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Why Me?

Part 3

By Tiawni SewardPublished 4 years ago 100 min read

Looking Over The Territory

Aiden, Keme, Rami, and I were up at the crack of dawn. We all grabbed some breakfast and gathered something up. The men that were staying with the pack were already waiting for us outside.

“Toby you will ride with us so you can tell us about the pack and all. The others can follow us on the other cars.” Alpha, Athena said.

“Yes Alpha but shouldn’t you have your guards with you,” Toby asked

“Toby, this is my brother Keme who is beta in the Elite pack, Aiden is the future Alpha of the Elite pack. Plus. there is you, and with me being an Alpha I think we are good. But thank you for caring.” Alpha Athena spoke.

“Wow. That is some impressive friends you have with Alpha.” Toby replied.

“Ok everyone please let’s get this show on the road. We will all stop and have lunch on the way and I want to get to know all of you.” Athena yelled as she got into the car.

Keme was driving and Toby sat next to him while Aiden, Rami and I sat in the back seat. It was a little weird because Rami sat in the very back by herself.

“Rami are you ok?” Athena mind linked her

“Yes, just a little scared of going back, that’s all. It’s a little hard to believe that I am going on my accord.” Rami replied through our link.

“You will be fine. No one will hurt you. We will make changes here and now when we arrive this afternoon. So just remember you have to be the rock for those women. While I deal with the rest.” Athena told her.

“Yes Alpha” and she laughed.

“You know you’re getting good at being the annoying little sister,” Athena said out loud.

Rami just stuck out her tongue and laughed more. Toby didn’t like how Rami was acting with their Alpha. He sees that the Alpha wasn’t mad about it at all; she joked and cut up with her. Treated her like a family, that is not how they were taught to act in a pack. How is it she has so many friends and loved ones that wanted to go with her to help her out, yet she is a powerful Alpha?

“Toby I can see you have questions and you’re not sure how to ask them of your Alpha,” Keme said

“How can you tell?” Toby wondered

“She has that effect on people. See, she was born second in our family and I was first, but the power of Alpha skipped me and went to her. So that makes her special. We both have alpha blood, but I can never rule a pack. I am ok with that. I just thought I would always be my sister’s beta, but she told me I had a different path than hers and they would run side by side sometimes and then there will be times we are doing our own thing. My sister is a great person to have on your side, not someone you want as an enemy. Don’t let her young age or look fool you, she can kick ass. She will listen if you talk with her and be fair in her judgment. But you can always ask me if you like and I will answer what I can.” Keme tried to help Toby see Athena as her and not what he thinks she should be.

“How is it she can fight a wolf in her human form? Has she found her mate yet or does she just want lovers like what Marcus did?” Toby inquired

“Well, she hasn’t found her mate, but she is not looking yet either. She will not take lovers if they are not her mate. That is not the person she is. The rest will have to come from here. But Toby is not yet eighteen, and she is on a mission that she will not stray from. Just a heads up.” Keme informed him.

I sat back and listened to Keme and Toby talk about me like I am some kind of God or Hero. I am just me. I don’t want to be seen as more than I am. I am thankful that Keme sees me how he does, but I am not sure yet of how much I can trust this pack. I will have to let Morriganam out to help judge this pack’s true nature.

“Keme we are almost there let’s stop and grab a bite to eat with everyone and then we can finish our drive.” Athena voiced

“Yes, sister dear,” Keme replied

Athena just shook her head and everyone else just laughed. They pulled over to a nice dinner and noticed that there are a lot of wolves here eating lunch.

“Toby are these wolves inside your pack or someone else’s?” Aiden asked.

“They are from my pack. It’s lunchtime and a lot of them come here.” Toby replied.

“Showtime. Toby, is your Beta in there?” Athena asked.

“Yes, I called him out to the car for you,” Toby said

“Thank you. I want to step out and not get trapped inside the car when he comes out here.” Athena said.

Just as she got out of the car a man about twenty-five steps up to the car. He looks at Athena and then at Toby.

“Toby you said you had some news for me not that you brought strangers to our territory,” Beta Tony voiced his concern

“Tony, Marcus lost the pack to another Alpha. They banished Marcus to be a rogue for his crimes and lost to this Alpha. I have brought the new Alpha and helped with the pack for the changeover to the new Alpha.” Toby explained.

“Ok, How did Marcus lose and where is the rest of the pack that went with you?” Tony asked

“How about I introduce you to the new Alpha and then we can talk about it,” Toby replied

“Yes, please introduce him to me so I can see if I will challenge and get our pack back or if I can respect the new Alpha or not.” Tony relayed.

“I would say don’t challenge, it didn’t take the Alpha long to beat Marcus, and they did it in human form while Marcus was in wolf form,” Toby said

Tony couldn’t believe what Toby was telling him. No one can do that, but all the guys said it’s true and there is something they are not telling me. I can feel it. Tony just keeps thinking about different things in his head.

“Just introduce me to the Alpha now Toby,” Tony said

“Beta Tony I would like you to meet Alpha Athena of the Goddess Moon Pack and our new Alpha. Alpha This is Beta Tony.” Toby said.

“Beta Tony, you look a little shocked to see a female Alpha. I hope this will not be a problem. Can you call a pack meeting with all wolves in the pack to attend no matter what? I want everyone there understood.” Athena said with authority.

“Sorry Alpha, yes understood. Can I ask who these others are?” Beta Tony bowed his head

“Tony, this is my brother Keme, soon to be a Beta of the Elite Pack. Here is Aiden’s future Alpha of the Elite Pack. They are here to help with the transition.” Alpha Athena told him.

“Alpha some pack will not take to you being a female and leading them.” Tony voiced.

“Don’t worry Tony, I figured that much. Let’s all eat and we can talk before the meeting.” Athena told them all to go eat, and she was the last to walk beside her new Beta and her brother. To her, she knew Tony wasn’t sure about her being the new Alpha of his pack. He will learn or he can go his own way.

“Tony, stop your stress. You can stay as a beta for now. If you stay with the pack, with me as the Alpha. Everyone will have two choices, so don’t worry so much. I will explain everything at the pack meeting, I only want to do this once. Enjoy your meal, please.” Athena spoke.

Tony and the other finally relaxed a little while eating. The new things would change once the pack meeting started. Once everyone got done they all headed out, and the diner closed so that everyone could attend the pack meeting. Athena was paying close attention to everything around her. She noticed so many things wrong with this place and how it will take a lot of work to get this place into shape.

“Aiden I want your help with going over his books when we get a chance, please. There is no reason the houses and the town should look like this if he was doing his books right.” Athena announced.

“I agree with you, Athena. Yeah, I will help you when we get the pack part done.” Aiden replied.

“Thank you, Aiden,” Athena said with a smile

Athena couldn’t get over how the town looked. It all looked like it was about to fall over. Nothing looked like they kept it up. What did this Alpha do with all the money and stuff? I will find out. He was letting his people be slaves to him for what. Things will change, and they will change now. Why does this always happen to me? Why do I have to be the one to make change happen? Why me? Those questions will have to wait. I have to deal with this first.

We pull up to a huge packhouse. Glad to see that he didn’t let the packhouse go downhill.

We all get out and walk inside and everything looks new here. Nothing looks like it is about to fall apart. So he kept the place up that was the main house but not the rest of the pack territory. What kind of Alpha was he?

“Tony, where is a good place to have a pack meeting where everyone can be together?” Athena asked.

“Outback would be the best place. There is a big field out behind the packhouse, where we have chairs and a stage set up. I will also have more chairs brought out if you would like to go check out the office. It straight down the hall and to the right.” Tony replied.

“Thank you, Tony. Yes, come get me once that is done, please.” Athena said and walked towards the office.

“Keme monitor that Beta please and Rami you come with me and Aiden to the office,” Athena told everyone

“You know you will get challenged again at least twice,” Aiden said

“Yes, I figure the Beta will be the first, but I think once I show them I can beat him before he even changes into his wolf there will be no more challenges after that,” Athena said

“How are you going to do that?” Rami asked.

“I never used all my Alpha power when I fought Marcus. They didn’t need to see it then. They do here.” Athena explained.

They all turned to see Toby standing at the door.

“Toby came in. What can I do for you?” Athena asked.

“I was hoping you would take me into your pack before the meeting started. I never liked how this pack was running. There are a lot of us that didn’t like how Marcus was, that’s why I became a gamma so I could make some changes. But it didn’t help because Marcus only liked power,” Toby explained.

I let Morriganam come to the front to see what she thought of Toby. She let me know he is telling the truth.

“Yes, Toby, we can do that. I will say the speech and then you will repeat and reply. Understood?” Athena asked him.

“Yes, Alpha” Toby replied

“All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn

To the moon and our packs, forever worn.

By the sun, the moon and the power of three

Spirits from the deep who never sleep, be kind to me.

Stars and spirits and powers, that be,

Wolves of the woods that listen to me,

I accept you, Toby, into my pack Moon Goddess Pack

This is my will, so mote it be.” Athena said out loud

“All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn

To the moon and our packs, forever worn.

By the sun, the moon and the power of three

Spirits from the deep who never sleep, be kind to me.

Stars and spirits and powers, that be,

Wolves of the woods that listen to me,

I accept you Alpha Kenda as my Alpha of the Moon Goddess Pack” Toby repeated, and they both felt the joining of each other come together as Toby was now in Kenda’s head. Even Rami now could feel Toby as her pack brother.

“Thank you, Alpha,” Toby replied

“Your welcome now let’s go to the meeting.” Athena voiced.

Pack Meeting

We all walk outside to see around a hundred and twenty-five wolves, all in their human form. Then I see Beta Tony walk up on stage to make an announcement about a new alpha.

“My fellow pack mates we have gathered here today to meet our new alpha. They beat Alpha Marcus in a fair fight, and he lost to Alpha Athena, a female. Let’s welcome her here, so she can make an announcement.” Beta, Tony voiced out.

My group and I walked to the stage listening to small little whispers and everyone staring at me. I am walking up there with my head held high and not a care in the world.

