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Shock To The System: What We Can Expect From April 2024's Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus

On April 20th, 2024, Jupiter and Uranus met at 21'49 degrees Taurus, sign of the bull. While this transit may have technically already passed, this article explores how we might expect this conjunction to affect us in the long-term.

By Kaitlyn MauraPublished 3 days ago 22 min read
Source: https://www.fireflymadison.com/2021/01/10/the-perfect-retreat-from-adulting/

The Jupiter-Uranus Cycle

Jupiter is known to astrologers as 'the great benefic,' the planet of luck and abundance. As the biggest planet is our solar system, it increases and magnifies everything it touches, expanding outward and reaching beyond, overcoming all boundaries and limitations. It's the planet of philosophy, religion and big-picture thinking, ruling over the signs of both Sagittarius & Pisces and influencing their associations with 'expansive' and 'limitless' topics like travel and spirituality.

Uranus, on the other hand, represents the archetype of the 'rebel' or 'revolutionary.' It was the first planet to be discovered after the invention of the telescope, changing the traditional cosmology adhered to by the astrologers of old, who did not know of anything passed Saturn, the planet of limits & boundaries, which could be seen by the naked eye. Knowing this history, modern astrologers (including many modern-day traditionalists, as I lean towards being myself) understand Uranus as the boundary-pusher. Out of all the planets in the solar system, Uranus is the most likely to shock, surprise and cause us to question our current foundation of knowledge or cultural zeitgeist.

Both planets are associated with freedom. What happens, then, when the two of them meet?

Source: Shutterstock | Photo Illustration by Lauren Ash from https://parade.com/astrology/jupiter-uranus-conjunction-taurus-2024

In the book, Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas describes conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus as representative of "celebrated milestones of creative or emancipatory activity across many fields," (pg. 294) taking place rapidly during a short period of time. The historian details how these periods consisted of scientific breakthroughs like the astronomical discoveries made by Kepler and Galileo, enabled by the invention of the telescope, in 1609-1610 when the planets were conjunct in Gemini, or in 1927-1928, during the quantum physics revolution spear-headed by Bohr and Heisenberg, while transiting the sign of Aries. Decades later, humanity's first step on the moon took place in 1969 when the planets met again in Libra.

However, the Cosmos in Psyche author also points out how these periods consist of social & political innovations, as well as important milestones in artistic & cultural activity. For example, Tarnas names a wide-reaching list of famous authors who completed their first and/or major works during a Uranus-Jupiter conjunction (or opposition) including names as diverse as Joyce and Garcia-Marquez, Austen and Dostoevsky, and even the more modern, J.K. Rowling. Meanwhile, in the world of music, the Woodstock Festival took place during the conjunction of 1969 coinciding with an increase in youth involvement with the anti-war, civil rights and black power movements, among countless other radical movements, including the LGBT-lead Stonewall Riots.

All in all, Tarnas describes this conjunction as characteristic of the "Promethean impulse."

Source: Outer Space Photograph by Osiria Wolf, Collage on Paper, Saatchi Art

Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus

Jupiter (ruling over the signs of Sagittarius & Pisces, respectively) is a planet associated with expansion, while Uranus (ruling over Aquarius, in modern astrology) is a planet associated with change, but what does it mean when these planets meet in Taurus, a fixed earth sign often perceived as stubborn and rigid? Of course, there is a lot more to the bull than meets the eye. Ruled by Venus, planet of love, Taurus is associated with beauty & pleasure; both the beauty of the natural world & the pleasure of the things we consume, but this pleasure is something that society will often deny from us, material comfort only afforded by a privileged few, and the beauty of the natural world sacrificed for the riches of an elite group. As a sign associated with the material realm, it should come as no surprise that the most legendary communist revolutionaries (including Karl Marx himself) were born under this sign. Taurus can be rigid and stubborn, sure, but rather than this being an acceptance of the status quo, it is often precisely the opposite. These traits can often mean single-mindedness in pursuit of real, measurable, material change, despite pressure to 'let things go' and/or concede to 'the way things are', particularly (but not necessarily always) if the native is materially disadvantaged in some way. With Jupiter & Uranus here, this is how I'd expect the energy of Taurus to manifest.

