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Truths and Myths About Vaginoplasty

Debunk some of the most common myths around vaginoplasty and give you the truths.

By Aaron SmithPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to vaginoplasty. Deciding to undergo this procedure is already a big, life-changing decision without all this misinformation. Therefore, you must get the correct facts to make an informed choice and not let the rumors scare you away. Today, we will debunk some of the most common myths around vaginoplasty and give you the truths. So keep reading!

Myth: You Can’t Orgasm After Vaginoplasty

Truth: You Can Still Have Amazing Orgasms After Vaginoplasty

A common myth about vaginoplasty is that you won't be able to orgasm afterward. Many people fear that they won't be able to feel the different sensations and the satisfying pleasure. However, that is not true. You will still be able to orgasm after your procedure. That is if you go to a reputable gender-affirming surgeon who has experience performing vaginoplasty and knows what they are doing.

Granted, it will feel different since you are experiencing sexual pleasure differently with your new physical anatomy. Plus, you will probably be on hormones that also affect sensations. You will be able to orgasm nonetheless and have a gratifying sexual experience.

Myth: Your Vagina Will Have No Depth

Truth: Your Vagina Will Have a Depth of 5-7 Inches

Another misconception about vaginoplasty is that you won't have any depth after surgery. While it's true that the depth of your vagina will be different than those of women born with one, you can expect to get 5-7 inches of depth as most transgender women do. That is unless you specifically ask for a zero-depth procedure that gives you the aesthetic of a vagina without the vaginal canal. Your vaginal depth can also vary depending on your surgeons and their techniques. In most cases, however, it’s more than enough depth for various sexual activities.

Myth: Dilation Is Not as Important as They Make It Out to Be

Truth: Dilation Is Crucial for the Maintenance of Your Results

If you're going for the zero-depth vagina, you don't have to worry much about dilation. Most trans women, however, have some degree of depth. Some believe that dilation is not as important as surgeons emphasize, but that is a myth that can lower the success rate of your surgery. Dilation is vital for maintaining successful results after the procedure, especially in the first 3-6 months. During this time, your vaginal canal is healing. If you don't dilate it properly, there is a high chance it will close.

So you should listen to your surgeon's instructions and keep your new vagina dilated. It would be a shame to lose the results after spending all the time and money and going through the pain. If the canal closes, not only will you lose the chance of experiencing the sexual pleasure that comes with penetration, but you will also become more prone to infection.

Myth: Vaginoplasty Is Not Medically Necessary

Truth: Vaginoplasty Is Medically Necessary for Many People

Some people think that vaginoplasty and other gender-affirming procedures are medically unnecessary. However, according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), treatment through hormone therapy or surgery is a medical necessity for many individuals.

Those who suffer from gender dysphoria experience a great deal of depression and anxiety that can lead them to suicide and self-mutilation. So in these cases, a vaginoplasty becomes necessary to keep them mentally and physically healthy and more in tune with their bodies and gender identities. In support of this, many insurance plans now cover these treatments. You can benefit from them and finally undergo vaginoplasty.

Myth: Vaginoplasty Will Solve All Your Problems and Finally Make You Happy

Truth: Vaginoplasty Will Help You Feel More Comfortable in Your Body, but It Will Not Make All Your Problems Go Away

Many people hope that vaginoplasty will solve all their problems and make them happy, but that is not true. This surgery will make your life better in many ways, but it won't address everything with your gender dysphoria.

There is a psychological component to transition that a physical change cannot completely address. It will considerably reduce some of your gender identity challenges and make you feel more comfortable and at ease with your body. However, relying on a gender-reaffirming surgery to solve all your problems is unrealistic. Having this expectation will only disappoint you instead of letting you enjoy your new body. So stay true to yourself and manage your expectations reasonably to make this part of your journey a happy one.

Myth: Others Will Know Your Vagina Is Not Real

Truth: Your Vagina Will Be Different Like Any Other Woman’s, but Real

There is a fear among trans women that their partners will be able to tell the difference between their vaginas and a “real” vagina. Many trans women even avoid sexual activity because of this fear, while vaginoplasty literally means to surgically create a vagina. No, you won't have the reproductive organs of a biologically female person. You won't get periods or be able to carry babies. However, you still have a real vagina with a vaginal canal, clitoris, and labia. Sure, it will be different than other women's, but that applies to every vagina. Not two vaginas are the same. They have different looks, sensitivities, and smells. So due to everyone's unique anatomy, your partners probably won't be able to tell the difference.

Try not to worry about that because we cannot expect all genitalia to be completely similar. Focus on the positives instead. The only thing that matters is if your new vagina feels real to you and makes you feel more comfortable in your body.

Forget the Myths, Listen to the Truths

There are other myths and misinformation around vaginoplasty, but these are the most common ones. Now that you know the truth to all these myths, you can forget the misconceptions and undergo vaginoplasty to finally enjoy your new body. Read our top pride stories for inspiring experiences of others who are going through the same thing you are. Be proud and enjoy the journey.

sexual wellness

About the Creator

Aaron Smith

Aaron is a content strategist and consultant in support of STEM firms and medical practices. He covers industry developments and helps companies connect with clients. In his free time, he enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels.

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