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What sex position are men most into?

Real passion doesn’t need choreography. But somehow you would like to know how he likes sex best? No problem, here the most important

By OmaraPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

To get that straight from the start: Sex is not a competition in changing positions. It’s also not about trying out as many positions as possible. But above all, sex is not only about what pleases HIM, but what makes BOTH of you fun, so YOU too. You should never forget that. The question of which sex position men find best can also be answered very briefly: any. Most men love sex and actually do almost everything with it.

For the longer answer we need to go a little further, if you are really interested in what he likes. Because there is not THE one sex position that ALL men find equally great. But we’ll try to give you all the info you need to achieve the maximum fun in bed with him.

What sex positions do men like?

Even though preferences vary, most men want to have sex in a position where they feel sufficiently stimulated, both mechanically and visually. You know: men like to look. Most of them, anyway.

You realize: that doesn’t exactly narrow down the choice. Of course, sex guides or even the great Kama Sutra offer a wealth of possibilities for sex. There really is a variant for every taste.

Which sex positions do men and women like?

Kamasutra all well and good: not all people want the erotic encounter to turn into a sports lesson with a high degree of difficulty and an uncertain outcome. You too may not want to check off all possible variations on the checklist. Especially if you are not on a sexual exploration tour, but just want to have good sex, there are simply no positions where you meet each other squatting on a kitchen table.

Ultimately, all the sex positions you can have together in a bed can be broken down to 3 basic arithmetic operations: Him on top, you on top, or “from behind.” It sounds crude now, but that’s what it boils down to in most cases. And among these three, you will usually find the positions that most men are into. But which of these basic positions is his favorite? And when should you get involved? As you will read in a moment, this is a question of type in many respects.

Missionary position: When does he like to be on top during sex?

Some men, it’s undeniable, like to be in control during sex. They want to feel like they are the dominant part. For some, this control is important to let themselves fall, as contradictory as that sounds. Others want to control the movement themselves to better control their orgasm. This can be quite sensible, especially if it often happens too fast (or too slow). Men with a desire for control naturally like to be active and therefore often prefer the missionary position.

Whether he lies completely on top of you, supports himself with his hands or kneels upright in front of you, doesn’t matter at first. The important thing is that he determines the pace, the depth of penetration, whether there are breaks or not. If your lover is more of this type of man and you are comfortable giving up control, the missionary position is the perfect way to start the sex adventure together, especially at the beginning of a relationship, since you can look each other in the eye. If you also prefer to be on top, however, it is a good idea to change the position from time to time.

Important: If he has control, he must use it to satisfy you. In other words, he should respond to your wishes in terms of speed and depth and touch you the way you like it. Just as important: that you tell him that.

Tip: The missionary position can be spiced up by the skillful use of sex toys. A couple vibrator is ideal, which stimulates you from the outside and inside with vibration and makes sex even more intense.

Riding position: When does the man prefer to be down during sex?

If a man is able to give up control sometimes and can also (or especially) enjoy sex when you set the direction and the pace, it’s a perfect solution if you ride on top of him. He can learn that too, you should try it out together.

Whether you kneel or squat upright or lie completely on top of him, whether you look at him or turn your back to him, you must also clarify in each individual case. The pleasant part: You can set the pace, depth and position — but you can also just kneel or squat over him and let him do the “work.”

A big advantage of this passive role that many men enjoy: he has his hands free because he doesn’t have to support himself. So he can touch you much better, caress you or even grab you, just as you want. And look at you all the time

Tip: In the riding position you can concentrate on yourself while he enjoys the view. So that he doesn’t come too soon and you have even more fun at the same time, a penis ring is perfect for this position. You can determine how much vibration you want to feel on your clitoris by your movements. A practical side effect: due to the blood stasis effect, your lover will last longer and you can enjoy the stimulation even longer. Provided that you hold out at all so long with this great toy.

Doggystyle: Wann steht er auf Sex von hinten?

Die Hündchenstellung (was für ein Name!), also Sie auf den Knien und er hinter Ihnen, landet bei Umfragen über die heißeste Sexstellung regelmäßig auf dem ersten Platz. Sie gilt als die intensivste und “animalischste” Stellung, nicht zuletzt, weil sie auf die Urzeit der Fortpflanzung bei Säugetieren zurückgeht. Allerdings ist sie auch besonders intensiv und nicht jedermanns Sache. Wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, vor ihm zu knien und sich von ihm “besteigen” zu lassen, sollten Sie das auch nicht tun und ihm klar machen, dass es anders zu machen ist.

Die Vorteile der Hündchenstellung für den Mann liegen auf der Hand: Er hat noch mehr Kontrolle als in der Missionarsstellung, hat die Hände frei, und außerdem sorgt der Eindringwinkel dafür, dass die meisten Männer den Sex intensiver empfinden. (Viele Frauen tun das übrigens auch).

Ein Nachteil: man kann sich nicht ins Gesicht sehen, und ja: es gibt auch Männer, die das störend finden. Wie es um Ihre Gefühle steht, müssen Sie beide gemeinsam herausfinden. Auch hier hilft eine vorherige Absprache, um Unstimmigkeiten zu vermeiden.

Tipp: Für viele ist ein Analplug ein eher ungewöhnliches Sexspielzeug oder wird schnell als eklig abgestempelt. Doch diese Form der Stimulation führt zu ungeahnten Höhen und schürt Ihre Lust. Versuchen Sie, sich fallen zu lassen, während Ihr Partner Sie von hinten verwöhnt. Ihm wird der Anblick besonders gefallen. Übrigens: Wenn Sie auf Nummer sicher gehen wollen, dass nichts schief geht, können Sie vorher eine Analdusche benutzen.

The gentle sex from behind: the spoon position

However, the intense experience of doggy style can also speak against this variant: If he tends to finish rather too early, such an emotional experience is counterproductive and possibly makes him finish prematurely. Then the fun is over far too quickly for both of them. The somewhat “impersonal” way of approaching is also not to everyone’s taste.

Perhaps a special variant of sex from behind is recommended: the spoon position. Many people find it very intimate, it is much gentler and less animalistic, but it brings similar advantages: free hands, penetration angle and depth. So if “from behind” on your knees is too intense for you, try “spooning” more often.

Basically, men like just about any position during sex. Which one your lover specifically finds best is best discovered together. You have no pressure to succeed and all the time in the world. Important: Never forget your own preferences while thinking about his!

sexual wellness

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