On the one hand, the basic traits of Taurus archetype can give us an idea of what to expect, as the above paragraph suggests. From this, we can predict radical changes to the world economy, advances in ecology & environmental science, and in the realm of politics, perhaps, divisions arising due to fixed thinking & an unwillingness to compromise. Looking deeper into the rulership of Venus, we could even predict progress in women's rights, due to the planet's association with the feminine, and a renaissance in the world of art, fashion, beauty & related fields. However, astrology essentially tells us that history happens in cycles, so to gain a better understanding of our present circumstances, it is also very important that we take a look at the past.

Source: Milena Pavlović Barilli, The Bath of Venus. Illustration "Vogue" (American Edition), May 15, 1941.

Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus: 1941

The last conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus took place on May 8th, 1941 at 25'38 degrees Taurus, aligning with Algol, a fixed star nicknamed "the evil one". A conjunction between Saturn (traditionally known as the 'great malefic') and the Sun went exact that same day at 17°of the same sign. Mercury and Venus were also in Taurus (at 19° & 21° respectively), making it a stellium. Ray Grasse wrote that in mundane astrology, stelliums point to the importance of looking at the big-picture and can indicate events with wide-ranging, long-term effects. Mars, planet of war, was at 24° Aquarius, making a close square to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, separating from a square with the other Taurus planets. Meanwhile, Jupiter & Uranus were exactly trine Neptune, another generational planet, at 25° degrees Virgo and the North Node by extension. The Moon waxed at 1° Libra sextile Pluto at 2° Leo. Uranus had been in Taurus since June 1934, coinciding with U.S. Great Depression, while Jupiter entered the fixed earth sign in May of 1940.

So, it's important to note that the following events were part of a larger astrological context that included, but was not limited to, the sign position of Jupiter & Uranus alone and that the same principle applies to our current times. With that said, although by May 26th, Jupiter had already entered the sign of Gemini, I believe it would be a mistake to conclude that the events predicted by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction had necessarily ended.

With World War 2 at its peak, many look back on 1941 as the deadliest year of all time, with 3-8 million lives lost. While the exact start date of the Holocaust appears unknown, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of 1941 coincided with a massive radicalization and escalation of Nazi policies, led by the German "Fuhrer" Adolf Hitler (himself a Taurus with an April 20th birthday). This included the impoverishment, imprisonment, and mass murder of Jewish people in ghettos & concentration camps, as well as the killings of disabled people to advance eugenics. Meanwhile, militaries throughout the world, including but not limited to Germany & the U.K., relentlessly dropped bombs on each other (with the deadliest raid during the London Blitz occurring just days after the conjunction).

Source: London Transmport Museum, 1941 ltmuseum.co.uk

It was a time of intensified nationalism across the global political spectrum yet simultaneously, a time of revolt against the old order. By March (with Jupiter still 5-10 degrees away from Uranus) the women of Great Britain were asked to fill vital roles in the workforce as a result of male deployment in the battlefields, while in June, after Jupiter had already crossed into Gemini (an air sign) the United States Airforce was founded. Germany's first attack on the Soviet Union took place that same month, prompting Stalin to launch a campaign of Russian nationalism to mobilize the country into what they called the Great Patriotic War.

The above themes extended into Asian continent, as well, where only a week after the conjunction went exact, the Viet Minh was formed by communist revolutionary, Ho Chi Minh (whose Taurus Sun, Moon & Ascendant all fell within 5 degrees of the transit) to gain Vietnamese independence from the French Empire. Meanwhile, the Japanese Empire launched its own genocide, known as the Asian holocaust, against the people of China.

