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Amandas' Astrology

Horoscopes, Predictions, and Much More!!!

By Amanda SmithPublished 3 years ago 10 min read
Look Into My Crystal Ball

About this page:

Amandas’ Astrology of Gemini is a personalized experience being born on the cusp of Gemini/Cancer (June 21). It offers self acclaimed knowledge through years of dabbling in this fine art of horoscopes in search of figuring myself out and finding some sense to the madness Gemini's face. I write this in hopes of helping other people too. DO NOT FEAR YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!

Double Rainbow

About Gemini (May 21 - June 21):

Oh the mutable air sign everyone seems to love or dislike. (I can understand their confusion, I feel it on a daily basis myself.) With a ruling planet of Mercury the alert, perspective, sharp-witted, shrewd, quick thinking Gemini ALWAYS has something to say. Whether it should actually be said is another topic.

With Mercury ruling over communication, information, knowledge, and technology; it’s a rare occasion for a Gemini to have nothing to say. They are able to bring dull facts to life, even if some are somewhat exaggerated for a better story telling. Gemini are SHARP!!! And when I say sharp think like a double edged blade sharp. They can be the kind person one second and complete rage the next. I’ve always had a saying in my head of “Don't cross a Gemini for THEY don't even know how they will react.”

On that note though, Gemini's are extremely adaptable, playful, and fun.. Some say they are the “Light of a party.” They are intelligent and outgoing but at the same time indecisive and shallow. If only we could make up our minds for the FINAL FINAL time haha. I call this WAFFLING and it's a doozy…. Never seeming to make up the mind or talking, and talking, and talking without saying anything really meaningful or getting to the point of the story. Patience isn't a virtue of a Gemini but it has to be for anyone associated with them..

Gemini's Monthly Horoscope:

Hold on for the wild ride this month dear Gemini's!! We have a full moon with a lunar eclipse May 26, a solar eclipse June 10, and that's right Mercury is going retrograde in Gemini May 29 to June 22 . WOWZERS.. Now breathe...

That's right my fellow Gemini's if you haven't felt the effects of Mercury going retrograde yet (it's in its’ shadow phase) bless your heart and be GRATEFUL! ‘Cause it's happening people!!! AND.. it's not just going retrograde it's going retrograde in GEMINI!! OOOHHH BOOYYYYY… I don't know whether to cry, scream, or sleep but the feelings are felt. (thank you indecisiveness)

If you're like the rest of us, the past week has been that point of a rollercoaster where you hit the top and you are free falling to the bottom.. Like some supernatural cosmic power has come and ripped up all the hard work; whether in career, relationships, money, or self care….they all seem to be going down down down on that rollercoaster of Mercury retrograde!!!

Best advice is to buckle down, pick and choose your words carefully, don't put time and energy into things that don't feed your soul, and get out into some NATURE if possible…Being by yourself can be a great way to tap into all those feelings and emotions we Gemini's have to better understand them and what it is you want for yourself and in your life. Take a bath, read a book, our social nature makes us want to be around other people but I feel during these times of extreme upheaval its best to stop being a cheerleader for others and do what's necessary for you. Don't be surprised if an old flame messages you, or something from the past comes up again to be dealt with all over… this is OK.. Retrogrades give us the opportunity to fully process things that might not have been processed from the past.. Let them come, process whatever it may be that you might be having a difficult time with, and let it go with a breath of air that our sign is a testament to.

I've found that retrogrades are particularly hard for me. I have gotten through every one of them and ended up more knowledgeable, more insightful, more kind and caring to those around and their situations, but most importantly HUGE personal growth every time.. This isn't a period to be feared, it is a period to be endured and shed light on all facets of life.. Be like a beautiful cut diamond shining the rays from the inside out.

Simple yet complicate; we are alike

I watch the moon cycles too, trying to give cause to events in my life that my Gemini brain can't seem to understand. Every 30 days our beautiful universe gives us a chance to “start again” . I don't have to look up to the sky at night or look on a calendar to know when the moon is getting full… As a Gemini my energy gets all over the place. Reading this some may relate. I feel like the ball in a pinball machine bouncing and banging around hoping I will hit something good but most of the time just barely missing the target.. Gemini's can be hard on themselves thinking we know all the answers… In truth Gemini's have too many answers and it's difficult to pick the “right” one. We can circle around and around trying to make sense out of insensible situations, only to end up at the very beginning with the same question. Again take it easy, slow down...I know that's easier said than done with our multitasking ever going traits...meditate and take time for yourself is the best advice I can give.

Full Blue Moon

Gemini Romance/Compatibility:

Since we all can't be in relationships with famous twin flames like Wentworth Miller (“Prisonbreak” star; June 2nd), infamous Mark “Markie Mark” Wahlberg (June 5th, and pardon the drool), the beautiful actress Nicole Kidman (June 20th), or the gorgeous and somewhat “crazy” Angelina Jolie (June 4th).