“Good afternoon to all of you. I am an Alpha, Athena. I will be the new Alpha of this pack and the name will be changing. They will now know us as the Moon Goddess Pack. Let’s just start this. Is there anyone in this pack that wants to challenge me for Alpha status?”

There were like four hands that went up and the one upfront was the Beta just like I thought it would be.

“Ok, since your Beta outranks you, he gets to go first. Let’s go to the clearing there and we can have this challenge.” Alpha, Athena said.

They form the walk over to the clearing and a big circle around the pair is about to fight.

No sooner did they reach the clearing than Beta Tony changed and took off running at Athena. She wasn’t even changed into wolf form at all. She turned and faced him, look right at him as he jumped and she yelled in her Alpha power.

“Change Now.” Alpha Athena yelled at the Beta

He falls in mid-air and changes back into his human form. No one could believe their eyes at what they had just seen. No Alpha has had the power to force a change in mid-air that they knew of and now they got scared. Athena walks over to him and kneels down and pinned him to the ground, cutting off his air supply.

“Do you submit to me, Tony?” Alpha Athena asked

“Yes, Alpha,” Tony replied, showing her his neck.

“Now do I still have other challenges?” Alpha Athena asked.

Not one person raised their hand or stepped forward to take her on. They knew they had no chance against her. Then they all walked back to the stage so she could finish what needed to get done tonight.

“Now that we have that out of the way. I am a fair and strong Alpha. I believe my pack is my family. When they hurt one of us they hurt us all. If one needs help, then the rest will lend a hand to help. Now if you do not agree with this outlook, then I will give you a few choices. Choice number one is that you can stay as me as your Alpha, choice two you can live your remaining days as a rogue, the last choice is you can join the Elite Pack. That is what I offer to you. I will make up three groups that go with the three choices. Toby will be your will go if you stayed here, Keme the big guy over there will be the choice of a rogue, future Alpha Aiden of the Elite Pack is that choice. Please go to the area that you wish to do.” Athena spoke with authority and watched as they all raced off to get to their spots. She saw five go to the rogue area, then fifteen go to Elite pack. The rest went to Toby to stay with her. I think what surprised her most was that Tony, the former Beta, stayed. She walked over to the rogue group first.

“From this day forward they will know you as a rogue. You will seek another pack once you live as a rogue for a year. That is my command, and it shall get done. Now you may leave the pack grounds.” Alpha Athena told them all. She and everyone around watched the five run off into the woods. Next, she walks over to the Elite group. You fifteen wish to join the Elite Pack and it is up to Alpha Aiden and his Beta if they will take you. I will let them take over you fifteen now and I will go to my pack now. I wish you all the best of luck. Toby, please have them all follow you to the clearing and get into a big circle please,” Athena asked him.

“Yes, Alpha,” Toby replied

She watches as Toby takes them all to the clearing to get into the circle. She will do one big pack joining, and it will take a bit.

“How are you holding up?” Rami asked as she walks to her.

“Not too bad for what is about to happen. Let’s go get them added to us.” Athena voiced.

They walked to the middle of the circle where Toby joined them. She looked at the hundred and five people standing in a circle to join her pack and told herself to get ready for this.

"As you can see, Toby and Rami are already part of my pack. You will join them tonight. Your children as they get to where they can feel their wolves will come to me to have their wolf join the pack. I will say a speech that will join the whole pack at once you repeat it and I shake each of your hands. I will know if you have joined all the way or not. So does everyone understand?" She asked them all.

Once she had seen that they all shook their heads and responded with a yes Alpha, she was ready to begin.

“All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn

To the moon and our packs, forever worn.

By the sun, the moon and the power of three

Spirits from the deep who never sleep, be kind to me.

Stars and spirits and powers, that be,

Wolves of the woods that listen to me,

I accept your former River Moon Pack into my pack Moon Goddess Pack

This is my will, so mote it be.” Athena said out loud

“All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn

To the moon and our packs, forever worn.

By the sun, the moon and the power of three

Spirits from the deep who never sleep, be kind to me.

Stars and spirits and powers, that be,

Wolves of the woods that listen to me,

I accept you, Alpha Athena, as my Alpha of the Moon Goddess Pack” The whole pack said at once and she could feel the rush just waiting to join her. Athena walks to Tony first and shakes his hand and tells him welcome. She went around the whole circle telling each one welcome to the pack until she had shaken everyone’s hand. Once that got done, she looked around and they needed to run as a pack to strengthen the bond.

“Let’s all change into our wolves and run as a pack. Let us show that we stand together as one and that we will start the change with our pack to strengthen us.” Alpha Athena spoke.

They all changed into their wolves and waited till their Alpha changed and when she did they couldn’t get over how big she was and beautiful. They ran for an hour and some did a little hunting and brought their Alpha some meat back. She showed her approval and ate some of each rabbit that was brought and gave the rest to the pack. To show she will not let her pack go hungry. Once everyone was done they changed back and went home. She told everyone to meet back at the clearing in the morning.

“Aiden, what is your plan? In the morning I will need to go over these packs’ finances. I was wondering if you were leaving or staying a little longer?” Athena asked.

“I would stay a little while longer to help you out if that is okay with you,” Aiden replied

“Oh, that’s fine. I could use the help with the finance and the list of what all will need to be done to get this place looking good for everyone.” Athena voiced.

“That’s why I am staying for now. I have called Gamma Eric to come here and collect the men to take them to my father so they can get to know their new pack. I am very proud of how you have handled everything that has come your way. You will do this pack proud and make it one of the best. I can see that.” Aiden acknowledged

“Thank you, I wasn’t expecting that from you. I hope I can live up to all that and more. I hope I can do all that the Goddess wants me to do.” Athena said, then walked off to find a place to sleep. Aiden also went to find a place to sleep in the packhouse. The morning seemed to come quick, and they were back at the clearing with the pack. Aiden and Keme stayed back at the packhouse waiting on Eric and someone else to show up and get the new pack members that were going to the Elite Pack.

“Good Morning, family. I want to know where everyone ranks. So we will do a stare-down. I will know by how long you can stare at someone to know what rank you are. So me being the Alpha will not work. So I have asked my brother to come back this way once he is done to help with ranking all of you. That way we can build our pack up and be one of the best. We can’t do that unless we know everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. Do you have questions?” Alpha Athena asked.

“Alpha, how do we stare at your brother and tell you how strong we are? Shouldn’t we fight for rank?” One member asked.

“Anyone can be a good fighter or a poor fighter. Not everyone has the mental state to handle working with an Alpha or Beta daily. I can have over one Beta and Gamma and over one Delta. Then we can have warriors, healers, counselors. That all has different strengths for our pack. A beta is not only strong but smart and can teach. He is a role model for his people. Does that answer your question?” Alpha Athena wondered.

“Yes, Alpha, thank you.”

“Another question? Well, please hold all questions now because my brother is on his way here to help us out now.” Alpha Athena announced

Hello, everyone. My name is Beta Keme. I am here to help you all, to see what rank you are. It will be rated by how long you can stare at me without looking away. I will put you into groups that will help us know your strengths. Then we will test you to see where your other strengths line up to what we are a good place for you in the pack. Does everyone understand?" Beta Keme asked.

Everyone shook their heads, yes, and he went down the line with everyone. There were some strong men in the pack and some strong women. There were a few middle strengths and lower levels. We seven that ranked as a beta in strength, eight that ranked as a gamma, twelve that ranked as a delta, eight as an omega, the rest fell between delta and omega. So which was good. There was a wide variety of strength in the pack.

“Thank you all once we have lunch we will test everyone on their mentality to see what job fits them best within the pack. This doesn’t mean you can’t learn other jobs or that you can’t move up. It just means for now this is where you will start from. So go have lunch and then report to the packhouse for testing, thank you.” Alpha Athena voiced.

They all went to lunch and were a little nervous about the testing that was coming next. They have had no one want to know them and care about what they can do. They wonder if this will last or if it will go back to being bad or worse. They didn’t have a lot of hope of it becoming better. Athena could hear how her pack was thinking, and she needed to make sure that their minds had changed about her and their outlook on the pack. When lunch was over the pack showed up at the packhouse and she did it by the groups they were in at the clearing. That way she could learn names and rank as they took their test. She will see who will be her lead Beta and beta and then lead gamma and gamma, Lead Delta and Delta. Then we will need a Lead warrior and warriors, lead scouts and scouts, lead healers and healers, Lead counselor and councilor, child caretakers. Once she sees who is who she will get them started in making this place, a proud place to be. The testing took about two hours to get everyone done.

“Now everyone thank you for doing this. Now I need to know how many buildings we have on pack land and how many need repair or just needs to be rebuilt. We will need a list of all the things that need to be done so we can make this a pack we are proud of. So please break up into three teams and I want each of you to make a list of everything you see that needs to be done. I want to see how each group works together.” Alpha Athena told them and they all took off to do what she had asked of them. Then she goes back in to look over all the tests to see who ranked where. Toby ranked as a Beta, Tony ranked as a Beta, Lee ranked as a beta, Tom ranked as a warrior, there were four other warriors, Rami as a counselor, Tim as a councilor, Becky as a healer, Rick as a healer and two other healers, Hunter as a gamma, Becky as a gamma, Fred as a Delta, Lisa as a Delta, Stacy as a scout, and Mark as a scout along with four other scouts. Then I had four omegas turn out to be child caretakers. Even had a few come as cooks so that will be good. Once they bring me back the list, I will go over all the ranks in the back and make it so. That way everyone feels useful in the pack and will be respected even by the omegas. They will learn that the omega is the heart of our pack because they are the ones that need us the most. They give their love to everyone and are the caregivers to our children. So much this pack still has to learn, before we can move forward. Why me? I know you picked me, Goddess, but why? I have to know, Why me?

The New Pack

Waiting on the pack to bring the list to me and to talk to everyone about their ranks in the pack. I hope everything goes well and we don’t have too much of a problem when we all talk about ranks again. I need to go meet Aiden in the office to go over the finances of this pack and where all the money was going.

