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Don't Judge Me

Pretty Little Liars is incredible and incredibly awful.

By Angel DuncanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I did not get into Pretty Little Liars on purpose, but now it's kind of my favorite show to rewatch. It is completely ridiculous and really odd and totally unrealistic, but I can't not love it.

(*spoilers coming*)

I first watched an episode when I was in 5th or 6th grade. We were at a friends grandmas house the morning after a sleepover. It was the episode from season 3 where "A" put teeth on a string and somehow tricks the girls into finding them. The girls thought the teeth belonged to Alison, who they still thought was dead at this point. The girls end up accidentally flushing the teeth down the toilet in the school bathroom.

My friend spent the next hour explaining to me everything that had happened up to this point in the series. Who each character is, what secrets about them A is threatening to reveal, and all the mistakes and lies along the way. I smiled and nodded my head, because I did not want to tell my friend that I thought her favorite TV show was dumb. But I thought it sounded really dumb.

The next time Pretty Little Liars came onto my screen, I was bored and channel flipping at home. I stopped flipping. I was really bored and had some time to kill, so what was the harm? I accidentally fell into the middle of an all day PLL marathon designed to hype up the release of the new season. I literally watched all day.

What is wrong with me? Absolutely nothing! The mystery draws you in. Every time you are positive you know who it is, and you are so sure you are right, and the characters are just being dumb and taking forever to uncover the truth, you're wrong! And then a few seasons later they go back and say "Never mind! Remember that person that we thought was A, and then we found out wasn't A and didn't mention or show at all for the last year? Well, now they might be A again! Ahhh!"

And then they introduced the idea that A had a huge group of henchmen, and half of the people that they thought might be A, and then ruled out, were actually little sidekicks following orders, and add the fact that not even the henchmen knew who the real A was! Crazy. And then Alison is still alive! Even crazier.

I don't even know what to do with this series. I notice different details and hidden things every time I go back and rewatch the series. It was really well done.

I know I said it was dumb. And there are some things that I still look back on and say "wow, that's kind of dumb", but I still keep going back!

Alison has a brother she does not remember who is now a sister who was locked up in a mental institution for years? Alisons sister dated their brother for an extended period of time and no one noticed? Alisons sister is the one who accidentally "killed" her? But Alison wasn't actually dead? But their mother buried her to protect her sister? What? And Alisons sister is actually A? Huh?

Then everything is fine and they all leave for college and A/Alisons sister is locked in a mental ward. A is then mysteriously pushed off of a bell tower and dies. This prompts a new A, this time referred to as AD, to show up and start making crazy threats in order to force the girls to come back to their hometown and solve the mystery of who killed Alisons sister!

AND THEN we find out that AD is Spencers long lost identical twin with a British accent that she didn't even know existed! What? Everyone almost dies (again), and then everything is resolved and everyone lives happily ever after.

Probably my all-time favorite piece is the fact that one of the girls, Emily, was donating her eggs to a place for in-vitro fertilization in the last season, and AD somehow gets Emily's eggs and uses them to impregnate Alison. Wow. Where do they come up with this stuff?

I find this show to be equal parts awful and incredible. It is entertaining to say the least. I enjoy it very much, although I do not frequently admit to it. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend.


About the Creator

Angel Duncan

I am 24 years old. I love Jesus, books, family, and Disney. I am a Type 1 Diabetic. One of my biggest goals in life is to write a good book. One that genuinely makes people feel something.

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