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Why Me?

Alpha of all Alpha's

By Tiawni SewardPublished 4 years ago 69 min read


Meeting them was so unreal. I knew it would change me, yet I didn’t know how or when. They had me thinking about what I could be capable of when I turned eighteen. If what they say is true, could I know my mate sooner than what I expect? Could they know more than they are letting on? I have no time to think of that now, I’m here for my brother and my dad is not the easiest person to convince about letting us do what we want as we get older. They say their son is off at college and will be back after we have left. I envy my brother now. He will go to college and it makes me wish I could go. I hope this goes well for Keme and he gets to join this pack. Then I can visit more often and learn more from them. Changes are coming and I can feel it. I know something big is coming my way in more ways than one. I just hope I’m strong enough to handle what is to come.

It’s time for the talk that my dad wants to have with the Alpha and Luna of the Elite pack. Then my brother will show his power and strength. I know my brother will do well on this and he will get his beta position that he wants. I will be so proud of him and can’t wait to see him go far with this pack. There is just something about this pack that makes me want to be a part of it. So, I ask myself, Why me? Why is it always me that seems to be different? Why me?


My life changed one night when my brother told my family he was joining the Elite pack. See, we are Native American Indians and we have our own pack and our own type of rules. We are one of the oldest types of werewolves. See, we are one with wolves and not separate from wolves. That is the difference between the regular wolves and the American Indian wolves. They also form councils and elite packs around the world. What they don’t know is that we are the strongest wolves around but do not show others unless we have to. So my family got shocked by that. He would be the first to join a regular pack, and they would see he will be their best fighter, and he has Alpha blood in him but he isn’t an Alpha but a beta. Even though my brother is older than me I outrank him, no one in my family is sure why. My father is not happy about this, he seems to think I am an abomination to our kind. He blames me for my brother wanting to join the Elite American pack. So he tells my brother we are all going to meet the Alpha of this pack and have a meeting. This is where my life will change and I’m not sure it’s for the better.

I found out we are to leave in the morning for the Elite Pack and meet with their Alpha and Luna. My father will need to explain a few things to this Alpha before he can give his blessing for my brother to join. My brother knows he cannot join without my father’s blessing since that is our way, unless he becomes rogue to our ways and never sees his family again. Something holds us to a different standard than the American werewolves. We have been around a lot longer than them and we were one of the first werewolves in history, the European werewolves are where American werewolves came from. Native American werewolves try to keep their bloodline pure unless the moon goddess herself has chosen your mate. You will know if she is the one who has chosen your mate because you will receive a tattoo that will match each other and have the moon goddess purple to a green hue to the tattoo color. Normal mates just have this connection to let you know you are mates. That is just what we have passed down through generations of my family. My father is an Alpha of his pack. He has over a hundred and fifty wolves; I am an Alpha even though I was born second and my brother firstborn, I know what you are thinking he should be alpha but he only rates in strength as a beta. No one has seen that in over a thousand or more years. So, no one understands what is going on. It’s so confusing and now I have to go with my family to meet the Alpha and Luna of the Elite pack so my brother can try to become their beta so their son’s beta when he takes over. He doesn’t want to be a beta of the pack he grew up in since he thinks I will take over that pack someday, or it will be our little brother taking it over. He couldn’t deal with that and neither could I. Don’t get us wrong we love our little brother, but it would be wrong for us to take orders from him when we both outrank him. He is strong because he has alpha blood, but still doesn’t rank as an alpha. That is why Keme and I could not deal with him as our alpha. Keme and I are close. He always thought it would be us running our family pack, but we both know that father doesn’t approve of how we wanted it to be. So, I’m packing for the trip to help my brother. I hope he can get everyone on the same page so he can become beta for that pack. He is a good fighter, and he knows how to strategize when there is a fight. They would become an even stronger pack with my brother as their beta. I would also be very proud of him. I know you are wondering how my life will change with this, I’m getting to that. I will be eighteen in six months, and that is when my family usually finds their mates. I’m in no hurry. I want to be more than what they expect of me. I know I can be a good alpha. If my father would just let me show him what I can do. I will go help my mother with dinner and then finish packing for our three-day stay at the Elite pack. I walk into the kitchen to find my mother.

“Mom, do you need help with dinner?” Kenda yelled out.

“Kenda no need to yell, but yes I would like your help,” Anemy replied to her daughter.

They made dinner when they heard the men come inside and next thing you hear my brother storms up to his room. My father walks into the kitchen and looks at us, then smiles at my mother and she looks at him with love. I excuse myself and walk upstairs to talk with my brother to make sure he is ok. I knock on his door and then walk in. He is there looking pissed off. He seems like he knows that our father is not really going to approve him into the Elite pack or anything else.

“Keme are you ok? What happened between you and father?” Kenda asked with worry in her voice.

“He is not holding out any hope for me being able to join the Elite since he doesn’t think they will understand our ways,” Keme replied to his sister with hurt in his eyes.

“We leave in the morning to go talk with them, maybe we can do some research on them to help you be able to get farther on your side.” Kenda was trying to help her brother. She didn’t like him looking so upset.

“Thank you for your help Kenda,” Keme told her

“Your welcome. Plus, you’re my brother. I wanted to help and see you happy,” Kenda told her brother and then left him to think. She needed to go finish helping her mother. When she got down to the kitchen, her father left and her mother was setting the table.

“Is your brother ok?” Her mother asked her

“Yeah, he isn’t happy but I will help him do more information on the Elite pack,” Kenda told her mother

“Thank you for being such a good sister,” Kenda told her and smiled and went to go get dinner. Once dinner was on the table Kenda called everyone to dinner and waited for everyone to arrive. Then they all seated at once and said a small prayer. Dinner was quiet, no one said a word, except to ask for food or something. Once dinner was over Kenda’s father told everyone to make sure they had everything ready that they would leave at first light. That my father’s beta Hawk would handle the pack while we take our journey. Hawk is a good man and fair man. He has tall, dark hair, and deep blue eyes. He has found his true mate from the goddess and has a tattoo. That is part of the reason my people believe that you get a mate from the goddess. I think it could be more, but I don’t know all the legends like some do. Then everyone went their separate ways to make sure they had everything ready. Except for my brother and me, we went to the library to do some research on the Elite pack. I wanted to make sure everyone was informed on this pack that my brother wanted to join. I knew he could make any rank he wanted because he was smart and strong, just not alpha strong. He doesn’t hold it against me because neither of us could have seen this happening. So we have learned to be there for each other instead of hating what the other has or doesn’t have. He helps me with strategies and how he can feel if someone is lying or not. I am a strong leader and can get people to follow me and be loyal, but I have also a way to calm the angry out of anyone. That is why we are a good pair, but we both want to see what we can do on our own. He is only two years older than me, so we have always stuck together. Keme also still hasn’t found his mate and I have always wondered why. Then I remember that my father doesn’t let us meet many people so we can find our mate right away. This will be the first time we have been a part once he joins the Elite pack. He and I have done nothing without the other and this will be new for both of us. That is part of how my life will change. Being without my brother is like being taken away from my best friend. It is so hard for me to know I will be here on my own with my father.