Here are some signs that are most compatible with our illustrious sign. First and foremost, in my personal and professional opinion is the beloved sign of

Libra:. How are they so balanced, calm, and amazing listeners? The ever talkative Gemini can find great companionship with this sign. They can be social butterflies and have a knack for adventure. They are smart and analytical which complements Gemini's love of information and conversations. They can help calm down a Gemini with their logical approach to situations. A balanced relationship is what you'll find if you're partnered with a Libra. Know this though, Libras do not like conflict and can be turned off with an all too aggressive Gemini.

Aquarius : Next on my list. Air meets Air (again) with this duo. Intelligent, social, and great communicators. There won't be dull moments when these two signs align. Honesty and trust come hand in hand with these signs. With so many great conversations taking place between the two of them who has time for deceit or lies? Aquarius’ can tend to be emotional and have difficulty with compromising...sound familiar Gemini? So this relationship will need to have some flexibility of give and take.

Aries: Woo, it's getting hot in here with this fire sign! Born leaders and great communicators; this sign is a great match for the beloved Gemini. Their hot, fiery nature makes them up for anything. Impulsive and direct, Gemini's won't have to read between the lines with this sign. They do get bored easily, don't like a lot of exhausting details, and can be known to have hot tempers.. So be mindful of this if you are paired with an Aries.

There are a few, two in particular I've found through personal experience that I would suggest Gemini's stay away from.. I'm not saying these signs can't have a successful relationship.. I do believe it will be difficult and require a lot of patience to truly make it work.

Virgo: Oh Virgo….geez how I wish my Gemini mind could understand the blank stared expressions or cold crass words that can come out of their mouths… This sign is set in ways that the fluid air sign of Gemini might find difficult (not surprising being an Earth sign) Grounded and deliberate in everything they do...Not outspoken but quite the opposite…”Shy” might be a word to describe them, but know they are not. Practicality and being logical is the base of this sign. Seems far fetched to a Gemini mind. I feel Virgos are the Black and White of thinking and Gemini's are the rainbow. Comprise, compromise, compromise is what's needed for this pair to work… my advice, it's not worth the energy.

Taurus: The raging bull.. Stubborn, possessive, dependent, and dominant are some common traits of this sign. Where compromise might work with a Gemini/Virgo it's not going to be an option with Gemini/Taurus combo. Gemini's are free flowing and those born under Taurus just aren't.. Heated arguments and a lot of toxicity can come when these two signs are combined...a short lived relationship is what I predict for these two paired up.

In the middle which some say are great and others testify are not.

Gemini : Our beloved sign. A friend once told me two Gemini's together in a relationship should be illegal due to their being four personalities in two bodies. I laugh at this repeatedly (I'm in a relationship of 5 years with another Gemini) NEVER A DULL MOMENT… is the saying when these two are paired. Hours of conversation about any number of things is what happens when these two signs meet...make sure to give the other one a chance to talk as well. Our fleeting Gemini minds race from one topic to another and it can seem overbearing. Laughter and humor are there most times. Adventure and mystery….”what trouble can we get into today” Something noteworthy about this pairing is patience is required. I know, I know, patience for a Gemini?! Emotions fly high, all those feelings, duplicity tendencies, intense and profound.. A verbal swordplay if you will. Things can go from 0 to 200 in a blink of the eye. There's hope for these two signs though if you ever find yourself matched with one.

Two Sides to My heart


This month.. Buckle down with any spending that might have gotten out of control since the beginning of the year.. Now is time to save, save, save. It's just like a Gemini to see something spontaneously and buy it without thought.. With Mercury retrograde in Gemini this month and potential issues that may arise, having money set aside will help your overall mental health (and bank account) if the time arises.. A cell phone breaks, your car needs fixing, a water pipe bursts in the house...Don't be surprised if you run into some situation this month where something like this occurs...And if/when it does... take that deep breath knowing you planned ahead for it.. It'll make it all the easier to handle.


Gemini's have many talents. Sometimes too many options present themselves and we get confused and stuck, unable to make up our minds therefore staying stagnant instead. Narrow in on a specific talent, hobby, craft, or pastime. Maybe you want to spend more time with your family, maybe you want to go after a promotion at work. Maybe you want to set aside a few minutes each day to just have “YOU” time… these can all be difficult things for our busy, beautiful, multi-tasking Gemini minds to do… Try it though this writer's advice, especially in the upcoming month. Gemini's are twins, we have two thoughts for every one. Options galore and indecision at best. Two sides to the coin…there is an edge on that coin and it's called the third side. For this upcoming month, balance there...don't be hasty or rash. But instead perch on that edge waiting for the time to come for the right answers, the right choices, and the right path in front of you.

Created By Your Fellow Gemini, Amanda


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