theme.

Moreover, some people find Star Wars to be overly simplistic and juvenile. The franchise is often marketed towards children and families, with its colorful characters, cartoonish humor, and simplistic conflicts between good and evil. However, as many fans of more sophisticated science fiction and drama argue, Star Wars lacks the nuance, complexity, and depth that would make it truly great. The movies tend to rely on flashy special effects and one-dimensional characters rather than exploring complex themes, moral dilemmas, or social issues.

In addiction to this, the Star Wars saga has been subject to numerous retcons, reboots, and revisions, which have left many longtime fans feeling alienated and disillusioned. From George Lucas's controversial prequel trilogy to Disney's divisive sequel trilogy, there have been numerous changes to the canon and continuity of the Star Wars universe. This has created confusion, inconsistency, and dissatisfaction among fans who feel that the series they grew up with has been diluted, distorted, or ruined.

Lastly, some people simply don't enjoy the Star Wars aesthetic, which is often criticized for being too derivative and cliché, like i said. The series is known for its iconic imagery, such as the Death Star, Tatooine, the Millennium Falcon, and Darth Vader's mask. However, some people find these visuals to be tired, unoriginal, or kitschy, especially in comparison to more imaginative and avant-garde science fiction. While there is no accounting for taste, it is worth noting that many people find the Star Wars universe to be unappealing, if not outright tacky.

I also feel that the characters in Star Wars lack the depth and complexity that I crave in any compelling story. This is not to say that they are not interesting or captivating on screen, but I cannot seem to form a bond with any of them. Some of the characters appear to be predictable, such as the villain who is almost too evil, and the hero who is inevitably morally upright.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why some people might not like the Star Wars saga. Whether it is due to the formulaic storytelling, simplistic themes, confusing continuity, or unappealing aesthetics, there are legitimate criticisms to be made about the series. Do you agree with me?

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About the Creator

Marie Freeman

I'm a Philadelphia native and lifelong entertainment fan. I'm passionate about movies, music, and all things pop culture.

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