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Tarot Card Reading

By Jennifer LoreePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Gemini's can seem a little off to the races, or a bit like their heads are in the clouds. But being an air sign their creative powers come to them in their daydreams, in the spaces between thoughts and the escape from reality.

In doing so, they need to be mindful that nothing can be created from intention, only from action as is revealed in their June card reading.

Current Energy: Eight of Earth - Gemini is showing up a little too grounded, focused on societal expectations, working on studies. While knowledge is valuable, are you hiding behind your studies to avoid taking action?

Possible Conflict: Five of Air - Review the motives behind the choices you are making. Not taking action is a choice. Why are you afraid? Who's opinions are dictating your motivations? Perhaps it's time to review who you are spending your energy and time with. How are they influencing you?

Possible Action: Ten of Earth - What makes you happy? What dreams or aspirations make your soul sing? Find a tribe that uplifts these positive energies and let go of obligation.

New Outcomes: Knight of Fire - Taking new action is the way to reignite your passion for life, as you have realigned closer to your true, authentic self. You feel energized, confident and adventurous.

Color Therapy: Yellow, Purify your Body - yellow supports the frequency of the Solar Plexus Chakra, an area that is associated with self-worth, self-esteem and personal power. Take time to invest in yourself, through however rest and relaxation appeal to you.

Air signs tend to get a little too cerebral and can get stuck in their own heads. This is a great way to create worry, fear and anxiety when the physical reality does not reflect what the mind is creating. It is one of the great excuses for not taking action, especially new action that takes us out of our comfort zones. It takes a bit of self reflection to see if we are chronically studying, taking new courses with the “intention” of doing something with them, but in fact we are obsessively collecting knowledge to avoid taking action and actually doing something with the new information gathered.

This way of being can get anyone a whole lot of nothing, or some things that are left to be desired. The other question to ask yourself is why are you delaying taking new action? Are you actually passionate about what you are learning or are you fulfilling the expectations of others? Another perspective would be to continue studies to avoid stepping out into a role that really doesn’t suit you, but is expected of you. This is where the re-evaluation of relationships takes place, as well as what makes you truly happy.

Imagine if there were no expectations of you, and no one else was around, what would you do that makes you happy? How would you step into that joy? Now that you see this picture, what action steps can you take to start to live that way now? Don’t be afraid to let go of those who are not supportive of this braver version of you. Letting them go will only make more room for those who wish to see you succeed as your authentic self to come in and support you.

When you stand in authenticity, you allow your true self to come forward, your self-esteem and confidence will rise as your own actions and attitudes validate who you are. You begin to feed your own soul and are no longer so easily wounded or pushed around by others that would dim your brilliance.

Take care of your body, as it is the vessel that allows us to experience life here on earth. Grounding practices are crucial for the Air signs, as it connects the mind and spirit to the body, calming agitation and anxiety. Water is also incredible for Air signs; it is both grounding and purifying. Whenever you shower or bathe, imagine all your worries and troubles, washing off your body, into the water and down the drain.

Overall, be kind to yourselves Gemini. Monitor your inner critic. If you would not say it to another, do not say it to yourself. Be blessed.

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About the Creator

Jennifer Loree

Canadian digital artist, Certified Nutritional Counselor (CNC), Nature Lover

"To air out ones thoughts; words drifting on a light breeze; wind also breaks trees." (Haiku)

Instagram: @jennifer.loree

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