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Freelancing is not a Part-Time Job! Don't take it for granted

When the word freelancing comes to mind, many people may think it's a magically easy thing to get money.

By makelivingonlinePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Freelancing is not a Part-Time Job! Don't take it for granted
Photo by Per Lööv on Unsplash

When the word freelancing comes to mind, many people may think it's a magically easy thing to get money. My opinion was also the same until I didn't start working on the platforms officially. People may think it's easy and require no effort. But it is not… It even requires more time than physical jobs at the workplace. Freelancing is not a part-time job, it requires 24/7 duty and more skills.

Freelancing is skilled-based work, but it doesn't mean that any layman with the zero-knowledge can join the Freelance marketplaces. Even for your skills to be noticed, you should have the basic knowledge to promote, polish, and grow your skills. English is a basic need to be a Freelancer because all orders, jobs, interviews, dealing, communication and applications are done in the English language. Especially English should be polished when someone wants to join as a writer.

Everyone makes effort and goes through some challenges as a Freelancer, either if it's a Graphic designer or a Writer. People sometimes think it is ''easy to do work'' that could be done with smaller to zero effort. In my perception, it is not a fact. Freelancing requires your whole day and night to meet the standard. Quality is the key to growing your portfolio. If you'll start delivering poor-quality work, soon you will be flop. People who hire you are not blind. If they are spending money to buy your service, they want a quality product as a result.

I have watched videos of many YouTubers who are making viewers fools by misguiding them by using Title like ''Earn $1000 with zero skills and bla bla bla.'' I mean seriously? Is it so? These titles might be catchy that attract every person who wants to earn from nothing. The viewers don't think sensibly that there is no one in the world who can earn by doing nothing. Even a person who is uploading a video with such titles is providing content to people and using such hypnotizing and catchy titles to get views, thus, getting money as a result.

By Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Why do I say ''Freelancing is not a part-time job?''

Because whenever you get a project, you work hard on that project similarly as you would do in a physical job. In freelancing, you are a single person who is working on the project, thus, it requires more time and effort. Sometimes clients are cooperative but sometime you may get very irritating clients, who ask you to revise or edit the products again and again even with no logical reason. For an instant, if you get a project to write a 30k words book in 15 days. Do you think it will be done in 15 days easily? For me, it is not that easy. Writing and creating a totally original book requires a lot of work to do. However, ''how to do book'' might be easy as compared to ''novels.'' And if at a time you have a number of projects, you have to manage all together without compromising the quality.

I will suggest to all newbies to work on their skills instead of wasting time on watching, reading, and listening to people who misguide you through their false statements like ''set online career by doing nothing and etc.'' Don't run in a hurry. Just use initiative and keep your patience. When you do things in a positive way, they remain forever. As I always say: ''The only key to success is hardworking, consistency and patience.''

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About the Creator


A passionate writer, freelancer, blogger, explorer, and learner. If you want to learn to survive in the online world—join me hear.

❦Freelancing ❦Blogging ❦EarningMoneyOnline ❦Writing



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