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Welcome Home

A woman finds her home.

By Robert PlunkettPublished 7 years ago 23 min read

Christy drove out to the solitary ranch style home wondering if she had made a huge mistake. Her friends had introduced her to the man she was meeting for dinner, Vann, at a party a few months back. He was older, but nice. Ruggedly handsome, gentlemanly in a very southern way and he always made her smile.

They had been talking off and on since the party, but she had always refused his invitations for a date. Her excuses were polite, but nearly always the same. “I’m just not ready yet.” While it was true she didn't feel ready, it was also true she was getting tired of being alone. Three years without even a hint at a date was a long time.

Vann had been very patient with her, though. To his credit, he would tell her he understood and that there was no rush. When she was ready, he would take her out for a good time, no expectations, no strings attached.

“Maybe his persistence paid off,” she mumbled to herself as she closed the door to her car. Or perhaps she actually liked him more than she wanted to admit to herself or her friends.

The house was well-maintained. The front lawn was manicured, the bushes trimmed to perfect round balls. A brick walkway led from the wide concrete driveway to the front door. Several flower beds adorned the front of the house without as much as a speck of weeds. She was impressed but wondered how he found the time for all that yard work.

She walked to the front door, a thick solid mahogany work of art with intricate carvings decorating all but the very center. There were no windows, no peepholes. Only a single knocker set at the break in decorations. She rapped it lightly twice and gazed with appreciation at the carvings while she waited for her date to answer.

At the top, a man who appeared to be half-goat and half-human stood playing a set of pipes while scantily dressed women danced around him. She looked and could see that the images were like a cartoon but far more intricate, with each panel moving to the right, down, back around and up. The next image, some of the women had fallen into each other’s arms while others stood around the man-goat admiring and touching him. The door opened as she reached the third. From what she had seen, it appeared to depict an orgy.

Vann greeted her with a broad smile.

“Hey Chris, glad you could make it.” He turned aside and motioned her in. “Come on in, won’t you?”

Chris hesitated at the door, the image lingering, but smirked shyly. She nodded a bit spastically, her short blonde hair bobbing with her head.

“Thank you,” she mumbled, her eyes down.

She stepped into the hallway and shifted her weight as Vann closed the door softly and locked it. She knew his eyes were on her because she often caught him looking at her when they spent time talking.

She wore a tight Skittles shirt and a pair of faded jeans that accentuated her curves.

“Thank you for inviting me,” she said with a soft smile. Her face colored slightly and she took an unconscious step toward him.

He smiled as he looked her over appreciatively. He lifted her right hand in his and kissed it softly.

“Well, I am glad you finally accepted. Dinner is almost done. I hope you don’t mind the casual attire.”

She smiled and turned slightly away to hide her blush. She had to admit, he looked good casual. A nice long sleeve shirt, jeans, and boots, his short hair and mustache trimmed neatly. She caught a whiff of the cologne he was wearing and breathed it in deeply. It was earthy, clean, citrus and a hint of spice. “Burberry's?”

“Good nose.” He moved closer and offered his neck to her. “It’s my favorite. Let’s move to the living room until dinner is finished. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry,” she said with an enthusiastic bow of her head. "I can’t wait!”

He held her hand, leading her in a saunter over to the plush red couch in the large main room. He moved deliberately slow and spun her toward the couch like a dance partner. She laughed lyrically and plopped into it with a contented smile. She stretched out, crossed her legs and made herself comfortable.

“I hope you’re a good cook, mister,” she said with a playful grin.

Vann's face pulled to a twisted grin and he winked at her. “Guess you will have to wait and find out, won’t you?”

He gave her a once-over again. “You really look good, by the way.”

Chris fidgeted in her seat and smiled broadly. “O-oh, thanks. Yeah, it’s just...,” she made a motion of negation with her hand indicating her outfit. “Nothing, you know. Nothing.”

Vann's genuine smile faltered and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “I bet you would look even better in that,” he said offhandedly as he headed to the kitchen.

Chris giggled with her head cocked as she listened to him fixing their plates. Whatever he was making smelled marvelous. “What are you talking about?” She wrinkled her nose.

“I was talking about you looking better in nothing,” he paused as he placed the plates on to the table then looked up and winked. “You know?”

Chris broke into an all over blush. “I, uh...well...”

