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The Survived

Chapter 4

By Ada ZubaPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

I looked around the room. I could try and contact my brother if I could use the computer or telephone. The telephone would not help me much since I had no idea where he was. The best chance I had was through the computer. I could do it quickly before Ralph got back with my things. I walked over to the computer and without sitting on the chair I booted it up. It made a few whirring noises, the screen started to brighten up. A beaming sound came through the system and there was a login pop-up. I clicked the icon and I hoped no password was required. The computer immediately logged in. I was lucky. This made things slightly easier. I immediately found settings and set up my password. I heard footsteps outside, they were inching closer to the apartment door. I abruptly turned off the computer, I heard the doorknob turn. I tried my best to act casual as Ralph came in holding bags of my new clothes, I helped him through the door with the clothing.

"You are expected to be in meeting room C downstairs at seven o'clock," he told me.

"But what do I do until then?" I asked him and he merely looked at me laughed as if I had asked the dumbest question he had ever heard.

"What? I am actually asking you here," I argued and his face grew serious.

"Oh, do whatever, you feel for," he said to me. Did I not have to work while I was here? Something was fishy.

"Can I use the computer?" I asked him.

"Oh, you will need the password and it is your house. I cannot tell you what you can and cannot do," he said and he quickly scribbled down a password. "The I.T. Guy was just here, so it should be working no problem," he told me and he left me in the apartment.

If the I.T. guy was just here, how come I did not need the password when I turned on the computer? something felt weirdly off about this whole situation. I logged back onto the computer and I searched for a messenger application. I found it and I typed in my brother's username to search and nothing came up. This was my last resort to use. I looked down and noticed a USB was plugged in. Were they spying on me? unless the IT guy left so valuable information. I searched the USB stick in the computer and had no problem finding it. I clicked on the icon and there was a file with my name on it. I clicked in and there was a document with my name on. It opened up a reading computer software. It read:


It's your brother here, Jacob. I am a new IT guy. I saw that you were going to be in this apartment, they had a list of people and where they were living. I sneaked this USB stick into your computer. I am okay. I will try and find out more about why they put you in the government precinct because no one else was transferred to the government other than you. I did not set up a password right away because I was hoping you'd find the USB stick. I really hope it found you. I cannot use my messenger anymore because my precinct is highly against communicating with anyone outside of their precinct. Our precinct seems to be next to yours. If you want to write to me, use the USB. Every IT person uses it to communicate with everyone else. It is the only way they know what is happening outside of the world. Make sure your mayor and president do not find this USB. They would kill us all, if they found out, we have been using USB sticks to talk and send each other letters. Make sure you delete every message that comes your way. I hope we will be able to see each other soon. I am using a different last name than you. Since you were taken to the government your name has been pasted on walls. I think everyone thinks you went there to save everyone from what is happening. I have seen how you are living and people are getting livid. I will keep updating you as time goes on. In one of your drawers is a fake bottom. Once you have written back put it in there.


I read the letter over and over again. He was safe, my brother was safe. But if he changed his last name...Why did Clara tell me that he was safe? she must have known he changed his last name...which meant he was not cleared. I deleted the letter and wrote back.


A woman named Clara reassured me you were okay. She probably knows you have changed your name. I think you need to write an obituary and post it with our last name. She will see that you are dead and hopefully give me a proper update about you. Clara is a tall dark-skinned woman, just stay clear of her, if you ever see her walk the opposite direction. I am going to go to a meeting to find out more about what I am doing here. I am hoping they tell me more than they did on the train ride here.

Love Enise.

I unplugged the USB stick and I opened the drawers and found the drawer with the fake bottom. I looked around making sure that there were no video cameras around, I could not spot any. I took the USB and put it under the fake bottom and I shut the drawer. I knew where Jacob was, he was safe for now, That is what mattered.


About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello fellow interweb explorers! I am Ada Zuba. I binge the Netflix shows and just recently Disney plus has been my happy place. I am a creative person with a big love for Disney movies. I hope to one day write and publish a fantasy novel.

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