Unfortunately, the bloodshed didn't end there. Although the U.S.A. began selling 'defense bonds' to fund the production of military equipment just days before the conjunction reached its exact degree, the country did not officially enter the war until December after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and Jupiter was already well into Gemini at that point (retrograde at

Girl with Vinyl Record (1941). (anti-nazi artist) Karl Hofer (German, 1878-1955). Oil on canvas. Albertina, Vienna

1941's conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus also coincided with some major scientific advances, such as the first treatment of the now-popular antibiotic, Penicillin. Other scientific discoveries were clearly war-motivated, such as the Z3, the first working, programmable, fully automatic computer presented in Berlin just 3 days after the exact conjunction, or the discovery of plutonium, kept secret until after the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima four years later (when Jupiter in Virgo squared Uranus in Gemini, making the event a part of the larger Jupiter-Uranus cycle).

As far as culture is concerned, Orson Welles' controversial debut film Citizen Kane was released, telling the life story of a fictional media tycoon (rumoured to be based on the real-life William Randolph Hearst) corrupted by wealth. Meanwhile, in the world of literature, another fictional biopic (supposedly based on real-life film producer, Irving Thalberg's rise to power in Hollywood) was published: the posthumous release of F. Scott Fitzgerald's last novel, The Last Tycoon, Animators for the Walt Disney company went on strike that same month in protest of payment inequities and general exploitation at the hand of their boss, real-life media tycoon, Walt Disney. While ultimately ending in the creation of a union, this resulted in numerous firings and black-listings, prompting the studio to incorporate live action into their films for the first time. With animated films on pause, comic books saw a rise in popularity, most notably with release of Wonder Woman in October that year, a female superhero very different from her male counterparts.

Of course, there's more to pop culture than blockbusters and books alone! In the world of music, for example, big-band swing continued to dominate the charts along with jazz singers like the legendary Billie Holiday, but the left-wing protest anthems of folk artists like Woody Guthrie also saw a rise in popularity. Fashion of the time was heavily influenced by the war, with the UK having to ration clothes due to war costs, leading to shorter, slimmer fits made from high-quality fabric. However, perhaps the biggest, most groundbreaking cultural change was the FCC's authorization of commercial television in the USA in early May, with still-existing channels, CBS & NBC airing their first commercials two months later.

Source: The Answer by Vittorio Reggianini, 1858, oil on canvas

Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus: 1858

It might be helpful to look at a second example. The last meeting of Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus prior to 1941 occurred on May 23rd, 1858 at 29'25 degrees. Once again, this transit was, of course, part of a larger astrological context. This time, Mars was at 23° Scorpio, it's home sign, opposing Uranus & Jupiter while separating from an opposition with Mercury at 16°. Pluto was also in Taurus (at 6°) while the Sun (0-1°) and Venus (21-22°) were in Gemini, with Venus square Neptune (24°) and the North Node (15°) in Pisces (a sign where, it is worth noting, it will return to in January 2025). Meanwhile, Saturn was at 24° Cancer, sextile the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction while trine Mars and Neptune, and lastly, the Moon was waxing at 11° Libra. Uranus was in Taurus from 1850 to 1859, while Jupiter had entered the sign in May of 1857.

This was the midst of the Victorian Age, a time of rapid industrialization and population growth, as well as a large income inequality between the rich & the poor. While the harsh conditions inspired Karl Marx to mature his communist theories, and eventually inspired a successful, large-scale labor movement, it was a very hard time for workers. This industrialization also had a harsh effect on the environment, with a massive heatwave in London exacerbating the smell of the industrial & human waste. This event, known as "The Great Stink" resulted in an outbreak of illnesses including a cholera epidemic that thankfully ended with the creation of a new and advanced draining/sewage system.

It was also a time of rapid expansion and imperialistic colonization. In India, for example, British Colonialism continued to expand through the East India Company, whose assets were transferred to the British Crown three months after the conjunction. The British Raj began, partly in response to a series of uprisings organized by the Indian people in rebellion against British rule, and triggered more uprisings with its atrocities (which killed over 100 million people). Meanwhile, in Ireland, the Irish Republican Brotherhood was formed with the goal of taking armed resistance against British Rule, following an increase in tensions after the Great Hunger, which killed over a million people and left another two million displaced.

