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It started with a glass of Merlot

The power of a glass of wine!

By AndriaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The word Merlot in french means "A little black bird".

Stretching out Oryn turned off the alarm and defiantly pulled his quilt over his head. Thinking about his head he groaned as pain shot up the back of his head to his forehead. He had one too many bourbon’s last night and now he was paying for it. As he rubbed his throbbing head he thought about what he would be doing today? Oh damn! he was going to Palima to meet up with Sucre to sell him a shipment of Zyton. The load would cost Sucre a pretty penny and that was why he had celebrated last night. He should have stuck with wine as he could handle that better. Then he realised that he was on a blind date that night. Why had he listened to Carmichael?

He threw the quilt off him and jumped out of bed to immediately fall back down as his head was splitting. He needed medication and plenty of water so he rose up more gently and padded over to the bathroom. Running the cold water he searched for pain relief tablets in his cabinet. Finding the paracetamols he knocked two of them back and scooping water in his hand drank a long draught. When his thirst was sated he turned to the shower and putting it on felt the spray pelt his head. Ignoring the pain he continued to wash his hair and body with vigour. Having cleansed himself he dried off as he went to the kitchen and made a strong brew of coffee. He couldn’t face eating breakfast so he just drank coffee. After the second cup he dressed, washed his teeth and packed a bag. Thank goodness the Zyton was safely stored in the trunk of his ship.

Oryn settled himself down in the cockpit of the starship Uriah. He went through the take off protocol until he was satisfied that all was dandy. He gently pulled on the acceleration lever and took the ship out of the locker. He coasted around the flight field for a couple of laps to warm up the engine. Then giving the lever full throttle he took off with a blast and sliced through space with precision. Oryn felt the exhilaration of take off course through his body. Looking out the rear view panel he watched the planet Astrata become smaller until it faded into a dot. He set a path to Palima where he would be selling his latest haul of Zyton. He had mined the Zyton from the Iliya mountain range on Astrata. There was no other planet where you could source Zyton. Zyton was universally used to fuel space travel. Being in high demand it commanded a high price.

Thinking of how much he should charge his contact Sucre, Oryn smiled at his good fortune. He let himself relax after he put the ship on autopilot. Oryn was startled out of his reverie by a loud alarm going off. Uriah began to shake and swerve so Oryn adjusted his visor to get a sharper view of what was happening? Miraculously, he had just missed a shower of meteors that had come too close for his liking. Pulling himself together Oryn took control of the ship. The trip from Astrata had been enjoyable until then, as he had to pass through the Endyma constellation. He never tired of seeing the beauty of Endyma with its myriad of colours. Looking out the cockpit he had watched the colours swirl and interchange giving a rippling effect that gently caressed his eyes. He needed to be more alert he chided himself, as he could have been the spectacle in space.

There was Palima thank goodness. Having landed he heard the lock disengage making a scraping sound that set Oryn’s teeth on edge. He would have to lubricate the lock and it wouldn’t hurt to service Uriah once he returned home. Looking at the ship’s panel he saw that the lights were all out. Having docked and released the storage trunk from the ship all he needed to do was get permission to unload his cargo. Switching the COM on he gave his name and stated his business asking to discharge his assignment of Zyton. Having got the go ahead he exited the Uriah and started taking off his pallets of Zyton. Once the Zyton was on the trolley Oryn headed for locker 107z.

He had already called Sucre to let him know that he was on his way. Sucre waved as he saw Oryn approach. He shouted out to some of his men who took a hold of the Zyton. When Oryn reached Sucre the men embraced patting each other on the back.

‘It’s good to see you Oryn as I’m nearly out of Zyton. Will you join me for a drink?’

‘Sounds good to me my friend and the alcohol will soften the blow that Zyton has increased in price.’

‘Why it only increased at the beginning of the year, you are a robber Oryn,’ laughed Sucre.

They walked across to the entrance of the locker and establishing that all was good went into a building that led them inside to a thriving thoroughfare. Hawkers accosted Oryn and Sucre, as they walked to their favourite wine bar.

‘My friend we have beautiful women, beautiful men, they will satisfy your every desire.’

‘No thanks,’ said Oryn pushing past the intrusive vendor. Oryn was happy when they reached their destination. The lit up sign read “Bright Cellars”. He was in the mood for a nice glass of Merlot and he knew that he would not be disappointed. Having sat down they ordered a fine Merlot and on its arrival Oryn tasted the wine the server had poured. He tipped his glass and swirled the wine to test it for quality and smelling the contents of his glass he quaffed a sip. The red ripeness played a delightful note of grape on his tongue followed by a floral scent. Turning to the server he nodded his approval.

‘It never ceases to amuse me how you put on such a performance Oryn every time we go for a drink,’ laughed Sucre.

‘Sucre, when will you learn that wine is the nectar of life. You should be happy that you have me to choose your wine as you’d end up with some cheap plonk!’

‘Alright my friend you’ve made your point but now let us get down to business.’

After much haggling they settled on a price.

‘You are robbing me blind Oryn, if we were not good friends I would have gone elsewhere for my Zyton,’ said Sucre with a pained look on his face.

‘Well go ahead Sucre and you’ll be robbed blind.’

They laughed and settled down to enjoying their wine. After the bottle was finished they rose to leave.

‘I tell you what Sucre I will give you a gift of six bottles of the fine Merlot we have just drunk. Never let it be said that I am a ruthless dealer in Zyton.’

Oryn ordered twelve bottles of the wine, half for Sucre and half for himself. They both left happy men.

After leaving Sucre who was delighted with his free wine he headed for the hotel “The Little Black Bird”. Checking in he went up to his room number 707. He put the wine on top of the dressing table and went for a long relaxing shower. Coming out of the shower after drying himself he wrapped the towel around his waist. He looked at his watch to see what the time was. It was 7 o’ clock and with a sigh he thought of meeting Miranda. This would be their first date. His married friend Carmichael had nagged him for over a month to meet with his friend Miranda. Oryn finally gave in just to shut him up. He had the table booked for seven thirty. That meant he had half an hour to get dressed.

Going down to the restaurant he wore a black suit and white shirt and tie, as he wanted to make a good first impression. Besides the Concierge wouldn’t let him in to the restaurant, which was high dining. Oryn ran his hand over his head to smooth his dark hair. The Concierge showed him to his table. He sat down and calling over the waiter he gave him a bottle of the Merlot, which he wanted opened so that it could breathe. He gave the waiter a tip and settled down to wait for his date to arrive. Oryn did not have long to wait as a stunning blond woman matching the description Carmichael had given him entered the restaurant. Getting up he said,

‘Hello Miranda please let me help you’. Oryn pulled out Miranda’s chair for her.

‘Why thank you Oryn.’

The waiter came over with the opened bottle of wine. He poured out the Merlot for Oryn to taste and after his approval poured the luscious wine for them both.

‘To an evening with good wine, excellent food and a lovely lady,’ toasted Oryn.

Miranda’s wine red lips spread into a beautiful smile. This was going to be a most enjoyable evening thought Oryn as he sipped his Merlot.

science fiction

About the Creator


Born in Wales and living in Scotland. Studied at University of Aberdeen. Retired Minister. I love animals and travelling. I also like to read and write.

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