We found out that the Elite pack started when England first came over on the Mayflower. That’s an old pack, but ours is still older. That it makes them up from a royal group and they are known for some to have powers. That is something like our family, except we have had no one in who knows when to have the goddess powers or anything. What we call the chosen one. They say that anyone of their kinds can get the power where we believe only the female of our kind gets the power. Interesting how some of our legends are kind of similar. We find a lot more stuff and we figured that will help us in the long run. This way we could also gain another ally in case the hunters come this way again. Once we found all of this, we stopped looking into the Elite pack. We both went to bed to sleep because we had an early day. Morning came quick, too quick for me. I was happy for my brother but sad at the same time. I just knew I would keep in touch with him and that I would be there for him no matter what, even knowing I would now be on my own. We all packed the car up and then climbed in for a three- and half-hour ride to the Elite pack’s territory. On the way there, Keme and I figured it would be the best time to tell the family what we had learned about the Elite pack.

“Father Keme and I found out some interesting facts about the Elite pack last night,” Kenda told everyone

“What did you two learn about that pack?” Their father asked.

“We learned that they are like us in a lot of ways and that they are an ancient pack,” Keme replied,

“What old is this pack?” Their mother asked.

“They have been around since the Mayflower,” Kenda told everyone.

“That is an old pack. So what are the similar traits they have liked us?” Our father asked.

“They can have powers and have a long line of royal blood in them,” Keme announced to them all.

“They believe anyone of them can get the power though,” Kenda added on

“That is some interesting stuff you kid found out about them. Thank you. It helps me see they may handle the way we are and make good friends for our pack.” Their father told them both.

They both sat back and smiled that they could do what they set out to do. Now hoping the meeting goes well. I knew it wouldn’t be long before we arrived. We arrived at the Elite pack and got greeted by the Alpha and the Luna and their daughter, but no son we all heard so much about. We get out of the car and we walk up to them and shake hands, then we introduce ourselves to them. When they got to me they smiled and just stared at me like I was something they never saw before. They welcomed us, and we all walked inside their huge home. None of us could get over how big it was. I was wondering why they would need such a big house. I couldn’t imagine what they did in this house to use up all this space. They showed us to our rooms, and then we would meet in the dining room for lunch. I made it to the dining room right before my parents did. Then my brothers came in a few minutes later. We sat down at the table, and the Alpha spoke.

“I’m sorry that my son is not here at the moment. He is finishing up some classes at college and will not be back for another week or two. Then he will meet with you then. I am happy to talk to all of you and I’m glad to make some new friends. I am looking forward to the demonstration of your skills, Keme.” Alpha Elijah talked with us all.

“We will need to talk about our ways before that demonstration is to take place. I need you guys to understand that we have our own council and we don’t answer to your type of council.” Alpha Algonquin replied to Alpha Elijah.

They all looked at him with some kind of understanding and accepted what he was saying.

“Kanda do you have a mate yet?” Luna Lucy asked

“No, Luna. I will be eighteen in six months. Why do you ask?” Kenda replied and asked a question of her own.

“I sense great power in you and can see that you are more alpha than luna. So, I was wondering if you could detect your mate early,” Luna, Lucy was saying.

Now she had me wondering if that was even possible. I knew coming here would change my life forever. I just wasn’t sure how just yet.

The Talk

I knew everyone in my family was thinking the same thing about how the luna could tell anything about me at all. Plus, I was told it’s impossible to detect my mate early? I had to push all those thoughts aside as we walked into the office of Alpha Elijah. Then we all took a seat so we could talk about my brother Keme. I just still couldn’t pull my mind away completely to what they said. Could they know more than what I am being told?

“Alpha Elijah, we came here to talk about my son and your pack. I also need to explain why we are a different breed of werewolves than you. If we can agree that my son still needs to follow in our ways and yours as long as it doesn’t go against our ways I can give my blessing for him to join your pack.” Alpha Algonquin explained to everyone in the room.

“Yes, I think we can all understand that. I have done my research on your culture and I know that your pack has been around much longer than mine. So I know you have your own style and beliefs in things. He will join with all of your normal ways as if he was still with you. On top as long as he holds this pack first beside his own ways and stays loyal I think we can work with each other on the rest.” Alpha Elijah responded.

“That’s good. Now he can show his skills as a fighter and a strategist for you. Then we all can take our time in getting to know each other and when I should send his stuff back here.” Alpha Algonquin said with a smile on his face.

“Yes, that would be lovely. What are your daughter’s plans if I may ask?” Alpha Elijah asked with some curiosity.

“My daughter would like to study medicine and I may let her be Alpha but I have another son I could let take over for me. She should be a luna, not an Alpha. I do not believe a woman should lead a man in a man’s place.” Alpha Algonquin said with a final tone to his voice.

They all knew then that my father didn’t think a woman could lead or was strong enough for that. That a woman should only be there to care and guide the others. I knew I was in for a long battle with my father and his beliefs. So again, why me? Why me? It seems I always must prove something to someone. Why me? The thing is, I didn’t realize that my mother and Luna Lucy were talking off in a corner. My mother knew I was much stronger than my father wanted to believe. I always thought she was hiding something from me because sometimes she would let little things slip out. I wish I would have paid more attention back then.

“Let’s all go outside so we can see Keme fight with my Beta Mark.” Alpha Elijah said to everyone.

We all followed out behind the two Alphas, and then the Luna’s. Then it came to the rest of us. When we got out there I could see this big of a sturdily built man standing in a circle. He bowed his head and then looked up at my brother. He didn’t look scared or even impressed with the way my brother looked. I couldn’t help wondering what he must be thinking.

“Come on, kid. I will go easy on you the first round.” Mark said to my brother.

My brother just laughed and shook his head. While walking towards the circle where the big guy was. Then he looks at him like he was sizing him up and strategizing on how he would take the man down.

“Sir, I don’t need you to go easy on me nor do I want you too. If I can’t prove myself by doing it right the first time, then I need not be here at all.” Keme responded.

Mark showed my brother respect for what he said. Then they both looked at Alpha Elijah for the rules. Actually, we all looked at the Elite Alpha for the rules to this show or interview, so to speak.

“You are to fight until one submits or knocked out. This is not a fight to the death. It is to be clean and fair. No cheap shots. You can fight in human or wolf form. Does everyone understand?” Alpha Elijah asked.