“Aiden are you ready to check out the finances with me?” Athena asked

“Yeah, I was just getting ready to ask you the same thing,” Aiden said while laughing

We both walked to the office to start on the finances and what we found was shocking. We were going through the file cabinet and found stocks and bonds since they formed the pack, then we found that they also have stocks in many companies and were doing well. We found the password to the computer and started going over the pack bank account and found that the pack had lots of money that he never used to help the pack. So what was he going to do with all this money?

“We need to call the bank and get this changed over to you and the pack so he can’t take it. Also, we need to find out what the pack knows about all the money.” Aiden stated.

“I agree. Let me call them now and that part will be taken care of. Then when Tony gets back, we will have a talk with him. I need to know how much about this he knows and if he was a part of all of this,” Athena said.

She heard that some of her pack was back so she went out to meet them. The group that was back was Toby, Tony, and Rami along with a few others that she needed to talk with. So she figured she could let them know what rank they will be at.

“I am glad that you are all back. I have your ranks and where you guys will start from now on. Rami, you will be the lead counselor and be in charge of the schedule of everyone on that. Plus, you will be there to help anyone that needs to talk and handle mate issues. Becky, you will be our lead healer. You will do the schedule for your other healers and nurses. Tom, you are our lead warrior and will have four other warriors to make sure patrols are done with many other pack members and make sure all packs have a training class. You guys are dismissed I just need to finish up with Toby, Tony, and Lee which is short for Leanna. Lee you have ranked as a beta so you will be included in a lot of meetings and travel, but you will still be under Toby and Tony which they both tied in rank so they both will be lead Betas. They both will help you strengthen your skills and answer all of your questions. As will I. So now that we are waiting on the others to come, can you three follow me to the office? I have some questions for all of you about your former Alpha,” Alpha Athena.

They all walked into the office to where Aiden was waiting for all of them.

“What is he doing going through all of our records?” Tony asked.

“He is helping me sort out what we have for this pack. I asked him too, that is also why I asked you here. I need to know why all these buildings and businesses look so bad? Why do you all look like you don’t have enough food to eat? What was your last Alpha doing with the money?” Alpha Athena asked.

“We were broke, there really was no money according to Marcus. He said he got no money from the council for the pack or anything.” Tony said.

“Who made the records?” Aiden asked

“Marcus always has done the records. He didn’t trust anyone else to do them.” Toby said.

“Well, that explains a lot of then. Ok, can you guys tell me anything that he might have been up to? This pack is not broken and we will make changes, but I need to know everything that he was up to in case we have people coming here to get him or for what he may have done.” Alpha Athena asked

“He said he wanted all the women to bare a bunch of pups for an army. That’s why we use all the women as whores or puppy factories. He said a war was coming, and he wanted to make sure we weren’t taken out.” Tony implied.

“Why would he want an army? When everyone has been trying to stop any war,” Aiden wondered out loud.

“He always made us believe that other packs wanted to take us over,” Tony replied

“I for one can tell you no one is out to take over the packs, plus you guys had a lot of money to fix up the town and feed everyone for a long time. I don’t know what he was up to, but we now will use this money for the pack like it should have been. We will build everyone that is mated with little ones a place to live near the packhouse. We will fix up that dinner so anyone can come and eat there to make money, we will make other businesses and do some online business so this pack can be better. We will help every member of this pack and strengthen them. We will get a good gym that anyone can use with a training center, good medical center, and supplies, make sure they go to school and college to help their pack. If there is anything else that we need then we will get it so this pack feels good about itself. Once all these lists are in, then we order all the supplies we need. To get a house, build and a new future for them all. Clothes for everyone and toys and anything else that he kept from you guys.” Alpha Athena said.

“What do you mean this pack is not poor? He never gave us anything unless we proved that we had to have it. How can we afford all of that? He didn’t give this pack much at all to live on or anything.” Tony said.

“We went over his books. He was investing and hiding the money away from all of you. For what reason, I do not know. But that will not happen anymore. I can promise that.” Alpha Athena told them.

Then they all heard the others come back and wait for them in the main hall. They all went to meet up with the other two groups. Alpha Athena took the list and told everyone their new ranks and told everyone that we will have a pack meeting in the morning to talk about the jobs and where to start on the new buildings. Then a mother wolf came running in and yelled rogues and they all took off running not before Alpha called through the mind link to get the children and the women that can’t fight to the packhouse now. They are all out front looking at the rogues and there are around ten of them, all, men.

“What are you doing in my pack territory?” Alpha Athena yelled.

“We heard there was a female Alpha that just kicked this Alpha’s ass and we wanted to see for ourselves if she is all that.” One rogue replied.

“As you can see, I am all of that and a lot more. So get your nasty ass out of my territory or you will be sorry. Unless you come to join me and see if you can be a part of the change?” Alpha Athena voiced out.

All the rogues laughed and then started attacking members of her pack and the pack fought back. She stepped forward and instituted transformation into her wolf. The rogues could sense the power coming off of her like nothing else. She moved so fast that none of the rogues defended themselves. She had them all knocked out cold, and the other was handcuffing them up in silver to keep them contained. She changed back with her clothes on and everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

“I want them locked up so later we can question them why they really came and who sent them here. There will be more coming to see if I can handle myself and to see if my pack can defend themselves, so everyone will need to be on the watch.” Alpha Athena yelled.

The packed move to get the rogues to and lock them up somewhere they could be questioned later.

“Check on the pack members if they are hurt get them some help make sure we account everyone for. I want to know if anyone is missing.” Alpha, Athena said.

“I account Everyone for and the ones that were attacked are doing good Alpha,” Toby replied

“Alpha one rogue has come too. Do you want to talk to him?” Tony asked

“Yes, let’s get him by himself, so no one knows what he says to us. Make sure you keep him cuffed. Where are you going to take him so I can meet you there?” Alpha Athena.

“Come to the warehouse at the end of town we can do it there. No one will hear him and that way we can make sure he talks.” Tony replied.

“Sounds good. I need information, and one of these guys has it. I will not have my pack hurt over dumb shit. I will be there in five minutes to talk to him.” Alpha Athena ordered.

“Yes, Alpha. Understood.” Tony replied

POV Tony

When I first heard that Marcus was beaten by a female Alpha and that she didn’t look like much. I thought it had to be a fluke that Marcus lost. There is no way a Female could be that strong or good. They are weak and can’t focus on such things. Too much heart in a woman to think about war or protection. So, when she didn’t even change or lift a finger to fight me, just using her voice to stop me was truly a gift. I knew then I would follow her to the ends of the earth and back. She showed me you can have a heart and yet lead with a will of a warrior. She cares already about the whole pack and she really doesn’t know any of us that well. She wants everyone to be a part of the pack and all of us to be a family. She wants women to be treated differently from what we have been treating them. I will help her and stand by her no matter what. I can truly see that she will be a great Alpha. I am just lucky she still allowed me to be Beta even if Toby is one as well and Lee our only female that ranked that high. It surprised me she could fight and solve problems as she did. She was very impressive. With a little more training she will be as good as Toby and I. I like where Alpha Athena is trying to take this pack. I can’t wait to be a part of it. Let me get this guy so we can find out what is going on. I have a feeling Marcus had a hand in this. He is trying to make her fail. Not while I can help her, she will not fail. I have to wonder if this Aiden guy is her mate or just someone trying to get in her pants. I won’t let that happen either. She deserves so much more than that.

“Keme, Aiden, Toby, and Lee we need to go to the warehouse at the end of town. One rogue is awake. We need to get information out of him. I want all of you there. Lee, you will take the lead on this. I think it will help you learn and I think he wouldn’t see it coming from a woman.” Alpha, Athena said.

“Yes, Alpha. How would you like me to start?” Lee asked.

“Go with your gut. Try that first. I will be there if you need help or if I have something else in mind. I just want to try this first to see what he is thinking.” Alpha, Athena voiced.

They all headed to the warehouse to meet up with Tony and the prisoner. She had an idea was behind it, but she needed to make sure it wasn’t her father, testing to see if it was her or not the new Alpha of this pack. Things are changing and she knew soon everyone would take notice. She just wanted her pack to be ready before it happened. She needs them to train and learn from her first. They arrive at the warehouse and see that Tony has him handcuffed to a pole and that he just let the guy yell at him. That will not be allowed, no rogue will disrespect my pack Beta.

“Who do you think is yelling at a rogue? I don’t think you’re able to be yelling at anyone, let alone my pack Beta.” Alpha Athena voiced out in anger.

The rogue’s eyes got wide, and I scared him. Everyone could just smell his fear rolling off of him.

“You will show my pack respect or I will make you regret it. You come here to my territory and think you can disrespect us and take what you want. This is not a pack you want to mess with. Did you do that before with the last Alpha that was here?” Alpha Athena asked.

“No, Alpha. We had an agreement with the last Alpha of this pack. He paid us to cause trouble for the other packs. He wanted us to weaken them.” The rogue said.

“What do you mean by agreement?” Lee asked him

“He said he would pay us to cause problems for other packs and when we have weakened them enough, he would take some of his men there and take it over. We had a good deal with him and he would also give us women to do with as we wanted. They found him as a rogue and when he said he wouldn’t be able to honor the deal anymore and told us about you we killed him. He was of no use to us anymore. So we figured we would pay you a visit and just take what we wanted since you were just a female. We didn’t know you were so powerful of an Alpha.” The rogue said.

“Don’t talk to my Alpha like you are her friend. You came here to hurt my Alpha. You tried to hurt my pack. Why should we show you mercy when your plans were to destroy us and take over?” Lee asked him.

“It wasn’t my idea. I didn’t want any part of that in the first place, but the one who seems to think he is the leader of us wanted it. His name is Bart. You have him still knocked out with my brother and few friends. Bart is the one who wants to rule over the rogues and become the rogue Alpha. But most of the rogues don’t even like him and don’t follow him. We followed him to have some fun but when he started killing people or raping the women, we all tried to get away, but he said he kills us in our sleep no matter where we went.” rogue stated

“Would you take help if we offered it? Would you join a pack if we allowed you?” Lee asked.

