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My Supernatural Experiences

Personal Experience

By Debra DavisPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
My Supernatural Experiences
Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

I am going to tell you about three of my four supernatural experiences with God, and I am 71 years old now.

The other experience that I have had will be on a longer story, and it is the most amazing thing that has happened in my entire life, and I will never forget it. In fact, every time I think about it I have to say, "Wow."

My first experience happened 25 years ago, right after my son died. I was laying down on my bed, crying about my son dying, and asking God to help me, and I sat up on the bed, and there was a cross of light on the wall, which lasted 3 days.

The second experience I had was a year later. I was going to religious meetings, and the leader told us how God sees us as Christians.


She held a pencil in her hand straight up, put a white Kleenex on it, and said, “This is how God sees you.” That was a bad time in my life. It was after my wonderful son, Jasyn, had died at the age of 22.

I was driving on the way home with my usual negative thoughts racing in my head, thinking about all the mistakes I had made in my life. Then I saw a strange thing in the passenger-side window.

It was white in the shape of a ghost. I said out loud to myself, “What is that? A Ghost?”

Anyway, after I said that, I remembered what the lady at the meeting said when she put that Kleenex over the pencil, and then I knew what that shape in the window meant. It meant that is how God saw me.

My third experience I had with God happened about a year and a half ago. Well, there was a major one in between, but like I said earlier, I wrote a whole story about that.

I went to the employment office to send information to the government so I could receive my back pay from my layoff due to COVID.

For some unknown reason, I had trouble punching my name into the contraption to confirm who I am in order to talk to someone at the employment office, every time I went.

So I decided I was going to be really careful and make sure I put my name in correctly this time. So, I type slowly d e b r a d a v i s.

Then I looked up, to see if I did it correctly, and I saw Jesus with a capital J. So, I tell security, “Look what it says — it says Jesus.”

employment office

The guy probably thought I was nuts. He probably thought I put the word “Jesus” in myself. Either way, he put in my name for me correctly.

Now at the time that it happened, I was not thinking about God or anything. I was thinking about getting my unemployment. But after that, I am asking myself, What does this mean? Does it mean I am going to get my unemployment? lol.

I didn’t get my unemployment until over a year after that, after I was fighting them to get it because they kept losing my information, so I don’t think that was why I had that experience at the employment office.

The truth is, I have no idea why it happened. The only thing I can come up with is that maybe Jesus was telling me, “I’m still around.” because it was about a year after myself and my ex-husband had a major supernatural experience with God. If you want to read it, I left the link below.

But I do know one thing: I couldn’t have possibly typed the name of Jesus myself, when I was having trouble even typing my own name.

This is also published on Medium


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