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Autumn Moon Magic

From the full moon in Taurus on Halloween's night to a super witchy new moon in Scorpio, this autumn provides all the right ingredients for some serious magicking! Here are few tips on how to play with these lunar energies.

By Kuba VitekPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

“We are born to kiss the stars and dance with the Moon.”

― Avijeet Das

Full Moon in Taurus

31st October

It’s no coincidence the ancient celebration of Samhain, when the seasons change, the nature twists on itself and the veil in between the worlds is thin and yadayada, falls into the Scorpio Season. Hailed by the fans of candy and slutty outfits, the neo-pagans and growing number of witchfolk, there is something about the All Hallows Eve that brings us closer to those we have lost. And diabetes. Mix that Scorpio intensity, sexual yearnings and a flare for self-sabotage & energies of stubborn and (material+physical) pleasures seeking Taurus, and voila – we’ve got some stinky spicy mess of an emo-soup being served on the last day of October.

A big theme will be attachments. Both Scorpio & Taurus are really big on attachments – one seeking it relentlessly, the other one dodging & overturning them. We can expect to feel extra sensitive, in a need of cuddles and holding our loved ones close, only to flip out the next minute, because our partner’s jumper is itchy. Your standard Full Moon lunacy.

This Full Moon might illuminate for you – if you’d just take time & listen closely – things no longer meant for this world, attachments that need to burn, so that a Phoenix can rise from the ashes.

A wonderful Full Moon in Taurus ritual could be just a simple meditation or journaling session on what attachments presently shape our day-to-day reality – acknowledging with gratitude the ones we have worked hard towards & the ones that nourish us & help us grow, and visualising life without those unnecessary annoying ones like our corporate jobs, attachment to money and everything else that’s residing in the cozy walls of our stupid comfort zones. Visualise where life could go if you’d let go of a tendency to hoard material possessions, or to impress your parents, or if you give up micro-managing your life & embrace the insanity of unexpected.

Narrow these down to few words or a phrase, into a symbol. Carve it into a white candle, light it with your Halloween dinner and let it burn all the way down. In your mind’s eye, picture all the unhelpful attachments melting & dissipating with the smoke towards the sky & the Universe beyond, where they’ll be transmuted into more meaningful energies.

“I put all my heart & feed my healthy attachments & detach from what no longer serves my highest good.”

New Moon in Scorpio

15th November

Falling into the witchiest of all seasons – the upcoming New Moon in Scorpio is the most magickal moon of the whole year. Tonight, let us call on the intense unforgiving dissecting & composting energy of Scorpio – to recognise what’s holding us back on our journey to self-mastery: toxic relationships, self-sabotaging behavioural patterns, debts, sugar, overthinking, fear of commitment, old emotional wounds, patriarchy, capitalism, systemic racism…you name it…

Fears that are blocking our path to the highest evolution may come up & urge to be confronted head on and resolved.

You might not be the one for ceremonial woo woo, but if there’s one New Moon this year to play Nancy Downs, Melisandre or Fiona Goode – garb, makeup, black candles & psychedelic rock playlist from YouTube – this is the night.

Be playful & intense, dress in something that makes you feel formidable and damn sexy, don’t shy away from a bit of a decadence – red wine warmed up with spices like star anise, cinnamon & nutmeg – it’s fragrant, sexy, earthy and tiiiiiny bit like blood if you let your fancy fly. One of the ways to honour these enchanted high vibes of Scorpio New Moon could be developing a simple ritual dedicated to purification through fire – write down a petition to walk fearlessly your path of a witch / pagan / reiki healer / kick-ass parent / globetrotter / social activist, or just a highest expression of your Self – stripped of all that’s unhelpful and heavy – and then burn it, releasing the ashes into the night.

“Death” tarot card is all about transformation & letting go off the old and unhelpful so that a new cycle can begin, meditate and journal on the ways it manifests in your life. Sodalite or Smokey Quartz will calm & balance strong emotions, ground & dispel negativity. Moldavite is an ultimate high vibe stone of transformation & spiritual growth. Read tarot, runes, call onto your Guides, try astral travelling, lucid dreaming or Third Eye Chakra meditation, start your Book of Shadows – this is your night!

No matter which transformation are you going through this Scorpio Season, let this be your affirmation:

“I am the master alchemist of my life, transmuting mud into gold every day. The more dirt they give, the richer I get.”


About the Creator

Kuba Vitek

Midway through my 30s, I've left my safe&sane London life for a completely unsafe&insane life 'on the road'. I write about travelling in the midst of a global crisis, being in a same-sex interracial relationship, astrology and more.

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    Kuba VitekWritten by Kuba Vitek

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