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In DEATH we are Transformed

My Scorpio Rising Zodiac Effect

By Harmony McMasterPublished 3 years ago 14 min read
"The great SUPERNOVA within"

The stars presence has had a profound impact in my own life journey. Truth is their is something that stirs in so many of us to look up starring and longing at the starry night sky. What is it within us drawing our attention to the beauty of these stars? Entwining us with a nostalgic sense of inner knowing and connection. For some causing their own lips to become mindful of what they speak, eyes and heart connect in an appreciative and amazed wonder. Even a heart will cry out for comfort from the intimacy that is felt invisibly beyond the veil.

“Some would say.”

Our whole existence seems entrenched in a deep mystery of unknowings or hidden half truth's of trying to discover ourselves and the world around us, as much as we try connecting the intimate details, it can be really hard even discovering our own true self! Let alone the night sky mysteries!!

Perhaps if you're an astrologer, an astral traveler, or a skilled lucid dreamer, maybe you take psychedelics, or your ingeniously endowed as 'Elon Musk' or of course spiritually illuminated, then you may be able to see and conceptualize profound higher Revelation of insights, but otherwise the teachings of the Zodiac has been speaking to us all along.

I believe the secrets of the universe are to be worked out through us, they live among us. The stars have not kept silent or stayed hidden but they reveal themselves daily and to the whole world we live in. We are one with them in this epic story called life.

I am no astrologer, I prefer to live by my own souls intuition above all else, I have become a in a sense a spiritual realist through my own life experiences. Through this journey and in my personal research over years I have found major resonations in astrology and the zodiac to be apparent and applicable. It is not only my thoughts or knowings I have reflected on but in research even the tremendous and great work in astronomy and science of the index facts and elemental matter of setting the foundation of life that exists with the stars above.

Truly though, it is the birth, transformation, death and rebirths of these magnificent beings that draws me in a romantic familiar dance with the stars and planets.

All has meaning, All has life, All have cycles, we are All in this together.

I believe there is more, much more, don't you? I believe the constellations of stars like us are their own conscious being, purposed for working out there own individual and significant destiny and on a higher universal collective level, in the perfect form that they are. In this I believe they are alive consciously sharing this same manifestations as we also down here on Earth.

We have been taught over thousands of years, through diverse religions, mystics, esoteric ism, new age, philosophy, science teachings etc, to learn and follow the wisdom of the ways of the stars, and even I wonder myself as the saying goes “As Above, So Below,” as we look up in wondrous admiration and see shining stars, but I ask, is it, that they too, may look down on us in wondrous admiration? where we reflect a shining beauty as a shining star to them. Hmm i wonder.

By Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I am very proud to be a LEO as my sun sign. Leo rules my heart always for it is who I am in the inward sense and right now I am drawn to say so many things honoring this Royal Majestic Heart of this fire LEO sign. It is truly magnificent and beautiful, loving, protective and kind, loving the underdog. Its leadership savvy, yet a servant, of course some theirs flares of stubbornness here and there being totally a fixed sign what else would you expect! But Leo you need to step back just a little, because you are not the star of this show, you will be put out once again by my water sign...... (but I know you will be back).

By Douglas Bagg on Unsplash

The Ascendant or Rising sign of constellation Scorpio has taken the major relevant front seat in guiding my footsteps through my life journey. So with further adieu; come out my secretive friend Scorpio.

By Kelsey Dody on Unsplash

Scorpio, Scorpio Scorpio, oh gosh, how you have travailed my soul. This zodiac constellation is one of Destruction and Rebirth and is en grossly engaged in everything that happens in between. I am in 28 degree's of Scorpio Rising, so this places me at a very important part of my own personal journey whether I like it or not, their is no escaping the placements purpose it seems, and believe me I have tried running and hiding, giving up many times and yet here I am thriving more than I ever thought possible. I am well and truly alive, and can I just say for the record, I never want to do it again! Does anyone else know what I mean?

