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A Face from the Past

Ghost Adventures Fanfiction

By Shiv WeskerPublished 6 years ago 6 min read
 Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Adventures or anything affiliated with it. Story is purely for enjoyment.

Las Vegas, Nevada - Airport - 7:20pm. Friday.

Finally. Eight hours trapped on a tiny tin can with the smell of stale sweat and airline food and I had finally arrived in Nevada. It was already too hot for my liking. Being British I wasn't usually accustomed to the hot American weather.

Enough complaining! At least you're here! I thought to myself.

Walking through baggage claim, I collected my suitcases and dragged them towards the exit. Once outside I hauled down the closest taxi to me. I was on my way to my new home. Well... I say home... what I mean is my student accommodation. Which was better than nothing at least.

Settling into the cab seat after putting my luggage in the back, I gave the driver my destination and we set off. My gaze fell to the passing sights of Las Vegas. The lights, the people and, of course, the famous beacon almost tracking me no matter which direction the cab went. All in all I was actually quite optimistic about my new adventure in Nevada. It was just a shame I was completely on my own for the first time in my life. My thoughts drifted onto my family back in Cambridge. I hoped they'd be okay without me not being there to talk to face to face. It wasn't as if we couldn't talk daily in the phone or on Facebook, but it still wasn't the same as actually interacting with each other.

Suddenly I snapped back into reality as I saw the car pull up to the entrance to the accommodations. I looked up at the building and a sudden, unwanted wave of fear washed over me. My body shook slightly. The reality of the unknown had just hit me for the first time since I started my move to Nevada.

"That'll be $8.20 please, honey," The driver stated, turning in his seat to face me. A moment of silence drifted by before his voice registered in my head.

"O-oh sorry..." I apologised handing him a $10 bill. "Keep the change," I told him as I exited the vehicle and reclaimed my cases from the boot. I stood on the sidewalk for a while, collecting my thoughts before quickly inhaling and heading into the foyer of the building.

I approached the front desk and a smiling woman greeted me.

"Hello ma'am. May I help you?" she asked, her friendly face relaxing my nerves somewhat.

"Hello, erm... I'm not sure how this works but I'm checked in here so to speak," I nervously explain to her, messing with the label on my case handle.

"Ah yes ma'am, I understand. Don't look so worried. You'll be fine here," she tried to reassure me. I smiled at her with a light blush of embarrassment.

"Can I take your name please?"

"Yes, it's Shiv Ryan."

"Ah yes, you're on here. Our British Student. You're in the third apartment," she said before sliding me a key. "This is for your apartment. I'm afraid you don't have any roommates as of yet."

I take the key off her, feeling my heart sink a little. I literally was on my own.

"Thank you. Oh, you don't know where the nearest bar is do you?" I asked her, now needing a drink all of a sudden.

"Of course honey. Literally exit the building and turn right onto the main campus and just opposite the main building is a popular bar most of the students seem to enjoy."

"Thank you very much," I say, flashing her another smile before departing to my apartment. It took me a few minutes to actually figure out how to open the lock but once I had the door open I wheeled my stuff inside and shut the door and turned the lights on. I turned around to be greeted by a large sitting room, fairly plain. White washed walls with a ceiling to match. Worn, grey carpets with some obvious vomit stains by the bathroom doorway and a faint smell of bleach hung in the air, obviously where they had tried to clean the floor for the new term students.

I took my cases into the closest bedroom which was one of three and left them by the bed which, to my surprise, was a double. Turning the light on in here only revealed more stains lay beside the bed on the carpet. Purple curtains covered the large window which upon inspection looked out at the bar. Speaking of which... I quickly emptied my suitcase and pulled out an outfit and some heels which I had only just managed to cram them inside the suitcase as all of my other belongings was coming via airmail in a few days time. After quickly dressing and doing a touch up of my hair and make up I grabbed my bag and phone, turned off the lights and left the apartment for the bar.

Double Down Saloon - 9:45pm

"$20 puke insurance, huh?" I mumbled to myself before heading inside and straight over to the bar. After getting myself a drink, I decided to try and get to know some of the people in there. That was until I embarrassed myself beyond belief. Some boys were messing about to the left of me and I attempted to dodge one of them as they stumbled but one of my heels skidded a little on the floor as I moved and I fell into someone carrying a full tray of drinks which of course ended up all over the two of us.

It wouldn't of been as bad if the freaking guy on the stage hadn't announced the fact to the whole bar.

"Woah! Looks like someone's had a little too much already, right doll?!"

Ground, swallow me up!!

"Are you alright!?" I heard a voice shout at me over the music.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Are you!?" I shouted back, peeling a lemon wedge from my cleavage and tossing it aside.

"Shiv!? Shiv Ryan!?"

How did this guy know my name!?

"Yeah!?" I shouted, trying to get a look at the guy who knew my name.

"It's me, Aaron! Aaron Goodwin!" He moved into a better light and his features came into view properly.

"Oh my god, Aaron!?" I squealed, jumping at him in a hug, holding tight to him. I could've cried. Finally I had a friend here.

"How are you!?" He asked, holding back in a bear hug, just as happy to see me as I was him.

"Drenched! How're you? God it's been so long!" We parted, my face full of genuine happiness for the first time since I got here. Aaron pulled me outside so we could actually hear each other talking instead of shouting.

"I actually can't believe it's you! What brings you to Las Vegas?" He asked beaming at me.

"Im in University here. I've pretty much only just got here actually," I tell him.

"You've dyed your hair, it's a wonder I recognised you! So? Uni huh? What're you studying?"


"Obviously." He chuckled.

"And History."

"Wow! I genuinely can't believe it's you. How long has it been since we saw each other last?"

"About 15 years. You moved back out here when you were 22 which would've made me... 14 I think..."

"Damn I hadn't realised it had been that long... Sorry I haven't been in contact much, I've been really busy with work."

"Ah I understand. What do you do for work now anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Don't laugh. I'm a ghost hunter."

I wanted so badly to laugh, but I swallowed the urge, smirking lightly at him.

"Wow really?" I say to him, feeling my smirk widening into a massive grin and laughter sounded from my throat.

"I knew you'd laugh..." he pouted. After the laughter subsided to mere splutters, I apologised.

"Oh Aaron I'm sorry, but you know why I'm laughing. You were practically afraid of your shadow growing up."

"Shut up," he whined, playfully shoving me. "So where are you staying? You got a place?" He asked, quickly changing the subject from his profession.

"Student accommodation for now. Once I'm properly established here with a job and everything I'll start looking for a flat to rent somewhere close to the University."

"You really haven't changed. You're still the same responsible kid I grew up with." He smiled before pulling me into another hug.

"You haven't changed much either. Apart from the hair. I guess that applies to both of us." I grinned into his shoulder.

"Shut it you. Now, come on munchkin, lets go and get drunk." I pull away, laughing softly.

"You're buying then." I say, pulling tongues at him before heading inside. With a roll of his eyes and a grin, he followed happily.

|| Part two will be up soon if there is enough interest in the first one. I am an aspiring writer so I do apologise if the writing isn't the best. Thanks for reading ^_^

fan fiction

About the Creator

Shiv Wesker

I’m Shiv! I love writing Fanfiction about my favourite things in life! Anime, television and games 💜

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