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It's really okay.

By Souzan SaliPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

My name is Zen. I've had many names and I remember them all. Zen is the name I choice for myself. Because who I am and where I am, I finally get to do that.

Who am I? I'm a soul. That would be the best way for me to describe it to you in your language.

Where am I? I guess you could say I'm at my final destination. You might describe it as a Utopia, Paradise, Heaven. Although, I wouldn't quite say Heaven as most of you believe you get there after your existence on what you call Earth. Your world. You will not reach where I am until many more existences on many other worlds.

I'm sorry you don't remember any of them before the one you're on and that you won't until you're here with me at your final destination. But it's okay. It's really all okay. It will all make sense eventually.

Once you're here with me, you too will have this ability I have right now to communicate with all the worlds you had forgotten. Most of us here don't use this ability much. For there is much else to do and by the time we reach our final destination, we all end up together with our loved ones that there isn't very many souls left for us to want to communicate on the worlds we've left behind.

I just remembered how important comfort is to your world. And how much you all struggle to find comfort. I hope you find comfort in my words and choice to communicate with you.

Let me tell you about my world. The world where we all eventually end up in peace.

It's everything a utopia could be. There is no time here. There is no expiration. Just life and breathe. You are forever youthful and light. If you want to be water, you can be water. If you want to be a bird, you can be a bird. I often shift into an eagle and sore your skies. If you want to be a tree or even just a leaf, you can transform and take whatever shape you choose.

There is a light about us here. Each light is unique and with a hue just your own. You can't see us when we visit and take shapes from your world. Only those in final destination can see a shape shifter by their hue. I suppose you might also describe it as an aura.

Aside from very often shifting into an eagle, I also like to shift into being a shark, mouse, cat, wolf and penguin. But these just my favourite shapes and the ones I utilize most from your world. The ones that made an impact on me while I was a part of your world. I've just about shifted shapes into anything I can possibly want from all the worlds in the universe. Most of which there is no way to describe to you in a way for you to understand.

You will join me eventually. You are part of a much bigger world then you realize. And you will realize. Eventually. I can't tell you when because eventually, time as you know it expires and you become the world of all worlds.

Trust and carry the notion you've always had and will always have in every world, this notion that brings you comfort but that you sometimes lose:

You are eternal.


About the Creator

Souzan Sali

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