Source: Portrait of Rani Lakshmibai, Queen of Jhansi, who fought in the Indian Rebellion 1857, from: https://www.dollsofindia.com/product/people-posters/lakshmibai-rani-of-jhansi-reprint-on-paper-GA64.html

More rebellions occurred elsewhere throughout the globe, such as the U.S, where an anti-slavery movement grew, with white abolitionist, John Brown, and escaped slave, Harriet Tubman, advocating armed resistance, which would soon lead to a Civil War. South of the American border, Mexico was dealing with a civil war of their own (know as the Reform War), with conservatives and liberals battling for control of the government. Back in Europe, Russian peasants revolted against the empire while in nearby Bulgaria, serfism and feudalism were officially banned.

Interestingly, Lionel de Rothschild became the first Jewish member of the British Parliament during the 1858 conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Descended from a powerful family of bankers, his family's success spawned rumors and conspiracy theories about their plans to take over the world. This is the same fear Adolf Hitler would later exploit in his rise to power during the next Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Is this a sign that the events of the conjunction are somehow related? It does sort of seem that way, especially considering other events like British colonization of India in 1858: Mahatma Gandhi's campaign for non-violent resistance and the Quit India movement in 1941 (opposing Indian participation in World War 2) ultimately paved the way for Indian independence once the war ended. 1858 was also the year that the Treaty of Tianjin was signed, allowing for more international trade and putting an end to the second opium war, an imperialist war between western world powers (U.K, U.S.A, France and Russia) and China's Qing Dynasty. Might this somehow be a historical precursor to the Second World War and the treaties and pacts between nations that followed, or are we simply seeing patterns where there are none?

Charles Darwin, Source: https://www.freepressjournal.in/science/charles-darwin-birth-anniversary-why-his-theory-of-evolution-still-supersedes-history-of-human-race

In addition to the political situation, scientific breakthroughs that took place during the conjunction included Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin's theory of evolution or natural selection. Darwin's naturalistic, or scientific materialist, conception of humanity's origins and our common ancestry with apes & other animals, seemed to contradict the religious views of the time, causing quite a shock to Victorian society. However, once again linking it with the later conjunction, Darwin's theories regarding "the survival of the fittest" would decades later influence his cousin, Francis Galton, to develop his theory of eugenics, which would later influence Adolf Hitler.

Other breakthroughs in technology include William Herschel's discovery of fingerprint identification in India. Could this be a precursor to the oppressive facial recognition technologies used today? Meanwhile, three months after the conjunction, with Jupiter in the communicative Gemini, the Trans-Atlantic telegraph cable allowed for the first telegram to pass between two continents. Although the signal was poor, this communication between Queen Victoria in England to U.S. President, James Buchanan, was still an important moment in the history of technology, drastically changing the political and commercial relations between the two continents.

As for aspects of arts and culture, the Royal Italian Opera House (now, just the Royal Opera House) opened in London's Covent Garden on May 15th about a week before the conjunction went exact, while back in January, Richard Wagner's composition, "Wedding March" (or "Here Comes the Bride") was played at Princess Victoria's wedding to Frederick William IV of Prussia, soon becoming the quintessential wedding song of the western world. Opera and orchestra were popular genres and the can-can was a popular dance at the time. In the world of literature, Charles Dickens, a British author known for writing about the conditions of working class people, embarked on his first professional tour. As for the visual arts, realism continued to remain in style, emphasizing the depiction of real life events, no matter how "ugly", in contrast to the idealistic imagery of traditional paintings. Meanwhile, in the world of fashion, Paris's first haute couture fashion house opened up that year, while over in the U.S., the successful chain department store, Macy's, opened up its first location in New York City's borough of Manhattan, now serving as a historical landmark.

Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus: 2024

So, now that we've had a look at the past, what do we make of our current era? The most recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction took place on April 20th, 2024 at 21'49 degrees Taurus. As with the previous conjunctions, this conjunction was aspected by Mars, but this time, by a sextile from the red planet at 22° Pisces, wedged right in between Saturn (15°) and Neptune (28°), while also trine the waxing gibbous Moon at the last degree of Virgo. The Sun had just entered Taurus, as well at 1°, with Venus (19°) and Mercury Retrograde (16°) still behind in the fiery sign of Aries, along with the North Node (15°).

The sextile aspect may be quite gentle compared to the 1941 square or even the 1858 opposition, considering Mars was in domicile, and there isn't that feeling of all-encompassing doom and gloom suggested by coinciding a Sun-Saturn conjunction. That said, while the overall astrological context is certainly very different, there's no denying that there are definitely some similarities between now and 1941. The alignment of planets in Aries, particularly with Mercury Retrograde there to serve us a large plate of miscommunication uand a total solar eclipse just a few weeks before, may very well be part of it. Meanwhile, it is interesting that Pluto should be at 2° Aquarius, exactly opposite it's position of the zodiac in May of 1941. On another note, if the Moon represents the people in mundane astrology, as people say, could its position at the cusp of Virgo and Libra suggest a worker-led (Virgo) revolt for greater equality (Libra)?

Let's discuss the events that have occurred so far. How do they relate to the events of 1858 and/or 1941? Do they reflect the themes of the Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus archetype? Are there any patterns? Of course, we're bombarded with so much news and so many new discoveries, here in the dawning Age of Aquarius, it's possible that something missed by the seemingly all-seeing eye of the media now might turn out to be crucially important for the world later on. Nevertheless, judging by what seem to be the most major events so far, there does seem to be a bit of a pattern. It is important to note that while Uranus entered Taurus in May of 2018, Jupiter joined up with the eccentric planet on May 16th of last year. So far:

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/363032419978957067/

While Russia invaded the Ukraine back in February 2022, when Jupiter was still in Pisces, intensifying with its transit through the combative sign of Aries, news of the war still dominates and it remains a hot-button issue. For example, on March 7th of this year (with Jupiter and Uranus within a 7° orb), Sweden officially joined NATO, becoming it's 32nd member, further angering the former Soviet state. However, in April, the western world sparked even more outrage in the Kremlin, with the U.K. donating its largest defense package ever to the Ukraine and vowing to increase its military budget up to 85 billion pounds, and the U.S. giving Ukraine its own 61 billion dollar defense package just two days later. Meanwhile, back on the 15th of March, Vladimir Putin was re-elected for a fifth term. Later on, with Jupiter already in Gemini (but still only 6° away from Uranus) on June 19th, Russia struck up an alliance with the "hermit nation" of North Korea, with Putin and Kim Jong Un signing a mutual defense pledge.

This goes hand in hand with another important theme of the 1941 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction: the "cult of personality". Leaders of that era idealized and even worshipped, portrayed as larger than life. This includes the obvious dictators like Soviet communist Stalin, Italian fascist Mussolini and Hitler, but even those believed to be democratic leaders, such as F.D.R (the only president to have been elected four terms, or even three) and Winston Churchill arguably had their own cult followings. Now, with Donald Trump on the road to re-election despite criminal charges (given to him on the 30th of May, shortly after Jupiter's entrance into Gemini, the billionaire's own Sun sign) while in the U.K., Nigel Farage leads a similar movement, it seems like this theme may be repeating itself. To his supporters, Trump is almost like a religious figure, someone who can do no wrong, while to many of his peers, he is nothing more than a silly celebrity masquerading as a serious politician, and more importantly, to his critics, he is a sign of the real harm that can be done when voters value charisma over policy. On the other side of the world, the same things and more can be said about Putin, "dear leader" Kim Jong Un and even Ukrainian leader, Zelensky. Meanwhile, in India, prime minister, Narendra Modi has also been re-elected for a third term while in Israel, many people still idolize Benjamin Netanyahu.