Everyone shook their heads and watched the fight begin. I was hoping my brother could really show off his skills. I knew he was good because we trained together every day and then some. I noticed again that my mother and the luna were talking privately again, and I wondered what they were talking about. Then I turned back around to watch my brother take a fighting stance.

My brother stayed in human form at first, which took Mark by surprise. Mark was a big brown and grey wolf. He circled my brother and when he thought my brother wasn’t looking he jumped at him. Just at the last second, Keme turned and caught Mark in the air and slammed him to the ground. Which knocked the air out of Mark. Keme gave Mark a minute to get back into the game. Mark this time was a little more cautious about how he came to Keme next time. Mark went low this time toward Keme’s feet so Keme jumped over Mark, shifted in midair and landed on Mark’s back pinning him to the ground. Mark turned back into his human form and gave up. Keme got off of Mark and turned back into a human with his clothes still on, which shocked everyone. I had to laugh at how everyone looked to see Keme with his clothes still on.

“Don’t get alarmed, it is something everyone in our family can do. We all can shift with our clothes back in place as long as we think about it first.” Alpha Algonquin responded to them.

“Well done, Keme. I have never seen someone get Mark to submit so fast or ever besides myself. Even my son still has a hard time beating Mark. Welcome to the pack, but who did you train with to get this good?” Alpha Elijah asked.

“Thank you, sir. I trained with my father, then my sister Kenda and I trained together. She is a good fighter as well and I was lucky enough to have her as a sister who could be so strong as her.” Keme responded to Alpha Elijah.

Which made everyone look at me shocked. It made my father have an ugly look on his face that my brother thought so highly of me. He didn’t want to have anyone look at me with pride. I just never understood why.

“Nice, I would like to see your sister show me some of her moves as well if I may.” Alpha Elijah asked

That shocked me to hear this and wondered why me? I didn’t know that they were looking at me for any reason. My mother was so happy, but my father didn’t look pleased with this at all.

“Well. Kenda please step forward and go to the circle.” Alpha Algonquin said.

I did as my father said.

“Let me call for one of my best female fighters.” Alpha, Elijah said.

“NO, she will fight a man.” My father, Alpha Algonquin, spoke up.

Again I knew my life was changing, and I kept asking myself why me?

“Are you sure? Then I looked at my third and he stepped into the circle.” Alpha Elijah asked.

“Yes, and do not take it easy on her. She will handle it all.” My father, Alpha Algonquin, responded.

“Well. Eric and Kenda, you both know the rules. You may begin.” Alpha Elijah spoke up.

Eric circled around me in his tan and white wolf, I stayed human and sat on the ground in the middle of the circle. No one could believe what I was doing. Eric jumped in the air. I did a backflip and kicked him in midair, then landed right back in the same spot I was sitting in. Eric then made as he would go low and at the last moment jumped again at me. I spun out of the way and backhanded him as he landed, which caused him to fall to the ground. My family knew I was playing, and that I wasn’t trying to end this too fast. So for my last move, I let Eric knock me to the ground, and I wrapped my human legs around his middle and flipped him under me at the same time I turned into my wolf that still hasn’t come into her color yet. Eric gave up after that move and we both turned human. He needed shorts handed to him where my clothes were back on. My father looked bored, and my mother seems to look proud. My brother came running up, picking up and making me laugh at him.

“Kenda you were wonderful out there. You know you will have to teach me that new move of yours with that backflip.” Keme said as he put Kenda back down on the ground.

“Sure, do you think you can bend like that?” I joked with Keme about being limber or not.

“Kenda, that is enough of your goofing around. That is not how a luna or young lady is to be acting.” My father, Alpha Algonquin said to me.

“Kenda you were amazing out there. I don’t know how you did all of that in your human form. Plus, your wolf still looks like a pup. How is that so?” Luna Lucy asked me.

“Thank you, I don’t get my full color of wolf or age until my eighteenth birthday. Then I will get my true color and my wolf will be of age.” Kenda explained to everyone.

“You did a wonderful job, and I saw no one stay in human form to fight as you did. We may see about asking you to show my fighters a few moves. You and your brother may help train my fighters better. If that would be ok with Alpha Algonquin.” Alpha Elijah was just amazed at how Kenda performed. He hoped her father would let her come back to train his fighters.

“I don’t see a problem with her coming here to train your fighters as long as she has a room away from everyone else and left alone when she is not training. She can stay till the end of next week and then she needs to be back home.” Alpha Algonquin said to Alpha Elijah.

“That sounds great. She just keeps the room she is in and she can start tomorrow. I will have Mark here show her around so she will know where to have her meet the fighters.” Alpha Elijah told them all.

They all walked away when Mark and Eric came up to show me around. My brother tagged along because he was proud of me. He knew that our father would not be nice when I got home. So he knew that he would have to make sure I could never go back to that. I just didn’t know that he and my mother had a plan in action already. To why my life was changing so fast. Why me? I know if I was a guy my father would have been so proud of me, but I’m a woman and he thinks my place is children and stuff. Again, why me?

“How is it a woman like yourself can fight so well?” Eric asked me.

“I come from a long line of great fighters. My mother is a fantastic fighter, my father just doesn’t let the women fight unless we are defending the children or the elders. He is too old-fashioned. But I have inherited the Alpha power or whatever you want to call it and they haven’t seen in over thousands of years. So that is another reason my father is not happy with me.” Kenda explained.

“He should be very proud you were awesome and I can’t believe I got my ass kicked by a girl who stayed in her human form,” Eric said while laughing

“Understand. Our father always thought I would take over as Alpha until my sister was born and she was powerful even as a baby. He knew then that many would seek her out and want to use her. So he thought she would be more trouble than good. He never would teach her much in the fighting skills. Most of Kenda’s fighting skills are natural and things I taught her behind our father’s back. Once he found out he couldn’t stop her from learning her skills or things as an Alpha he just became harder on her to be better. She just never could win.” Keme told them things I could never say. I was lucky to have him as my brother. He has always been my rock and my biggest supporter.

“Sorry to hear all of that. We here let everyone be who they want to be.” Mark said.

“What is it you want Kenda?” Eric asked

“I want to go to college to be a doctor. To help our kind with silver and things like that.” Kenda replied with a smile. I couldn’t get over how they looked at me like I was some kind of hero or something. Just because I wanted to be my race before myself. That seemed odd to me.

Teaching the Warriors

I can’t believe I told total strangers what I want to do with my life and I can’t even tell my father because he thinks women are not meant anything but caring for children, sex and guiding the weak. I don’t know how I will ever show him I can do anything as long as he doesn’t hold me back. I hate that he thinks I’m weak, but yet he doesn’t mind me teaching others to fight. Sometimes I think he is hoping I will get hurt doing this so it will prove his point. I will not break, and he of all people should know better than that. I just wish I knew why he isn’t proud of me. There was someone at my door pulling the mind away from my dad. So, I might as well see who it is. When I opened the door, there stood my brother and Beta, plus the head warrior. This must be good if they all came at the same time. Just looked at them like they all had three heads.