She fidgeted and started pacing. “I like you, but I mean...we”

Vann laughed and waved his hand. “Oh come have a seat and eat, Chris.”

His smile was disarmingly sweet. “I don’t bite...often.” He poured two glasses of sweet white wine.

She hesitated again, looking at him for a moment. She wasn’t sure about the man, he was somewhat a puzzle even after months of talking. Slowly, a smile formed on her lips and she nodded. “Okay,” she said with a low snicker. She sashayed toward him, placing one foot directly in front of the other with deliberate grace making sure he was riveted to the sway of her hips.

Vann set the plates across from each other, a comfortable distance between the two. He walked back and held her chair as she moved into it then went around to his side and sat.

Chris put her hands on her silverware, adjusting it before finally looking up and clearing her throat.

“So, ehm...where were you born?” They had spoken often, but she didn’t know many private things about the man.

“Houston...more or less. I don’t think anyone is actually born in Houston. But that was the major city closest. What about you?” He looked into her eyes as she spoke, genuinely paying attention to her words.

“Philadelphia, um, yeah.” She bobbed her head as if to affirm the point. She cut into the salmon on the plate and took a bite. Her eyes closed as the taste swept over her.

Vann watched her eat, slowly taking bites between the conversation. His eyes never strayed far from hers. “Philly girl? Never been there, but I hear it’s nice.”

Chris ate her food at a healthy pace. The food was delicious. Vann was indeed a fine cook.

“Eh, it’s okay.” She finished the last of her rice and looked up sheepishly. Vann seemed unfazed by her appetite. “So, what do you do, where do you work, what do you do for fun? I feel like I’ve known you for so long but I don’t know anything about you.”

“I work the docks and the factories, normally. As to fun...,” an impish grin spread across his face. “Depends on what you are asking about.”

“Well, oh y’know,” Chris stuttered. She felt a bit uncomfortable with the obvious sexual reference and yet she was flattered as well. “I movies? Do you, uh...”

Chris wasn’t sure if she was being so awkward because she rarely made small talk or if she was actually feeling a stronger attraction to the man across the table than she had thought.

“Karaoke?” She drank her glass of white wine and shrugged.

Vann laughed heartily, his mirth sending a definite thrill through her body. “Karaoke? I can’t carry a tune. I have been known to go to a movie or two though.”

“Yeah, I can’t really sing either, but I love movies.” Chris trailed off, casting a furtive glance at him.

Vann rose from the table and offered her his hand. “Well, what do you do for fun, Chris?”

“Oh, uh stuff. Y’know. I watch TV and read books.” She took his hand and stood next to him. Her eyes constantly strayed away from his.

“And dream of meeting cute guys,” she added under her breath.

“Cute guys? And have you met any recently?” Vann grabbed a remote from behind him and turned the stereo on. Gentle classical music filled the room. She wasn’t sure of the tune, but it seemed to be something by Strauss. A waltz, by the sound of it. He placed one hand on her waist and held the other with a smile.

“Yeah,” she said with a blush. “I do like you. I mean you seem nice and all.” She melted at his touch wanting to move against his body and rest her head on his chest. His touch made her want to lay her ear against his chest, hear his heart as he moved her to the rhythm of the music.

Vann moved her away from him slightly, keeping her at a respectable distance for the dance. He smiled as she relaxed to him though. He moved slowly, letting her keep up with him and not allowing her to falter or feel less like a lady if she couldn’t do the old dance.

Chris looked at him as she moved, doing her best not to look like a klutz. She could dance, but she wasn’t going to be winning any awards.

“Yeah, I feel like I can talk to you. The first time we met, I was really moved. You’re such a good listener.” Their bodies moved in time with the light, soothing music. She closed her eyes, enjoying him leading her.

The music changed to something slower, darker, and he pulled her closer to him, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and continued to move with her. He was stronger than she would have thought. His arms felt secure and warm. She listened to the beat of his heart loving the strength of it.

“Well, I love listening to a beautiful woman talk.”

Chris giggled, listening to his voice and heart through his chest before looking back up. “Now you’re just flattering me to get in my pants.” Their bodies moved in unison as they enjoyed the contact.

"Not at all. I don't say things I don't mean just to bed a woman." As the song ended, Vann dipped her and looked into her eyes. She could see the amber rings around his dark blue eyes and simply stared, forgetting to look away. He slowly raised her back to standing. "Saying things you don't mean is pointless. One should only speak the truth in their words. You are a very beautiful woman."

