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Extra, Extra, Read all About It - It's Gemini Season and We Got the Scoop

Buckle Your Seatbelt. Here we go!

By Debra DebekPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Extra, Extra, Read all About It - It's Gemini Season and We Got the Scoop
Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Extra, Extra Read All About it – It’s Gemini Season and We Got the Scoop!

Ok, so we all know the Gemini is the Twin sign, but what does that really mean? Are they two people in one? Are they split personality? Are they crazy, you might ask? Well, this is coming from someone who really knows so read on… if you really want this mystery unraveled for all of you who at times find these fascinating, complicated individuals just so hard to understand.

So first off… They are not crazy. In fact, if you are lucky enough to have a Gemini in your life then stop being perplexed by all the complexity and just break it down so you can start to revel in the mystery, excitement and wonder of these loyal, fun, smart, mutable individuals.

Let’s start with the traits that probably make you sit back at times with your index finger on your cheek, thumb under your chin and eyes looking up to the sky asking, what is going on with them?

Yes, you can set yourself up to be disappointed if you don’t know the in’s and out’s of them. I know at some point you planned something to do with them that you were so excited about and in the last minute on a whim they just canceled and decided they had another path to follow at that moment.

How about embracing the spontaneity, because as you know you wouldn’t be with them if you didn’t crave the excitement. It works for you when you are bored and they suddenly get up and say, “hey, want to go on a vacation” and in the next minute they are on the computer booking the flight for tomorrow morning. These are the times we revel in the Gemini’s spontaneity. No, it’s not always going to work out for you and you aren’t always going to appreciate it but you know life would be quite boring if they didn’t just pull you out of your comfort zone and force you to smell those roses. Go ahead and be disappointed some of the time when this quirky unpredictability surfaces but choose to remember when it doesn’t disappoint you and you had some of the best experiences of your life with them.

Do you wish you had someone who could really hold a good conversation on multiple topics? Well, get out there and find a Gemini! These highly intellectual knowledge seekers will fascinate you with the variety of information they collect and hold in their minds. They will talk to you about anything from candlestick making to the science of space and worm holes. Not the kind of worm hole in the ground but I’m sure they know something about them too.

I know the Gemini is conflicted emotionally at times. You know there are times they are pulling it all together in their prim and proper manner but they really want to yell, scream and throw a tantrum. It’s their intellect that creates that mild mannered person you see on the outside when their insides are screaming. You will definitely sense something is out of whack when they are conflicted with their emotions and likely they will find that Gemini way of letting you know about it later. They are after-all great speakers, great debaters, and very analytical so they won’t speak until they have it all ready to go and come out likely winning the debate. Even if it turns into a heated debate the loving Gemini will be hot as fire at the moment and over it 5 minutes later.

You may get a sense they are overly confident but in fact it’s their analytical nature that creates internal doubt for them and often they are questioning at any given moment if they should be doing something else, should be saying something else etc. This doubt creates a more insecure internal nature than the confident outward appearance we all see.

If you are looking for loyalty well the Twin has it all to give but only to those that have been vetted. They are hesitant to let people in, but when they do you get 100% of their loyalty and love. They are very much all or nothing when it comes to love. Once you get it though, you got their love completely.

So what does the future hold for these intriguing individuals. Well, you know whatever it is, it isn’t going to be dull. They are quite likely at this moment setting out goals to achieve more. They are never in neutral so their future is going to include moving forward.

I predict many upcoming social events to attend for them as they love socializing. On the Twin other hand, there will also be many warm cozy nights at home with lots of alone time to research new topics to add to their social conversations when they do get out and mingle. This is what is great about the two opposite sides. There’s no middle ground with the Gemini. They are on either one side of who they are or the complete opposite.

Love for the Gemini is going to have to be with someone who enjoys excitement and change but who also can easily just go with the flow. I predict the Gemini finding love with any of the fire signs, for example, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo. These signs will bring with them a desire for adventure, loyalty, deep passion and intelligence. All the ingredients to spark the Gemini’s insatiable interests.

So in summary, the Gemini will be moving forward with career goals and likely succeeding in those ventures as they are inclined to be driven. They will be mingling quite a bit at social events but also spending good quality quiet time at home. Their romances will be with the fiery fire signs who love to be kept on their toes and this is definitely a task the unpredictable Gemini can accomplish. The Gemini will have to be cautious when it comes to finances as they are prone to, on a moment’s notice, taking the bill money and buying that must have they just laid eyes on.

Whatever it is and whatever they do these fun loving, loyal, brutally honest, goal driven, knowledge seeking, emotional Twins will bring love, joy, and fun experiences to anyone who comes into their path. So if and when you meet one of them… Put on your patience, put aside your judgments and get ready to have the best experiences of your life!


About the Creator

Debra Debek

Writer enthusiast, poetry lover, using my voice to unravel a complicated life and a complicated mind of one human life sharing experiences of all human lives.

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