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True Capricorn

A Dangerous Enemy

By Mariam MichalakPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The number of times I find myself angered or frustrated to the point I want to punch something is surprisingly high, especially after everything that has happened since last year. So, when this challenge came around and I started looking a bit more into my 'sign', I was a little shocked to see that a lot of 'Capricorns' have this same issue, and it all ties into hiding your emotions to keep other people from worrying about you. If that wasn't the call out of this year to you, then keep reading! I have much, much more to come.

Many places I went all agreed that Capricorns are the most dangerous. A few said it is because we are calculating, always expecting the worst, but one site said it the best. Many may 'expect' the worst, but Capricorns plan and prepare for it. We have back up plans for our back up plans. Speaking just from my own experience, when I have a plan in motion, I have the entire thing planned out in my mind, and when one thing goes wrong? Well, let's just say I have a bit of a struggle keeping my cool.

Not only that, but like I mentioned in the very first paragraph, I found a place that says Capricorns tend to keep their emotions to themselves, as to not bring fear or worry to those around them that they care about. Despite knowing this only hurts worse in the end, I find myself doing it daily. I bottle it up inside, and then forget about it until it festers enough that it nearly becomes an infection inside of me that I can no longer handle on my own. It's like a monster that never goes away, and I have learned to accept that to a point. However, I have also taken it upon myself to learn not to do that. I dislike the feeling immensely, and I have made a promise to myself to help tame this beast.

It will be a big change, and funny enough, I found many places that say we don't like change. Capricorns hate it, despise it, and like things concrete and permanent. I honestly couldn't agree more...

To a point.

As I have grown up and a touch wiser, I have learned that not all change is bad. Moving to a house that is finally your own is a good change. Getting a better job mentally and financially is a good change. However, even knowing that some changes are good doesn't always make them easy. There is a high chance I am coming up to the end of a season of my life, and it will be time to move on. I've grown accustomed to the life where I am now, and I truthfully don't want to leave, but I know I must. It's not easy, but I have an end goal in mind, and I refuse to let my current wants keep me from my long term goal.

Which, unsurprisingly, is another trait many Capricorns share. I see it as a downfall at times because I find myself so tunnel vision on my end goal that I miss the steps that take me there. The little things that build up to it matter as well, and I have had to learn to look down at my road every once in a while and enjoy the smaller things in life. Sometimes, I get burnt out as well, but I always find myself heading back towards my end goals. Even if it takes me a few years, I always strive to get to the place I'm heading towards.

All of this leads to my final point: A Capricorn as an enemy is the worst mistake you will ever make. We don't change easily, we are calculating, and loyal. We are guarded, so when we do let you in and give trust, do not dare to violate that trust. Once you have lost our trust, it is difficult to reclaim, and if you dare to harm or insult one that we have claimed as our own, whether friend or family, there is nothing that will stop us from hunting you down. Capricorns can be arrogant, believe the rules don't apply to us. Once betrayed, we are quick to try and get rid of the cause. We may seem like everything is fine, but deep within it still hurts, and we can never truly trust the person the same again.

And, if for some reason, you have a Capricorn hunting you down, I would recommend you take Hiccup's advice from the first How to Train Your Dragon when he is reading the blank pages for the Nightfury, "Your only hope, hide and pray it does not find you." Capricorns keep an end goal in mind until they accomplish it, or die trying. If their goal is to get revenge on you, well, I'd start praying that you can clear things up before that happens.

I will admit, I am a bit more forgiving than most Capricorns, and I do my best to forget if it is something that isn't life threatening. However, that trust that was broken due to the act will never be the same again. I find myself always holding that grudge no matter how hard I try to let it go, mostly because I have had the same thing repeated by those who have broken my trust. But, in the end, most of what I read through is pretty true for my life so far. I am stubborn, focus on a goal, and loyal to death. Break my trust, and you'll never truly earn it back. Hurt my family, and you'll soon understand what internal bleeding feels like. Protective, kind to those I am protective of, and disliking most change. Caring to those I call friend, attempt to be funny, and strong willed. It sums me up pretty well I'd say.


About the Creator

Mariam Michalak

God fearing Christian and Coffee Enthusiast. Wanna be gamer, artist, and author. Currently back in school for Business Administration to one day open my own coffee shop. Hope to win contests to pay of student loans and save up for land.

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