She laughed softly as he righted her. “You’re such a good dancer, Vann.” She looked at him for a long moment, her cheeks high with color.

He shrugged and nodded. "It was required of me by my mother when I was young."

She cocked her head and smirked. “A momma's boy? Who would have guessed that looking at you?"

He gave her a crooked sardonic smile. "All men who are honest are probably momma's boys in some form or fashion."

"So...what else was it you did for fun, again?” She ran her hands seductively to his jaw and let the fingertips linger. Her eyes lowered slightly, her lips parted just barely.

Vann could see her obvious excitement through her tight shirt. He moved close to her, his face only inches from her. “I can think of something I would like to do...for fun..." His smile slowly faded. His eyes shone in the light both playfully and promising.

Chris kept her eyes lowered then looked up through her lashes. She wanted him to touch her. She knew, as close as he was, that he could feel the heat emanating from her. “What do you want to do, Vann?”

Vann put his hands on her hips and winked. “You mean besides you?”

“Oh God, Vann,” she moved forward into his arms. “You win. I haven’t stopped thinking about this since we met.”

She leaned against him and nibbled his ear lobe. “I want you, Vann. Please take me.”

He pulled away from her. “Eager?”

She bit her bottom lip. “Er, yeah. I haven’t had sex in so long. And like I said, you’re a nice guy. So...yeah.”

She stepped back from him and undid the button on her jeans. “How do you want me, Vann?

“Stop,” he said with a stern command. “Come here, first.”

She paused, a bemused smile crossing her lips before she moved forward. She placed her hands on his hips. “Yes?”

Vann’s face became serious. He cocked his head to the right and his eyes narrowed. “Turn around.”

Chris frowned slightly. A small sound of disappointment escaped her lips as she obediently turned away from him and waited. She craned her neck to look back and see what he was doing.

Vann leaned forward and kissed her neck where it met the shoulder. The kiss was light, a feather’s touch. “Sex is so much more than simply getting naked and penetrating.”

She quivered at the gentle kiss. “Oh? What is sex, then?”

His hot breath traced a line up her neck as he spoke. “Any fool with a cock can fuck, Chris. Sex is about energy. It’s about giving, taking...”

He placed his canines on her pulse point and let them rake across her soft skin. She drew a deep breath and held it as the feeling ran through her body.

“Boys simply fuck their quarry, entering them with a thrust and leaving behind their seed. They take nothing with them. Give nothing to be taken with their quarry.”

“Tell me about it,” she moaned. She moved a little as his breath tickled her neck.

He sank his teeth into her pulse point and held them there, simulating the vampire’s embrace.

“You have only been with boys, I take it. A man gets what he desires from a young woman’s body. He takes his pleasure and leaves her a lasting memory. Have you had pleasure extracted from your body? Has someone else’s will ever left you shaking?”

She drew a sharp breath. “I can’t say I have.” She moved back into his arms as he continued.

He pulled her against him, his hands running lightly over her sides, stomach and back behind to her bottom. “Give me your will. Let me show you what sex is.”

She moaned and bit her lip. “O-okay.”

“Do you know what I’m offering you?” His hands moved slowly down her body to the front of her jeans and finished unbuttoning them.

“Mmm, God, whatever it is, I’ll take it!” She moved her hands over his and pushed her jeans down.

Vann nipped her ear hard. “No. Your jeans are mine to remove.” He pushed her hands away. “It means you will enjoy yourself at my whim.”

He turned her to face him. “How does that sound, Chris?”

“Yes. Whatever you say,” she giggled. “It sounds great.”

Vann lead her to the table and placed her hands on it, palm down. “Stand there, don’t move unless I tell you.”

Chris stood bent forward slightly, hands on the table, back arched slightly. Her breath came to her in hard gasps and she could feel her pulse in every part of her body.

Vann slapped a hand down on her butt hard enough to make a sound, but not really hurt. “Close your eyes, or would you prefer a blindfold?”

She moaned, her back arching further. “If you keep this up, I won’t be able to keep my eyes open!”

“Good. Keep them closed.” He moved under her arms and between them. She could feel his hot breath as his face moved close to hers. Her pulse quickened more as she anticipated the contact.

His lips brushed hers, softly caressed them, and then he kissed her with passionate abandon. His hand slipped across her breasts, down her sides, and to her taut butt before climbing to her hair and wrapping into the short locks.

