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Top Twitch Streamers to Watch

These top Twitch streamers to watch are fan favorites among the popular gaming community.

By Emily McCayPublished 8 years ago 8 min read

If you're looking for porn, turn around, you have made a huge mistake! These men and women are not those type of live streamers. No, Twitch streamers are not cam girls (or boys) who perform sexual acts on camera for money. Instead, they entertain in a different sort of way, gaining millions of fans with their gaming techniques and personalities. If you haven't heard of Twitch, you've probably been living in a rabbit whole for the past few years. Founded in June 2011, Twitch is a live streaming platform and community for gamers from all over the world. Boasting more than 100 million user community, Twitch has quickly rose to become the platform for gamers to not only live stream game play, but also to connect over a passion for all things gaming and entertainment. The list of users on Twitch are included but not limited to players, game developers, media outlets, publishers, eSports players, and more.

Twitch streamers make a living based solely on how they entertain and interact with their audiences, which makes having a solid fan base the most important skill you can have. The Twitch streamers to watch listed below are fan favorites and all equally loved in the Twitch community, but for different reasons. Maybe your an top level eSports player, maybe you run gaming talk show, or maybe you even make little fictional movies out of Minecraft characters. Whatever your skill set may be, Twitch offers you a platform to share your gift with others and hey, maybe even make a living off of it. Take a lesson from the top Twitch streamers than fans can't stop watching.

Chance Morris aka Sodapoppin has been in the streaming game for quite a while now and boasts over one millions followers on Twitch. Subscribers of Chance’s channel can watch him play a variety of games, including poker and World of Warcraft, in addition to hilarious outings with Pokémon Go and of course, random cat videos! Everything has not always been so “poppin” with this streamer though. According to his website, Chance has been banned from Twitch multiple times for reasons including “Harassing Twitch staff, foot porn, promoting illegal activity” and my personal favorite “BS that wasn’t his fault.” Love him or hate him, the one thing we can all admit is that Chance Morris is fun to watch. Something tells me this Twitch fan favorite will stay that way for quite a while. Not a Twitch user? You can also watch Sodapoppin’s antics on YouTube.

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Hafu is one of the more popular female streamers on Twitch, and for good reason. While she got her Twitch start on League of Legends, Hafu Chan is currently one of the best Hearthstone arena players in the world. Not one of the best female players, just one of the best players, in general. Her subs tune in day in and day out to watch her kick ass and take names, and she is not taking her fame for granted. Hafu has made it a point to speak up about the harassment female gamers face on platforms like Twitch. Do women get more subs because they are attractive? Maybe. Gaming is a male dominated world. The problem becomes when they are then targeted and harassed for said "attractiveness".

The thought that you can't be attractive and a professional is still a problem area for women in every industry, but it is especially prevalent in a streaming society where you literally make more money if people like you. Many a conversation is had about the integrity of Twitch's subscribers because of this. Hafu gained notoriety because from misogynistic comments made by male viewers in her stream and her reaction to them. She pushed through, let her playing speak for herself, and continues to be a fan favorite top Twitch streamer.

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With 1 millions Twitch subscribers, 2 million Twitter followers, and almost 10 million YouTube subs, it’s safe to say that CaptainSparklez, or Jordan Moran, has plenty of fans. The Captain, as he is commonly referred to, built his large fanbase on YouTube, and has recently come over the the world of Twitch to entertain with his mad skills in the fine art of Minecraft. My personal favorites are the music videos. Watching your favorite viral videos recreated with Minecraft characters surprisingly never gets old. Watch “Minecraft Style” if you don’t believe me! You won’t regret it.

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I have to admit, when I was doing the research for this piece and stumbled upon Michael Santana, I LOL’d. Like actually laughed out loud. Imaqtpie? Is this guy serious? And the answer is yes. Seriously entertaining. Unlike some of the names on this list, Michael is a tried and true competitive gamer, and his League of Legends skills are well, legendary. For those of you who don’t know (seriously, if you don't know LoL why are you even reading this??! Ehm,anyway...) League of Legends is a multiplayer online arena game where players join teams to battle other players, also in teams. It’s a real time strategy game that requires it’s players to communicate and work as a team to play to their particular character’s strength. Michael’s skills may have brought him success, but it’s his personality that has helped it grow. Coining commonly used memes and phrases like “Raise Your Dongers" made sure that Michael's name will live on forever in the Twitch Streamer Hall of Fame. And he is totes a QT pie, btw.