On that note, in contrast to the Russia-Ukraine war, the current war in Gaza essentially began during the October's "Eclipse Season" while Jupiter was transiting through the sign of Taurus, although arguably, it's been the same war since the Nakba in 1948. Despite worldwide calls for a ceasefire, Israel's war on Palestine has continued to intensify. On March 25th (with Jupiter within 4-5° of Uranus), the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with student protests across the globe. On May 10th (with Jupiter now within a 4° separation from Uranus), the UN passed a resolution granting the State of Palestine the right to be seated among member states which will go into effect on the 10th of September, while on the 20th of May, the International Criminal Court sent out arrest warrants for both Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh. Iran got involved in the war after Israel attacked its embassy on April 1st (Jupiter and Uranus within 3°), provoking the country into launching retaliatory strikes against Israel on the 13th (Jupiter and Uranus within a 2° orb), while Israel retaliated against Iran on the 19th, just one day before the conjunction. In light of the all this, it is interesting to note that the transiting conjunction closely lines up with Israel's Sun at 23° Taurus in its national birth chart, as discussed in some previous articles. It is interesting too the way history seems to almost repeat itself in perverse ways, like seeing people point out how the atrocious genocide of the Jewish people in 1941 is being used to defend and justify the genocide against Palestinians in 2024.

Source: Mihai Criste, 1975 | Surrealist painter

Inflation has continued to go up, increasing the cost of living. The price of everything seems to rise while our salaries do not, leading to widespread depression and poverty. On a similar note, quite a few businesses went bankrupt during this period (such as the popular 99 cent store and seafood chain, Red Lobster) while others (including a number of video game companies, such as Epic Games, and car companies, like Elon Musk's Tesla corporation) whose cybertrucks were recently recalled due to safety concerns) engaged in mass lay-offs. Meanwhile, an anti-work movement is growing amongst young people fed up with an unsustainable economy, with many opting for "lazy girl jobs" in resistance to the hustle culture older generations are so proud to take part in.

Environmental problems, particularly flooding, as perhaps indicated by the sextile from Mars in the watery sign of Pisces, have been affecting different parts of the world all at the same time. April, the month of the conjunction, was a month of severe weather across globe. The torrential floods in Kenya and Tanzania were especially bad, affecting tens of thousands of people, but the landslides in Indonesia and Afghanistan were also deadly, as were the severe storms in Pakistan and the Persian Gulf, not to mention the floods in China or Brazil, or the collapse of the Orsk dam in Russia and Kazakistan. There have also been earthquakes from New Jersey to Papua New Guinea to Taiwan, volcano eruptions and destructive tornadoes. While these things all happen every year, it's still a little bit unusual for us to experience this many natural disasters all in a month's time, although as climate change gets worse, it may become more of the norm.

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/363032419980943241/

Turning our attention to the world of technology, on May 21st, The Artificial Intelligence Act was unanimously approved by the European Union to help regulate the risks of artificial intelligence. The act was criticized, however, for not banning real-time facial recognition technologies and for its potential legal loopholes. Research regarding the widespread harm of microplastics and the risk of eating ultra-processed foods have also been highlighted by the media, but the media has also highlighted some health advances. On the 20th of March, scientists said they were able to successfully eliminate HIV from infected cells using CRISPR gene-editing technology while more recently, the UK's NHS held trials for personalized Cancer vaccines. Of course, environmental science and sustainability have been hot topics and I am sure there are many discoveries I have left out that we will learn more about soon enough...

