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In a Hundred Years Mankind Will Be Extinct

But It Won't Even Take That Long, I'm Afraid

By Tom BakerPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 6 min read
AI-generated image. DeepAI.

In a hundred years mankind will be extinct. The march toward extinction may not even take that long, I'm afraid, but one tries to be optimistic.

I work as a fortune teller. I've been doing it for seven years, and have done thousands of readings. THOUSANDS. I do them nearly every day for someone. I've had clients that have been calling me for YEARS. I have virtually NEVER had a bad review written about me. When the client confirms for me the accuracy of my information, I feel the joy and glory of knowing that Universal Cosmic Consciousness, "Spirit," the Purusha, what-have-you, has come over me, and inside I FINALLY realize why I was born into this awful, awful world. Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Hare...

(Note: The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has just moved the fabled "Doomsday Clock" as "close to nuclear midnight as it has ever been." As I understand it, this body was first convened by none other than Albert Einstein, a man that knew a thing or two about atomic power and its capacity to obliterate ALL life on planet Earth. [1])

Scoffers and naysayers take heed of one distressing fact: One hundred years ago, in 1923, the world we live in NOW would have been unimaginable. It would have been inconceivable. The wildest science fiction speculation, reserved for kiddie pulp magazines like Amazing Stories and Weird Tales. To suggest atom bombs, space exploration, moonwalks, the internet, and artificial intelligence would one day exist would have gotten you roundly laughed at as a "nutter" or "mentally ill." They might have had you locked away in some hellish asylum if you persisted in insisting that the world would one day become what it now, undeniably IS.

Great souls are always toasted on the spitfires of the Burning Times. And it is now the Burning Times again, just as when they brutally murdered Urbain Grandier for being "in league with the Devil" in 1632. Also, Giordano Bruno, the other heretics and alchemists of the age.

I'll keep this short and sweet. Mankind is doomed.

Here's what I believe in my opinion, in my capacity as a "professional diviner", will come to pass.

1. There will be a database of "thought criminals" compiled expertly by AI. We're talking about the idea of "pre-crime" here, in the manner of Minority Report. The System will make a profile of you based on your internet habits, to decide if you are a potential "threat," and act accordingly. People will just begin to "disappear."

2. There will be an army of cyborg killers. Or a full-standing army of cyborgs. Already, the capacity to create such robot thugs, with AI, has become a chilling reality, as evidenced by many demonstrations of such human-like seemingly sentient "entities." During the pandemic, robot dogs patrolled parks in countries such as Singapore, to enforce "social distancing."

3. UFOs will be revealed to not only be real, but the visibility and interaction between mankind and the alien "other" (wherever it is they happen to originate from), will become accepted and routine. Already the government and the Pentagon are slowly preparing the public for this revelation. An object is shot down now, and there are no visible "means of propulsion," and the government has no idea who it belongs to. People are being prepared, and even in a mystical or religious sense, pioneers like the much-maligned "conspiracy theorist" and New Age speaker David Icke, have opened up and popularized the ancient belief that formerly was known only to the Hindu philosophers: that "reality" as we perceive it, is simply...illusion, and that there are "spiritual planets," higher states of consciousness, "deva gods" and great destroyers and inscrutable entities beyond the veil of the dimensioned space we can see. H.P. Lovecraft wrote of it as fiction; modern physics affirms this for us. We are on the tip of the interdimensional iceberg. We've plucked the fruit of so many forbidden trees. One day, time travel will not be an unattainable fantasy dreamed of by H.G. Wells.

"She bends in ecstasy to kiss, the secret ardors of Hadit, the winged globe, the starry blue, are mine! Oh, Ahnk-af-na-Khonsu..." --Liber AL vel Legis 1.14

4. The AI will launch a destructive thermonuclear war out of an incorrect assessment that the world, its ecosystem, can only be saved by wiping out the "human germ." But will this assessment be "incorrect"? If this world is rendered a burned-out cinder, floating in the velvet darkness, what can be said to have been "saved"? Will the world of the far future be ruled by highly-evolved colonies of giant cockroaches? Ask yourself that question. And what of the individuated egos of so many "souls of man"? Already a virtually disposable commodity, we can, however, continue to communicate (most dramatically through the electronic voice phenomenon), with intelligences, disembodied intelligences, that seem to at least "mimic" our dead. Bringing me to the next, final prediction.

5. Communication with the "misnamed Dead" (to borrow a phrase from William Walker Atkinson) will become commonplace. Ressurection of the bodily dead will be achieved through cloning or some other sort of scientific means. The wall between US, the "living," and THEM will be obliterated. Worlds beyond will become attainable; intercession with the realms above, the "Higher Ground" written of in the old spiritual, will become a reality; the veil first being lifted in Hydesville, New York by a couple of teenage girls; but even before them by Jesus of Nazareth, the shaman who descended to the lower realms, and in modern times, the "astronauts of inner spaces" (to borrow a phrase from the late photographer Charles Gatewood) such as John Lilly, Terrence McKenna, Timothy Leary, etc.

"Time I am, the destroyer of worlds, and I have come here to destroy ALL people. With the exception of you, the Pandavas, all soldiers on both sides of this battlefield will be slain." Bhagavad-Gita 11:32. Quoted at Trinity Nuclear Test Site by Robert Oppenheimer

Can you hear the thunderous hoofbeats coming? Lord Kalki will ride one day out of Schamballah, on his divine white steed Devadatta, wielding the flaming Sword of Truth, to smite the unrighteous and deliver "justice to the miscreants." Lord Krishna told Arjuna that he descended "once in every generation," when the unrighteous people had forgotten the sacraments of religion. (Or perhaps, when they reawakened to the knowledge of Who They Actually Are?) And, like Eve plucking the apple, the Serpent has opened the third eye (which rests in the center of the Hand of Fatima, the Hand of Miriam, the ancient symbol of the Khamsa, the ancient symbol used by Persian poet Khalil Gibran, by diviners and fortune tellers for centuries, by THIS author as his personal logo for his book publications).

Can you hear them coming? Covid-19 was perhaps a foretaste of tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow still. "Behold, the New Jerusalem! The city in the sky!"

"If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword shall be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints." Revelation 13:9-10.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare...

"Christ and Krishna, they mean the same thing." A.C. Bhaktivedanta, Swami Prabhupada

Can you hear it? In the distance. The sound of roiling thunder. The hoofbeats of a mighty stallion. Can you see it? The flaming fire of a burning sword?

Make no mistake, there is no past; there is NO FUTURE. There is only the Eternal NOW. But the dead travel fast...

"End and beginning are dreams." Lord Krishna.

Love to you all.

"The Hand of Miriam" is also known as the "Hand of Fatima" in Islamic culture. Khalil Gibran. Public domain.



1. "A Time of Unprecedented Danger: it's Ninety Seconds to Midnight". The Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists. Retrieved 6/5/2023. Web site: https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/

intellecttranshumanismtechscience fictionsciencereligionopinionhumanityfuturefact or fictionextraterrestrialevolutionartificial intelligence

About the Creator

Tom Baker

Author of Haunted Indianapolis, Indiana Ghost Folklore, Midwest Maniacs, Midwest UFOs and Beyond, Scary Urban Legends, 50 Famous Fables and Folk Tales, and Notorious Crimes of the Upper Midwest.: http://tombakerbooks.weebly.com

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  • Rebekah Crawley11 months ago

    Off to have a 24 hour existential crisis now haha, this piece made me feel like I was falling through space time at the beginning of Dr. Strange. So scary, but so interesting

  • Interesting.

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