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Plutonian Capricorn Full Moon = 🌶

This month's Full Moon occurring on July 13th, 2022 is already serving "Plutonian spicy retribution."

By Nirvanhai Elixir O'RaahikojoPublished 2 years ago • Updated 2 years ago • 16 min read
The Full Moon takes place on 18:37 GMT July 13th 2022 at 21 Degrees in Capricorn.

Capricorn has always been one of the most serious signs as it’s ruled by one of the most serious planet, Saturn. To say the very least, this upcoming Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn will call forth the more practical sides of ourselves and ask us to slow down and be more methodical in our actions. Some of us who are more sensitive to energies can feel this a week prior to, while the vast majority who are spiritually in tune can start to see things unfolding three days before. As I am up at 5:30 in the morning, currently quarantined and writing this on July 11th, I think about everything that has happened leading up to this full moon. Guys… structures are breaking, and it’s apparent. This full moon is… *sings* choosing violence. Currently, we have all sorts of things happening on the world’s stage, and they’re things that are very serious and extreme. A “Full Moon” is when the Sun is opposite the Moon in the sky or heavens, revealing the natural satellite in its full splendor. On July 13th, the Sun will be in the last decan of the water sign Cancer at 21 degrees. We all have been in a preoccupation with all things Cancerian. Our roots, our family, our home, our security, and our emotions colouring the tone of July so far. Not only that, but wherever Cancer is in your personal birth chart is a theme that you have been exploring. For example, I just returned from a trip to Portugal. (Hence the quarantine) Looking at my chart, you can clearly see this, as Cancer rules my 9th house of foreign lands, new perspectives, and long-distance travels. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, a planet and luminary. This month brings extra importance to whatever the Moon is doing, and the moon does a lot, like every two-ish days. Meaning, any type of “Lunar activity” -Eclipses, New moons, full moons, moon transits, heck even just if you are born with the sun below the horizon- all of this relatively packs a punch in Cancer season. The Moon will be at 21 degrees in Capricorn, an earth sign, again, ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is a very “let’s get down to business” energy. It doesn’t necessarily have time for emotions like its opposite Cancer, and on the extreme, can even neglect them. Ah, that word extreme flew out of my fingers. I should now probably throw it in the pot that this full moon is in conjunction with our fave, (well my fave,) dwarf planet Pluto, and you know what they say, big things come in small packages. Pluto is the planet of extremity, control, and polarity, so this full moon is bound to have a potent and visceral, while also polarizing and transformative effect. It’s also divine retribution and karma (I like to think of Saturn as the traditional ruler of karma and Pluto as the modern ruler.) When the moon is full, it brings with it an illumination of sorts. A culmination of what we have sown, especially back around the time of January 2nd’s New Moon in Capricorn at the very beginning of this year. This full moon is looking to address where we all have been ignoring and repressing our emotions and right to live. Where we have been giving up our power to authority figures and structures or by possibly holding grudges, even sidestepping issues like the crab.

I’m a Cancerian degree Scorpio born at night. On top of that, I’m also currently going through Saturn Return. *smiles in agony* I know for me personally, I’ve been so prone to burying my head in the sand this month. It’s not that I can’t handle the responsibility or the weight of everything going on (cause let’s be real, I’m a Scorpio,) but sometimes I’m so over it, all I can do is bury myself in my blanket in a fetal position… It’s just too overwhelming. I literally have to baby and nurture myself with the utmost of love and compassion in the midst of outdated authority structure in my life asking me for most. And for me, it’s all in my mind as this full moon is happening in my 3rd house. Whoever is going through their Saturn Return right now will understand but anyway. With Pluto being mixup (Torontonian slang for being purposefully antagonistic and mischievous), front and center in this lunation; we’re seeing an acceleration in the shifting and purging of certain long-held Saturnian structures, a challenge or questioning to humanity’s submission, and an intolerance for the current cultural quality of life and wellbeing standards. Already we have seen the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the ramping up of the global food crisis, and even the recent bombing of a 1980’s US historical structure, the Georgia Guidestones. In the case of the Georgia Guidestones, it’s interesting that the US is currently going through its Pluto Return, apparently in the 2nd house. Anything that has an association with land, food or agriculture, of course money will be transformed. But also, things associated with cultural principles or foundations will get sniped because the second house also carries the notion of our humanistic values like “don’t kill”, hoarding vs. sharing food, the family signature or structure as a nation and in individual tribes. Sustenance, and not just in what we eat, but how we ground ourselves on Earth and in this 3rd-dimensional reality. All of this is reinforced by Uranus and North Node Rahu, getting closer and closer with each passing day to their wild-ass conjunction in Taurus, -literally the sign of our material stability- at the end of this month, with Mars joining them on August 1st. (I’m literally gonna be building sand dunes in my bed…no I’m kidding, please don’t do this)

But, lemme reel my thoughts back in, this article today is about “le Moon.”