The Scorpion has been well allocated to fulfill the duties for this destructive zodiac constellation, for even in the physical sense "The sting of a scorpion may be painful or even deadly, depending on the species. A scorpion’s venom is a mixture of compounds, including neurotoxins that affect the victim’s nervous system. Stings from dangerous species may cause paralysis, severe convulsions, cardiac irregularities, breathing difficulties, and even death.”(https://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu).

(As Above, so Below)

The Scorpion has been known and exemplified by astrologers to be 'Old souls' of the Zodiac. They have an adept understanding of self and others without realizing how. Their is a great wisdom and understanding that comes with a fellow Scorpion, possibly carried forward from beyond their years here and now. To the point often that others around them may not always comprehend the internal insights. This insight is deeply woven into the psyche and can assist to prepare the collective for transformation.

Its a war of old and new, dark and light and perfectly balancing them through the conflicts of pressure. This is the internal battle a Scorpion Rising that must first evolve into themselves.

It is told to us that there is no other sign more mysterious and yet no other sign has more possibilities of Mastery. All zodiacs are consciously at work within striving to ascend in there allocated growths, but this great work of transformation is built into the symbology Of Scorpio.

A Scorpion Rising are often very intuitively guided from a childhood age. Although, before this wisdom of old can manifest itself and for its own good,, they beforehand live dramatic, conflictive, intense, personal lives, especially with close relationships and even more so with themselves. Life is always way just harder than it perhaps could be. This is the space I have well shared with my Scorpion constellation.

Rising Scorpions, depending on the degree of intensity, (in this example I can only give mine) are here for one reason and one reason alone, to make way! No matter what the price! Our destiny is hunting us to become our very best version but in a higher realm above the physical sense, yet it must master the physical world too. For this destiny, it is to be so realized within the person, that it is embedded through their every experience of circumstances through this life and there is nothing to be done to escape it. Like me you will seem to have deep conflicting internal hardships, loss and brokenness of the soul countless times over and over until you get to the very bottom of the matter and all truth is revealed and exposed.

A journey unknowingly Hunted by their own Mastery

The very core of conviction of what must be done in a Rising Scorpios life is so strong in their own soul, that it is seemingly fated to come into fruition.

A Rising Scorpio gets down to the matter of things until the slate is cleaned, there will be no rebirth if the core has not been penetrated in its entirety on every level, emotional, mental, spiritual whether conscious,unconscious, or subconscious . Scorpio will emerge triumphant but starting only with an absolute clean slate where the heart is ready to lay the new foundation. So the heart cries out for a burning away of all that is evil within and demands it all to be dealt with, their is no other way, the soul knows this. Scorpio is in a fixed state, it will not easily bow its knee to anyone to or change its ways. It knows what its doing. If this is you, hold on for the ride my friend. (You got this).

Yes some may say “we all have a choice” but fighting against this true work, will cause yourself tenfold more grief and trouble, believe me when I say this. The 'karma' or 'burdens' so to speak will intensify deep within until it destroys you into finally learning these vital lessons in life. Yep, its painful, it can be so terrifying, it is here to break you down to the death! Death of dark secrets, death of ego characteristics and behaviors that do not belong in your being, unclean sex is a big issue with Scorpio, all the damage has to be cleansed for they can not serve your higher purpose.

In this Rising sign Zodiac effect, the Scorpion's pincer pain and toxic sting is intended and purposed to inhabit every part of your life, for you to transmute it to POWER and finally RISE! Scorpio is committed in redeeming our lower self and embodying our higher self. Through destruction their is Victory! How delightfully ironic! This has been my life through and through, it’s a deep desperate integral striving to be pure in soul for a higher destiny, not to be seen or for gain of others, but for my own personal growth, even when I didn’t understand all this, I was on this path, clearing the way.

The desire to become great has its price

Scorpions live mysterious lives, living in Scorpio on the negative timeline can cause one to be reign in their own mastery in secrecy of great seduction and manipulation. In my crucial developing younger years I had no control of these powerful urges that continuously controlled my life into further destruction to myself and then to others, by their own weakness became my prey, they were unknowingly seduced by my stinger. Yeah i got Scorpio hard core...Not something to be proud of!! No wonder my Leo never wanted the limelight.