“What can I do for you, gentlemen?” I had to hide my smile.

“We were wondering if you’re ready to come to the training field to train with the pack?” the Beta asked me

“Yes, just give me a minute and I will meet you in the kitchen.” I let them all know.

So, I went to my clothes and got my training wear on and headed to the kitchen. When I got down there I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like the whole pack was there waiting on me. I was so shocked, and my brother was laughing at me. He knew I have never had this kind of reaction before and didn’t know why I was getting it now. I looked at him and mouth what was going on. He just shrugged his shoulders. I had to roll my eyes at that one. I greeted as many of them as I could and then got me something to eat and headed to the training field. I walked up to where the Beta Mark and Delta Eric along with my brother was standing in front of all the fighters. I don’t know how he beat me out here.

“Who are we training today?” I asked them.

“Prove yourself again to the pack before they will take you as a good fighter and listen to you. Since they didn’t get to see you and I fight the other day,” Delta Eric said to me.

I just rolled my eyes, and they all laughed. I think they just wanted to see me fight again or something.

“Okay, Get them lined up and I will ask for challengers.” She told them

I am not surprised it has gone this way; it seems to always go this way for me. Why me? Then I hear Beta Mark tell everyone to line up and that this will be a little different today. Then he introduced me to them and said I was here to test their fighting skills. They all looked at me and laughed. I even heard a few said they would rather take me to bed then hurt me out here. These guys and even some women here had a lot to learn that looks can deceive, and I knew I didn’t look like I could fight or that I wasn’t using my Alpha power to show them what and who I was. I wanted them to see me as me, nothing more, but it looks like it will not go that way. So better put them in their place now.

“Hello everyone. I am here to help you get better with your fighting skills and style. So I will ask for anyone to step up and try to take me down using your normal fighting style. That way I can help you improve on them. So who would like to go first?” I asked the Elite fighters.

“I will show you why we are the Elite and how this is no place for a petite little thing like you.” the young male said and took his place in front of me.

“What is your name pup?” I asked him

“I’m older than you so I’m no pup and the name is Jordan,” Jordan responded

“Ok, Jordan. It’s nice to meet you. I will try to not hurt you too bad on this and you are a pup to me since I am an Alpha.” I said to him and threw a little power into it.

He looked a little worried now. I just smiled at him and asked the others to take a step back so no one got hurt. We both stepped out in the open space so we could get ready to fight. He stripped down and changed into his wolf. He was a little brown wolf with a little white on the paws, I would say he was medium size. He wasn’t that big compared to my brother, yet he was a little bigger than mine since I wasn’t at full size yet.

“Ok you can fight in your wolf form and I will stay in my human form,” Kenda announced to Jordan so everyone could hear.

She knew what they were all thinking, and she knew this was the only way and the fast way to make them see she is an Alpha all the way. That a woman can be just as strong in her own way as a man. Just shows are different. She could hear the comments and laughter from everyone watching except the ones that knew what was coming. She was waiting on Beta Mark to start the fight so she could get this over. Then she heard him say begin. Then she saw Jordan take a small step to the right and then to the left. She knew then he was getting ready to launch at her. I will just move before him and move faster than he thinks I can and I will come up behind him. He was just about to launch when she moved and came up behind him and knocked him to the ground. She then let him back up so he could try again. No one could believe that she could move that fast and how she got the drop on Jordan. Jordan turned around and snapped at her and she jumped back and hit him on his head. She then let Jordan take her down just to do the move she used on Delta Eric yesterday. Once Jordan was on top of her, she wrapped her legs around him and took her arms around his snout and forced his mouth closed and then flipped him over to where she was on top. She had him pinned and submitting all at the same time. She took a step back and let him up and asked him to shift back.

“OK, Jordan, this is what I see for you and a lot of your pack mates. You let your anger blind you and you let your cockiness get the better of you. Plus, you thought because of my size and how petite I looked to fool you. You judged a book by the cover before learning anything from it. That was your biggest mistake. You can’t assume that there is no one better than you. You think this person could be better than me in fighting; how can I defeat him in other ways besides strength? That is what I’m here to help you with. Jordan, thank you for helping me show everyone I have a lot to teach all of you. I will take the question at the end of this and will you all please pair up.” Kenda explained everything to them and asked them to pair up. They did as she asked and they all seem a little more excited to learn from her now she thought. Maybe this won’t be so bad. I can get them started on their training, then Let Keme take over when it’s time for me to leave. Dad only gave me a week to do this, then it’s back to not being able to do much until I leave or he lets me become Alpha. I look like I will have to leave before he will see me as an Alpha first.

I was walking past the groups to help them with their forms and give them tips on how to handle it differently and more quickly. They all seem to pick it up fast. I was very pleased with the first day. That is until I got to these pair of girls you gave me the dirtiest looks I have ever seen. I was walking past them. I heard one of them say something to me and some others did too. Because everyone turned around as I did to look at them.

“Do you have a problem with me?” I asked both girls.

“Yes, I do. You think you’re so hot shit you beat Jordan and think you may tell us the Elite how to fight and stuff like that.” One girl said to me while the other just stood there shaking her head.

“I don’t know who you two are and I for one don’t care. I also may not be your Alpha but I am an Alpha just the same so you will show me some respect or I will make you. Plus, if you would like to ask your Delta Eric about my fighting skills, go ahead, because he lost to me. I am also more than willing to show you more on how I fight if Beta Mark would like a turn if you think he would be better to see if I am more than capable of fighting or I can just kick both of your asses so get over it. Now show me your attack stand in human form.” Kenda spoke with authority and it left no question to you better do it now. The girls looked a little scared and did what they were told with no more problems the rest of the day.

Once she got those two girls under control for the day she was glad when training was over. A lot of the pack apologized for the two girls and told them not to worry about it. I stayed for a while answering the question and then Beta Mark told everyone to go to lunch and let me be. I had to laugh but was very thankful. We all walked in for lunch and I felt like something was different and I wasn’t sure what it was. My wolf was a little uneasy at the moment and it was hard to get her to calm down. Oh, I forgot to tell you I name my wolf Tia, and she is a princess so she thinks. I just know we will do great things when she comes into her full form. That’s why I don’t show my wolf so much since she is not in her adult form yet. People, just assume I’m younger than I am telling people since my wolf has not got her true form yet since I’m not eighteen yet. Then there was a commotion in the front hall that had everyone cheering. I couldn’t see what was going on and I was not one to care so I went into the kitchen and asked if I could have a plate to take to my room because I wasn’t feeling well. The cooks made me a plate, and I went to my room with no one noticing, so I thought. Until Keme came in right behind me as I was about to close my door.