She melted into his kiss, making small mewling sounds as he touched each new part of her. She kept her eyes shut as he broke the kiss and let loose her hair and began kneeling in front of her.

She didn't need to see to feel as he moved down her body, kissing every couple of inches and nipping his way lower.

Vann revealed her legs slowly. He could smell her excitement on her panties as he pulled the jeans to her knees. The sweet musk filled his nose and made him smile. His hands moved over her panties and came away damp. “You seem a little excited,” he said with a smile.

“Oh God, Vann!” Chris gyrated her body at his touch. “I’m excited a lot!”

Vann moved to her and raked his teeth across her cloth clad sex. The taste was delightful. He moved his fingers in either side of her panties. “You won’t be needing these ever again.” He ripped them in a quick motion and threw them toward the kitchen.

Chris slapped the table loudly. “I’m yours, baby, take me!”

Vann’s hand fell hard on her ass making it jiggle. “In good time.”

“Oh, God!” Chris shuddered, her naked ass wiggling. “Do what you want, Vann. Do it!”

His hand fell hard across her naked ass causing her to bite her lip to keep from yelping. The sound filled the dining/living room. She shook off the tears finding herself more turned on than she had been in some time.

He pushed her legs further apart and none too gently forced her forward until she was laying on the table from the waist up, exposing her ass and pussy for his inspection.

She moaned softly as his hands moved down over her ass and between her legs. She was totally exposed to him. At his mercy and belonging to his whims. The thrill of not knowing what was coming made her moisture drip down her thighs.

Vann knelt behind her and ran a finger from her clit to her anus without pushing into her. She heard him taste his finger with a smack of his lips.

“Very nice.” He leaned forward to taste her.

Chris slapped the table again as his tongue grazed her ass and vagina. Her ass moved back, pushing further into his face, but he kept the distance so his tongue never made more contact than he intended.

Vann slapped her ass again and he stopped. “Stay still or I will tie you there.”

“Ngf, sure Vann,” she breathed. His talented tongue slowly slid between her legs and found her nub. Chris bit her lip and forced herself to be still as he lapped, nipped, and nibbled at her.

She was practically screaming as the first orgasm hit her. If this is the warm-up, she thought, what will the sex be like?! She came again as his finger moved deep into her sex and right to her g-spot. She shook hard against him as she tried to hold herself upright.

She rode out the second orgasm and then a third with no sign of Vann letting up. He lapped at her juices as they flowed from her, forcing each blissful release to an almost painful extension and an almost immediate follow-up. When his finger found her tight anus and slowly entered, she cried out and collapsed onto the table. She felt something she had never imagined taking over her body as she ejaculated forcibly.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost track of time. Chris had never had a man take the kind of time Vann was. She was quivering and mewling.

“Oh God,” she muttered happily to herself. “Oh please!”

“I’m not done yet, Chris, I am still hungry.”

“Take more, Vann! Oh God, take me all!”

“I fully intend to,” Vann said with a smile. “I will take until it hurts.” Vann continued working her body, pushing her to another climax. He gently lapped at her, letting her rest as he devoured her nectar.

“What do you want, Vann? Tell me,” Chris said from the table as she tried to catch her breath. She could only catch her breath in small gasps and hoped he would allow her at least some time to rest, however, she also wanted to return the favor.

Vann stood and smiled at her. She could just make out the crooked grin from the corner of her eyes. “Want? Just you, Chris. What do you want?”

“Mmm God, I just want you to take me. Fuck me, grope me. Have your way with me, Vann. Ravish me like you want to!”

“Good girl,” Vann said with a smirk. He took a step back. “I think it’s time you serve me, now.”

“How can I serve you, Vann?” She turned to look him up and down. “What does Vann like?”

“First,” he said, pulling her shirt off. “Let’s see the rest of this body.” He picked the knife up from the table and cut her bra off.

Chris stood in front of him, a mischievous grin on her pretty face. She pushed her chest out to display her heavy breasts. Her dark nipples were thick, hard and ready for whatever might come.

Vann weighed each of her breasts, then pinched the nipples. He moved forward, sucking each one in and applying pressure with his teeth. He bit the flesh enough to leave the skin tingling and red from the abuse.

"Fantastic tits. You will absolutely do."

