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History of Twin Flames

It is not as "new" as you think.

By Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual WarriorPublished about a year ago Updated 9 months ago 9 min read

The History and Twin Flame Origin

The twin flame origin (much like most of the twin flame journey) is a topic that has been debated for thousands upon thousands of years. Now with the internet and social media, the hype around the twin flame phenomenon, the journey is more popular than ever. Where did it start?

In its current incarnation, the term "twin flame" was coined by Elizabeth Clair Prophet in the late 70's. She was an incredibly astute woman who changed the face of modern celestial romance. Check out her videos on Youtube. They look dated but the info is solid.

Historic references won’t use the term ‘twin flame’ but you can find clear references to the twin flame origin in Greek philosophy, Hindu mythology and The Bible as well as great literature.

The term twin flame came about through the teachings of Elizabeth Clair Prophet and her husband in the late 70’s and 80’s as stated above.

In addition, people like Dolores Cannon (also passed) who through her channeling, has blown the doors open in regards to our earthly purpose and preincarnated soul negotiations. I highly recommend checking out videos of both of these women on YouTube. In addition treat yourself to a membership to Gaia.com. The mere fact that a television station (for lack of a better word) can support these teachings is phenomenal.

Tracking the history of twin flames becomes tricky because of the terminology. The term “Twin Flame”; it has been in use for a very short period of time in our lexicon. Twin souls, split souls, true love, eternal love, my other half are some terms that have been used over time.

Most of what I learned about the twin flame journey is a combination of what I have experienced in my own journey as well as information I have had spiritually downloaded to me, and what I hear in the thousands of twin flame stories relayed by others. There’s always a uniqueness to the twin flame journey but some patterns I do just see time and time again. I can usually tell if someone is on the journey simply by the vocabulary these use to describe their experience and the passion in which they portray their feelings. Unfortunately, many wishful romantics have fallen prey to the trendiness and romance of being a twin flame who are most likely soulmates, or karmic soulmates (discussed in more detail on my website)

I will discuss these benchmarks in more detail throughout the book, but in short form:

All twin flames experience:

  • Dark Night of the Soul
  • Kundalini Awakening
  • Triad of Truth

The twin flame journey is daunting physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is not unicorns and cupcakes. It strips you bare and then pours acid on your bones. It is hard. But the rewards are immense. You must go through those three steps (not necessarily in that order) to be able to traverse your journey. These steps prepare you. You will go through them.

Please also understand that there is no shame in thinking you are a twin flame and realizing you are not. At some point in a soul’s evolution, all souls are given the option to split. Sometimes you experience lifetimes where you are preparing yourself for this experience in another timeline and lifetime. You might be rehearsing this time. The key is being open-minded to the idea that you might not be. Without a doubt, if your first response is “You don’t know me!” “All twin flame journeys are different.” “I just know it” and you are not open to the idea that you might not be a twin, you are not ready for the experience. It takes a strong sense of being open-minded, releasing ego and being able to accept that you might be wrong, and like I said, going through the three stages listed above.

Twin Flames in Different Cultures and Religions

It doesn’t take much digging to start finding references to twin flames between different religions.

My personal belief is the twin flame journey probably goes back long before humanity started keeping records. There are some clear references to the origin and history of the twin flame journey painted throughout time in various parts of the world.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means; I am not a historian. But it should be enough to help you see that the twin flame journey originates for thousands of years.

Twin Flames in Ancient Greece

“[When] a person meets the half that is his very own,” he exclaims, “something wonderful happens: the two are struck from their senses by love, by a sense of belonging to one another, and by desire, and they don’t want to be separated from one another, not even for a moment. These are people who finish out their lives together and still cannot say what it is they want from one another.”


In ancient Greek philosophy, a lover was sometimes thought to be part of one person’s psyche. One of the more popular twin flame origin theory is in the Symposium by Plato. Stemming from ancient Greece, it doesn’t use the term twin flame again, that term is a modern construct through the Elizabeth Claire Prophet teachings, but talks about the ‘original humans’ sometimes called "light beings" and paints an incredibly astute picture of the twin flame journey. Keep in mind the original humans (including Adam and Eve) were light beings who became trapped in flesh and blood bodies. Ascension is the process of leading us back to these bodies of light. The entire twin flame journey is about ascending and returning to light. It is not about romance, incredible sex and forever love; although that is part of it.