“Why are you looking at me like that, Keme?”

“You took off before meeting the Alpha’s son. He came home early to surprise his parents. Plus, he heard there was a new person wanting to be his beta and a boiling female alpha fighter here training his pack.”

“You are so full of it, Keme. No one said I was hot or anything like that. Plus, I can see where he would come back to meet you since you want to be his Beta.”

“Kenda, it was Delta Eric and Jordan that told Aiden that you were hot. Aiden’s sister told him you were very nice and smart and could fight better than him. So, my dear sister, you’re the talk of this pack right now and I for one think it is funny.”

“You would think it is funny. I leave in a few days to go back. You know dad will not like someone takes notice of me at all. So it really doesn’t matter. I will be out in a little while and you can introduce me then.”

“Fine, have it your way. You know you will have to leave dad’s pack to get what you want.”

Then he left me to my own thoughts again. He said the truth, and it was something I already knew. I was already making plans to leave. I just haven’t figured out where I would go just yet or how I would get away without my father trying to kill me.

The Future Alpha

POV Aiden

I got home to my father telling me he thinks he found me a beta and that he had someone he wanted me to meet because she was training my guards and anyone who wanted to learn. My sister said that she was learning new moves and all because of this new girl who is somehow related to the guy who wants to be my beta. Not sure I agree with all of this, but I will see what they can do. So far everyone seems to think highly of them and all the guys would like to take this Kenda out but are not sure how to ask her since she is an alpha. I will see if she is an alpha or not. I go to the game room to meet Keme who wants to be my beta; he is the oldest but doesn’t have the alpha gene. My father said that his sister got it instead. Something to do with their family line. Oh well, let’s get this meet and greet over with.

“Is there a Keme in here that I am supposed to meet?” Aiden asked

“I’m Keme and you must be Aiden the future Alpha,” Keme replied

“Yes, my father tells you want to be a beta and that you have some fantastic fighting styles and strategies. Plus, you have a sister that has been training my guard and anyone who wants to learn.” Aiden asked him.

“Yes, I can show you if you like, plus my sister is in her room right now looking of things she knows our father will never let her do since she is a female,” Keme replied

“I would like to meet her and we will get into all that later. Go get your sister and we can go to the gym to see what you two can do.” Aiden told him.

Keme went off to go get his sister and let her know that someone needs them in the gym. He will not tell her why or anything, it will be more fun to surprise her. He gets to her room and knocks on the door and then walks in.

“You could have waited till I told you to come in Keme,” Kenda said

“Your right I could have, but I didn’t. I came to tell you they need you in the gym for some training request.” Keme said with a big smile.

“Ok, let me change and I will be right there,” she replied and Keme left to go to the gym to meet up with Aiden. They were talking when Kenda walked in. She saw Keme talking to some dude who wasn’t bad looking, but she could tell he thought he was all that. He also had some power coming off of him, so he must be the Alpha’s son.

“I’m sorry this is a closed session for me and my beta and his sister. But I don’t think I know you. Who are you?” Aiden asked while Keme was laughing in the background.

“I will assume that you are Aiden the future alpha of this pack and that my brother didn’t tell you I was small for an alpha. My name is Kenda. The one you are waiting for to help here.” Kenda said with a smile while giving her brother the death stare.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Please tell me how you win everyone over beside the few I heard about that you put in their place.” Aiden asked.

“If we could get a few volunteers down here, I would be more than happy to show you a few moves and then my brother can show you why he will make you a good beta and friend,” Kenda asked him

“Why won’t you answer the question that I asked? How did you win everyone over so fast?” Aiden asked once again.

“I did nothing, except be myself. That is all I know how to be. So if I won everyone over it’s because they respect me for being me. Did that answer your question?” Kenda replied.

“Yes, thank you,” Aiden retorted with a smile.

The next thing she knew Eric and Mark, Jordan and a new guy came downstairs to the gym. Eric walked right up to Kenda and hugged her, Mark’s fist-bump her and Jordan hugged her. Tim just stood back and stared at her like a lovesick puppy. He couldn’t get over how his men were acting with her. Plus, he had to admit he was a little jealous of it all. He didn’t like them touching her.

“Ok Guys, which one would like to go up against Kenda to show me what she can do and what she has been teaching all of you,” Aiden asked them

Jordan and Eric jumped up at the same time and fought over which one would get to fight her.

“That’s enough. Tim, go fight Kenda in the middle of the ring, please.” Aiden told him.

Tim got up and went to the ring and looked at Kenda and smiled.

“You can change into your wolf’s form now and just remember some moves I taught you in training today and you will be fine,” Kenda told him

Tim changed into his wolf, and it was a good size. He was gray with white on all four of his feet. Kenda again stayed in her human form.

“What is she doing? No human form can stand up to a wolf, no matter if they are alpha or not.” Aiden said.

“Just watch. She is fantastic at this. She pinned Eric, and Jordan like it was nothing. She took down Stef and Barbie, all in human form.” Mark told Aiden.

Pov Aiden

I am finding all of what I am being told hard to believe. Seeing this small girl as an Alpha is one thing, but her fighting in human form like she could in her wolf form is another. There has to be so much more going on here. Plus. I can’t stop feeling like she is mine, but I can’t smell her scent for my wolf to be sure. I will sort this out, and she will just have to be Luna instead of an alpha if she turns out to be mine.

“Are you ready?” Aiden asked them

They both shook their heads and Kenda sat down in the middle of the ring. While Tim circled around her. She knew he was thinking of the move she pulled on Jordan today, but she was waiting for him to do the move she taught everyone to do when they see someone just sitting and waiting. So when Tim leaped over her and smacked her with his tail and turned to jump on her then he pinned her and then she flipped them so fast even Tim wasn’t sure what had just happened. Tim submitted after that and changed back so he could ask some questions.

“Kenda how did you flip me so fast?” Tim asked her.

“You made the mistake to look over at your Alpha and let your guard down. You also forgot to put your paws on my wrist so I couldn’t get them under you to flip you over.” Kenda explained to him.

He then looked a little sheepish and turned red.

“It’s ok Tim. You pulled off the move really well up to the end. Work on that a little more than move to get your speed up and that will be a good move for you.” Kenda told him.

Everyone congratulated her on her demonstration and couldn’t believe that she could pull that off again.

“I don’t know how you did all that in your human form but I think I will try to fight you tomorrow. I want to see how you will do against another Alpha. OK, Keme, you’re up against Eric.” Aiden said to everyone.

“Don’t worry, Kenda. Aiden was just taken by surprise about how good of a fighter you are in such a small package.” Mark said with a laugh Kenda just looked at him with a smile. Kenda watched as her brother and Eric took the ring they both changed into their wolf form. Aiden came up next to her and just looked at her.