“Well, I and my brother are rogues because rogues killed our parents, and the pack said that we were to blame for playing too far out and that my parents had to fight them alone before our pack could get to them. So we became a rogue to find the one who did it and we still haven’t found them. I keep looking for the man that had a scar on his face that got done with a silver knife that my brother took from my father and use it on him to save our mother. That’s why my brother can’t talk because the rogue hurt his throat. He can only mind speaking to me. So I feel that we would go back to a pack in hopes to still find that rogue that killed our parents.” The rogue told his story.

“When was this attack and what pack was you a part of when this happened?” Keme asked him.

I knew my brother was thinking the same thing. That it sounded like our uncle Trent who wasn’t really our Uncle. He was a bad man and always tried to get my father to teach him new fighting styles, then tried to get my father to mate me off to his son so it would bring our packs closer together. I never liked that man and never understood why my father was friends with him.

“I was once part of the Shadow Hill Pack. I knew alpha Brett for showing no mercy to anyone. I would say about five years back.” The rogue stated.

“I know that Alpha, he was not a nice man when I met him two years ago. I had to visit there once with my father to check if he was following protocol on something.” Alpha Athena replied.

“My brother and I were already gone hunting down the ones who killed our parents.” The rogue said.

“Tony go see if any of the others are awake and find out which one is this guy’s brother. I want to figure out which one of these guys thinks he is the leader.” Alpha, Athena said.

“Yes, Alpha” Tony replied

“Lee got him to tell you his name and his brother’s name and anything else. I need to know if he is telling the truth.” Alpha Athena mind linked with her.

“So do you have a name rogue?” Lee asked

“My name is Tim and my brother is Tom. Are you going to help us?” Tim asked, looking at Lee.

“If your story checks out and if you’re telling us the truth, then we can see what we can do,” Lee responded

Tony comes in with another man handcuffed and looking scared to death. He is looking around like we are all going to jump him or something.

“I know which one is the so-called leader now, and this guy doesn’t talk so I took him for this guy’s brother,” Tony said

“Thank you, Tony. Please set him in that chair. I want to look at him through my wolf’s eyes. And see if there is anything we can do for him.” Alpha, Athena voiced.

She let Morriganam come forward to see into the man in front of us. She seems to talk with the wolf and find out what is going on, why humans can’t talk. Morriganam talks to Athena in her mind.

“Athena his wolf says he wasn’t able to heal him because someone has been feeding him wolfsbane for years now. He thinks he may fix him if we can flush the wolfsbane out but may need help to heal from an Alpha to give that extra boost.” Morriganam told Athena through their link.

“Who would feed this wolf wolfsbane to keep him from healing? He needs medical attention now. Take him there and have them flush out his system so we can try to get the wolfbane out of his system.” Alpha, Athena said.

“How do you know someone was feeding him wolfbane?” Tim asked.

“His wolf told me. Who gave you your food?” Alpha asked.

“Bart had his woman slave do the food. He didn’t like my brother because he couldn’t talk, so he never knew what he was thinking and didn’t trust us not to plot against him. Do you think he had her do that?” Tim asked.

“Yes, that’s what I think. I will give you rogues a choice and not just any choice. The only one that will not get a choice is Bart. He just can’t be trusted.” Alpha, Athena said.

“What choice would you give us? Can you help my brother talk again?” Tim asked in a rush.

“When your brother is well, we will talk about your choices, until then you need to eat and rest under guard for now,” Athena said

Choices To Be Made

We all find we have choices that need to be made. We also know that with those choices we have to face the consequences that come with it. But no one tells you how to handle the choice that was made for you before you were born. No one can help you with the choices that were made for you while you’re growing up. It’s when those choices that others made for you come and bite you in the ass and you are still trying to figure out why. You can never undo those choices, so all you can do is face them head-on and hope that you make it through them alive and unharmed. So a wise man once said, “See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see. Dr. Wayne Dyer” So when those choices come at you think of that quote and it will help. My mother used to say that to me and I am not sure why that thought came to me just now, but I think it is fitting since there are so many choices that everyone has to make. I need to have the pack help with this because it affects them. I wished I had my mother’s guidance right now. I miss her and my little brother too.

“I’m calling a pack meeting ASAP at the packhouse. I need everyone there please.” Alpha Athena told everyone through the mind link.

Everyone started showing up at the packhouse for the meeting. Athena stood at the front of the group. Once everyone was there, she would start the meeting.

“Thank you all for coming. I know you all are wondering why I called this meeting. Well, as a pack we have some choices to make. These choices affect everyone here and we all will have to live with the choices we make. So we will make these choices together and I am hoping for an outcome but I need you all to make the right choices on your own as well if I make them for you. So I don’t want your past to make your choice for you, but how you would want the choice to be if it was you in the situation. Think about how we can make a difference and how, and where the change needs to begin. We have nine wolves that can be reformed if given the chance too, and we have one wolf who I feel is a danger to what we are trying to do and to the werewolf kind. So we are here to vote on what we should do with the nine wolves and how the other one will die. Ok, two brothers came here to help the lead rogue but because he forced them to help. He was killing one brother to keep the other one in line. We can let them join us and help them back on the right path or we can send them on their way and hope for the best. The others are similar about being forced and not wanting to be a part of this. Mind you, I know they are telling me the truth. But I will not let them stay if you all do not agree. I know how I am hoping this goes, but it has to be your choice. I need to know where your heart is. Do you show forgiveness to those who need it or do you cast them out and show no heart at all. Showing forgiveness does not make you weak. Showing forgiveness makes you better and stronger because you know you can hurt anyone, but being strong enough to forgive and help is the true strength within us. Which one is my pack? Tony and Toby are passing around the paper for all of you to vote on. But forgive if we try to save them, but cast out if we let them go on their way.” Athena said in a solemn voice to her pack.

While the voting was taking place I looked over, and I saw Aiden and Keme staring at me as if I was something special. I don’t know why they were looking at me like that, but I couldn’t help the blush that came over my cheeks. I looked away because I wasn’t sure what to say to them. I am just doing what the Goddess wants me to do and being true to myself.

“Thank you, Tony. Let me know when they have the count, please.” Alpha Athena replied.

“Yes, Alpha” Tony bowed his head and walked to where Toby and Lee were standing

All three walked over to me and had the count in their hand. I looked at them, wondering what they wanted to say.

“I can see you three have things on your mind. Please tell me what you are thinking so I can help if I can.” Alpha Athena told them.

“Well, it turns at we have a fantastic pack, but there are still some that need to get over the past and look to the future,” Lee responded

“We have fifteen that would cast them out and the other ninety wants to save them,” Toby added in

“I want to be the one to dish out Bart’s punishment to Alpha. I don’t want that on your hands. I lived with a lair for many years thinking he had our best interests at heart. I see now he was not what this pack needed. I don’t want your good heart tainted by having to kill Brat for his crime.” Tony pleaded.

“Tony I thank you for that. I have a lot to tell you guys about myself so we can move forward. I see we still have work to do in our pack before we can change anything else in the world. Mostly I am pleased with how the voting turned out. Thank you. Let’s talk with our pack.” Alpha Athena said.

They all walked back to the front of the pack to address the voting outcome.

“Let me say I am very proud of the ones who voted to save the rogues, I am still a little sad that we still have some living in the past and not looking to the future of our race. The voting came out to save the rogues. Now we have to give them the choice to let us help them. As for Bart, we will end his life. I will not let you have that choice or the burden to carry that choice in your heart. I have made that choice for us. Tony has asked to carry the burden to hand out that punishment. I will grant him that choice since he is the first to want to put everyone’s needs above his own. I will be there with him every step of the way. If you all support him to be at the clearing this evening to support our Beta Tony in the burden, he wishes to carry out. Thank you all for this. You are all free to go.” Alpha Athena announced.

They all left and Keme and Aiden walked up to join us all.

“You are doing an amazing job sis. I am proud of you and mom would be too.” Keme said while giving her a hug.

“You are a natural up there. You will have a very strong and loyal pack once this is all said and done.” Aiden added on.

“Thank you both, but it’s the pack that wants to change that allows me to do what I need to do. I think it’s time to talk with the Beta’s and get Rami in my office since she is the one it started with. She is the one that found me first and brought me here.” Alpha, Athena said.

They all followed her to her office and asked Rami to join them. Once everyone was there, she looked at them one by one.

“Athena just told them. I am here for you. I didn’t turn my back on you when you told me. You took me in and helped me and fought for me. I will do the same for you just like they would. Just give them a chance.” Rami said out loud.

“Your right, they need to know. Thank you, Rami,” Athena said.

“Tells us what? Why does she get to call you Athena?” Tony asked.

“I will tell you. I had to make choices in my life that I will always have to face the aftermath for so others could be safe. The first choice was when I saved my brother from our father, second choice when I left my family pack and became a rogue. Third to take on the journey that the Goddess wanted me on, and forth to defeat Marcus for his pack and become the Alpha that I always meant me to be. There will be more choices I will have to make and I just want my pack to be there and understand the loyalty that I place in them. Do you all understand so far?” Athena asked.

“So you were a rogue before you beat Marcus?” Toby asked

“Yes, and I was in hiding from my father,” Athena replied

“Why were you in hiding and how did you get so close to the Elite pack?” Lee asked

“Ok, I see I will have to start from the beginning. My real name is Kenda I am from one of the few anchorite tribes that are left here in the United States. My father is Algonquin, and I am his only daughter. Keme is my older brother and we have a younger brother.” Athena was explaining until Tony interrupted her.

