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Zeratrobia - Soire's Quest

A fight for survival

By AndriaPublished 3 years ago 10 min read
The woods of Yara

My story is set in a troublesome time in the realm of Zeratrobia. It is a beautiful and magical place. When it is day the yellow sunshine pours like liquid gold over the pinnacles of the snow-capped mountains. At night’s approach the three moons ride the purple sky and the mountains sparkle. Down in the valley where I live the river Dar burbles its welcoming chatter. The grass is emerald green and the trees rise majestically upwards straining their uppermost branches towards the havens. We named our town Ballinakill, which means “wooden town”. It had been a peaceful place until the invaders from the north arrived, plundering and killing innocent folk. Torrison, our leader, had died defending the townspeople. The invaders were ruthless and after slaughtering most of our men, they removed all our wealth. Then they set fire to our houses and crops and robbed our food stores.

We were left desolate and mourning the loss of our people. After burying our dead, we lit a large fire as night drew its black cloak around us. We desperately needed assurance so Mara the Old Mother told us stories about our ancestors. Tomorrow there would be many hard decisions to make if we were to survive. ‘Soire, your mother, was a great healer and spiritual leader. We will miss her wisdom and Torrison your father was a great hunter and leader. It now falls upon you to take up the mantle of your parents.’

I felt dread coursing through me but the Old Mother was right. I would need to step up and take responsibility for the remainder of my people. Circumstances dictated that I prepare for the Ceremony of Ascension. The Ceremony was ancient and all of our generations had followed our lore; it was a given rite of passage. It meant I would enter into the wilderness in order to prove myself worthy of election.

Old Mother cast the sacred dice. The dice had Symbols representing nature engraved on them. They would select the place the acolyte would transition from novice to fully-fledged leader. With bated breath I waited. The dice fell upon the image of trees. I would enter the ancient wood of Yara. It was there that our ancestral spirits would test me. If I proved worthy I would bring back something of great blessing to our people.

Old Mother and all the survivors cheered me as I entered the woods. I had nothing but my wits and intuition to protect me. I moved cautiously in the darkness of the wood careful not to trip over tree roots. It did not take me long to discover that I was being followed. Moving on as if I had not noticed I kept my guard up ready to see if my stalker would make a move. There were many predators in the woods. My heart began to pound. I saw the glow of yellow eyes first and then there was a wild cat in my path. It had adopted a crouching position and was about to spring when something came hurtling out of the trees.

I did not stop to see what it was! I was running as I heard the cat cry out in anger. After a while I stopped to listen for sounds of pursuit. In the distance I heard the sound of growling and a loud cry from the cat. Something else had taken advantage of it. Wiping the sweat from my eyes I moved on. I had not travelled far when I heard a voice in the darkness.

‘You were lucky that the wolves were more interested in the cat than you.’

A shriek of alarm left my lips. Frantically I looked around to see who was speaking. I could see nothing so I asked nervously,

‘Who are you? Come out so that I can see you.’

‘Why ‘tis I, Rueben the fox’.

A strange fox dressed in a jacket and waistcoat stepped out into the moonlight. He wore a hat adorned with a feather and he gracefully bowed sweeping it before him. I stood transfixed with my mouth agape.

‘Fear not dear lady, I have no desire to cause you harm. Quite the opposite; I wish to be your guide’.

I had never seen a fox on its hind legs donning a fancy hat before!

‘Has the cat got your tongue?’ the fox enquired, with a big grin on his face. ‘See, I’m witty as well as wise. May I suggest we move on?’

Finally my voice returned. ‘How do I know if I can trust you?’

‘Soire, you have hurt me deeply. I am under no obligation to help you. But out of the kindness of my heart I have come. I strongly suggest we continue on as this quest will be over before it has begun.’

‘How do you know about my quest?’

‘I know your name and that your people have sent you on a quest so that they will have a new leader. I knew your father. His name was Torrison. I had the pleasure of helping him during his quest.’

‘My father never mentioned you to me.’

‘That is because he honoured the code of the wood. I would ask you to do the same. Can you do that Soire?’

‘I suppose so.’

‘Good. Follow me and please don’t waste time asking questions.’ '

The fox trotted quickly ahead. I had to run to keep up with him. We kept up a fast pace until we came upon a clearing. Rueben suddenly stopped and turning raised his paw to his lips. I said nothing and watched intrigued as he lifted his head to test the air with his open mouth. Making a final sweep he beckoned me on. Rueben seemed to be searching for something? He pushed through a cluster of bushes and into another clearing. Unlike the previous clearing, Rueben confidently lifted his head and called out in a high chattering voice and a majestic stag approached.

It was the purest white crowned with a breast of scarlet. It trotted up to Rueben and asked,

‘Rueben my friend, is it time for the humans to find a new leader?’

