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it's accuracy and precision

By Alain juniorPublished about a year ago 7 min read

When collecting information about individual or and organisation digitally, There is a certain strategy to make this possible. And the name of the key frequent in the field on information is DATA. When you are looking to target someone, the first thing you will be doing is gain data about them. Data is a form of characteristic or detail that is collected after a set of time and period of observation. The importance or quality of the data can vary based on it uses. It is essentially telling or giving information about something or in the current case we are studying, it is used to give information about someone. As previously mentioned this is done digitally and the most common way of having access to individual data is through networking channels. most precisely social media.

In order to see the function or value of social media channels to people, you must first try and imagine how people's activities will be without social media. The value that it offers is the ability to have access to interesting things that they are looking for. Like finding new people, socialising and even thing like looking for a job or a profession. Social media allows individual users to be able to have instant access to those things they are looking for by collecting the individual's data on things important.

For example if an individual is looking for weight loss programs. What the platform will do is look at thing like where they live, in order to find the closes weight loss program like a gym. How much they probably earn to find if they will be able to afford the program. Remember that data is a detail of information gather through a period of observation. So the way the social media platform will know that the individual is interested in weight loss is by analysing what they have been searching for regularly or what they constantly click on. This way the social media platform could assume that the individual is interested in what they have been constantly looking for. And thus show them post, adverts or anything else linked to weight loss.

You may have notice that basically all social media are free for individual to use. And this is because the individual data is what is valuable. So it is what generate income to the social media platform. It is free in order to make sure that individual could place as much information about themselves on it without any limit. That information been posted about themselves is what is important.

Businesses are looking for people that will be interested in their product or service as previously mentioned and for them to be able to attract those people, they need access to those potential client's data. And that is what social media platform provide to them. For businesses, this is a very accurate way if targeting their clients. And it is what they will pay for first before placing anything that potential client will click on like an advert etc.

When looking to target someone, it will be very likely that you will not find someone that is exactly matching with what you are providing. It is important to know that. Individual looking to something online, will be shown result matched to what they have been looking for. But not exactly what they have precisely typed in.

This happen almost all the time on search engines buy typing a content, you will never have only one result, but multiple result linked to what you have types. So the engine is looking to what is accurate as possible to what you have typed in. Again you want your advert or anything you have posted to attract people to be as exactly as possible. And for that reason you should first know what is the difference both accuracy and precision.

As previously mention when you are looking to target people that would be interested in your product you will be looking at the closest tags that could indicate an interest by a client. And at the same time you want to make this target as often as possible. So it will be important that you make your tags as accurate as possible meaning that you want them to be as close to the ideal tags.

And you should also know that you should first make sure that your tags are accurate first before making them precise. Since the precision is made after a couple of tries, you will first make a tag, and see how close it was to the indented target individual. Before trying a second time obviously when trying you could change the tag depending on whether you could make it closer to the ideal target individual or not.

The thing that could be an issue here will be that if you are constantly trying to target individuals, then you should know that data can change at any given time. An example of this is that if you are a local business and is looking to target someone that lives close to you and manage to reach that person but then you realize that while you are trying to make them a client they are moving places meaning that they will not be local clients anymore that you could target.

What this means is that people could be always updating their digital data at any time. So it could be challenging to find the same data of an individual each time you try and target them. But this however is really changing the demographic of people interested in your product not the necessarily the client size.

What this suggest is that it is rather a matter of the algorithm adapting to change in data rather than the person looking for data a business in this case, because if there is someone moving from one place to another like in our previous example. Chances are that there could be another person in the local area interested in what you will offer even likely there could be someone else moving to that local area that could be interested in your product.

The point been made here is that the data demographic can change in certain ways that no one can control. If there are tags that you made to attract ideal clients, then it is likely that while those original client's data you will be looking to target could change, other people could change unrelated data to the one you will be looking for.

And in addition it could be more people looking to change their data which is the one you are interested into something else or less and it could be more or less people changing data that you are not interested in into one you are looking for. The point is that data is always changing.

  • Example of data accuracy:

If you are a language teacher and you are looking to teach a specific language let's say

Spanish in this case. This means that you will be looking for individuals. Your tags will be

the following below


Learning Spanish, having difficulties speaking, Spanish moving to a Spanish speaking country

• If the service, you are providing is IT support, then you will be probably looking for both

individual and organization but let’s say you are only looking for organization your tags will

be the following below


Having IT problems, looking for troubleshooting, just recently installed it device

• If you are a streaming platform and you are aiming at people that will be interested in what

you are providing as streaming for entertainment or other purposes, then your tags will be

the following below


Looking for Entertainment, watch movies/series, goes to cinemas

Why it is an example of data accuracy:

The reason for the example showed above to be accuracy is because you are trying to be as close to the ideal client as possible. You do not know who is interested in the service you have to offer so you will use those tags to attract the people or individual the most likely to have an interest. What will happen when you will place an advert on the social media with this tags the platform will show it to people.

Who have been typing keyword related to your tags or who have been looking for thing related to your tags. It might not be the exact thing that they might be looking for, but it will be as close as possible to the exact thing that they will be looking for which is why it is accurate.

  • Example of precision

You are selling furniture and are looking for way to target people that will be interested in buying and you want to

maximize your sales as possible.

Let's say there are twenty thousand people looking for furniture online. And you had four different tags type of adverts

Your tag are the following:

1. Home furniture. And you targeted 1,000 people

2. Just bought a home. And you targeted 1,500 people

3. Moving homes. And you targeted 1,200 people

4. Home décor. And you targeted 1,100 people

Each new tag or new form of advert that you make you will have around one thousand people targeted all the time. This is

an example of precision and as previously mentioned . It could happen this way because of the change in data demographic.

sciencesocial mediahumanityfuture

About the Creator

Alain junior

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