“Oh yes, Vann,” she moaned as she pulled him close to her heaving chest. “They’re all yours. Suck them, fuck them. Love them!”

He stepped back from her and broke her grip easily. His finger and thumb found purchase on her right nipple and he used it to lead her to the couch. “Come here, slut.”

She followed him obediently. Her fat breasts jiggled as she had to almost run to keep up with his pace. Her nipple ached where he had grabbed it but she enjoyed the small amount of pain. He sat on the couch and pulled her down next to him.

“Now then, be a good girl." He pulled her head down to his lap and snarled at the back of her head before biting into the nape of her neck.

Chris smiled into the crotch of his jeans. She could finally give back all he had given her. She unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out. She stroked it a couple of times, enjoying the feel and looking forward to having it inside her. “All for me?”

He smiled and nodded.

“Yes, it's all for you,” he said as he placed one hand at the back of her head and guided her lips to him. "Less talk, Chris. Get your slut mouth to work."

Chris eagerly worked him, gulping him into her mouth further with each motion of her head. She scooted closer, wrapping her meaty breasts about him as she continued to enjoy the taste of him.

Vann lay his head back enjoying the enthusiasm of her sucking. “You give great head, Chris.” He pushed her head all the way down on him.

“I hate to end it,” he moaned as he came into her waiting mouth.

She smiled up at him and he pulled her to a passionate kiss. “Hey, I am nowhere done, mister!”

“Did I say we were finished?” He leaned over to the stand next to the couch and pulled something out, but didn’t show her.

“Of course not,” she said with a chuckle.

“Tell me, Chris. What do you think about when you masturbate?”

“I’m boring,” she said with a shrug. “Just hot steamy sex mostly.”

“That’s all?” He turned her to face away from him and pulled both her arms behind her. “Haven’t you ever thought of being helpless and wildly fucked?”

Chris bit the bottom of her lip and giggled. “Yeah,” she squeaked. “Being helpless is kind of a turn on.”

Vann placed a cold metal handcuff on her right wrist and secured it. “And what about being dehumanized? Being called names while you are used mercilessly?” He closed the other cuff on her left wrist. He pushed her to her knees, laying her chest on the arm of the couch.

She squealed with anticipation as the second cuff closed on her. “Do it, Vann. Call me whatever you want. Use me!”

Vann stepped next to the couch and began inspecting her. His hand running over her body as he spoke. “Now let’s look at you, my new sow.” His hands ran along her back and over her ass.

“Nice. You'd be a great breeder, but Chris just won't do as a pet's name. How about Daisy?" He slid his fingers into her still drenched sex and slapped her ass just to watch it move. His hand found her tits, pinching them as if milking each one.

“And these teats! Fabulous. We'll have to get you lactating as soon as possible.” He slapped each one, in turn, watching them move.

Chris moaned and wiggled with each touch, and slap. She looked at Vann longingly as he played with her breasts. “You think I’m sexy, Vann?”

“Oh yes, sexy enough to keep.”

Chris giggled sending ripples through her soft flesh. “Oh, I’ll bet. Take me, Vann. Please!”

Vann smiled as he moved onto the couch behind her. “Sexy enough that I wish you were lactating. I bet I could sell your milk for five or ten bucks a gallon.” He pushed into her, entering her slick sex with one powerful thrust.

“Oh God,” Chris cried out. “I want you so bad, Vann!”

He pulled back out and smiled. “Do you, little piggy? I am going to mount you like the sow you are, Chris.” He drove into her again and smiled as she arched her back. He pulled the chain of the handcuffs, using them to drag her body back to him.

“Oh yes, mount me, do me until I am raw, Vann!”

“You are so wet, I won’t even need KY to finish taking your body!”

“Oh yes, take me! Take every part of me and make it yours.”

He let go of the cuffs and smiled. “Fuck your new owner, piglet. Fuck me and let me know you are mine.” Chris pushed back onto him, using just her knees to continue.

“Mmm, yes Master!”

“It really is a shame this will have to end, Daisy." He moved his hand around to her breast and squeezed it in a milking motion.

“I don’t want this to end!”

“Everything must end, pet.” Vann drove hard into her pushing her down onto the couch armrest. "We have other things we must attend when this is over."

She barely heard him as he spoke as she spasmed and her pussy clamped down on his cock.

He slapped her breast and then her ass, laughing as he did. “Cum for me now, sow!” Chris felt the unexpected pain and came almost immediately coating him with her juice.