The greatest contradiction was I was always a genuinely soft caring, protective Leo soul inside, with a beautiful gentle Libra moon desperate for calm balance. But the water of Scorpio had full control on the outside, drowning the power of all else, my fire only just stayed lit enough to keep my heart alive and I was able to come up for air occasionally keeping my emotional sanity in check through the process. I had no self authority and the Lion in me could not crush this tiny insect under its paw, but it kept paralyzing my heart. Leaving me with no power in my soul identity to fight against the underworld destructive hold of Scorpio.

But gradually, again being at the end of myself from in soul desolation, I was recognizing the repetition cycles of damage and continual breakdown that this way of life had for me, you see when your "asleep" you know you are being tormented but you don't know why or how to control it, but I finally was ready to begin to wake up to it. This mind you, was well before i had even looked at astrology or Zodiacs, that came many years later. So here the great detective (scorpion trait) in me began confronting everything within, the identity crisis hidden under mountains, decades of lies, all the hopeless emotional damage and every reason for the brokenness that ever my soul became exposed too, then going even deeper into the spiritual layers conflicted in psyche. Throughout this phase I was committed to fight the war inside myself even in weakness, Taking a 15 year journey of reaching for Harmony and Inner Wholeness, (if you have never had true peace before its quite a work to destroy all that is not and become a healed soul) and yet still failing a million times through the process setting me back painfully over and over again, yes I wanted to disappear, but I got back up, every time! By my mid 30's I had already come so far, overcome healed, mastered and redeemed the many broken, bad and chaotic systems formerly ruling within me and in turn the healing became a permanent reformation! KAPOW!

Rise like a Phoenix

Through this deep accountability process I had destroyed the heavy metal Lead in my soul and transmuted it to a Royal precious Gold. A Magical Alchemy of transformation was created, a total regeneration and new beautiful rebirth of my whole being was now mine. Exploding joy and freedom that my words cannot even honor enough of the divinity of this powerful work in Scorpio. It is all a soul triumph on the most personal level. The intensity of re birthing is HOLY amazing. You become the true Scorpio of magnetism, beauty, internal power, over comer of conflict and resulting in its own emerging of LIGHT in your own Consciousness which in turn benefits for all human kind.

This is why some people hold there spirit/ soul journey in such high regard because there is a true Work going on, that some folks just won’t understand, but it’s the path, seems destiny had, and we all are perfect where we stand.

This river of purifying fire, will choke you with its smoke, you cannot see or breathe and will MAKE you fall down on bended knee in the process, but everything previously lost and experienced prior will make you a master in gaining the victory eventually and then understanding the great gift of the power of dark and light as they beautifully are interwoven and work togther for the greatest good.

And some of you, will find the most inner secret that captures and carries you through beauty beyond our normal minds comprehension.

Scorpio delivers the Rebirth.

Its worth every tear and every battle. Have a heart that can praise through your deepest grief always, Scorpion work is Alchemy of the heart. Being honest with your soul is the greatest power you can have, ushering in the Great Rebirth of your soul, its like your DNA is fully Cleansed, Empowered and Regenerated with many divine energetic experiences that came the same with mine.

So if you to have Scorpio in your chart, it’s true, this sign has more regenerative power than all other zodiac signs. It will and has the power to bring radical changes in wisdom, healing, power and ultimate love in wholeness, and as the stars are in that same process.

There are amazing grace periods to finally rest in the fruitful labor of all that you have overcome, all those pains, grievances, destructive patterns of no more power or voice, it’s an eternal rest, to never be the same again. But guess what!! Incase you thought all the lessons were over, don’t worry this fixed Scorpio will make sure you get tested over and over, you will let your guard down at some point and possibly lose what seems you earned, but it knows better and you still need to perfect your will.

You will become your own authority in time, blazing in your own beauty, then if its to, others around you can be changed.

If this is your sign especially rising, Embrace the whole process, like a child in its birth. You can’t fight it, you have to go through the pain, but speak blessing and beauty and strength over yourself as you do, either way push through, its like your SUPERNOVA EXPERIENCE, because yep your gonna die inside, and the most rare energetic blast that will outshine the whole world you thought you knew is on your own door step. The pressure is building.

