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Through The Dark Tunnel

Into The Light

By scarlettbeePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Only Way Out Is Through

Maya was born in 1992. Little did she know, she had been born into a secret society, that did not have the best intentions because of the illusion of fear that lingered in their energy field. Maya only realized this when she was 29-years-old after finally breaking free from the trauma and pain that had been passed down by her ancestors.

Here's Maya's Story.

Maya grew up without her mother for a number of reasons. Deciefulness, greed, lies, fear, destructiveness, shame, guilt, and resentment. All these emotions caused the separation of Maya's parents and she continued living in a family of new life born from her stepmother and father who had 3 children.

At the age of 8-years-old, Maya walked into her parents' bedroom during the night to go to the toilet. Her innocent eyes saw her parents having sex. This was a trauma that lived within her psyche and body until the age of 29-years-old. While her parents were making love, Maya had mistaken this for fear. She thought her father was abusing her stepmother. She had no idea that sex was actually a sacred act of love.

Luckily, Maya grew up with horses and these animals gave her some hope. But this wound would always be called for healing.

Here's How Maya's Wound Erupted.

By the time Maya became a teenager, she had no idea what self-love was. She destroyed her body, mind, and soul with alcohol drugs, and sleepless nights. She attracted toxic relationships that were abusive and negative. This left even more of an imprint of pain in her energy field.

Maya's wound attracted more wounds and created a deep hole of emptiness. She lost count of how many times she had sex with men, becoming attached to co-dependency. After the most destructive time in her teenage years, Maya decided to go traveling around the world. These travels connected her with people that reflected both her light and darkness. Unfortunately, Maya had no boundaries and still felt lost, and the drugs soon returned. She had no idea that she was trying to escape the emotions of the deep wound that lived within. Her escapist behavior then forced her to a need for healing. A need for understanding. A need for grounding. A deep need for self-love.

Crystals and energy healing came onto her path, and suddenly she found peace in meditation. She also found that as she chose the path of healing, she attracted a loving relationship. But this then became another addiction. She had become addicted to anything that gave her a false sense of love, searching outside of herself and never truly knowing what it means to be whole and complete on her own. Going into a meditation one night in New Zealand, Maya felt like the voices in her mind were taking over. Playing over stories of hate.

This created an episode of psychosis after 5 days of torture and sleep deprivation. It felt like someone was trying to kill her. Her mind had become a poisonous weapon.

Maya could not take it any longer and attempted to end her life. She cut deep into her wrists with a blade of smashed glass. Blood was everywhere, and this was almost the end of her story.

Maya woke up in the hospital, feeling like she was in a different time, space and reality. Maya was heavily medicated, suppressed, and emotionless. Fear had destroyed her path. Love came to rescue her and she returned to her family home in the UK.

For a few more years, Maya went around and around in circles, constantly on the move, traveling and running away from the pain.

She became a prostitute and lived in more abusive ways of trying to survive, never feeling truly safe in her body or on the earth.

Until one day, she met a man who changed her life.

This man had a strong, beautiful soul and he was here to protect her. On Valentine's Day, he gifted her a heart-shaped locket. Wearing this, they made love and she cried as she began to feel what love was.

Maya eventually opened up to him in the future but felt that her psychosis had taken over her life. Opening up to him about everything, Maya fell into the wound and the healing began. She feared telling him everything out of fear of abandonment. After having sex with so many men, she did not know who she was anymore. Her love with him went deep into her emotions, to a point where love now became pain.

He offered her love and forgiveness, but she felt sick in her soul. She felt poisoned by the past. She felt trapped in fears, lies, and resentment - everything that her mother had carried. She wanted to end this nightmare.

Suddenly, when she could feel psychosis returning, she had no option but to leave everything behind, and enter a deep space of solitude. Here, Maya healed the pains of the past. She learned what true self-love is, and felt into every emotion that needed feeling, healing, and releasing.

The biggest fear that remained was this:

What if this is happening to every woman born into these secret societies? What if these women need love and not money? What if these women need healing, not trauma.

After all, if the womb is destroyed and we wipe out humanity because the feminine energy is not being respected, then that will be the end of the world.

So off Maya went, to heal every part of her pain, with love and forgiveness. Off she went on a solo journey so that she could first be whole and complete, to then find someone who will create children with her. Her dream is that her children never ever have to experience what she went through. Leaving the secret society behind, she walked into freedom, living from the heart, trusting that her new life would bring peace.

Maya ended the war in her mind, body, and soul by choosing to leave the secret society that only creates fear, pain, lies, negativity, greed, and suffering.

Short Story

About the Creator


From pain and suffering to love and freedom through creative writing.

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