“You know it’s not nice to stare at someone. If you have something you want to say, just say it. I don’t bite, at least not anyone who isn’t my mate.” Kenda said while laughing.

“That’s good to know. How come you and your brother have different fighting styles?” Aiden asked her.

“He didn’t pick up on everything I taught him. He learned some from our father and I learned from everyone. I fought as most Alpha males do. My brother is the strategist. Plus, he didn’t get the alpha gene and I don’t know why so don’t ask.” Kenda explained

Pov Aiden

I could feel the power coming off of her. I know she is an Alpha, and I am thinking she is more powerful than me. I will have to do some checking into this. I want to make sure she is a friend and not an enemy to my pack. Ok, guys start the fight. Keme is a very strong fighter, even if he isn’t as strong as his sister. He will make a good Beta for when I am Alpha. I also think he will be a good friend.

Keme has Eric pinned almost as fast as his sister did. That is so not cool, Eric thought. I will have to get Kenda to give me someone on one training to get better at this. Eric was thinking.

“Keme I think you will make a good Beta welcome to the pack. I can’t wait to get to know you better. You will start classes with me at the college in the fall. So think about what you would like to study,” Aiden told Keme.

“Thank you, Aiden. I have always wanted to study architectural,” Keme told him.

“Then let’s get with my parents and we can get that arranged for you. Kenda, are you joining the pack as well?” Aiden asked with a little hope.

“No, my father is expecting me back after tomorrow. I will leave to head home. I would have told you that before you said you wanted to fight with me. I just don’t want to be late getting home since I have to take the bus and all. So I will pack in the morning and then catch the noon bus to head home. Goodnight, everyone.” Kenda left after giving her speech to them.

“I wish she wouldn’t go back. Dad will not let her be Alpha and he will stop her from training. I overheard him telling our mom he will not let his daughter become something that only a man should do and that no woman can be Alpha. That he would see her die before he lets her be a freak amongst our kind.” Keme said in a whisper, but everyone heard him.

“We can’t let her go. He will hurt her.” Eric said.

“There is nothing we can do until she asked for help,” Aiden said

“She won’t ask for help. Not unless she goes rogue because of my father. Then she will do anything to prove to him he can’t break her.” Keme responded.

“Then we wait.” Aiden told everyone, then they all headed off to talk with Alpha and Luna. They walked into the Alpha’s office to see if they were there. That is where they found Alpha Elijah and Luna Lucy waiting for them.

“I was wondering how long it would take you to come and talk with us?” Alpha Elijah said

“Father I will accept Keme as my beta and he will need to get signed up for school. He already knows what he wants to study, so we are good there. Plus, we need to talk about Kenda and her going back home. Her brother feels she is in danger if she goes back. How can we help?” Aiden was trying to get it all out there at once.

“We already know everything about Kenda’s problem at home. Her mother could explain a lot to Lucy when she was here. The problem is we can‘t do anything unless she goes rogue. Then we can accept her into the pack before anyone else gets here. We also need to do a study on her background to see if there was anyone else like this in their family. Sorry Keme for talking like this about your family, but I know you want to help your sister. I know if it wasn’t for her your father would have killed you for being weak or cast you out. She stops it, I heard. So we will do what we can for her when the time comes,” Alpha Elijah told everyone in the room.

“Thank you Alpha Elijah and Luna Lucy. My father doesn’t like any of us, really. I am not sure why, but he takes it out on my sister the most. He will try to kill her if she continues to be an alpha.” Keme told everyone.

“We can all hope she gets away from it before it comes to that.” Luna Lucy responded and everyone else just shook their heads in agreement.

Kenda Leaving

I have everything packed and I will get a ride to the bus station from the future alpha Aiden. He wanted to talk with me more before I left altogether. I don’t know why he would want to do that. It’s not like my father would approve of him. I know my father would rather see me dead than be a Luna in the Elite pack where his oldest son is now. I know I will never get his approval. I know when I get home I will say goodbye to my mother and my little brother then I will go rogue. It’s rare for a female to be rogue and usually not allowed for long. I will be an Alpha and I can start my pack if I’m approved by the council. That may or may not be a problem depending on how I leave my family. I was so lost in thought I didn’t realize what time it was until my brother Keme came to get me, telling me that Aiden was ready to take me to the bus station. I got my things with my brother’s help, and we went to Aiden’s car. It was a little awkward at first. It soon turned fun Aiden made the drive interesting so to speak. I never felt this way about anyone before, so it was all new to me. I thought he was cute, but stuck on himself and I felt drawn to him but I wasn’t sure why. So I brushed it off as a simple little crush and know that it would never work between us.

“You know you don’t have to leave. We could just request you to join this pack.” Aiden said

“My father would never let me if it wasn’t for a mate. There will be only three ways out of my father’s pack for me.” Kenda responded.

“What are they?” Aiden asked.

“Finding my mate, Going rogue, or death. Those are the only ways I will get out of my father’s pack and even if I went rogue, I won’t guarantee he would let me live.” Kenda said with a sad look on her face.

“That would go against the council if he tried that,” Aiden explained

“We don’t have to answer to your council since we were here way before you and before the council ever started. We are above the council. It would take a lot to bring my father down. Someone would have to go to the high Indian council to get him in trouble, then you better have lots of proof.” Kenda explained.

“Wow, and I take a few to go to them?” Aiden wondered.

“No, because they look at everything and then their seer will tell them if it’s true or not. That gives the final vote to what they will do.” Kenda went on telling him.

“If you go, rogue, you can always come to my pack and I will help you,” Aiden told her

“I couldn’t go to you for help. That would be the first place he would look for me because of how close I am to Keme. I would never want to put him in that spot with our father.” Kenda said and left it at that. I knew I did this, but I couldn’t talk about this anymore. I needed to keep my head about me when I got home. I left my brother a letter explaining everything to him so he knew that one day I would be back in touch with him. This way dad couldn’t blame him and he only had to get through six months before he could pledge everything over to his new pack. That as soon as I can I would come to see him but it would have to be after my eighteenth birthday. I told him I loved him and that there was no other choice for me. I also had a similar letter to my mother and the little brother. Soon we arrived at the bus station, and the bus would be here in fifteen minutes. After talking with Aiden about my father made me realize no one could do this for me. It was something I had to do for myself.

“Thank you for the ride to the bus station Aiden,”

“No problem. Here is my number if you need me for anything. Call me anytime.”

“Thank you, Aiden, just keep my brother safe and he will serve you well.”

“I will and thank you for the help with my pack,”

“Your welcome and I must go now. Bye” Walking off and getting onto the bus to head home where my biggest battle was yet to come. It will take a little over two hours to get home, then another hour for her mother to come to get her. Her father was nowhere to be found, so she figured this would be a good time to talk with her mother.

