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The Twins

By scarlettbeePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
"I think my thoughts into existence; therefore, I choose thoughts of love."

Gemini Season

When we journey through the 3rd house of Gemini, we are travelling through the higher mind. This is not just the place of the higher mind, but of the ego and shadow too. The 3rd house asks us whether we are integrating all parts of ourselves or whether there are parts of our soul's identity that we shove into the shadows.

When one is living in the light of Gemini, their thoughts and belief systems are aligned with the callings of the heart. This is not just a place where we must recognise that we are manifesting our thoughts into existence; it is a place where we must be mindful of the thoughts we choose. Gemini reminds us that our thoughts create our reality.

The twins are a perfect example of how we must create a partnership between the ego and the shadow self. Rather than accepting some parts of our soul's identity and denying others, we must step into our wholeness of living, breathing, and being all parts of ourselves. We must be responsible for and take ownership of all elements of ourselves. We must transcend our deepest darkest shadows into the purest form of love and light.

Those who are feeling trapped in the shadows of the 3rd house will often reflect critical, intrusive, invasive, shallow, and unpredictable actions. It is not because they are choosing to be this way, but rather, this is the reaction that unfolds when one does not claim all parts of their being. They are more than likely denying the shadow parts of themselves and putting a huge emphasis on the ego. To become whole, we must delve into a journey of shadow work that can often trigger a dark night of the soul. This is because the 3rd house teaches us to face the things that we do not necessarily like about ourselves. It teaches us to learn to love all elements of the self through the power of soulful integration.

What matters is that one finds a solution to channel their shadow. Whether it is dancing, art, baking, writing, singing, cleaning, producing music, or any other medium. What matters is the journey from a place of resistance to love. Creating is a powerful way of shifting out of mind and into the heart. What you choose to create will often reflect your state of energy – sometimes my paintings are real dark, sometimes they are extremely bright. No judgement needs to be applied to the outcome. We must always be grateful for having many tools around us that help us to transform and shift energy.

The Year Ahead

The rest of 2021 is looking very positive for Gemini. It is a time of letting go of old patterns and stepping into true power. You have learned that your power can be used for many things and that does include good and bad intentions. However, this year, you are going to use your personal power for the better. You are going to forge a path of unconditional love and healthy boundaries.

This will lead you into 2022 where you will have truly found yourself through integrating all elements of your darkness and light. Since this year you will find comfort in your creativity, you will be propelled onto a new path of pure gratitude.

You will learn to manage your money and spend it on the things that truly matter to you. You will invest this into your health for both your mind and body. Health will blossom in the form of relationships too. Since you are learning to become whole in your mind, body, and soul, you will therefore attract the same vibration and enjoy these relationships for what they are.

It will be a time of balance between self-love, studying, creating, connecting, and surrendering.

You will discover this year what truly matters to you in your life and finances will not be an issue as this energy flows into your world because you have simply chosen your path for the better. Dance, create, play, and remember how beautiful you are because Gemini teaches us that beauty shines from within.


About the Creator


From pain and suffering to love and freedom through creative writing.

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