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What Men Want and How to Give it to Them

His secret desires will surprise you

By Happy EndsPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Get Access to the GREATEST SECRETS of male pleasure!

Do you remember how hard you worked on the show-and-tell project in kindergarten and how good it felt when you clapped in class at home and your dad said "good job"? Men are like kindergarteners in many ways wanting more than your appreciation and respect for their hard work. Since this recognition seldom comes from your boss, it's even more important to give your boss some recognition at home from time to time, especially when you're doing something thoughtful or competent. Because men grow up with cultural expectations that they must be strong and courageous to control their emotions, fears, and anger, it can be very difficult to discover this need under ascetic armor. But rest assured. There it is. Men can be anxious.

One of the most effective ways to show love for him is to satisfy his desire to feel valued and needed as a provider and protector. In a survey of Men's Health readers, 66% said they would like women to compliment their intangible but specific traits. Be true: "I'm glad you can always cheer me up" is far more effective than "You're great" because it reinforces his efforts to care for you.

Find out what he likes, just ask. Men can be shy to tell you what really excites them and how much they love to be touched there. So, ask. Your permission to open up will create a safe and comfortable environment that can turn into really hot sex.

Ask him to show you how he masturbates as he thinks about you. Notice how he grabs the stick and imitates it. Also learn about his frenulum, one of the most sensitive areas of the penis, located below the glans. Playful strokes and gentle pressure on the frenulum often pump blood to the penis for stronger erections. While manually stimulating him, wrap your hand around his penis so that a thick pad of your finger, not your fingertip, rubs against the platoon. Try a lubricant. This will make the process more enjoyable for both of you. Place his hand over you so he can guide you up and down as he pleases.

Secrets to Make Him Keep Coming Back For More!

To double his pleasure, stimulate another erogenous zone by playing with his genitals: anus, testicles, and nipples. Lick the nerve-rich suture that runs along the center of his scrotum, then gently press down on the bottom of his testicle with your hand. It's a way to stimulate the prostate, a sensitive gland known as the G-spot in men, without having to put your finger into his anus.

He wants more foreplay. You think we are joking. Now, the majority of men who responded to the Big Book of Sex polls said they expect foreplay to last for more than 15 minutes. This is consistent with female respondents.

Slow sex isn't just good for you. Longer foreplay helps men to synchronize with their partner, build self-confidence and, as a result, have better control over their ejaculation. Men know that women take longer to arouse. So relax, take your time and try to immerse yourself in the sexy vibe. Imagine yourself masturbating. Grab the vibrator or use your fingers to get the momentum. He will love to see you. If he stimulates you with his hands, tell him how you like to be touched. Your magic phrase? "like this." That's all - he will understand. One hand stroking his buttocks and pulling his pelvis towards you, making movements that excite you. Don't forget the phrase "like this".

Change places during sex. You are at the top. Kiss his neck and collarbone slowly. Pause at his belt line and look up at him as you kiss his belly button. Then slowly lower yourself over it, put him in your mouth and look up at him, which is very exciting for a man.

Biggest SECRETS to Wanting You Even More!

Keep the lights on. There's nothing sexier than an unwary woman in bed. He likes to be able to see and feel your body, and most of all, he gets turned-off when you're embarrassed. So, create an environment where you can enjoy candles, lingerie, and everything you need to unwind and feel your beauty. Trust us; He doesn't notice the imperfections that women usually focus on. All he knows is that he loves your body.

Instant Access to Make Him Yours Forever!

Watch porn with him. A study from Brigham Young University found that 87% of men have viewed some form of pornography in the past year, and 1 in 5 checks Xrated daily. This probably won't surprise anyone. However, it is shocking how quickly men can become addicted to erotic images on a regular basis. Excitatory hormones due to visual effects are addictive.

If you experience erotic cloth is meddling together along with your dating or he`s the usage of it to keep away from something, you need to confront the problem. One tactic is to indicate looking erotica collectively. It will become compulsive while he seems like he has to cover it. But willingness to percentage his hobby takes the compulsion out of the ques­tion. Viewing erotic photos collectively may also even decorate your intercourse life, say intercourse experts. Focus on genres which you prefer, which might be possibly to be movies containing greater storytelling and romance as opposed to raw humping.

Be more confident as a man likes to control. The bedroom is one of the places you want to have more control. It doesn't mean to grab the TV remote control. Become a person to start having sex. By taking charge, you strengthen your desire for him. That's what he needs inside and outside the bedroom. Use his infamous tendency as a visual clue.

Make Him ONLY Look at YOU!

Outside the bedroom, wear a slightly plump strapless dress. Wear his boxer around the house. When he gives up something he can't imagine, he's driven crazy because men get even more excited by what they can't see. Slide him into the shower and whisk. Point him out that you aren't wearing underwear for a gorgeous dinner at the restaurant and see how fast he eats creme brulee. When moving from one sexual position to another, put him in your mouth, watch for a few seconds, then look back and suggest entering from behind. These are some secret desires we have heard from men. We're sure you can think of more.

Get Access to the BIGGEST SECRETS to Pleasuring Men!

The biggest turn on for men, it`s not oral sex or the downward dog position, a new sex toy or lube—not even the prospect of a threesome. This is an unrestrained passion and confidence in the bed. Remember, men are action- and achievement-oriented. So he's interested in knowing that he pleases you, you want him and enjoys him as much as he enjoys you.

The more interactive sex is, the better the sex for him and you. 87% of men said "just lying" was a great disgust, and 57% said silence was sexual depression. This doesn't mean he needs an orgasm to feel whole. Do not put such pressure on yourself or him. But you will satisfy him by telling him what you like and he is doing the right thing. Grab the sheet. Grab the headboard. Moan in his ears and speak dirty words. beg. demand. Direct.

Every successful sexual encounter convinces you that you have something really special. And your excessive enthusiasm can help a man feel closer emotionally to you. Men say this is one of the most important elements of unforgettable sex.


About the Creator

Happy Ends

Hey! I'm Happy Ends. I give professional advice and tips to help men and women explore their sexuality. I am dedicated to making the world a happier place by helping people experience more pleasure in their lives.

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