“Mother, we need to talk,” Kenda informed her

“I know. I think you need to leave and go, rogue. Your father is not who he used to be. It is no longer safe for you here. He is feeling threatened by you and you haven’t even come into all of your alpha powers yet. You need to tell him tonight and leave as rogue as soon as you can after that. Don’t stay too long or something bad will happen, I can feel it.” Luna Anemy told her daughter.

“I was thinking the same thing, mother. I will need a copy of our heritage as soon as you can send it to Keme. He will know how to get a hold of me. I will not be there because I don’t want father going after him. I will leave you and Qalwtaqa letters under my bed. That way you will always know how much I love you both. Please make sure that Qalwtaqa knows the truth of why I left. He will make a good alpha one day as long as a dad can’t brainwash him. I just wish I knew where my father has gone.” Kenda explained to her mother knowing it would be the last time she talks to her in a long time if ever. She also knew she needed to get a hold of her grandmother and was in another pack near the main council. She will get that from her mother before she leaves. Now done talking with her mother she went up to her room Boxed up all her things and had a small bag packed for her to take with her when she left. She knew her mother would send them to Keme or he would come and get them. She didn’t know where she would go just yet, but she knew she would finish school and then go to college. She just has to get the pack alpha of that area without permission to be there. SO she figured she would go to her brother’s pack but not stay anywhere near them because her father would check there first. So I texted Aiden and told him to tell my brother what the plan was and when it would happen. Then she asked them for permission to stay in their territory so she could finish school and then go to college. They granted it and Aiden said he would set up an apartment under a different name for her and have new identification for her, waiting till she was in the clear of her father. I want you to understand that Keme is not to know where I am because our father will try to break him until he’s six months old and he can completely become yours. I am having everything shipped to Keme and hope that one day I will get it from him. Thank you for your help. I will tell you when I am headed your way in wolf form. I knew I couldn’t text Keme because the father would find out, so this way he will not find out what is going on until it’s too late. He didn’t pay for my phone, it’s what I earned from the odd jobs I did, he didn’t know I had it. My mother doesn’t even have a phone because my father is a control freak. Plus, he thinks we don’t need things like that. He is too old fashioned with his way of thinking and something has been off about him since we found out I’m more alpha than any of his sons. He was not happy to learn that. I heard my father come in and ask what was for dinner, mother answered and I figured I would see his mood.

“Good evening Father,” I said while looking at him

“What have we told you about looking me in the eyes?” Alpha Algonquin said

“Sorry father, I am here to speak with you,” Kenda replied

“What do you need to talk to me about?” Alpha Algonquin asked

“I’m here to tell you I will leave your pack. I will go rogue and to give us both space. I don’t know what I did to make you hate me so, but I no longer can live that way. I will leave first thing in the morning.” Kenda Explained

“Why wait til morning? Leave now and once you take one step out that door, you are no longer my daughter but a stray. I will give you twenty minutes to get off my land before I call for the guards.” Alpha Algonquin told her.

“Understood Father.” Kenda walked to her mother and a little brother and kissed them goodbye and then grabbed her bag off the stairs and took off out the door. She knew she needed to run as fast as she could because she knew her father had no intention of giving her twenty minutes to get off the land. She was right, too. He took a whole ten minutes before he called for the guards to find the stray. It was a good thing she could outrun most pack members. She felt them coming right before she crossed over to the Gray Moon Pack and she knew it wouldn’t be long before their guards found her so she called Aiden to tell him she was on her way.

I could hear the Gray Moon Packs patrol and they just found my scent, and I knew they would look for me. I needed to mask my scent. I forgot to do that before I crossed over. Once that got done, I made my way out of their territory and into the Elite Pack territory. I called Aiden to tell him to get his guards off of me, and they were chasing me. I didn’t want to hurt them knowing they were doing their job. I ran for the packhouse and there were my brother and Aiden waiting for the threat to show itself.

“That’s Kenda running at us,” Keme yelled

“Guards stand down and let her pass,” Aiden yelled

“I can’t stay long. Father will have called Alpha Elijah about me soon. I do not understand what he will tell him either. So I just came to say goodbye and we will talk soon. Plus, you will need to send for my things and say you want to remember me how I used to be.” Kenda said and was about to leave when Alpha Elijah came out. I was just about to run.

“Don’t move, Kenda. Come inside and talk to me now. There won’t be much time before he comes here.” Alpha, Elijah said

We all walked inside, and into Alpha Elijah’s office where Luna Lucy was waiting.

“As you already know, your father has called to inform us you went rogue, that you trashed the house and came close to hurting your mother. I know that is not a true cause I have requested to talk with your mother and he denied that. Which told me he was lying. So, he knows I do not believe him and he is coming here to talk to his son about you. Also, try to make you come home. You don’t have to go since it was all in writing you had a six-month trial. He can’t make you go along as you are happy. Does everyone understand? Keme and Aiden I need you guys to give me a minute with Kenda?” Alpha Elijah said.

“Yes Alpha” Keme acknowledged and left the room. Aiden didn’t say a word when he left, he just looked at me as he walked out the door.

“Kenda we have everything arranged for you to go to school under a different name. You will have to just keep your scent masked while you are at school. We also do you have a place near to the school you should be safe from your father.” Alpha Elijah explained.

“Thank you, all of you. I will need to leave. I know my father was on his way here when he was talking to you.” Kenda explained.

“Aiden will take you to your apartment and stay with you for the night to keep you safe for now.” Alpha, Elijah said

Then she and Aiden walked out to leave and heard her father yelling at her brother. Aiden took her out the back to leave without being noticed. I hated leaving this way and let my brother take the heat with him. It didn’t sit well with me.

New Beginning

Aiden took her quickly out the back while the others dealt with Alpha Algonquin. They both knew it would not be easy on his family or pack, but he had faith in them they could get him to back off. Maybe even see that he is in the wrong, but I doubt it.

We made it to the garage with no problem and started leaving out the back entrance with me down on the floorboard just in case he had someone watching the back gate. Aiden said he uses it a lot. So it would not look weird to his pack seeing him leave from the back gate. So If anyone would ask they could say he does that all the time. We made it out of the pack’s main territory and headed for the small town where the Elite Pack has gotten me set up with a new apartment and identity to start school. As long as I keep my scent masked and dye my hair, I should be safe for a while. Aiden thinks they can keep me safe for the next six months till I turn eighteen. Then I will know how alpha and strong I will be then. Keme told Aiden a little about how things work for us and why we are so powerful, but we haven’t seen someone little me in so long that no one is sure what the legend is or what anymore. It’s a waiting game for now.

“You can sit up now,” Aiden spoke up

“Thank you, for everything,” Kenda said

“I told you we would help you. I am always here for you.” Aiden told her.