‘Silvanus, yes the time has come again and if we are to complete this task within the allotted time we need your swiftness. Would you kindly transport us to the Sacred Place?’

‘It would be my honour Rueben to take you and Soire there’.

Rueben grasped my hand and lifted me up onto Silvanus’ back. No sooner had he mounted the stag we were on our way. Trees flashed past in a blur as we charged deeper into the woods. The wind tore at my face as the muscles of the speeding stag rippled. It felt like we had only ridden for a short while when Silvanus came to an abrupt halt. We had arrived. Before us was an amazing tree, a truly majestic ancient oak. Rueben dismounted and turned to assist me to the ground.

‘Thank you my friend Silvanus. You have done us a great service.’

‘My pleasure Rueben.’ And then the stag was gone as suddenly as it arrived.

Rueben approached the oak tree and called out,

‘Ancient and wise father of all the trees; open your heart so that we may know your counsel.’

A pair of eyes appeared within the wrinkled bark.

‘Rueben my friend, it has been a long time since we have met. And who is this you have with you?’

‘May I introduce Soire.’

‘I have dreamt of you, Soire, since I heard the trees whispering your name.'

Not knowing what else to do I replied, ‘It is my pleasure to meet you.’

‘I see why your humans sent you. I believe you have the makings of a wise leader,' smiled Father Oak. ‘Now listen carefully as this is your quest. You are to go to the Elder tree deep in the heart of the woods. The place is haunted and guarded. You must obtain the Little Black Book, which holds the key to your success. For this you must be brave and fight the Black Bear. Only then will the Elder tree relinquish the Little Black Book to your care. Do not worry for I have a gift for you.’

The leaves of the old oak rustled loudly as it shook its branches until something dropped at my feet. Bending I was amazed to see a beautiful spear. Picking up the spear I nearly dropped it as it started to hum and glow with iridescent blue markings. As I turned to thank the oak it was still shaking. The oak stopped shaking when a shield that matched the spear lay at my feet. I stammered a thank you.

‘Soire you are running out of time so we must depart now,’ said Rueben. The forest became denser as we fought our way deep into its heart. It was some time before we finally faced the Elder tree.

‘Be brave Soire,’ urged Rueben as I took a tentative step forward. I frantically looked around to see were my opponent would appear? My body shook as a huge growl sounded. I turned slowly to face a terrifying black bear towering over me. He was poised to strike me down with his massive paw. Clutching the shield closely to my body I darted to the side but fell over a protruding tree root. I rolled away but the bear’s claws sent red-hot pain through my shoulder. Crying out I managed to rise and lunged with my spear cutting the bear’s tendon on his left heel. The bear responded with a roar so intense that I nearly dropped my shield. It lurched toward me and had I not been so swift to move he would have torn me in two with his great curved claws. Using my advantage, I aimed the point of my spear at the bear’s right tendon. The bear screamed with pain and the ground shook as it fell. Wasting no time I plunged my spear through his heart. The mortal blow showed as his eyes dimmed and with a final groan he expired. Rueben stepped up to me and congratulated me.

‘Now claim the Little Black Book, Soire.’

As I approached the Elder tree, a loud crack sounded as the tree opened its trunk to me. There, within the heart of the tree was the Little Black Book. I reached in and carefully removed it. I just managed to get my hand clear before the tree snapped shut again. Rueben made a poultice for my shoulder, which eased the pain. Then said,

‘Look inside the book Soire.’

As I opened it I felt an exhilaration envelope me. The wind was carrying me upwards and away. Looking down I saw Rueben waving his plumed hat with a huge grin. My view became hazy and then as it cleared I found myself sitting by the Old Mother’s fire. Old Mother and the townsfolk of Ballinakill had been waiting for me. There were happy smiles and people cheering me. I was overwhelmed but happily exhausted.

‘Let her be, said the Old Mother. She is obviously tired and thirsty. Come and take this spear and shield and store it safely. Someone bring refreshment and give the girl a chance to recover.’

‘Thank you Old Mother, I am exhausted but ready to answer your questions.’

Seeing my wound she asked if I was all right? Nodding I opened the Little Black Book. I was astonished as gold coins tumbled out of the Little Black Book. I burst out laughing as Old Mother began to count the coins, which came to 20,000.

‘We are rich,’ cried the Old Mother excitedly. Thanks to Soire we will live very comfortably.

‘Yes, the Old Mother is right so let us prepare a feast of thanksgiving to our God,’ I said laughing.

Needless to say my people and I lived in peace that is until my next adventure…


About the Creator


Born in Wales and living in Scotland. Studied at University of Aberdeen. Retired Minister. I love animals and travelling. I also like to read and write.

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