“Wait, you’re the daughter of Alpha Algonquin. Which means you were the second born but have the power of an Alpha. You’re the rare female Alpha of the tribesman.” Tony exclaimed

“Yes, and no one knows that Tony. I am a rare female Alpha, but I am the great-great-granddaughter of the Goddess herself. Keme is her grandson. We are stronger, but somewhere down the line, I became more. I could also be the female of the tribesman because of who my mother and father are, but I am also in great danger. My father wants the power for himself. He doesn’t believe a woman should care about such power. He feels that women rule with their hearts too much and not enough fear. He thinks fear keeps everyone in line. I believe that loyalty and love for each other holds a pack together. Those are the choices I had to make, and those are the ones I will have to face. I am also facing the choices of the Goddess she made for me. I am ok with all of that, I want my pack to understand what I had to do to be here to help them. OK, with all of that said. Are we all on the same page so far?” Athena asked once again.

“Yes, now where does the Elite pack come in?” Toby asked.

“Before I ran away from my pack. I pushed my brother to join a different pack to save his life. So he came one day to ask our father to let him join the Elite pack. We all had to travel there to meet with the Alpha and Luna. While there I helped train some Elite pack warriors and got their respect. So, I ran to them for help to hide me from my father, which they agreed to help. So I have allied with them, which I am thankful for. For all that they have done for me and my brother. I will always be there for them. I am asking you all to stand behind me in this and help do what the Goddess wants from all of us, not as Alpha Athena but as Alpha Kenda. But to the outside world, it will have to be Athena until we are ready to face my father. We will soon bring the Gamma and Delta in on this. Then the warriors and healing staff and so forth. It is much easier to break it all down in small groups than the mass. Now the choice is yours to follow or not to follow. I will understand no matter what your choice is,” Kenda said

“I will follow you. You have shown me that there is more to life than what I was living before. Athena, I mean Kenda, or would you like to be called Alpha?” Tony said.

“Kenda and Athena is fine unless its pack business where you need to be formal, that goes for everyone,” Kenda said

“You already know I am with you till the end,” Rami replied

“I will stand with you, because you gave me the chance that no one else would. To show people what I can do and to protect others.” Lee popped in.

“I can’t see myself following in one else,” Toby added

“Thank you all for your support. Tomorrow morning we need to train with the warriors. My brother has volunteered to get your training started at five am. So please let the warriors know and if anyone else would like to join they can.” Kenda said.

She felt better now that they knew her true identity and would be there for her. She knew the rest would follow, but she knew it still needed to be their choice. Now to deal with the rogue’s choices and hope that all goes well. I didn’t want to put the pack in harm’s way just yet, even knowing it’s coming.

“Guys we need to bring the nine rogues out and give them their choice before we dish the punishment out to Bart.” Kenda reminded them

“I hear Amy yelling that it’s time for lunch. Let’s all go see what the woman and her helpers made for lunch.” Tony said.

We all walked to the dining room to see that Amy and her staff had made a wonderful lunch for all the pack members. They all waited for me to come in and sit at the head of the table. Then the rest followed where they needed to sit at the table before they served lunch.

Amy and her staff made a wonderful meal for lunch. They made a salad with tangerines in it and nuts. Then a roasted chicken and noodles with a glaze. It was one of the best meals I have ever had. I think the pack all enjoyed it.

“Amy can you and your staff please come out here,” Athena asked out loud

They all walked out and were a little worried and had their heads bowed down.

“Is everything ok with the food Alpha?” Amy asked with a shaky voice

“Amy always holds your head up high. Be proud of your work and what you do. I am here to thank all of you for your hard work at lunch today. I would also like to tell you it was one of the best meals I have ever had. I can’t wait to see what you do for dinner. Also, everyone needs to help give Amy and the others thank you for cooking for everyone. Without her and the other we would not have such a great meal,” Athena smiled at Amy and the staff as she got up and walked back to the office to figure out how to handle the rogue issues.

“Lee you and Tony will need to bring the nine rogues to the clearing before the punishment of Bart. I want to deal with them first. Aiden, do you want to help any of these rogues if they choose not to join my pack? I will let that part be up to you, if not then I will let them be rogues that agree not to harm anyone unless they are being challenged. Is that good with everyone?” Alpha Kenda asked.

“Yeah, we can see what they say. Dad said he wanted to be on board with the change that you are making happen. Plus, I am to tell you-you are to be at dinner at the house in a week because mom wants to talk to you. I do not understand what it’s about, so don’t ask.” Aiden said while laughing.

“I guess we need to get this show on the road. Lee and Tony get the nine the rest of us will meet you at the clearing.” Kenda told them.

They left to go get the nine rogues to take them to the clearing, while the others headed straight for the clearing. It surprised me to see so many of the packs there to give support for their fellow pack members. She was proud of her pack and how they are growing stronger together. I see that Lee and Tony are coming with the nine rogues and they look a little scared. I can understand how they feel not knowing their fate.

“Welcome my rogue brothers. I know you’re scared, and I can understand that. I am here to make you and offer a choice if you will. You will have three, maybe four choices and how you answer will depend on you and what we do. I have looked into all of your hearts and none of you wanted to do what he had you do. All of you are looking for a place to belong. I will offer you a place to belong and be a part of history. Choice number one you can join my pack, choice number two you can join the Elite pack, choice number three you can stay a rogue as long as you hurt no one unless it challenges you to slash threatened. If you don’t want any of those choices, then you will be put to death. Make your choice,” Alpha Athena said.

“If you be a part of this pack, please step toward Beta Lee, if you be a part of the Elite Pack please step towards Alpha Aiden, if you stayed a rogue please stay where you are.” Beta Toby yelled out

All of them but two-step to be in my pack, the other two went to be in the Elite Pack with Aiden. We were gaining seven new members now and I couldn’t be happier. We did the new member pack induction ceremony and we all could feel the new members. Then I had all three of my beta tests in the ranks of the new members. We end up with four more warriors and a teacher and two knowing construction. I would say that my pack is becoming well rounded. Now it’s time for Bart.

“Keme can you and Toby and Lee bring Bart to the clearing. I want three of you going so he can’t do anything tricky or do something dumb. I want him here in one piece, Keme. No matter what he says about me.” Alpha Athena said.

They all walked off to go get Bart and bring him back to the clearing with Keme not to be happy about not being able to hurt him if he pops off.

“Tony are you sure you want to do this?” Athena asked

“Alpha I would do this ten times over just so you wouldn’t have too. I want to show you I am here for you no matter what.” Tony replied.

“Thank you, Tony, but I have seen into your heart I know you would. I am grateful for that fact. You don’t have to do this to prove yourself to me,” Alpha Athena said.

Tony blushed and wondered what else she saw in his heart when she looked. He didn’t have time to ask because they had Bart in the clearing.

“Oh, you will give me a fair fight now or will you do that sneak attack like last time.” Bart snared

“Bart we will not fight. You are here for your punishment. I first want to see where you rank. Tony go stare in his eyes to see where he ranks,” Alpha Athena said.

He was not as strong as Tony, but he has some strength. So I gave Tony a little extra strength to help him out for this. You could tell he felt the extra power boost but didn’t comment on it.

“Bart you will face my Beta Tony there for your punishment. Your heart is black, and you do not show any redemption. So I hear you sentence you to death. It will be swift and quick’’ Alpha Athena roared

“Bring it on, little man. I hate to take you out beta, but so be it.” Brat yelled and turned into his wolf.

With the extra power boost that I gave Tony, he was in his wolf form in a flash and took Brat down in no time flat. Bart could get a hold of Tony’s leg and then Tony got Bart behind the neck and shook. Bart then got loose, but he didn’t get far when Tony pinned him again and ripped out his throat, ending Bart’s life. Tony carried out the punishment and I took back the extra power boost so he could calm down. Everyone cheered for their Beta and patted his back. Toby and Lee help get rid of Bart’s body. I walked over to Tony, and he bowed his head out of respect. I smiled at him to let him know he did well.

“Thank you all for coming. I handed the punishment out. We can all go back home and have a nice dinner. I am sure Amy, and her staff will await us soon. Go get ready for dinner.” Alpha, Athena said.

Starting The Remodel

“Toby can you bring the two guys that we just let into the pack that does construction. I want to talk to them about the plans I have for the town. How we can bring in humans as tourists and stuff.” Athena said.

“Wait, you want to bring humans here?” Toby asked.

“Yes, how can we protect them and understand them if we don’t mingle with them? We are part human so we need to learn to act like them.” Athena said.

“Ok, I can see your point on that. Let me go get them and bring them here. I think they were in the living room.” Toby said.

“Athena, what are you thinking about? How will we bring humans here to help us make money?” Tony asked.

“I want to make this an extreme zip lining park and more. I want to have shops and stuff so we can have money coming in and we can start the change that way. To show that we can live among them without hurting them and not telling them who we are, it’s the first step.” Athena explained.

“That sounds like a plan. I think that would work. It’s also a good place to start, I can’t wait to be a part of it.” Tony said.

Toby and the other two guys walked in that I had asked for. They looked a little scared but eager at the same time.

“I asked for you guys to come in to talk about your help in remodeling the town and bring in a new look and more life to the town. I want you guys to help work with Tony, Toby and Lee and Rami and myself. We will go for extreme zip lining and more. I want to see the plans and designs of your ideas. Also, if anyone had ideas about shops, or other businesses that we can bring in would be heard.” Athena explained.

“Alpha I think we can help with that. When would you like to start on the plans?” Fred asked.

“I would like you two to get some drawings done and some ideas going to meet all of us here in a week so we can talk more. In the meantime, we need to get all the houses fixed up and start looking at building a school. Can we get that started tomorrow?” Athena asked

“Yes Alpha, we can start that tomorrow. I will need a truck and a way to order supplies for all that we will need. Or a way to order them online.” Rick said.

“Tony or Toby can help you with ordering stuff online until we can get a work truck of our own. I will have a card ready for you tomorrow to order and have your list ready on what you will need to start with.” Athena said.

“Thank you Alpha, we will have a list ready by dinner time and get with you then,” Rick said and Tim just shook his head in agreement.