He made me blush, and I thought I looked so much like a child. He is looking at me like he thinks I am his mate, but I can’t be sure yet until I am eighteen. He and I will just have to wait, which is ok with me. He parks his car near the apartment building where he got me an apartment.

Aiden Pov

I didn’t tell her I had an apartment in this building. I figured it would be easier to keep her safe that way and help in any way that I could. That is what I told himself and this place was only twenty minutes from college and only twenty minutes from the high school. I figured it would work for both of us and her later on. I just got to figure out how to work it where her brother doesn’t see her until we get their father backs off of them. He reached over to let her know she was safe and that they needed to get out and head inside.

"We are here and I will take you up and show you to your new place. It’s already furnished and all. So you don’t have to worry about that. There is also food in the kitchen for you and plates and all. Everything you should need to get you started. Just remember to keep your scent masked since I know you guys can do that. Then we will take you tomorrow to dye your hair and get some new clothes for you. This will help keep you safe." Aiden explained to her.

"Thank you, Aiden. I don’t know how I will ever repay your family back for their kindness. I will see if there is a way to graduate early and then go to college and get away from here as fast as I can. I will find a place where I can start my pack and become a good leader." She explained her goals to him.

“I am sure you will be fine and I may know a place you could start a pack up at. I will have to check with my father to make sure. That way we can be allies and he can testify that you would make a good leader.” Aiden told her.

“That would be great. I don’t want to file it under my father or his way of life. I want to bring new skills and outlook on life when I do this.” Kenda said.

Kenda followed him to her place and wondered how she could feel a pull towards but not sure why. Thinking it’s because his family is being nice to her and helping her out, had to cause it. I started getting into the habit of keeping her scent masked. I strolled into the apartment he leads her to. It looked just like what she would have done for herself. She couldn’t get over it.

“Here is your key to the place and here is a key to my place. Which is just up on the next floor? Your brother will be there starting next month, so we will need to make sure he doesn’t know you are here until your father is off his back.” Aiden explained.

“Yes. I agree. He will not leave my brother alone until I turn eighteen. So he will show up at your compound off and on till then. I know my father and he will have been watching you guys. He will have someone following Keme and yourself to see if you guys will lead him to me. Plus, he will have someone report all coming and going from the compound. Just to make sure I don’t go there. Can you find out what he said to Keme as we were leaving? I felt my brother’s angry when we left?” Kenda tried to explain how her father was and find out if Keme was ok.

“Yeah, I will call him here in a few minutes and get back with you. You relax, I will head to my place if you need me just to call.” Aiden said as he walked out the door.

I can’t believe they did all this for me. I will pay them back for their kindness. I will not be like my father. I want to do more for our kind and bring us together, not keep our differences between us all. I want it to be easier to find our mates and things. I want to help find a cure for our weaknesses. I have so many hopes and dreams for my people. She just wished her father understood what she wanted to accomplish. I will finish looking around and then make myself something to eat and get a shower. Once I talk to Aiden about Keme and my father, I will head to bed. It had to be a few hours later when she heard a knock on the door. She went to the door and could tell it was Aiden before she opened the door.

“I was just going to call you,” Kenda said

“Then I have good timing then,” Aiden replied

“Come in and have a seat. What brought you down here?” She asked him.

“Well, I talked to your brother, and he is not happy that I will not tell him where you are. He said to tell you that your father said you are dead to him and that is what you will be if he ever finds you. He hit your mother to make it look like you did it and then told your brother he had twelve hours to decide if he would come back home or stay and never be able to return to his homeland as long as he was Alpha. Your brother told him he didn’t need twelve hours and that it looks like he will never return to his homeland as long as he was there. Your father tried to kill him and my father stopped him. Then told him he could take that as a sign of war since your father attacked my beta. Then your father said there will be no alliance with my pack and that he will go to his council to make sure you can’t ever become a true alpha and your brother can never claim his birthright of his homeland and you get known for being a traitor. My father called our council and we have a meeting set up for you in two days. Then they will go to your father’s council and show all the evidence and statements of all the pack was there of what your father said and did. Plus, we have several statements on your behavior while you were there helping train the pack. Do you understand so far?” Aiden wasn’t sure how to tell her the next thing, so he wanted to make sure she understood what was going on so far.

“Yes, I am following you. So tell me what you’re not wanting to tell me so I can get my head around it now instead of later.” Kenda asked.

“The council wants to know how much of an alpha that you are. So they are setting up a test for you to take. I am not sure what to expect but I know it will be after you turn the eighteenth birthday. We have to just wait till then.” Aiden explained.

“Well, I kind of figured that is what they would do. I just want to know what they plan to do about my father?” Kenda said.

“Not sure yet, my father will let me know more soon. Get some sleep so we can go shopping and get your hair done in the morning. I will be upstairs unless you want me to stay here?” Aiden said with a smile.

“Thanks for the offer, but I will be fine alone here. Sleep well, Aiden.” Replying as I walked him to the door.

I couldn’t believe how smooth he was, but I also couldn’t help feeling flattered by it all. I will head to bed and wonder what tomorrow will bring when it gets here. I know that I will just have to face it head-on. The next thing I hear is my alarm and I don’t even remember falling asleep. Damn, I can’t believe it’s morning and I don’t remember falling asleep at all. Wow, it must be my nerves or something. I guess I should get a shower and make some coffee before Aiden shows up to take me wherever he is planning on taking me today. I would love to see my brother, but I know right now that will not happen. Not with our father acting like some asshole.

“Good morning Kenda,” Aiden said

“Good morning, How did you get into my apartment?” Kenda asked him with a look on her face that said don’t lie to me.

“I have a key, just in case. Plus, I wanted to surprise you,” Aiden replied

“No more using the key unless it’s an emergency only. Do you understand? Thank you for breakfast.” Kenda was overjoyed inside, just didn’t want to let him know that. No one has done anything like this for me and wasn’t sure how to act. There is too much thinking about him being overly nice to me. I just can’t believe he would do this unless he does this for all the girls. He looks like one of those player types. The one mom used to always tell me about will try to get you into bed then leave you in the morning just so he could brag to his friends. I don’t need that shit, I will wait for my mate and then give it up. Going out and having fun, but not sleeping around is not my thing. I wish I had more experience to tell the difference but I will learn with time and I will know more when I get my full wolf power on my birthday, I can’t wait till then.

“I’m ready when you are,” Aiden said

“Okay, let’s go. I will clean up when we get back,” Kenda replied.

We both took off towards his car to head out to wherever he was taking me for the day. I couldn’t wait to find out what he had planned for me.


About the Creator

Tiawni Seward

She is a single mother of a 16 year old girl. She started writing when her older three children were small. Now she tells stories to her grandchildren and youngest daughter. She has one book that she self-published on Amazon.

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