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A Review about Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

I will not spoil to ruin your interesting experience when reading this book, so I will mainly address my personal opinion, the good or the bad, the lessons learned after enjoying This whole novel.

By Thao Thao TranPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Reading the title "Kane and Abel" feels like two destiny and there will be a clash of two opposing fates. However, both Kane and Abel have strange similarities and understand each other! :)) - my view of the title

Born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world, both men are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. These two men -- ambitious, powerful, ruthless -- are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire, fuelled by their all-consuming hatred. Over 60 years and three generations, through war, marriage, fortune, and disaster, Kane and Abel battle for the success and triumph that only one man can have.

The story has a historical background about the sinking of the Titanic, the Great Depression of 1929 - early 1940s and World War II (Hitler - Germany). To understand the work more, you can also consider exploring the historical context before reading.

The two fates revolve around two characters, Kane and Abel - two humans born on the same day of the month but with completely different fates. One person has everything and one person has nothing. Fate made them meet each other on the road to build their own empire.

The two destinies are two people, the two worlds live completely opposite. But they all have one thing in common: they are constantly striving, constantly trying to get success. Each of us has a different situation from birth and has no choice, even though we have the same birthday and the same year, but if we have the will, determination and determination, everyone has can determine our own life.

In the character Abel, a person does not have any advantages such as appearance, family, money ... except intelligence and effort. Abel is someone I think is very fortunate to have so many people helping and creating great success. And those fortunes, by Abel himself. Without such perseverance and effort, you will not have the opportunity to help, and will not seize the opportunity when the opportunity comes.

The author refers to the love of his homeland, national pride and the desire to contribute to the country through both characters. The way they participated in the war when they were both at the peak of their careers, they abandoned their money and fame to follow the call in their hearts.

In the final part of the work, the author once again gives a profound lesson after Kane's defeat - never to sleep on the victory. Always be alert and prepare yourself at least one safety option in all cases.

Kane has a name, a career, a family, a true companion until the end of his life ...Abel is the embodiment of not surrendering to fate. From her abnormal birth, to her being raped, roamed around the world ... Until she had a career ... I think winning and losing here really doesn't matter anymore. At least Kane lived a life worth living and passed away peacefully. And Abel, although reaching the goal but what he had to pay is too much. In general, such a ending is happy with both fate ....

The way to build the character line of the author is also something that I deeply admire. There does not seem to be a character that is "superfluous" in Two fates, the characters are inserted very well and fit. From the minor characters appear only a few but play an important role and create many knots, unexpected details for the story.

About some of the episodes I really like in the story are Kane's wedding and the nephew's name closes the whole story. Perhaps these are the two most unexpected and interesting details, in my opinion.

If you are looking for a novel with depth and intriguing details, I can only tell you: Two fates, read and ponder, you will not only see "high" because of the work fake story building but also learned a lot of valuable lessons.

And finally, I would like to thank the friend for giving me this book to give me a great experience.

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Thao Thao Tran

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