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A Breakdown of Ezra Miller’s Unique Running Style in the Flash Movie

Ezra Miller shares insights into the research and training journey of The Flash character.

By Inspiring YouTuber and GamerPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Sebastian Pociecha on Unsplash

Hey there! So, in the past, I’ve chatted about all sorts of stuff related to DC Comics. If you’re curious, I’ll include some links to those discussions at the end of this post.

But right now, let’s dive into the awesomeness that is Ezra Miller’s portrayal of The Flash. We gotta talk about his super unique running style, which you may have noticed in the Justice League flick and will notice in the upcoming Flash movie.

Ezra Miller as The Flash

Let me tell you about Ezra Miller as The Flash! This guy has brought some serious energy and humor to the character, and I absolutely love it. From the moment he first appeared on screen as Barry Allen, I knew we were in for a wild ride.

One of the things that stands out about Ezra’s portrayal is his unique comedic timing. He brings this awkward yet endearing charm to Barry Allen, making him instantly relatable. Whether he’s stumbling over his words or fumbling through a fight, Ezra nails the comedic beats and keeps us laughing throughout.

But don’t be fooled, Ezra also brings a lot of heart to the character. He taps into Barry’s vulnerability and portrays him as someone who genuinely cares about helping others. You can see the determination and passion in his eyes when he’s using his super-speed to save the day. It’s incredibly inspiring.

And let’s talk about his interactions with the rest of the Justice League. Ezra’s chemistry with the other actors is fantastic. He has this playful dynamic with Ben Affleck’s Batman, where they exchange witty banter and develop a unique mentor-student relationship. It’s a joy to watch their scenes together.

One of the standout moments for Ezra’s Flash is in the film “Justice League,” where he has this epic super-speed sequence. The way Ezra portrays Barry’s excitement and awe at his own abilities is infectious. It’s like he’s a kid in a candy store. That scene alone showcases his talent and the sheer fun he brings to the role.

Another thing that deserves mention is Ezra’s commitment to the physicality of the character. He trained extensively to embody the super-speed movements, and it really shows. The way he runs and reacts to his surroundings feels incredibly natural, and it adds an extra layer of believability to the character.

Now, I know there have been some controversies surrounding Ezra Miller, and I won’t ignore that. But when it comes to his portrayal of The Flash, I think he’s absolutely nailed it.

He’s brought a fresh and exciting take to the character, making him stand out among the other superheroes. I can’t wait to see more of Ezra’s Flash in future films because he’s definitely left a lasting impression on me.

What’s with Miller’s running style as The Flash?

People have been giving Ezra Miller a hard time for his unusual running style as The Flash in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. They say it looks awkward, especially with all the slow-motion effects highlighting every little movement he makes. But there might be more to it than meets the eye.

Now, The Flash movie has had its fair share of controversies. From conflicting visions to reshoots, constantly changing release dates, and even poor visual effects, it’s been a rollercoaster ride.

And let’s not forget about Ezra Miller’s mental health struggles that have coincided with the film’s production. It’s been a wild journey, to say the least.

But let’s focus on the running, shall we? One fan on Twitter, who goes by the name Flash Knight, reminded everyone that Ezra Miller went through some serious training to capture the essence of being the fastest guy around.

They shared a video that compared Miller’s Flash with a Daoist Master, showing how both of them use their whole bodies to run as fast as possible. Turns out, there’s more to Miller’s running style than just looking cool. It’s actually based on some intense training and research.

Miller went all out. They studied the movements of animals like crows, cheetahs, and mongooses, and even drew inspiration from rushing water and lightning.

They worked with choreographers who understood movement in a unique way, incorporating dance and yoga into their preparation. They even traveled to the Wudang Mountains to train at a traditional Daoist school. Talk about dedication!

Final Words

So, you see, there’s a lot more to Ezra Miller’s portrayal of The Flash than just the running.

Despite all the drama surrounding the movie, Miller’s passion for the character shines through.

Fans can appreciate the effort they put into capturing the essence of Barry Allen, the fastest man alive.

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to DC Comics I believe you will enjoy:


Ezra Miller’s Flash Running Form Explained.

Ezra Miller’s Running Style In The Flash Movie Explained.

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About the Creator

Inspiring YouTuber and Gamer

I specialise in Media, Design, and Filmmaking. I support Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium as an editor and YouTube coordinator. I also own two publications for Gaming and Podcasts.

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