These original humans with their light bodies were high-energy beings and presented a threat to the Greek gods. To answer this threat, the Gods split these humans into two parts which caused pain and anguish to each twin as they keep reincarnating looking for each other. Swimming the celestial seas, always searching. Each half of these humans are linked to their Divine Counterpart and they are driven by a constant desire to reconnect with their other half.

Twin Flames in Hindu Mythology

Hindu mythology has several references to the twin flame journey.

The most obvious reference is Shiva and Shakti a manifested combination of both consciousness and energy. A masculine and feminine force joining together (remember that physical gender is not the same thing).

Shiva is often referred to as The Lord of Eternal Love. Shakti is known as his eternal consort and bride.

There is also Radha and Krishna, two deities following a path to divine love.

Twin Flames in the Bible

Again, the Christian Bible doesn’t specifically use the term but there’s so much evidence here, we can’t talk about the twin flame origin without mentioning it.

The Bible has many references to twin flame relationships and the idea of a mirror soul. I’ll not get too much into this again but there are so many references.

“As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”

Samuel 18:1-30

I also strongly feel that Jesus and Mary Magdalen were twin flames, as were Adam and Eve (God actually split Eve off of Adam, you can't get much more twin flamey than that). Some like to use the verse above as validation that twin flames can be same sex and/or they do not always have to be romantic.

In some instances, this is true, but for a twin flame relationship to be on the path for unification within a lifetime or sooner, the relationship must be between a man and a woman. Twin flames can choose to experience lifetimes together in same sex, family member or best friend relationships. But the twin flame relationship in preunion leading to union in the afterlife is always gender specific between a man and woman. Please don’t take that as being anti-LBGQ. It is not. There are plenty of instances of twin flames taking on different lifestyles for the experience they provide, and the relationships that come out of these experiences are real, valid, necessary and meaningful. In fact, my twin flame and I had a lifetime where we were both males and best friends. He married my sister in that lifetime. But we were very close and the relationship was very significant. In this lifetime, I took on the role of female, and we are very close to finishing this timeline and ascending and starting the whole process all over again in another timeline. The lessons never really end.

Twin Flames in Buddhism

The Buddhist population seems to have a strong belief in the twin flame relationship. Buddhism seems to use the same idea of masculine and feminine energy as part of a divine journey (does that sound familiar?) and there are some fairly direct references.

Buddhism seeks enlightenment which means striking a balance. The twin flame journey is about exactly that again, we just use different terminology.

Twin Flames in History and Modern References

Once you really start looking, you’ll see references to the idea of the twin flame journey everywhere. Look at Romeo and Julie, the story of star-crossed lovers. That kind of intensity wouldn’t out of place in our twin flame stories section.

We see the twin flame journey throughout literature. In Arthurian legend, Lancelot and Guinivere fall deeply in love but they are not allowed to be together because of their social status. They run away from Camelot after being found out.

Modern-day romcoms use the idea of a soulmate often but if you really look at the connection it’s usually just a catch-all term they use because people understand it. Some of these love stories look like the twin flame journey, but Hollywood skips over the spiritual side of things because the audience isn’t going to understand and it is all about making money.

With social media and the rise of the internet, we’ve seen an increased interest in the twin flame journey. When people have that sense of something missing or get hit by the twin flame intense attraction it leads them to the journey.

We want to understand the energy we’re experiencing and now we have a way to understand and learn from others.

Not to mention it gives us a way to connect with people (potentially our twin) when living in different countries and continents which leads to them meeting each other face-to-face.

However, the abundance of references in recent history and the modern-day blur the lines so much it can cause problems and misconceptions.

Why There Are so Many Misconceptions of Twin Flames

The terminology of the twin flame journey is what causes so many problems. The journey is not simply a sexual, or romantic one. The twin flame relationship is about finding your mirror soul and reaching union.

Yes, that means being in a relationship like no other but when we start blurring the lines and arguing over the wording we add so much confusion to an already difficult journey.

The reason I disagree with so many other people writing about the twin flame journey is a lot of the time we write in specifics. I don’t speak with certainty about events happening in a higher dimension. I speak with what I literally see in twin flame journeys and information I have been downloaded and/or channeled.

Arguing over terminology is only going to cause confusion and problems. Don’t worry about the wording or the terms used. Looking at the twin flame origin is the same advice as I give day in and day out. Focus on the important parts of the journey and reaching union with your twin. Everything else is just details.

- Julie O'Hara 2023

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About the Creator

Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual Warrior

Thank you for reading my work. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts or if you want to chat. [email protected]

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago

    Nice read❤️💯😉

Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual WarriorWritten by Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual Warrior

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