“Hey, sis, let’s go to the gym and work out a little. I am sure you need a good workout. You’re looking a little off.” Keme said as he walked out the door laughing

“I see you want to get your ass kicked in front of everyone, and as far as me looking off you should look at yourself dear brother,” Athena replied while following her brother out the door.

I saw that my brother was in a mood to tease me and wanted to play like old times. I guess it’s as good as time as ever to show my pack some moves. I know they will want to watch me and my brother. That way they can see some things they will learn. I walk into the gym and a lot of my pack here and then I see the gym needs to be improved upon. I will add that to my list.

“Keme are you wanting to show everyone how to take a fall today?” Athena asked

“Oh, come on baby sister we all know that I will pin you and I will then spank your butt,” Keme said laughing

“Why do you think? Did you learn anything new that I haven’t taught you?” Athena said taunting him.

“Get in the ring little sister,” Keme replied

I climbed into the ring and looked at him with his shirt off and he was looking like he was up to something. He would not play fair today. I can see it all over his face. Then neither will I if he wants to do it this way. He started circling me, and I waited for his move, which I knew very well. He jumped towards my back and I moved to the side with an upward kick. He landed face-first on the mat. He could sweep my leg to where I lost my balance then I see what his game plan is he would have Aiden help him. I will use this to my advantage to show my pack what to do when outnumbered. I laid there waiting on both of them to make a move and then I sensed that Keme figured out what I would do and yelled no Aiden it’s a trap. But by then it was too late for Aiden. He jumped at me, and I knocked him off his feet. When Keme yelled out I had him pinned to the ground and knocked my brother on the ground beside him all before Aiden realized what had happened to them both. I got up and looked over at them. Everyone cheered and was laughing at all that happened.

“You never learn and this time you got Aiden involved, and you both lost. When will you learn that I know your moves brother and figured you would bring someone else in to help to see if you could get the best of me? Don’t you remember he used to try that with me too,” Athena said with a laugh and her pack cheering her on?

“Thank you, everyone. That is just some things I would like to teach you. Remember warriors you have training in the morning with Keme at five am but anyone is welcome to come and learn.” Athena announced and walked out of the gym to go get cleaned up for dinner. How am I to act when I go to the Elite pack now? I beat another Alpha for his pack and now I have to have a meeting with the council and then my dad’s council I will have to meet with. My dad will find out soon about me. He will try to take my pack or get me them to take me away from being an Alpha. I will not go down without a fight and he knows that. I think that is what he really wants. They brought me out of my head when I heard a knock at the door of my room.

“Yes, who is it?” Athena asked

“It’s Tony, May I come in?” Tony asked.

“Sure, come in Tony. How can I help you?” Athena voiced.

“I wanted to let you know that dinner is ready and ask if I may speak with you about the town remodel after dinner?” Tony asked in wondered.

“Sure that shouldn’t be a problem, Rick and Tim are supposed to have the list ready of what they will need as well so we can order that too. I want to set up accounts for a lot of different places so we can order when we need and the bills get sent to me so we can keep an account for everything like we are supposed to. Let’s walk down to dinner and afterward we can go to the office and talk.” Athena said.

“Sounds good. Thank you,” Tony replied.

They walked into the dining room and could smell the wonderful food coming out of the kitchen. Everyone was there and was all just talking away with each other. I sat down in my seat and waited for the others to join me. Then Amy and her staff came out carrying all the wonderful smelling food to the table. It looks like ribs and mashed potatoes and salad. She even had rolls done up.

“Amy you and your staff have outdone yourselves. Thank you for all that you do for this pack. I know I will gain a lot of weight with your cooking skills. I also would like to talk to you sometime this week about updating the kitchen and other ideas. I also want to hear what you would like for the kitchen since you and your staff are the ones that use it the most.” Athena said with a big smile on her face

“Thank you, Alpha. I would enjoy the conversation with you whenever you’re free.” Amy replied.

They all sat back down and enjoyed the meal that was put in front of them. The pack was growing and learning to work together just like she had hoped. Now if we can just get this remodel going to help all the families and this pack, we could really show what this pack is made of. I finished up dinner with the pack and I stood after giving Amy and her staff thanks one more time. Then I headed to my office to wait for Tony and whoever that wants to talk with me to come to my office. It was only fifteen minutes when Tony knocked on my office door.

“Come in Tony,” Athena told him.

“Alpha can we talk now or are you busy?” Tony asked.

“I was waiting for you Tony to come and talk like you asked earlier,” Athena replied.

“Oh ok, you said you wanted to do an extreme zip lining for the town. Is that right?” Tony asked.

“Yes Tony, I think it would be fun for everyone. Do you have any other ideas that we can do here?” Athena asked.

“Yes, I was thinking we could also do boating or Kayaking since we have the lake and the river that runs through our woods that we could try. I like to do those things and I am sure others would. What do you think?” Tony asked with a little nervousness in his voice.

“That sounds like fun to me. Write up the idea and I will need a list of all the supplies that will be needed to get your idea off the ground. Then the price that you would charge and things like that and get it back to me and we can see if it will be profitable. Does that work for you?” Athena asked.

“Yes, thank you for giving me this chance. Also, I think we should start with the families’ houses first, then the school and so forth. I have been thinking I could help and if we get enough people to help, we can have several crews get more done at one time.” Tony voiced

“I was thinking the same thing. That’s why I asked Tim and Rick to make us a list of all the supplies that we would need so we could get started right away. They should bring us that list here soon.” Athena announced.

Just then they both hear a knock at the door and Tony walks over to answer the door. Tim and Rick were standing at the door.

“Come in Tim and Rick. You have the list for me, right?” Athena asked them both.

“Yes, we have a list of supplies but we also have some plans drawn up that we think you might like or at least we hope you do,” Tim replied

“Ok, Hand me the list first then let’s go to the big table there and lay out the plans so we can look at them. Tony and you clean that table off so we will have room please?” Athena said.

“Yes, Alpha,” Tony replied

Once the table was cleared they laid the plans out on the table for all of them to look over.

“Here is the packhouse. So we want to build all the family housing near the packhouse so they have better protection. Then do the training center on the other side of the packhouse.” Tim explained.

“Then if you go to where the family houses are now and the small town you can see we made the school there and a small medical facility for the tourists if they would need it. Then there are a lot of shops for crafts and clothing with our town name and stuff. Then if you take the trail towards the lake, you can see we set the Zip lining building up there and we can go through this section of woods with it and still have a lot of the woods for the wolves. Then if we want to do anything else, there is still roomed in the zip lining building to use as well for that.” Rick explained.

“Wow, you guys went all out on this and thought about it in a short time. I like what I saw so far, but you forgot about the diner just inside our territory that anyone of the packs around can come to that we have a treaty with. I like what I see, and I think this will work. What do you think, Tony?” Athena wanted to know what everyone thought, so she called for the rest of the pack members in the high ranks to come to her office. While we were waiting for the others, Tony was telling me what he thought.

“I think it would work once we get it all together and see who can help,” Tony replied

Then there was a knock at the door and Tony answered the door. He let the others in, which included my brother and Aiden.

“Athena we need to talk as soon as you have a minute. It’s important.” Aiden said.

“Ok, let me talk to everyone about these plans and then we can talk,” Athena replied

“Ok sounds good,” Aiden said.

“Everyone, I need you to look over the plans and tell me what you think. Rick and Tim can explain anything that you may have questions on. If everyone is in agreement, then we need to find people to help make it happen. I will also talk to the council to see if they know any people who can help with the rebuild.” Athena said.

Once everyone gave what they thought they all said they would see who can help and figure out what family house they needed to start on first. Then they all left so I could talk with Aiden.

“Ok, Aiden, what’s on your mind?” Athena asked

“Dad mind linked me and told me that the council will be in tomorrow to talk with you at the Elite Pack grounds. They want to talk with your brother and they want you to show them your strengths and what you have done with this pack so far and your plans for the future. You will need to leave two of your betas here and take one beta and gamma with you tomorrow. We need to be there at first light.” Aiden explained.

“That is short notice. I was hoping they would have given me some notice before they just showed up. Why are they in such a hurry now? What has them in such a rush to jump into this so fast?” Athena asked.

“Well, I guess your dad is starting up with other packs trying to find you and the other packs are not liking what he is doing. So they are hoping once they can take care of this with you and then maybe he will settle down and let everything go once he sees that you have support from a lot of other packs.” Aiden said.

“Ok, all we can do is try to hope that I don’t have to fight him. I would really hate to hurt my father, but I will if he hurts my family or my pack.” Athena warned.

“I know. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. I will also ask my dad to see if we have anyone willing to come to help you with all the construction that needs to be done here.” Aiden said.

“Thanks, Aiden your family has been wonderful through all of this.” Athena expressed my gratitude never seems to be enough to me when it comes to Aiden’s family and pack.

The Council Meeting

I needed to talk with all my betas and gammas and my deltas. I need to see who will come with me and who will stay and get the remodel started. So, I asked all of them to come back to my office and so we can get a game plan in place. They came to the office like I asked them to. All of them wondering what is going on and not understanding what I wanted them all for.

“Ok, I need to inform you guys of something and we need to come up with a game plan. Please say nothing until I have explained it all to you. This may be hard to hear for some of you and others, it will be easy until you hear the rest of this. So please just let me say it all before you speak. My real name is Kenda, and I am from the original pack of the Indians. I am from the Great Warrior tribe pack. My father was the alpha, well then the man that I knew as my father. I have learned that he is not my real father. He took my mother against her will and marked her. Then had my brother, then while my mother was out in the woods, she found her true mate. He was about to mark her as his when my so-called father killed him in taking my mother. He didn’t know at the time that I was conceived so it was easy for my mother to make him believe I was his. He now knows the truth and wants me dead. He wants my power and strength to make him the Ultimate Alpha. My brothers are both really his, so forgive me for not telling you all sooner, I have to go by Athena until I can or the council can get him under control. I have to meet with the council tomorrow with one beta, gamma and delta at my side. You are to share what I have already done here with our pack. You are free to speak your mind and all. I will also need the rest of you to stay here to get this place in order because they will also come here to look at the place. So I want the rest to get the remodel started. So, who will go and who will stay?” Athena asked and explained all that she could. She just hoped they will forgive her,

“I will stay since I already know what you want to go on since we talked. I can get the family homes started while you are away. Lee can help me since she is new to this. I think Toby should go with you since he was the second to join you after Rami. They can pick one now and the others will stay and help me. You need to stay focused on the council and get this taken care of.” Tony said.