Here are eight spicy peppers of divine retribution we should probably prepare to digest during the course of this Full Moon and its waning cycle:

(I implore you to start freezing gallons of ice-cold water 🥵)

8. A further unveiling and confirmation of conspiracy theories as true.

8. A further unveiling and confirmation of conspiracy theories as true đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘

One of the things that happened earlier in July was CERN being “reactivated.” With this full moon in conjunction to Pluto who is also the planet that rules mystery and conspiracy theories, we can find ourselves not even having to research some of these deep truths. Rather, the government is more prone to just blatantly telling us, or leaking it out and causing controversy and conversation. Especially theories that have stood the test of time due to Saturn being involved. Exposure is a real thing, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it just leads to more questions with Mercury trining Neptune at this time. It’s almost like we will have evidence that’s not really evidence, but that is evidence… It’s like, “bro, are you playing with us or is this the truth?” or “If you’re gonna tell us something this crazy, just tell us the full story.” It feels like there is still a kind of calculated “let’s release it little by little instead of all at once” play to it. Saturn after all, does tend to slow things down and keep it controlled, and Pluto echoes this too. The media around this time is sure to set people ablaze because people are sure to be frustrated by the conflicting reports and lack of transparency. Thus, people will demand due diligence. If you’re ruled or have strong energies of Pluto, the Moon, or Saturn, you could find yourself entertaining and consuming a lot more conspiracy theories, documentaries, or researched-styled content that offer realistic truths about a plethora of things you have been needing to be up to speed with and illuminated on. Expect these topics will vary from financial to paranormal.

7. For better or worse, purging becomes a lot more...intense.

7. For better or worse, purging becomes a lot more intenseđź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘

You ever carelessly eat a bunch of spicy food? My Mom makes the most absolutely ridiculous spicy food for absolutely no reason that I cannot eat. One of the reasons I went vegan was because I learned pretty quickly that either I can continue to get most of my nutrition from water rather than die eating her meal or I can stop the stress, cook for myself and get both. It’s interesting that my Moon in my chart is in the same sign as my Mars. I’m essentially at war with my Mom’s cooking. My weapon? Water. After every bite of Fufuo for example (a traditional Ghanaian dish), I would have to ease the pain by drinking twice as much water. Now my Mom’s cooking is amazing, but she really is just cooking for her, not us. (which if you’re in the mood for something really spicy, then it’s a match made in heaven.) This may be a little graphic but though eating spicy food is good in the moment, you realize that in a couple of hours you’re gonna have to go to the bathroom, and it’s not gonna be the most comfortable experience. Who knows, maybe this is just me and my low tolerance for spice. If you have been needing to detox, or get rid of something in your life, under this full moon it will become the most apparent. You will get rid of it… but the process is gonna get a little intense. It’s great that we’ll have access to this plutonic energy of extreme focus floating around to get things done. You don’t wanna wait till the end of the month with that Uranus conjunction though so, I guess it’s better this moon is giving us the opportunity to rid ourselves of the unnecessary things now… Btw, in no way am I suggesting you to get rid of your spicy Mom’s traditional food.

6. People are very hungry, angry, and extremely touchy.

6. People are very hungry, angry, and extremely touchy. đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘

There is very little patience floating in the aether right now. People are really fed up with a lot of existing governmental structures and as long as Pluto is crawling through the end degrees of the sign of Capricorn, this will only become more accentuated and magnified. For the next couple of weeks people will be prone to becoming a bit more irrational because we’re all just really bloody hungry. SCAMMING is at an all-time HIGH and companies are IRRESPONSIBLE, taking zero ACCOUNTABILITY; it infuriates me just typing this cause it has really been a thing since 2020. The full moon is sure to illuminate even more that these companies may be trying to help, but they are ultimately making situations worse because of their outdated, rigid, corporate philosophies they really don’t wanna be flexible with, or quite frankly, burn down to the ground. I imagine a sort of brutal heist with a flashlight being put in the faces of these corporations by the working class. “Where is my refund?” “Let me speak to your manager!” “This is unacceptable, I’m going through with suing you.” Remember that the moon is opposite to the Cancer sun and Cancer rules the stomach area. So a little slice of advice: before you deal with any pressing issues, be sure to have a good meal, and if you have to, sleep on it before you send that vicious email. As much as it may not seem like it, Saturn the ruler of this full moon is making a harmonious trine to Venus in Gemini so it’s not like people are just absolutely opposed to helping you; they really are trying to do their best to accommodate, as you are probably trying on your end as well. Avoid doing things and making decisions in a state of lack, desperation or when you’re flat out famished. Knowing that we are exiting the Age of Pisces more and more every day where we can’t just force other people to accept ALL the blame and responsibility all the time is a hard pill to swallow, trust me, with the amount of Ls I’ve taken this year…I know.

