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Soulful Evolution

By scarlettbeePublished 3 years ago 1 min read

I grew up feeling all the magical colours of the rainbow

Playing in the garden where the green trees grounded me

Singing sweet songs of orange and yellow

I danced in the rain and felt the freedom of my soul

A deep ocean wave cleansing every part of my pain

The pain of being born into a world that sometimes lacks colour

A world where parents separate

My father bought me a white pony when I was just 10 years old

Dolly taught me to be in my heart, which guided me to more experiences with horses

And then one day love came along

Although this was not what love really is for it was conditional and showed me the darkest of night

It was the universe teaching me some powerful lessons

About how to love thy self like the golden sun loves the silver moon

So off I went, to chase the dream, travelling to the other side of the world

All the colours of the rainbow filled my soul again

Free to be me, unconditionally

Then love came to me again and this relationship turned to pain

So I had to walk the road less travelled

The time came where the darkest moments of my life took over

It was a black hole of fear

I went into the void and came out confused

What is love, I asked myself

I did not know it's colour

Every time I free my soul I become afraid of my own personal power

Then the time came where I had to choose my colour

Scarlett, my father called me.

Scarlett the red colour

And suddenly when I chose my colour

Things started to change

No longer was I left with the black hole of pain

The pain of what it means to be between two worlds

Afraid to open the door to loving thy self

But I did choose self-love

I have done it

And now, suddenly. I am being washed in gold

Healed by the golden light

The light that is love

For everyone and everything

nature poetry

About the Creator


From pain and suffering to love and freedom through creative writing.

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