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Is It a Bunch of Bull or Was I Taurean From Birth?

More than a sign, it's my life!

By Amanda CarpentierPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Taurus by Amanda Carpentier through Canva

Every time I'm asked about my birth sign, I'm happy to talk about my Taurean attributes. The response I get before a discussion occurs is usually, "Oh, the stubborn one." Yes, that's right. I am quite stubborn, and I will discuss it, but many other 'typical' Taurean qualities are inherent to my nature. Let's explore the stability, anger, sensuality, stubbornness in my life from being born a Taurus. These are traits to be managed rather than 'giving' into them. I will touch on those thoughts along the way.

Fundamental Stability

Words associated with Taurus include a version of 'stable' like stability, dependable, reliable, or strong. To my fault, many people rely on me to be dependable. Nobody worried if they were in a group project with me, I would always be "on top of it" and ready to step in to save the project. Sometimes, it is referred to as being a know-it-all or being too independent. I do strive to be reliable. The pieces managed here include letting others talk and encouraging them to participate before putting in my two cents.

I also thrive in stability but have learned that life is ever-changing. Especially in 2020, when in March, I found myself working from home and instantly having to be functioning in a 'paperless' environment. The only way I got through it was because I love technology and figuring out the pieces of the puzzle. After 13 weeks working from home, we were back in the office and felt almost normal and turned around to be back home. Now this stint of work at home has been longer than the first one. Knowing that eventually, we will be back in the office, I am already working on my internal thoughts about the change.

Everyone hits a 'boiling point' but for a Taurean it's natural. Image: Amanda Carpentier

Angry When Provoked

The saying "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" was probably about a Taurean woman. I resemble that remark in so many ways it is scary. We laugh about it now, but my partner almost stopped going to the movie theater with me. My mind is stuck (yes, stubborn) about the unwritten rules of going to a movie. Rule #1 - No incessant talking during the movie. Rule #2 – Do not take someone else's assigned seat. I am generally calm, relaxed, and collected. Break one of those rules and refuse to be friendly about it? All bets are off. I morph into angry me, get too stern, and have no problems threatening to get the theater manager. Get in my face? I won't budge or flinch, but the loud discussion will continue until you back off. Frankly, I've been fortunate – extremely fortunate. None of the recipients have ever thrown a punch my way, though management has been sought on several occasions. This red-hot anger is something I continue to work on managing more appropriately.

Sensuality involves all the senses. Image: Amanda Carpentier

Sensual Feelings

Sensuality isn't just about sex. There are the comfort and pleasure that come from things in our lives. For this Taurus, sensual pleasures are all about my senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, vestibular, and emotion). I have a love of visual arts, music, nature, and a few more things.

One thing I have always enjoyed is a good blanket. I've had several in my life and keep my first blankie in a display of days long ago. My mom still tells stories about how I would sit with my blankie and twist a section of my hair while sucking my thumb. I kicked the latter habits, but currently, I use one of those amazing super soft plush blankets from Costco when I'm on the couch. As winter days are coming to an end, it will soon be washed, dried, and folded away for a thinner super-soft microfleece.

A second sensual passion includes food. A super juicy, crisp apple crunching just right. A small chunk of rich, smooth caramel (which I pronounce car-A-me if it's good). Ooey, gooey, warm chocolate chip cookies with a cold glass of milk. The perfectly crafted PB and J, from the first bite to the last. Slightly charred barbecue steak, with peppers and pineapple. Again, it is about the pleasure of the senses creating an almost insatiable drive to feed the 'beast.'

One odd thing about me is my need for vestibular stability. Of all the senses, it is the one sense I cannot have disturbed. Since childhood, I have not enjoyed carnival rides, roller coasters, or other unstable vestibular activities. Even Space Mountain makes me quite ill for a few hours. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a vestibular disability. Being grounded will always my choice.

I could go on with several more examples, like music, books, theater, movies, art, etcetera. I'm sure you get the idea if something is sensual, I allow myself to be lost in the moment's pleasure and comfort. As for sex, well, it will remain within my secrets and your imagination. After all, some things are meant to be kept private.

Focused on goals, Taurean's are determined. Image: Amanda Carpentier

Practicality And Determination

Except when my anger is provoked, I am very practical. I research, read, question, and decide things on practical solutions. This has occurred throughout my career on several occasions, taking on the business's needs over my preference or role. If it's unreasonable, ineffective, or impractical, I will speak up once I have plenty of information to back me up. Through my understanding of topics, opposing viewpoints are approached hesitantly. It will take convincing through facts and information. If I am wrong, I will admit it readily with an explanation of my incorrect understandings. Again, this is where my practical nature surfaces.

Within my sense of It's my innate Taurean nature to be doggedly determined. Yes, perhaps, stubborn. I see determination as being driven to distinguish myself through my success and the goals in front of me. Determination also comes from the first-mentioned fundamental stability. Unfortunately, I have learned there are times when goals must change or be put aside for other goals that come along. It's still unsettling though I'm becoming more comfortable with this concept.

Stubborn To The Core

At the core of my being, I am stubborn. It's a slow-burning stubbornness, ever-present, unfailing. When I have an end-goal that has been studied or researched or have expectations in mind, I am stubborn and determined to achieve the goal. If I am firmly grounded in my decision, I am challenging to argue. Others must carefully manage the argument with facts and information to win me over. Grey areas do occur, yet logically I look at the big-world view before determining the best way to do something. I also work hard to remain open to other opinions and new facts I'm unaware.

Several situations come to mind when I think of my stubbornness. I was so persistent about sucking my thumb I would suck through the nasty tasting goop my parents wiped on my thumbs. Once they realized to let the goop dry well and add a second coat, it became intolerable. As a teen, I never fell into smoking or drugs, and friends knew not to ask. I wasn't interested and didn't want to. When I was 24 and applying for a job "I had to have," I waited over eight hours for the interview among hundreds of candidates. Stubbornness and determination paid off there. The bookstore hired me on the spot.

In The End

As this story ends, being a Taurus means that I am fundamentally stable and reliable, get angry when provoked, and enjoy the comfort and pleasure of sensuality (of all senses), determined yet practical, and, as people mention, like any Taurean, I am stubborn. In contrast, anyone can see these traits as positive or negative, good or evil. What matters most is how I choose to manage those traits, including my red-hot anger and make a difference in our world.


About the Creator

Amanda Carpentier

Though I have a regular career, I have found solace in my freelance writing since 2019. My passion is sharing information, ideas, thoughts, and contemplations. I enjoy my life in Spokane, WA and wandering around the Pacific Northwest.

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