5. Oppressed groups of people including your repressed feminine energy are being pushed to your breaking point and unleashed.

5. Oppressed groups of people including you repressed feminine energy are being pushed to your breaking point and unleashed.đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘

Capricorn and Cancer are both feminine signs. Feminine energy is the yin spectrum and in general, tends to be repressed in our world. It’s dark energy. (and if it’s not obvious, dark meaning nocturnal, regenerative, quiet, passive, magical, not easily understood, target for the ignorant etc.) Throughout history, we have all witnessed how people with strong feminine energy attract the darker more challenging experiences of life -again, hence dark energy- and have been shamed, demonized, exiled, rebuked, banned, unappreciated, extorted, silenced, weaponized and the list goes on. (I mean, right at the beginning there I said “history”… it’s incredible…) Astrology in many ways, has strong feminine energy signatures. For one, it attracts many women but also because it require self reflection and it teaches you things like, you don’t only have Sun sign or yang, masculine energy, but one can learn how to access their feminine energy as well. This dark feminine energy is the archetype of Lilith, also known as Black Moon Lilith. Right now, humanity is in this “rise of the feminine” impulse which is great, but when emotions have been bottled up for so long, it doesn’t always end up expressing itself in a tasteful or gracious manner. It’s almost like we are amateurs at dealing with our inner feminine because it’s been held in for so long. This to me is why protests and rebellions teeter on the side of extremity more than they are peaceful. We still aren’t used to speaking out and advocating for our repressed desires. So anyway, in all my long-windedness I say all that to say, this full moon more than any other will most likely highlight our repressed feminine energy because Lilith happens to also be in the sign of Cancer right now. So with this full moon opposite to the Sun in Cancer, it’s grazing Black Moon Lilith. When I mentioned “oppressed groups” I of course was eluding to Black, Persons of Colour, and other minority groups. If you fall into this category, in some ways you might notice how you are being pushed to your breaking point where that Lilith energy won’t necessarily be coming out swinging, but will be rearing her head. Keep watch on her fine but crazy ass for a potential future activation where she might get real spicy wherever Cancer is in your chart.

4. You may have to temporarily go through a crisis with little resources.

4. You may have to go through a crisis with little resources. đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘đź«‘

So Pluto is also the planet of crisis. Sometimes I feel like Pluto has this Jupiterian feel to it. It can blow things up to the extreme, similar to how Jupiter can make things overly optimistic. When you have a Sun in a Pluto ruled sign and a Moon in a Jupiter ruled sign like yours truly; your life is almost always giving you the most with no reprieve. (My life sometimes feels like a movie.) Saturn also rules over our fears and with this conjunction to Pluto, it can put us face to face with what we fear the most. Take a look at the house Saturn rules in your chart (the Capricorn and Aquarius houses by whole sign) and that will give you an idea of what you can’t bear to see manifest in a nightmarish fashion. Let me just be the first to say it, it’s looking like with this full moon, it’s kinda giving us a preview of this only so we can make sure we rid ourselves of these structures that we are holding on to. It’s almost like Saturn and Pluto are showing us the extreme version of what will happen if we continue to hold on to things the way they are, to give us a lil “Boo!” to start making the changes we really need to be making. Saturn after all is in the sign of Aquarius right now, the sign of the future and the age we are all walking towards. After swallowing these peppers, you’ll remember more vividly what you DON’T WANT, especially with Mercury making a super clarifying conjunction to the sun on July 17th. You won’t be hesitant to take action anymore in couple of weeks, and you’ll muster the power to rid yourself of distractions and fears to avoid being caught in a crisis situation with no food, shelter, or loving relationships.

3. Remember that glorious nugget of wisdom your Grandparents told you that has kept you afloat? Yeah... you need to bury that outdated shit.