Not all stars are in this process, only the very giant ones can be, and they will destroy all planetary matter surrounding them, in its GLORIOUS explosion from death.

The shocking rare spectacular event shows the Beauty of the star in its new transformation, moving forward into a new and greater life experience.

The Death of a Giant Star, brings new Life to planetary systems and its own Great Rebirth.

The death of our lower self, aligns the body, mind,soul, for its greatest Trasformation. A true Scorpion rebirth is like the great Kundalini life force or the Merkabah, or baptism of Holy spirit. Sending divine energetic currents blasting intimacy of the new creation.

Through this transformation from death, the process I have encountered beyond times enlightened me to mysterious and divine experiences and insights, a higher wisdom of secrets within and supernatural glimpse of the other realms in diverse forms. The higher unified connection of unity and joy in darkness and light.

As much as I live in the world, I am not of the world in the material mind state, yes I have an absolutely beautiful family and live a normal life otherwise, yet as the work of rebirth, renewal transformation of the Scorpio is definably the inner purpose leading my life, its why I am here, to be healed and transformed into my own new evolvment. It is usually a very private journey though, no one really even knows much about me. Even those closest to me would not comprehend the depth and Breadth of this Oddessy of life I have stepped into. Yet I know of others who have experienced the same!! In the positive timeline sense it seems it is still my secretive little Scorpio.

Oh yes! now the Leo in me is now super proud of the Scorpio influence because it was able to let the Kitty out of the cage, with new confidence, authority, leadership and a humble pride! Not having to hide from all the former disgrace. Also affecting my Libra moon, I have a great innerstanding of peace and balance, diversity in unity of all things, equality at its primal function.

So humbly, here I am now thankful to Scorpio for its terrifying sting, it Awakened me to the true nature within, This is its very purpose, I'm alive in spiritual knowing not taught by man, but by the experiences demonstrated are even of the zodiac sign. I am still learning, being and becoming. Their is no race , just keep breathing and living in the moment.

The inner beauty of every human is of remarkable wonder in worth and high value, we are royal, tremendously beyond what one takes the time to see in themselves, we just like the stars above are continuously moving in our own constellation and through phases of transformation. The pangs of birth and death whether in age, health, soul ascension, or identity they have these too. Together all humans share all the 12 zodiacs somewhere in our chart, an interwoven connected family also with the stars above. No one lesser or greater. We are all made of the same Star dust.

Human’s are a blanket of unity the world does not fully yet see and in this powerful changing of times in the earth with the Age of Aquarius rising we are about to transform the lower to the higher states of consciousness, yes death is going to come. Every conscious being in our Galaxy, whether it’s the sun, planet, moon, star, human, animal, mineral will be effected even if it’s blind to our eyes, we are all here for a reason playing out this game of life that extends beyond our personal issues, for a higher purpose...

BONUS last Scorpio thoughts.

When you Supernova you transcend the cycles of the former realm.

When one comes into their ultimate regeneration and alignment, the conscious experience will transcend all these “zodiac states”. The new identity is not restricted to the physical senses or cycles of matter, its above mans thoughts and you comprehend above in a unity of such alignment that you are in perfect Harmony, Nirvana, Heaven. Its a shining of such brightness, incredibly powerfully effective like a supernova. But who can hold this for long in this world as the gravity is still heavy and pulling you down. But that's OK, everything is in due time to be fully realized, where just getting ready. Maybe that is the plan, for our own soul and the planetary system as a conscious soul, transforming for a new revolution to begin.

Embrace the darkness in death as it is what brings forth the light in Rebirth.

Are we all a supernova waiting to happen?

This is my RISING SIGN Zodiac EFFECT. In Death we are Transformed.


About the Creator

Harmony McMaster

Life is full of polarities, none in which we can live without. I am passionate about the simple and the magnificently supernatural. Now learning to share this odyssey of life through my stories.

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    Harmony McMasterWritten by Harmony McMaster

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