“I agree with him. I think Mia should go with us and Eric will stay this time in the gammas. Also, Bill needs to go and Nola can stay that way and even split and they will hear from all sides. We all understand why Athena we stand with you. You have already done so much for all of us. We want to call you by your real name soon. So let us help you fight this and stand with you.” Toby said.

They all stood there shaking their heads in agreement. I have such a wonderful pack. I knew then that we would stand strong through whatever came our way.

“Thank you all and I am proud to be your Alpha no matter what name I go by. We leave at first light so get some rest Tony here is the account information of the place that will charge the accounts automatically so order what you need to get things going.” Athena told them and she let them all head to bed. I still wish I knew why I was on all of this. I can’t keep asking myself that question, I need answers. Why me? Why me? No answers are coming. I guess I will just go to sleep so I can deal with the council in the morning. Morning came quickly, and I hurried and took a shower and got dressed. I had to drive back to the Elite Pack with my group and it’s a two-hour drive. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can get this over with and make my pack one of the best. Let’s get some breakfast before we then let’s get there soon. We take two cars to the Elite pack and we are there before the council arrives, which is a good thing. It will give me time to talk with Alpha Elijah and Luna Lucy.

“Kenda, you’re wonderful to see you again, my dear. I have missed you.” Luna, Lucy said as I walked up the steps.

“It’s good to see you too Luna Lucy. I have brought some of my new pack with me for you all to meet. Where is Alpha Elijah?” Kenda asked.

“He will be down shortly. He is running a little behind. It is nice to meet all of you. Please, all of you come in. We can’t wait for him in the living room.” Luna, Lucy said.

We all walk into the living room and no sooner do I sit down next to my brother than I hear Alpha Elijah coming down the straits. I look to the straits and see that he is looking at me with a smile on his face.

“Kenda why don’t you and your group come to my office before the council shows up?” Alpha, Elijah said.

"Sure, Alpha, Elijah. Lead the way and we will follow you there." Kenda said with a smile.

"Her pack mind linked to her, How can you get away with talking to him like that? No one has ever talked to him like that before." they all asked.

“I showed him a few new tricks and helped his pack. I am close to this pack. They are like family to me where mine was not. So yeah, I get away with something that others could not.” I told them. We all followed Alpha Elijah to his office. He went behind his desk, and I took one seat in front. While the other took the seats in the back of the room.

“Kenda please introduce me to your pack here.” Alpha, Elijah said.

“Toby here is one of my Beta’s, Mia is one of my gamma’s and Bill is one of my Delta’s. I have kind of brought back the old ways where we could have over one beta and so on. I had a few that tested high in rank but not in other areas and I made those my warriors and stuff. I wanted to use everyone’s skills. I have even taught my pack that omegas are the heart of our pack because they need us like the children. So we all have found that we can work together in the way I have set things up. Keme and Aiden can show you that.” Kenda explained.

“Nice to meet all of you. Toby, how do you like having a Female Alpha?” Alpha Elijah asked.

“Sir, I was here the day she beat Marcus. I have never seen someone so brave and strong in my life. I find it an honor to be in her pack.” Toby exclaimed.

“What about you Mia?” Alpha Elijah asked

“I can’t see myself with any other pack. She has given me a chance where Marcus did not. I could give no one else my loyalty.” Mia said.

“Bill what about you?” Alpha Elijah asked the final person

“I never would have thought it if you would have asked me two months ago if I would serve under a female Alpha. For one, it’s never been heard of in a very long time. Second, they taught me that females are the weaker one of us, we are to dominate them in every way. Alpha Athena or Kenda has shown me there is more to a pack than what I was taught, and that everyone has skills. She taught us all that a pack is family and we all need to be there for one another. I will follow her till the end of my days.” Bill voiced.

I think he said more today than I have heard in the whole time I have been his Alpha. It shocked me he felt so strongly.

“Kenda, you have done well in the short time you have been their Alpha. I am very proud of you and what you have done so far. I can’t wait for the council to see for themselves at what you have done so far. I also can’t wait to be a part of the future with you to see what is to come.” Alpha Elijah then bowed his head to me regarding the highest you can give to another alpha. I was honored.

“Thank you Alpha Elijah, I am honored that you think so highly of me. I hope I can do it all justice.” Kenda replied.

“Your welcome Kenda. I will take everyone out of my office right now so my lovely mate can talk to you in private like she wants.” Alpha, Elijah said.

Everyone left Alpha Elijah’s office except for Luna, Lucy and me. I wonder what she wants to talk to me about.

“Luna Lucy what is it you want to talk about?” Kenda asked

“I want to tell you something and I know it will be hard for you to believe at first. You are one of the Indian Goddesses who was a great warrior and leader for her people. No one is sure what tribe she is from, but I can tell you about her legend. Her name was Moema Tenaya, and she was beautiful. She was a deadly warrior and fierce leader. She had a brother who thought of her as his right hand. She could do everything a man could do and in a lot of cases better. According to the legends and stories that surround her name, she could use some of her spiritual powers in battle. She called on the favor of the gods to learn the location and movement of the enemy. Allegedly, the Sun Spirit told her she would have great power in wars to help her people. During those fights, she helped many women and children to escape from the hands of the enemy and avoided capture herself. She could ride, shoot, and fight like a man; and I think she has more ability in planning military strategy. She is my right hand… strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy. She is a shield to her people. (vintage news/ Boban Docevski) That is where you get all of this from I am not sure how you are related to her. The Goddess herself was not sure herself. Before you ask the Goddess is my cousin, and she told me you are related to me as well and somehow you are related to Moema Tenaya. Without your mother’s records or your fathers, we won’t know. That is all I know, and I thought I should tell you alone. Do you have questions?” Luna Lucy asked.

“Well, I should tell you I have learned that the man I thought was my father is not my real father. He forced my mother into mating with him and then she had my brother Keme, then by chance my mother met her true mate and was in the middle of getting ready to mark each other when my father killed him. He didn’t know I was conceived, so she passed me off as his to save me. She will be the only one to know who my father truly is unless the Goddess knows.” Kenda explained

“How do you know he is not your father?” Luna Lucy asked

“One Tia told me and then my wolf said she knew because there was no connection with him.” Kenda said.

“Ok, well let’s go join the others. Both of the councils will be here soon.” Luna, Lucy said.

“I didn’t know both councils would be here. Oh well, I guess that’s the best way to talk to both at one time works better.” Kenda said.

“Welcome to my home, councilmen and councilwomen. I am Alpha Elijah of the Elite Pack and this is my mate Luna Lucy and future Alpha Aiden his Beta Keme.” Alpha Elijah said.

“We are the American Council. I am Alpha Rob, here is Alpha Matt, Alpha Jerry, and Alpha Ben. We are pleased to meet all of you.” The head councilman said.

“We are the Elders for the American Indians, you know us as the council. I am Lorgen, then here is Albenta, Victorio, and Ahnandia. It is a pleasure.” The elder woman spoke.

“Now let me introduce you to Alpha Kenda, also known as Alpha Athena and a few of her pack mates.” Alpha, Elijah said.

“Good afternoon to all of you. I am Alpha Kenda and I have with me one of my Beta’s Toby, Gamma Mia, and Delta Bill. It is an honor to speak with all of you today.” Alpha Kenda said.

“We are all here to meet with you and talk to you about your father. He is out of control looking for you. I am also worried about what he will do if he finds you. So we all need to hear your story about your father and then we will need to talk with Keme. Then talk with your pack mates to see how you treat them and what you have done so far since become Alpha of that pack. Do you understand?” The elder asked.

“Yes, I understand, Elder. Would you like to use the Alpha Elijah conference room?” Kenda Asked.

“Yes. Alpha Elijah can you please show us your conference room so we can start this meeting?” The Elder said

“It’s this way Ladies and gentlemen.” Alpha, Elijah said.

We all followed Alpha Elijah to the conference room. Everyone entered and took seats around the big table. At first, no one said a word, just looked at everyone was in the room.

“Ok, Keme tell us about your father please from when you were young till now.” Elder Victorio voiced.

“He was nice and fun at first when I was young. Then when my sister was born, I was so happy that I wasn’t alone anymore. Then my father noticed that Kenda was different; she wasn’t a submissive or gentle. That she was strong and brave. He trained us both as an alpha and as a warrior. The only problem with that is that Kenda was stronger than that, even at a young age. She showed the signs of an Alpha where I didn’t. So, he would punish me and try to make me an Alpha and started ignoring her. Then one day I couldn’t do what he asked, and he got furious and came close to killing me if it wasn’t for my sister who stopped him. She got him on the ground and held him down until I could getaway. Then she took a beating in my place. After that he didn’t want too much to do with either of us unless it was to help in building his pack strength up or helping the other packs out that he wanted to be allied with. Then I left with the push of my sister. She told me I needed to get away or my father would hurt me for not being what he wanted me to be. So I applied to become part of the Elite pack, I got father to let me come here trial but once he started acting out, I stayed fully here. Then he came here looking for my sister and demanded that we had her over and tried to say she attacked my mother when you could tell the marks on her was too big to be Kenda’s. Alpha Elijah told him he is being disrespectful and my father didn’t care. It scares my mother to leave because of my little brother. I am worried about them both. He will kill us both if he gets a chance at me for not being the alpha he wanted and he will kill my sister for her power and strength that she carries inside of her.” Keme explained.