What's new in the world of arts and culture, besides a bunch of ever-changing TikTok trends and social media hype? Well, in the world of music, pop-country Taylor Swift has continued to sell out countless stadiums after her double-album The Tortured Poets Department was released just 1 day before the conjunction. While some find her music boring, she has generated a large and dedicated cult-following of people who find her songs relatable. Then back in March, R&B legend Beyonce shocked audiences by releasing a country album of her own. More recently, Chappell Roan and Charli XCX have been trending with their new releases of catchy, bratty, queer girl pop. Meanwhile, popular fashion trends include a continuation of the 2000's Y2K nostalgia brought to us at the start of the decade, including the rebirth of the indie sleaze look, along with the preppy "old money" aesthetic, the cute nature-loving vibes of cottage core and the "dark academia" look. Months before the conjunction, crowds of people flocked to the cinemas for the release of Barbenheimer, a phenomena that generated due to both wildly different films being released to theatres on the same day. This might be my own bias but it seems science-fiction has become cool again with notable releases including Netflix's Three Body Problem TV show based on the Chinese sci-fi triology, as well as the next film in the Dune franchise. Period pieces, particularly those centering the lives of the very wealthy or royal-adjacent, such as Bridgerton have also remained in the spotlight. Given that the current market is saturated with so many things, I am sure is more that I have missed!

Source: Mihai Criste

So, now that we've gone over what has already happened during the course of this transit, the question remains: what do we predict will happen next? Sure, Jupiter's in Gemini now, currently (as of the 23rd of June, 2024) sitting at 7 degrees, but that does not mean the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has stopped affecting us. Uranus is still at 25° of Taurus, after all, and many of the events Richard Tarnas and other astrologers list as being so integral to previous Uranus-Jupiter conjunctions technically happened after Jupiter had already changed signs.

One thing that weighs heavily on my mind is all this talk about "World War 3." Is it just talk or might we already be there already? After all, even in 1941, they lacked a consistent name for the conflict threatening the globe. The name World War 2 did not become official or even widespread until the mid 1940's. Might the same be true of our current collection of world conflicts? The U.S. and U.K. already had troops fighting in both the Slavic countries and the Middle East, with weapons sent to both Israel and the Ukraine, but sometimes, it feels like, the western world will not realize the severity of this impact until an attack takes place on its own soil. While I continue to pray and protest that this is not the case, I would not be surprised if these wars continue to get worse, with new disputes taking place and new alliances forming. Unfortunately, I foresee a draft happening soon, as floated by U.K's Rishi Sunak, and the U.K. did launch a website about how to prepare for an apocalypse, which brings me into my next point.

An increase in environmental problems is also an unfortunate possibility. Resources may continue to dwindle to the point where it provokes more of a revolt amongst starving citizens. More lay-offs and job losses, perhaps partially as a response to A.I. although certain politicians will try to manipulate the pubic into blaming immigrants . Meanwhile, famine, disease, and economic restriction may all be used as a weapon in war. At the same time, people may also grow more aware of the poisonous chemicals being put in their food supply by greedy corporations with no concern for human welfare. Recently, there have been outbreaks of E.Coli and bird flu, illnesses derived from food and I foree similar things to come, as well as scientific breakthroughs on how to avoid such things.

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/363032419980884589/


The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is associated with breakthrough and a change in the cultural zeitgeist. With Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus, we can expect changes to the environment, economy, corporate life and commercial products. However, considering the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunct in Taurus happened in 1941, it is unfortunately very possible that we could be on the brink of another war, with more changes to the climate and its resources occurring as a result of that. In any case, it is important we make the most of this and use it as a positive time for rebelling against the norms that make this economy unstable and inequitable and by fighting to make this planet an equally habitable place for all. The next Jupiter-Uranus conjunction won't happen until 2037, when the two free-spirited planets will meet again in the sign of Cancer. If you're interested in how this conjunct will affect you personally, please feel free to contact me for a reading by clicking here.


About the Creator

Kaitlyn Maura

My name’s Kait. I would define myself mainly as a truth seeker. I write about a lot of things, primarily astrology, religion & spirituality, relationships and social issues.

Website: https://www.astrologybykait.com/

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    Kaitlyn MauraWritten by Kaitlyn Maura

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