3. Remember that glorious nugget of wisdom you Grandparents told you that has kept you afloat? Yeah... you need to bury that outdated shit. 🌶🌶🌶

Older people are so wise, and they come so synchronistically clutch with their advice. Family and cultural traditions however can stunt our soul’s growth because we aren’t meant to fit in the mold or construct of “race” and “culture.” It may sound cliche but when you just let it marinate…It’s so true that we are so much more than our physical bodies and we tend to forget that! This though, is something that our Grandparents wouldn’t really understand, -as spiritual or religious as they might seem- and they might not for a while. Again, human consciousness is raising because we are entering the “Age of Aquarius”. So our ideas are very bizarre to a lot of people in our immediate families. For everyone who is currently going through an awakening, don’t expect people who were born and will die under the influence of the Age of Pisces to understand the way you need to navigate through this world now. Embrace the Age of Aquarius and be on the cutting edge of existing in these fascinating times! Find the truly valuable things you’ve been taught by your family and bring them with you. Saturn is like that security guard at the airport reminding you it has to fit that small, clear plastic bag. “Only the necessities.” You’ll find that these things you do keep, though archaic, will indeed aid you, even now when the times are drastically different. But there are somethings that you may just come to find out in these next two weeks that are preventing you from levelling up. Even the simple notion like “blood is thicker than water,” and so you let family treat you less than a human being. This needs to stop, and you may just be heated and fire breathing, fighting to destroy these outdated beliefs under the surge of the full moon energy. Pisces and Saturn both represent wise grandparent energy. Take everything you’ve learned from them and remix that shit like you’re a DJ whose livelihood depends on this one gig. Fellow Astrologer Rux, from “Written in the Stars by Rux” speaks about this Full Moon saying “I’d say that we’re probably going to do some clean up in our chest, in our trunk of traditions.” and she isn’t wrong in the least.

2. Compassion can be violently forced upon the insensitive.

2. Compassion can be violently forced upon the insensitive. 🌶🌶

I hope you aren’t on the receiving end of these spicy ass people with a whole lot of attitude…Well, I guess I also hope you aren’t forced to be the deliverer of this either. Your trauma and emotions which people might make out to be seemingly invalid and irrational has no other choice but to be addressed. There is a polarity of opposites right now. People seem to not care about how others feel right now. But guess what? People don’t care, that people don’t care, how others feel right now; they will just force them to care through extreme measures. For those that actually need the emotional support, in some ways this is really good, because it means you will have the tenacity to make sure you are acknowledged… A lot of people have become way too narcissistic and stoic recently and are robotic in dealing with other people. That’s one thing we really have to watch out for, not just during this full moon but in general. We’re in an age of air where people don’t really connect emotionally like how we used to in the age of water. Thankfully, Pluto in Capricorn is making a sextile to Neptune in Pisces, so there seems to be a bit of a cooling off, “let’s try and flow,” but both parties gotta meet in the middle for this to work. Otherwise, it’s victim-mode on both ends and that’s not cute. Especially when odds are, you both are being jerks. Speak from the heart in a way that accepts accountability and shows humility and that will be reflected. Remember that we are in a water season right now, have a tall glass of … *smiles…*

Don’t just be eating all the Jalapeños and spitting venom, people will spit back.

1. Abusing authority; Be in the eye of the storm.

1. Abusing authority; Be in the eye of the storm. 🌶

I mentioned Shinzo Abe’s assassination at the beginning of this article. There seems to be a big attack on people who are in places of power with Pluto opposite the Sun for this full moon. A huge signification of Pluto is literally death and things that are underground. You put that in the sign of Capricorn and place it opposite to the Sun, which both rule hierarchical structures and prominent figures, and you get the death of well-known figures. To a lesser degree, this can also be an attack on your personal power. You, or people in your life, can also be prone to insensitively abusing power and ready to villainize impulsively. This can also represent a transformation taking place in a relationship between you and someone in a position of power like a boss or a landlord. What I can say is: “keep your power.” The only person you can control is yourself. So even if it seems like there is a tempest of negativity engulfing your reality, hurled your way by people who you have mistakingly given your power over to; Take it back by being in the eye of the storm. You will shine again in a couple of weeks when the New Moon is in Leo, and you’ll be super proud of yourself for not tarnishing your regality. For you knew, no one truly has authority over you, no matter the situation you face.

Plutoshine, Henrius


About the Creator

Nirvanhai Elixir O'Raahikojo

A dimension where Nirvanhai's melodies are a relic of the Piscean age.

Azhjur and Andante's Father.

"They tried to bury us, they forgot we were seeds."

social.media - @nirvanhaiplutoshine


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