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New Roleplaying System

Imagine a role-playing game, Where A player, once peasant, now High Fantasy Lesser God, from one reality. Vs Another Player, once desert farm boy, now commander of Planet Destroying sci-fi Battle Cruiser, from an enemy reality. Could happen!

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

New Roleplaying System


Imagine a role-playing game,

Where A player, once peasant, now High Fantasy Lesser God, from one reality.


Another Player, once desert farm boy, now commander of Planet Destroying sci-fi Battle Cruiser, from an enemy reality.

Could happen!

The massive edge of death battle that would ensue!

Winner take all Sci-Fi Universe vs High Fantasy Universe!


I wanted this,

So, I created this!


This is why I created the role-playing system called Battle Dirge.


Hail all fellow RP geeks!

I have been using a self-designed role-playing system among family and friends and I feel that I would like to make it publicly available.

This latest version will be Mk 5.

I call it BATTLE DIRGE mk 5

This will NOT be sold commercially.

It will instead, be given out for free as a PDF and on a Bespoke web site, as a “public domain” to anyone who wants it.


I first started this system when I was in my early twenties with those that would one day become my future brother's in-laws.

That was BATTLE DIRGE v1.

Version 4 of BATTLE DIRGE, I have played with both my children, over this last year.


One story was so good that I am thinking of turning it into a novel called the “Emily Sage Chronicles”!

NOW, I finally feel that a version 5 could be good enough to be offered to the world, to enjoy.


But taking all my hard to read scrapbooks and other bits and pieces and typing them all out neatly and professionally with nice illustrations is going to take A LOT of time and effort.


Saying that it may take a hundred man-hours is a woeful understatement.

However, I still think that it is a project worth considering doing.


The systems features are…



A universal ANY world setting system all fitting in one single PDF, including Ancient, Fantasy, gunpowder, modern-day, and sci-fi worlds!

(Instead of hundreds of different world and setting books)



Mass Combat and Ruler Infrastructure systems included.

From lowly peasant to ruling an empire!

(Cities, lands and armies will all have their own “Character sheets” and game systems.)



Optional “reality conflict rules” where sci-fi world elements and fantasy elements have an allergic reaction to each other….



Ascension rules for various stages of levels of becoming a higher being (good or evil)

(That will work well with the “Reality conflict rules”, imagine A Fantasy God vs a Planet Destroying sci-fi Battle Cruiser!)



(potentially only, not promised)

An included world setting with all the factions against a backdrop or two realities melting into one another.

Sci-Fi universe vs a HighFatasy One.

Each universe can only survive if the other one is destroyed

– And time is running out!



A system so simple that you will not need a calculator and whose rule book will be under 250 pages!

If you can count to 100, know your 2x table, and roll a D20 then you can use it!

(System will need a full dice set, D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, and a D20!)

Not hundreds of reference tables and charts needed!

The aim is to have the finished work pruned back to being only 100 pages long and very intuitive!




It will only potentially be done, time and expense permitting!

And it will have to be a second (but again, free to all) book of about 100 extra pages.


The finished work will take at least 100 man-hours, (not including all the illustrations I will also do)

So the £1500 is for my time, which will work out as well under normal minimum wage,

This is ok, as this is a work of passion and labour of love,

But I still need to eat…


The project will take about 3 to 6 months…


To finance this I am trying Crowdfunding for the first time EVER!

And I am hoping to raise 1500£ to do it,

To help make this happen please consider clicking below!




This story dated 9th April 2021


About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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