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Now this is kind of a tricky one, because currently, Phantom is not live on Twitch. But because of the impact that he’s made, I still feel like he should be included on this list. Phantoml0rd earned his spot as fan favorite Twitch streamers to watch early on with his League of Legends skills, but once he rose to fame, the spotlight did not treat him well. Phantoml0rd was one of many streamers that had to deal with constant hack attacks and prank calls to the police. The more games he would try to play, the more he would be hacked, the more viewers he would receive, and so on. As this nonsense escalated, so did his fanbase. But as the old prophecies say “Mo money, mo problems”.

James "Phantoml0rd” Varga became involved another facet of Twitch, gambling. While gambling is not banned by the site, betting on a company that you have ownership in, without disclosure to your millions of fans, is. Think of it as a sort of insider trading. James, as well as Thomas "ProSyndicate" Cassell and Trevor "Tmartn" Martin, are now under investigation and tangled up in class-action lawsuits. While scandal currently clouds his legacy, we hope that this l0rd can eventually get back to what he was good at from the start, being an awesome gamer.

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KittyPlays, or Kristen, has recently become a top Twitch streamer to watch due to not just her gaming skills, but also her engaging personality. After reaching some success Kitty has never forgotten who has given it to her, you! The fans. While game play is still involved, Kristen's streams are largely conversational, reminding you more of chatting with a friend than watching a stranger. Her upbeat personality, high-level viewer interaction, a drive to constantly improve to channel has kept her a fan favorite even when the Twitch community started to revolt against its female streamers.

Kristen has taken a one time hobby and turned it into a career by staying true to her loyal viewers, and creating a community known as KittyTeam. To Kitty, Twitch provides a place where people can come for entertainment, and also to make real connections with other gaming enthusiasts. KittyTeam is one of the most positive groups that Twitch has to offer. Visit her channel for some fun conversation, hilarious reactions, and genuine interest in the gaming community.

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A man that goes by a single name rarely needs introduction, and that’s a good thing because seriously outside of the gaming world it is impossible to find any information on this guy. How old is he? No idea. Where does he live? I don’t know. Does he like cats? Well, yes, his Twitter photo tells me yes. But I guess that’s kind of the point. We don’t need to know anything else about LIRIK other than the fact that he’s extremely entertaining to watch on Twitch, and his fans love him. He started streaming in 2011 on World of Warcraft but started streaming regularly in 2012 when DayZ came out. He continued to grow an audience until he reached his currently following, almost 1.5 million on Twitch alone. His loyal followers tune in every Sunday for "Sub Sunday" or SEWB SEWNDAY as he so lovingly refers to it, where they vote for the games he plays next. LIRIK has managed to give his fans exactly what they want, without giving them anything at all. Genius!

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Colin and Greg, formerly of IGN, are couple of KindaFunny guys who banded together to start KindaFunnyGames, a platform that mixes funny talk show bits with actual game play. The talk show is what you’re really tuning into Twitch for with the KindaFunny guys. They worked with IGN for years, building their reputations as knowledgable gaming enthusiasts with valuable opinions. Not only are they smart, but they’re also hilarious, and now that they are free from a larger entity, can say whatever the hell they want. You watch them to laugh, but you watch them to learn too. They know their shit. More than just a podcast, KindaFunny includes interviews, animations, reaction videos, and basically whatever else you can think of doing in front of a green screen.

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Stop. Stop judging right now. Trolls, step back! Yes, Lea is a beautiful woman. Yes, she posed in Playboy. Yes, she may use her looks to gain following but SO WHAT!? She loves streaming and people love watching her. Who is she hurting? No one. Except maybe the butt hurt misogynists who are pissed they have not had the same success that she's had. Lea rose to fame playing games like EverQuest, and World of Warcraft, but now really just does whatever she feels like when she streams, which may include playing games like Hearthstone, but may also include her cuddling with her kitten. Whatever she is doing on her stream is working. She's engaging, she's passionate, she loves gaming, and her fans love her, what else is there?

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When it was announced that GameTrailers was bought by Defy Media, and than swiftly shut down, we felt like we were going to have a movie trailer shaped hole in our lives. Lucky for us, some of the group came together and formed EasyAllies. This stream focuses on conversation about video games, rather than actually watching the game be played. The team comes up with all types of fun multimedia. The reviews for Easy Allies' work has been mostly positive, some saying it's even better than GameTrailers due to the lack of restriction from a large parent company. Their podcasts are informative and smart, and their streams, especially group streams, are hilarious. The pompous attitude that can sometimes be associated with the elite gaming world is nowhere to be found on this Twitch stream, which is what makes it great for all types of fans. If you’re new to Twitch, check this stream out.

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Emily McCay

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Comments (1)

  • yurikosaya8 months ago

    I also enjoy watching live streams on Twitch. Compared to YouTube, Twitch focuses more on gaming and has some interesting streamers, even though they may have fewer followers.

Emily McCayWritten by Emily McCay

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