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Big Virgo Energy

Appreciating my strengths

By Hanna TittelPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Big Virgo Energy
Photo by Octavian Rosca on Unsplash

"You're planning her birthday party seven weeks in advance?" my friend said to me through text message. "That is some big Virgo energy!"

She was absolutely right. In fact, as cliché as it sounds, I consistently carry 'big Virgo energy.' I can't help it; I am, in fact, a Virgo. Sometimes I find it eerie at how accurate my horoscope can be but even more so at how much I embody the traits of a Virgo. I only started to learn more about astrological signs and their characteristics a few years ago in my mid-twenties. Given my age, it's safe to say that my personality was relatively established and wouldn't be jaded by the findings of expected astrological behaviour. Instead, I realized it was exciting to learn about some of the most common traits that a Virgo possesses. It helped me to lean into my favourite attributes and enabled me to learn how to overcome or, better yet, accept the negative.

While everyone is different and many factors contribute to unique personalities, Virgos have five common personality traits. Knowing these can help you understand yourself as a Virgo, or the Virgo in your life a little bit better or love them a little bit more.


Virgo's are very observant, specifically when it comes to the small stuff. This helps us to be strong leaders and means that most have wonderful memories, an attribute most people long for. I use this strength in an aid to be thoughtful towards my friends and family. If you mention something you want or need, you can be almost certain that I've written it down, and I will surprise you with it on your next birthday or even on a random Monday just because I can.


In a consistent pursuit of perfection, Virgo's are meticulous and very organized. Most, myself included, take great pride in things being done a certain way and being in control whenever possible. As an earth sign, we Virgo's are persistent and determined to achieve all of our goals. Planning, organization and preparedness help to ensure we can achieve those goals no matter how large. I embody this so much that my to-do lists always include the task of 'make a new to-do list.'

Fiercely Independent

I knew this to be true about myself for the last few years, but no more so than living the last year in the pandemic. While my friends were struggling with boredom and missing each other, for the most part, I thrived in my alone time. Virgo's recharge in stillness and creativity, so while we love being social, it's best to find a balance between the nights out and nights in. As a self-dubbed extroverted introvert, this resonates with me immensely.


Virgos often have a specific image of how they want things to be or how they want plans to go. In some instances, this can ensure that things turn out great; that picky image and organized nature results in an ideal result. However, this can also mean that as soon as one thing goes astray or one thing doesn't fit into our idea of perfect, anxiety can arise. To make matters worse, Virgos often struggle to ask for help, so word to the wise, if you learn that a Virgos plans have hit a bump in the road, offer a hand. We will be very appreciative.


Virgo minds are busy, busy being observant, organized and thinking of ways they can help others. This also means that we can be over thinkers. Overthinking can lead to self-doubt, fear, anxiety and a lack of confidence. In these moments, which remain inevitable despite my wishes, I've found that it's best to acknowledge the thoughts and take advantage of our many other strengths like to-do lists to work through them. Do not ignore them; they will be the biggest inhibitors of your big Virgo dreams, and to ignore them would be such a shame to the world.

Being a Virgo is something I'm incredibly proud of. Sometimes I wish I could live a more simple life, less goals, less wants and desires and instead just ease. I'm then reminded of the incredible people, experiences and accomplishments in my life, and I know I owe most if not all to my Virgo nature. Lean into who you are and whatever it is that makes you feel happy.


About the Creator

Hanna Tittel

I desire a life full of love, adventure, beach days, rainy Sunday afternoons, wonderful family and friends, lots of doggy hugs and delicious food.

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    Hanna TittelWritten by Hanna Tittel

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