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By SAFIRA ARNETTE C.SPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I like philosophical words that can inspire, especially Greek philosophy. When I need motivation or encouragement to achieve my goals, these philosophy words will help me to continue to reach my goals and reflect on the meaning of life.

Several philosophies are my favorite, though these words you will be able to see and understand things from a different point of view.

The first philosophy is Plato's which says, "Don't get to know people too much, because you are often hurt by people you know, while people you don't know can barely hurt you."

This is the most relatable thing in life, this has also happened to me several times, many of the people closest to me made me disappointed, some of them hurt me without hesitation. I always wonder if sometimes some of the people who are close with us prefer to hurt us? Someone who often claims to be a friend, in the end, will only be the first person ready to push you into the abyss.

Someone who confess love will only leave in the end, and someone we often trust will be the readiest to stab us in the back, this doesn't even often but a few times I've experienced it myself.

Then the second is Aristoteles who said "You can never do anything in this world without courage. That is the greatest quality of thought after honor."

Courage is sometimes difficult for some people to have. I am someone who is classified as shy, I find it difficult to discuss and express opinions because I do not have the courage. I'm always afraid when I will start to express my opinion or speak in front of many people. But that's exactly what we have to fight, the fear within ourselves of things that will never actually happen, that's why grow courage because when you have it, it will prove your quality after honor.

Next, there was a Greek philosopher named Scorates who said "Try it first then tell the story, understand it first then answer, think it first then say, listen first then judge, work first then hope."

These words, I'm sure all of you will immediately understand the meaning, and these are words that are often repeated every day because we often speak without thinking and answer without understanding anything. Some of these philosophies were able to make me start to develop and change me for the better.

One of the things that makes it difficult for me to grow is a fear. Scary thoughts keep haunting my head, and make the courage inside disappear instantly, this then made me determined to get rid of that fear. Hard indeed, even I need great strength to do it.

When I stand in front of the class, where all the attention is directed at me that alone makes me feel nervous. And I do is take a deep breath, get rid of that nervousness as much as possible, the courage will appear slowly, some many good Greek philosophers will make you feel better and grow.

I always read every philosophy that exists to restore all my lost motivation, even so sometimes even though we have read hundreds of words of wisdom it will not make us do it.

Many people have read books that provide a lot of motivation and other words of encouragement, but not many of them don't do it, because of that in my opinion to make changes in yourself, you need a will to change, that will then becomes the driving force for us to do it, even though it seems difficult to do and easier to say, but at least we try.


About the Creator


I am interested in writing about teenager life, poetry, and story about my life.

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