“Thank you Keme,” Council Rob said

“Kenda what do you know?” Council Jerry asked

“They raised me to believe a lie. They raised me to believe that man was my father when he is not. That man killed my father and hates me for being what I am. I am in my full form of a wolf now and I did it before I turned eighteen. He trained me so he could use me as a weapon, but when he saw that I wanted other things and didn’t listen to him like he wanted, he would try to punish me. For a while, it worked, till I started getting stronger and he knew that I was getting stronger than him. That’s when he started to really push me into dangerous situations when training other packs. He would have me face off with their strongest pack member, hoping I would get hurt so he could kill me easier. He figured out that I wasn’t his because there was no real connection for us if he was my real father. He forced my mother into being his mate, then had my brother Keme. My mother found her real mate and was in the middle of intercourse and marking each other when the man I thought was my father killed my real father. He didn’t know at the time I was conceived already. Once my mother figured it out, she let him believe I was his. Then later he forced her to have my little brother who he hoped would be the alpha that he wanted. He is out to kill me and I will be ready for him, thanks to Alpha Elijah and Luna Lucy for all that they have done for me and my brother. They helped hide me a place to stay until I faced Marcus for his pack. I have since given the pack members choices that they can stay with me or join the Elite pack or become rogue. If they become rogue, they couldn’t join a pack for a year and had to live the right path of a rogue. I had some join the Elite pack and some go rogue, But had one hundred and five stay with me and I have just gained six more that were rogue but now part of my pack. Three of the rogues that came with Bart went to the Elite pack. They are working with me to change the werewolf world for the better. I have been told by the Goddess I will bring change. That is why Alpha Algonquin wants me dead.” Kenda explained.

“How do you know he is not your father and who is your real father?” Council Ben asked.

“I have seen a Wolf witch hybrid that told me he wasn’t my real father plus my wolf told me the same thing once I took my true form.” Kenda said

They then moved on to talk with my pack mates that came with me and to the Elite pack that I trained with for a while and then also talked with the Alpha and the Luna of the Elite pack. Once they were done with all of that we sat and had dinner with the council and the elders. The next day would be me showing them my strength and power, then heading to my territory to show them what I have done so far. That will be the true test there and hoping that they don’t see me as a threat and believe that the Goddess chose me. So again I come back to that same question WHY ME? After dinner we all part ways to go to our rooms to rest for the next day. I am in my room trying to relax when there is a knock at the door. I walked to the door to see was at my door and it surprised me to see who was there.

“Elder Lorgen How can I help you?” Kenda asked

“I want to talk with you?” Elder Lorgen said

“Please come in. What would you like to talk about?” Kenda asked in wonderment.

“I know what you say is true about the Goddess choosing you for a special quest. I need you to not show your full strength to the rest of them. Or you’re all of your powers yet. Show them just enough that you can stay Alpha, but they don’t find you a threat. I have already talked with Luna Lucy, and she agrees with me. We all want to help you in this because it’s been way too long that a Female Alpha has come in and taken charge to remind men we are all not weak like they think of us.” Elder Lorgen said.

“Ok, I understand. I will do what you ask. May I ask you something?” Kenda asked.

“Yes, go ahead, my child,” Elder Lorgen said

“Why do you believe me?” Kenda asked

“The Goddess came to me in a dream before I came here to meet you. I do not know if she went to the others, but she showed herself to me. So you have my trust and vote for the future.” Elder Lorgen explained.

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.” Kenda said.

“I’m off to bed now thank you for the talk.” Elder Lorgen said.

“Your welcome and it was my pleasure.” Kenda replied.

After that I laid down and was out like a light in no time at all. It was morning before I knew it and I was ready to face anything the council wants to throw at me. We will go in there and show them who we are, just not all of us. So I will jump in the shower and get all that done, then I will head down and get some breakfast. When I get down to the dining room, I see that some council is there and my pack mates are already waiting on me. I smile and greet everyone. Everyone was down for breakfast and talking amongst themselves. Then breakfast ended and everyone waited around to see what would happen.

“Kenda we all need to go outside and you need to show us your wolf and what you can do. Then we want to see how you fight and how you work with your pack in a fight. Do you understand?” Council, Jerry said.

“Yes, my pack and I understand Councilman Jerry.” Kenda responded

We all walked out to the backyard so I could start with my first part of the demonstration of showing my wolf. I walked out to the clearing and watched as everyone circled around me. Once everyone was done and had their place, I looked at all the Council and the Elders.

“Kenda are you ready to start?” Elder Lorgen asked.

“Yes, I will transform into my wolf and back to human form then I will have Alpha Elijah send one of his men to come fight me. Then he will pick-six of his men and they will fight my pack and myself. Is that acceptable?” Kenda voiced.

“Very good please begin.” Elder Lorgen said.

I was looking at the Elders and the Council when in a blink of an eye my wolf stood tall in the field in front of them all. You could hear the gasps from all the council and Elders when they saw how big I was in wolf form. Then the next thing they knew I was in human form again, fully dressed.

“How was that?” Kenda asked.

“That was amazing Kenda. How were you able to keep your clothes in tack?” Council Matt asked.

“It is something you have to work on with your wolf. It’s something that took me a little while to learn.” Kenda explained.

“Ok, now show us how you fight Kenda.” Elder Albenta said

“Alpha Elijah can you send me someone or do we have volunteers for the fights?” Kenda asked.

“Kenda we had many people ask if they could be a part of this. You have shown them so much they want to show you how much they have improved. So Eric is up first against you like the first time you showed up here.” Alpha, Elijah said.

I had to laugh at that and when Eric stepped up to me in just shorts; I knew he was ready for me this time, so he thought.

“Hello Eric. Did you miss me?” Kenda asked with a laugh.

“I did. Now I can show you what I have learned and teach you a new trick or two.” Eric said then winked at her.

Eric changed into his wolf form and I stand human. I needed to show them I am strong in either form. Eric just shook his head and thought he knew what I would do. I waved him forward, and he circled around me. I could hear the council and the Elders talking in low voices. They were saying everything I have already heard a million times over. They would see I know how to do this and more. Eric came at me jumping and I slid under him, then grabbed his tail and threw him at the Council’s feet. He shook it off and then he went to use the twist and kick then bite move to my leg and I jumped over him onto his back and pushed his head down and pinned him to the ground then told him to change back. No one said a word to me, they all just looked like they couldn’t believe I did that, all except my pack and my brother. I mind-linked with my pack and asked them to step forward. I wanted to make sure they were ready for what I was about to do with them and I needed to make sure they didn’t say a word about what I am about to do.

“Pack I will link moves with you. If I think about the move, your wolf will do the move like I commanded it to do. You will look like you have been doing that move for a while. I just need you all to go along with that. I will teach all the moves to you and you will do them on your own soon, but I wasn’t expecting this so soon. So we need to do it this way for today’s demonstration. Do you all understand?” Kenda asked.

“Yes Alpha,” Pack replied

“Thank you and let’s show them we are not to be messed with.” Kenda said.

My pack lined up beside me and was waiting for the six Elite pack members to come forward. I trained them all. Do they think they are ready to do they? We shall see. I told each of my pack mates to take the ones that were closest to their fighting style and told them each of the weaknesses they had. So then it would make it easier for them to win and with my little tricks, it will make a good show. Once everyone was in their place, the fight began. All of us were in wolf form and it was time to show everyone that we work well in a team. They outnumbered us just like I requested and it was a good fight. It lasted for about twenty minutes to half an hour. Just long enough to prove a point and get a little exercise.

“Well done, Alpha Kenda. You have shown great strength and a well-ordered pack. I can’t wait to see the territory next. Once we see that we will let you know how much we will back you in this.” Council, Ben said.

“You have already earned your backing Alpha Kenda. You should us you are a true Warrior and that you treat your people with respect and that you care. Looking at your territory is just a bonus for us.” Elder Ahanadia said.

“Thank you all and I appreciate that Elder Ahanadia. If you all would like to get your things we have a two hours drive to my territory and we can stop at a diner for lunch on our way there.” Kenda responded

They all piled into the cars and got ready to head to my territory. I mind-linked Tony to let him know that we are all on the way there. To make sure we had enough rooms cleaned and ready for the council and the Elders to stay the night. A few extras in case any of the Elite pack wanted to stay. We take off driving, and we come to the diner, and we all get out. I see that Tony met us there at the diner. I introduced him to the council and the Elders and everyone sat down to enjoy a good lunch. Once lunch was over we all got back into the cars and finished the drive to the packhouse. I had Tony show the Council and the Elders to their rooms.

“We can take a walk around the area once you all get settled in and we can also go over the blueprints of what we plan to do to this area to keep money coming in and to show that we can live and work around the humans with no trouble. My pack has some great ideas, and we went with them and made them happen. I think Tony, Rick and Tim along with their crews did a wonderful job while I was gone. You all have gotten a lot done in a short time. I’m proud of you all, thank you for all that you have done.” Kenda said in her speech.

There was a lot of cheering and the Council and Elders could see how everyone was glad to have Alpha Kenda back. Everything went smoothly with the Council and the Elders. They are very impressed with how much the pack had done in a short time. They were also very surprised at the plans that the pack did and couldn’t wait to see the outcome.

“Kenda I think you are doing a wonderful job and going to even more great things. I will want reports once this extreme zip line and boating things take off. To see if maybe other packs would like to try something like this. You have something here we need to be more like humans. We are part human and part wolf. We need to live in harmony with both sides of ourselves. This way maybe we can learn why the hunters fear us and it should help us protect the human race better from the other supernaturals out there that mean to do the human race harm. You have our support and backing.” The council said together.

“Let me know when you have the zip line up and running. I want to come back and try that out.” Elder Lorgen said with a smile.

Everyone was surprised and laughed as well knowing she would be back to try it out.

“Thank you all for coming. Amy will fix us all a nice dinner and then we all can relax and just enjoy the night.” Alpha Kenda said.


About the Creator

Tiawni Seward

She is a single mother of a 16 year old girl. She started writing when her older three children were small. Now she tells stories to her grandchildren and youngest daughter. She has one book that she self-published on Amazon.

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