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What is Alien Sex Like?

A tantric fantasy to set your heart on fire...

By Christina MartinePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
What is Alien Sex Like?
Photo by Mia Harvey on Unsplash

My heart grew faster then and the ball of red-hot fire spread into my entire form once more. This time, there was no hesitation, no cloaking. I allowed him to truly see me. His body glowed red in response and instantly I could feel his hunger. He yearned to connect as I did and he lifted up his hand once more.

I reached out, terrified, but I couldn’t resist. As my fingers dove between his, the most powerful electric anama I’d ever experienced shot into my arm. It was painful but also inviting. I wanted more and closed the grip. Immediately, another surge of energy rippled through my body. I gasped but kept the connection alive. I stared into Merius’s eyes. They were watering and he was smiling, overwhelmed by the powerful vortex of energy we were creating.

I closed my eyes to zone in on what I was feeling. Electricity pulsed through my form and spread out into my auric field. Every cell in my body ached with pleasure and power. Every organ vibrated with strength and purity. The throbbing energy between my legs returned and begged for my attention. I reached out and took Merius’ other hand in mine. He gasped with delight and we sat in ecstasy as another wave washed through us.

We sat there for an hour of Earth time basking in this new force we had called in together. Merius could see me through my robe, glowing with need. With our hands still linked, he opened his own robe to reveal his form. His linalum was still retracted inside him, but I could tell he wanted to release it, to share it with me. Carefully, he slid open my own robe to reveal my breasts. Between my legs, my yunala pulsed with passion; the folds spread open like the lotus we sat upon. Merius took in a breath of anama and closed his eyes to concentrate. A beam of golden light slowly vibrated from his groin area straight and direct. As it neared my opening, I felt my yunala burn with excitement. I moaned, the pain pleasurable now. I needed it to continue and eagerly spread my legs. As the light entered me, I cried out. A bliss I’ve never known rushed into me. Moisture gushed from between my legs and the sight of this caused Merius to pull me closer. I breathed his light in and sent it up to the center of my chest. I began to cry, something I rarely did, as I realized I was experiencing the love of nilina. I sent the beam to Merius’s chest and he immediately shook with pleasure. When the beam reached his root, his linalum extended and grew erect.

The sight of it aroused me and I slid forward to allow the tip to touch the sacred gates. He moaned and hugged me towards him, our hearts reverberating as one. All of my attention was on the sensation of him at my entrance. My yunala dripped with moisture as he moved deeper and deeper inside me. We locked eyes and smiled, our bodies trembling with power and anticipation. I nodded and carefully he inched in even closer.

A jolt of electric anama shot up my spine. I closed my eyes and arched my back to receive him. Merius took me on top of him and slowly at first began thrusting into me. I moaned in ecstasy, my entire body on fire, burning with need. I could no longer focus on anything but the pleasure I was receiving. I allowed it to consume me, to course through my body, all anxiety gone.

The concentration of energy was building. The fire in my yunala had spread to my chest. I opened my eyes to stare at Merius. His mouth was ajar, his eyes were focused and his chest was glowing. He too was feeling what I was feeling, the source of creation. This is what we had come from and where we would return to.

The fire travelled into my throat and I laughed, my head dizzy. The energy was so powerful I didn’t think I could take much more but it continued to grow. It moved into my mind and suddenly I was no longer in the room. I only saw darkness but I wasn’t afraid. I was nowhere and yet I was everywhere because I was nothing.

I was pure. I was love. I was home.

I opened my eyes suddenly very aware of what was to come. Merius groaned with pleasure to let me know he was experiencing the same thing. It was apparent from his form, which glowed with golden light. The energy between my legs was volcanic. The pressure was too intense and needed to be released. I reveled in the sensation and began to thrust my yunala on Merius’s linalum, moisture pouring from me in torrents. I took in a sharp breath of anama and allowed the bliss to overtake me entirely. Merius moaned again as his linalum pulsed with power. He was releasing into me. The feeling was so enjoyable that I couldn’t contain myself any longer and I released with him, convulsing in a fit of ecstasy. The fire shot through my entire body, healing me and reminding me of the truth of existence. Up my spine to the top of my head, and all at once, everything was extremely clear. With my focus returned, I sent the fire down into my chest and then into Merius’s. He too sent his energy into my chest bonding us as one.

I broke the connection and threw my arms around Merius who quietly sobbed into my shoulder.

I’ve never experienced that before. I remember sex as a human but it was never like this.

This was my first time too.

When we were ready to part, we wrapped our robes around ourselves once more and returned the room to its original state.

Merius looked at me sincerely. The Lucherrians don’t usually do this, you know. When it’s time to procreate, the man sends the woman the energy she needs. It’s not so physical.

Yes, I’m well aware that what we did was a very human thing to do. It was powerful though, wasn’t it?

Merius took my head in his hands. No one had ever done that to me before in this form. It felt comforting. This was the best thing I’ve ever experienced. It was nilina we felt. That’s where we’re returning home to.


About the Creator

Christina Martine

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