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General Hospital May Sweeps Spoilers

No mention of the Nurses Ball but plenty of surprises

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Michael and Willow get married

Soaps She Knows is giving spoilers for General Hospital through May 22 and there is no mention of the 2020 Nurses Ball. The past few years the annual event has been the first or second week in the month. Nothing has been mentioned and Lucy Coe has not been around lately, but there is still time because the scenes may already have been filmed. Usually they begin showing Felix, Milo and Epiphany at lot just before the gala, but not this year. What is being promoted is exciting episodes that will thrill viewers during May sweeps. Here is what says we should look forward to. First of all Michael and Willow will get married, but Nell shows up to the hearing with a surprise of her own. Perhaps she may have gotten Martin or Valentin to marry her.

The spoiler says to be on the lookout for drama and surprises during the custody hearing as Shiloh's widow lays it on thick.Valentin will have to move quickly in his quest to take control of ELQ before Brook Lynn causes trouble. He has acquired her shares as well as Nelle’s. A few months back Michael told Nelle that she had to wait a while before acquiring Shiloh’s stock but obviously this was not the case. Viewers have to wait and see Valentin he takes over the Quartermaine empire or if he will be stopped in his tracks. There will be heartache for the teens soon and it looks like Josslyn may have waited to long to admit her feelings for Cameron. Spoilers say that she is ready to move on but "the person in question" has fallen in love with someone else.

Trina and Cam May fall in love.

This would more than likely indicate that Cam is smitten with Trina but it's not known if she returns those feelings. They did kiss, but she also kissed Dev who turned her down. Dev doesn’t seem to be into anyone as last summer Joss kissed him and he kicked her to the curb as well. This situation is a mess and somebody will inevitably get hurt. Trina could deny her feelings for Cam out of respect for Joss, but Cameron seems to have gotten over her. Spencer and Emma need to return to Port Charles and add some additional leverage to the teen love story that is building for this summer. The Cassadine prince is staying away until his father divorced Ava so that situation will bring its own drama.

Mike May succumb to Alzheimer’s disease.

It looks like Mike Corbin may be coming to the end of his journey with Alzheimer's disease. says Sonny is going to have to make a difficult decision regarding his father and the family may not be on the same page. Sonny had been seeking treatment for his dad but Mike has been going down hill recently. Perhaps he may have to be put in hospice and the doctors want to just let him die. Everyone knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but they were all hoping for much later. However Mike meets his end his son will make the final decision. It could be Sonny wants to bring his dad back home to die and the rest of the family may think it’s a bad idea.

Meanwhile Julian Jerome will be facing a new threat and will have to make a painful decision. The walls are closing in on him as more people are suspecting what he did. Brad knows the truth, Brooklyn is about 95% certain he caused the accident that injured Lucas and that he knew Wiley was Michael's son. Now Nelle has been putting the pieces together after overhearing Julian talking to Ned’s daughter. Perhaps it will be Julian that Ms. Benson manipulates into becoming her husband so she can gain custody of Wiley. She’s up to something and it will come out during the custody hearing.m suggests that Neil and Alexis are now free to be together, but it might not be worth what it has cost them. She is disbarred and he has lost his license. Everything may have come to much too little too late for this couple. Holly's death will be investigated through the summer. There may be more to her demise than anyone knows and Robert is going to be pinned against Laura and Anna. Liz and Franco have been offering advise to their buddies Ava and Nickolas and they might uncover what is really going on in that marriage. Some viewers believe Nik and his new bride really love each other but now a choice must be made. Spencer has said he will not come home until his father divorces his stepmother. This stalemate might bring out the true feelings of this couple. Be sure to tune in to General Hospital each weekday afternoon on ABC. Check local listings and be mindful of preemptions due to COVID-19. Be on the lookout for news about the nurses ball and when soap will begin taping new episodes again.

Nelle and Valentin want to take down the Quartermaine’s.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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