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My Review of "Godzilla vs Kong"

A battle of titans is the kaiju movie you were probably expecting.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Godzilla vs. Kong finally came out in 2021. It was a highly anticipated movie as they were culminating a monster series for quite a while. The movie started off with Godzilla in 2014. They then followed that movie up with 2017's Kong: Skull Island and then Godzilla: King of the Monsters in 2019. The way they were setting it up was sort of like an Justice League sort of way. There would be little Easter eggs sprinkled throughout these movies.

This movie starts off with a grand opening with a little girl and King Kong. The massive gorilla is in some jungle running around and soon we find out that he's actually being held captive. I watched Kong: Skull Island 4 years ago so I don't totally remember the details of what had happened in that movie. There was a bit of recollection that Kong was captured by the end or was there? It was kind of a forgettable movie.

That's one of the problems with this movie. It's based on a whole slew of forgettable movies. I had to think back if I remember some of the details they were talking about. It was really tough for me to remember any of these details. Some of them were vaguely familiar but a lot of them I totally forgot. In some ways this holds this movie back because I felt like I was missing something but I watched those things happen years back.

The movie then goes into the outside world and it looks like Godzilla is destroying cities indiscriminately. In the previous Godzilla movies we sort of see Godzilla as a hero to the world. A bunch of scientists don't understand why he's causing destruction. This was a nice little twist to the story and it makes sense later on in the movie.

Basically they want to use Kong to go to the origin world deep in the Earth's crust so that they can harness a power to beat Godzilla. We of course realize this is some dastardly plan devised by an evil CEO of a technological company.

The whole movie definitely felt like it was meant to be a kids movie. There are two main stories that run throughout the movie. The first story deals with the Kong and the humans transporting him to the monster world. Then there's this zany side story with joke characters to find out about the evil CEO's plan for world domination.

The jokes of the second party are pretty lame and juvenile. They really fell flat with me but I think kids would really dig this. It's such a huge contrast to the serious undertones of the Kong mission to the monster world.

Yes you will get the epic Godzilla vs. Kong fight and when they pop up they are a tour de force. These monsters are bulls in a china shop. They will level everything in their way to kill each other. These fight scenes are pretty fantastic. The CGI were top notch and I liked how the monsters were quick rather than large lethargic creatures duking it out. Surprisingly I could make out all of the details of their actions even in the dark.

There's a scene where they are fighting in Hong Kong and it looks glorious because of all the neon lights and huge buildings to demolish. The camera angles that they shot some of the scenes were pretty on point. There'd be a lot of beautiful upshots to see the beasts in their full stature demolishing gigantic skyscrapers.

Overall, I had a fun time with it but not throughout the movie. You really have to watch this movie for just the action scenes alone. The story is okay. Their twist to have Kong and Godzilla battle it out kind of makes sense but there's a nice twist later on. For kids this is a must watch. I have to give this movie a 6.5 out of 10. It's enjoyable enough to watch once but I certainly wouldn't recommend this to friends of mine.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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