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Debunking The Law Of Attraction

Incorporating The Missing Wisdom Of the 11 Other Universal Laws

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 4 min read
Debunking The Law Of Attraction
Photo by melanfolia on Unsplash

Day 22/366 days of writing and publishing pieces in 2024.

Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance. I just want to praise you. I just want to praise you.

Mary Mary

The lyrics to that dance song really inspired the feeling that comes with understanding how the universal laws work. That's how I feel now that I understand where the Law Of Attraction teachings have gone wrong. When one learns the missing teachings, it's almost as if the shackles are removed.

My first encounter with "The Secret":

The movie 'The Secret' came out in 2006. I remember getting a bootleg copy of it near the beginning (before you could purchase it) from a guy who used to do energy work on me. I did a session with him, and at the end of it, we got into a long discussion, and he mentioned this movie. He gave me the copy and said I could watch it and then return it to him when I was done. I went over to my friend's house, who had also heard of this movie, and so we decided to watch it together. It was in this movie where I first heard the term the "Law Of Attraction". I did what I think we all did - made vision boards, tried to focus really hard on things I wanted, and tried to feel my way into them. Sometimes I would get lucky and manifest things. Other times, not so much. I think back then, the world was on fire, and every conversation would be "Have you seen the movie 'The Secret'?"

Fast forward to many years later, and the content about this so-called Law Of Attraction was everywhere. Bookstores, podcasts, courses - you name it, everyone had their version of why their course worked and what the real secrets were.

How many laws?

In 2015, I was learning from a mentor, and he was the first person I had heard mention Universal Laws. Not the Law Of Attraction - laws. As in many. This was a well-respected teacher who I admired, who had gone from nothing and become a very successful entrepreneur. I started following him, listening to his podcast, and finding books he mentioned. Books from ancient times. Or earlier times. Books and teachings like 'The Science of Getting Rich' by Wallace Wattles, Neville Goddard's 'Feeling Is The Secret', and of course, 'Think And Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, which another mentor had given me a few years earlier.

I started to research what these "laws" were, and in my research, I found that there were actually 12 of them. It's not clear how long these have been around, but only that it's been a long time. Sir Isaac Newton mentioned ideas relating to them. The thing that is interesting about these laws when you go deeper into researching is that the teachings say that the Law Of Attraction doesn't work unless the 11 other universal laws are understood and implemented together with that law. So 'The Secret' had a lot missing from it. I love what Caroline Myss says: "The secret was a movie made from spiritual capitalism". She is spot on. Mainstream media likes to "glamorize" it and leave real wisdom out of the mix. It's only one piece of the puzzle with 11 other pieces missing. It's no wonder that so many people get frustrated when they hear the Law Of Attraction, especially when everyone went and started trying to proclaim they were an expert at helping you master it.

The History of the Universal Laws:

There are 12 universal laws that, when understood, lived by, and implemented, can, in fact, lead to a lot of transformation in one's life. Notice how I didn't say it can allow you to get everything you want. This is important. The universe is in charge here, and what you want may not be what you need to evolve. The universe is interested in you evolving, not getting exactly what you want like a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum in a candy store. With that being said, the more lined up to the essence of who you really are, what you want is more in alignment with what the universe wants for you too. It's about alignment of your soul and your gifts for the greater good of all and understanding how these laws work.

These laws have been around in different intuitive cultures for quite some time. When you go digging, you can find mentions of them in the ancient Hawaiian cultures and ancient Egyptian cultures. There is mention that these laws were created by God, Universe, Source, our Creator, and that they govern our lives. Navigating your life without knowing how these laws work is like trying to drive somewhere without a map and hoping you arrive at your destination by winging it.

The transformation can start with simply even having awareness that these 12 laws exist. And then, the deeper you go within exploration and implementation, the more life will feel like an energy of flow instead of swimming against a current. The universe responds to inspired action that is fueled by intention. When you can get clear on your intention and then also master surrendering and detachment and intuitive guidance, you can ebb and flow freely like a beautiful sacred dance with the universe.

The first step is awareness. To dive more deeply into these laws, stay tuned for further articles. I have studied, written, and even taught on these laws for quite some time. And they have greatly enriched my life.

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About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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Comments (1)

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    Spiritual capitalism is such a good way to describe it!

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Written by Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

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