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What is a Spiritual Download?

No, you are not losing your mind.

By Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual WarriorPublished 12 months ago Updated 7 months ago 7 min read

In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.

-Job 34-15-17

Spiritual downloads are real and can happen through many avenues. The Divine is always trying to communicate with us and to help us stay on our path.

• Have you ever felt a random bout of inspiration?

• Do your dreams sometimes end up coming true?

• Have you ever received a message or vision that predicted your future?

If so, you may be experiencing spiritual downloads.

As you progress spiritually, your downloads become more prevalent, stronger and on point.

A spiritual download, also known as an energy download, is like a spiritual epiphany. It is the process of receiving an influx of knowledge, higher light, frequency, or awareness. It usually indicates that you are on the right path spiritually, and you are doing things right. These are good things.

Think of it as downloading a new update or program to a computer, only in this case, your soul is the computer.

During a spiritual download you are able to receive messages and signs that your regular, conscious self wouldn’t always be aware of. These downloads come from a part of the Universe that is not earthly and originate from a higher more intelligent power. Often felt as messages from angels, spirit guides, God, Allah, the Creator, it is an energy that our higher selves are able to tap into.

How do you know if you are having a spiritual download?

Even if you know what a spiritual download is, it can still be hard to believe that you having one. Frequently, when you start receiving strong messages, you will think you are losing your mind and are having a mental breakdown and refuse to believe them. I kept thinking I was projecting some sort of subconscious desire onto myself in my older age. But eventually, over time, I had too much validation from other people getting the same messages at me, that I knew it was real. I also went through several near death experiences where I was given intense information. Eventually the self doubt will fade.

Downloads often occur in several forms either dreams, or visions or just intense overwhelming feelings. I get many messages through music via earworms in the morning or songs popping up randomly when I stream or just popping into my head.

Everyone has access to these downloads, and unfortunately, frequently you will run across people who abuse their ability by corrupting this special gift. You see this in mediums who insist they are right and are always asking for more and more money. I always look askance at a medium who states, “Oh, it’s genetic, women (its always women) in my family have done this for years.” Yeah, no. A good medium will have gotten some training (there are schools for this, surprisingly). Check out their credentials and education. There are also charlatans who will try to convince you that you are possessed and then attempt to swindle you out of money to remove curses, etc. Let me be abundantly clear here. We all have the ability to tap into this knowledge.

These messages can feel very random and esoteric. Trust them. You are not going crazy. You are being guided.

Some physical symptoms of a download can include chills, tingles, feelings of warmth or coldness and bursts of energy. Mine usually come to me as I am going to sleep or waking up and am in what is called ‘”theta sleep.” Sometimes they are misinterpreted as alien abductions which is a whole different scenario. But rest assured, the other side wants to communicate, they want you to succeed toward ascension and they will always help if you just listen.

Though spiritual downloads often present as a voice, vision, or feeling during the daytime, they can also happen when you are asleep. While they may simply seem like a dream, there are a few signs that something more is transpiring.

For example, these dreams may be reoccurring, or you might find yourself waking up at divine times, such as 2:22 and 3:33. Since my awakening in Fall 2020, I don’t think I have slept a full eight hour in any stretch. I am often awakened and compelled to sit down and write. Sometimes it comes out as poetry, sometimes it comes out as information like this.

Can you make yourself have a spiritual download?

Although everybody can have a spiritual download, it is not something that can be forced. We can’t make ourselves have a spiritual download, but what we can do is get to know ourselves better. Meditation helps and the true heartfelt and cultivating a mindset that is conducive to receiving these spiritual messages. If have some articles on meditation, that I can forward to you if you are interested. Just email me at [email protected]

When you decide to open up to these messages, one thing I recommend is to remove all electronics and distractions from at least one room in your house, preferably your bedroom. No distractions period. The bedroom is a place for personal intimacy and touching base with your higher selves and your Divine Counterpart. No phone, no television, no laptop, no books, no magazines. Just you and the cosmos. If you need to have an alarm, put it outside of your bedroom by the door, but try to avoid any electronic distractions. I have gotten the message so many times, that the guides have trouble communicating when that energy is around you. A nice scented candle and some incense is fine. And if possible shower before you get into your bed. Or take a long salt water bath. Salt scrubs are great self care tools also.

What can you learn from a spiritual download?

Spiritual downloads are not random. They are always trying to teach you a lesson or provide beneficial information. I get a lot of my downloads through what I call “ear worms,” those songs that you wake up hearing or that pop into your head randomly. Without fail, when I look them up and read the lyrics there is always something relevant. I keep a music journal with me at all times in which I record songs I hear, lyrics and notes about what is transpiring that might relate to the ear worm.

But though they all have a purpose, a spiritual download will not be as straightforward as you might like. Sometimes they do need deciphering. They are not maps -- you have to work at figuring out what the message is. In time you will learn and become adept at it.

It can be scary, however, to believe what you are being guided to because you have no tangible proof as to where this information is coming from. This is where faith comes in and surrendering your will to the knowledge that what you are being guided toward is for your own good. Always remember these messages come from love and are NEVER evil. And demons do not exist. They are a human construct designed by mankind to control others. The Divine is almighty; do you really think he could not vanquish a demon if necessary? Demons and evil are human constructs. Don’t let fear rule you.

I will be honest here, I was really worried when it started happening to me that I was possessed or had a demon attached to me. Being a good Catholic girl, I spoke to my Deacon who assured me I did not have a demon attached and I was no possessed, or I would not be able to enter a church. But also, being a good Catholic girl, I keep a vial of holy water on me. Keeps the energy around me pure.

The purpose of all of these spiritual downloads is to have us be more aligned with who we truly are inside of our completely authentic self. They can provide confirmations about your life path, predict something that will occur, or provide much-needed inspiration.

Spiritual downloads can be thought of as answers to prayers we have not prayed for yet.

- Julie O'Hara 2023

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About the Creator

Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual Warrior

Thank you for reading my work. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts or if you want to chat. [email protected]

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  • Elle Vihman12 months ago

    It was a good read. So, I translated it. <3 https://yksikhunt.com/2023/05/07/energeetilised-infopaketid/

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