“Obedient. Good. Now, just one more place and we can get on with the rest of our day.” Without warning or mercy he entered her anus, the juices allowing him to slide in easily to her virgin anus even without other lubrication.

There was a moment of pain as her sphincter tried to resist him, then a combination of pain and pleasure as it relaxed. She grunted. “Yes, Vann. Fill me up!”

“I will, my piglet.” Her tight orifice caused him to lose control quickly. He pushed deep into her and let her milk him with her muscles. When he was finally finished, he withdrew from her body and put on his pants. “I wish I had more time with you, but we have much to discuss and company coming soon.”

He walked away from the couch leaving her breathing hard on the couch. “Glad to hear it. Umm, Vann, can you uncuff me now? My arms are kind of numb.”

"I'd love to, Chris, but we need to talk first." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water. He took a long pull emptying the first one all at once before returning to the couch. "Did you enjoy all this. Chris?"

"God yes. I've never been so fulfilled." She squirmed slightly as she felt his fluids leaking from her body. "But I really need to get cleaned up and then we can talk."

He looked at her and leaned against her ass, his arm up her back and his hand locked into her hair. His grip wasn't painful but commanding. "Hush, now and listen. Then you can do everything you need to do before they get here."

"Can we hurry? I mean, my arms are really getting sore and I feel a little gross right now."

He pulled up on her hair and forced her back to arch causing her to make a strangled yelp. "Listen to me and stop complaining."

She tried to nod her head. "I have an offer for you I have made very few. But you...something about you... Are you interested?"

"Depends on what it is, Vann. I'll listen." She felt like she had no choice but to listen but she was intrigued.

"How would you like to live here with me?" She made a face and he released her hair and held up his other hand cutting off anything she might say. "Not as a full time slave. There will be plenty of that, but as my girlfriend, partner and yes, slave in private. I realize it's quick, but we've been talking for months now. You know me, I know you. We have no secrets between each other even before today."

"If I say no, am I a hostage?"

Vann laughed and shook his head as he released the cuffs. "No. You are free to go get cleaned up and leave right now. This isn't about holding you against your will. I wanted you to listen before I cut you loose. I knew you'd run into the bathroom and be there for quite a while."

Chris rose and rubbed at her hands, her back to Vann. She looked at the tatters of her clothing in the kitchen, on the table and around the living room. "How many of us?"

"Counting you?" She nodded. "One."

She nodded her head slowly, her disheveled hair bobbing with her. She turned to him with a very serious frown on her face and put a finger in his chest. "Look, mister, I'm not some fly by night bimbo who you can buy or rent affection from. And I'm not just going to fall all over you just because you have a nice house and are an excellent lay."

She put her hands on her hips and motioned to her clothing. "Look what you did to my clothing!"

Vann nodded and motioned with his head over his shoulder. "Bathroom is back there. You'll find a change in your size...something a bit reserved and comfortable. My company will be here in about an hour. Even if you take a long shower, you can be long gone by then."

Chris stomped her foot and pouted for just a moment longer before stepping closer and looking up into his eyes. He could see the rage there and something else just at the edge. He braced to be slapped as she stood there fuming. "I'm not through with you yet, Mister."

Vann checked his watch and arched a brow. "You can always chew me out on the phone..."

She cut him off with a look. "Listen here, next time we do this in our home, you be more careful with my clothing, you let me go when I ask and from here out, we shower together after sex. Understood?"

Vann stood a moment trying to let it all sink in. "Look, I understand. Things got...wait, you're accepting?"

"Hell yes, I'm accepting. I'm not stupid. I just want to lay the ground rules before we go get cleaned up. And I'm a lady everywhere except in private, right?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's get cleaned up. Your friends are coming over shortly and we don't need them seeing us like this."

"My friends?" Chris grabbed the remnants of her clothes while Vann waited for her with his hand held out. "Why are they coming?"

"As I said, we are expecting guests. They were coming over to hang out. Now they'll be coming over for a housewarming party. Welcome home. Let me show you the master suite."

Chris curled beneath his arm as they walked down the hall and into the large master. She was home.


About the Creator

Robert Plunkett

A writer of specialized erotica for a bit over two decades, I have begun changing my old special into a more mainstream form of entertainment. I hope you will read a couple of the stories I have created and get something out of them.

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