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The President's Daughter

Chapter 2: Game On!

By Mackenzie101Published 2 years ago 15 min read

It's the next morning and it's time to get up for school. Seri sat up with a groan and stretched a little before getting out of bed.

'Maybe I can ditch the two goons and won't have to deal with them ALL day at school, just part of the day.'

Seri stepped out of her room and into the hallway, only to find....

"Oh....Hey....Garcia was it?"

The slightly shorter Latino man nods at you. "Yes ma'am. I'm here to escort you to breakfast."

She rolled her eyes slightly.

'Damn, thought I could give them the slip early.' She thinks to herself.

She heard hear lighter footsteps come down the hallway. They stop in front of Seri and Garcia.

"Oh, got caught again sis? This your new babysitter?"

This short little runt of a brother is Seri's little brother, Daniel Lang. His dirty brown semi-shaggy hair almost went past his eyebrows.

"Shut up Danny!"

He laughs his annoying little boy laugh. "At least I don't have to be babysat everywhere I go!"

'That little worm! I'm gonna put the fear of God into him!'

Seri stared down at him, saying her next sentence low and with a hint of danger.

"May I remind you that you are 10 years old and can easily become.....lost?"

Danny gives her a confused look.

"What does that have to do with anything? You can't do anything!" Seri smirks.

"I'm bigger than you. I can always shove you in a box and ship you off somewhere from where there's no return!"

He started backing away from Seri slightly.

"Nuh-uh! You can't! You wouldn't....."

Seri leaned down to his nose level with a smirk.

"Keep messing around and find out!"

Seri then reached out for him. He let out a girlish scream and laughs as he ran away from Seri down the hallway. She watched him as he ran down the hallway. Far away from her. Seri let a sly smile come. 'Oh, I'm gonna pay for it if he ever gets taller than me, but for now, I'm enjoying scaring the life out of him.'

Garcia laughs slightly. "My brothers and sisters were the same way when we were little."

Seri chose to ignore his comment and make her way to the kitchen and dinning area.

Seri walked into the kitchen, seeing her little brother at the table eating his cereal, eyeballing her.

There's also someone else there, eyeballing her.

"Good morning ma'am." Dereck says simply.

Before she can respond, Garcia speaks up.

"Alright, so the Dove has been delivered, along with the Robin. I'm going to go ahead and take my break before school."

Seri gave him a weird look as Villicini nodded at him.

"Right, Desert Eagle and the Swan have already resumed their daily duties. I will stay with the Dove and Robin."

Seri then realized these are codenames for her family. Seri watched as Garcia turned to go, leaving her with just her brother and Villicini.

She then goes to pour herself some cereal and grab an iced bottle of coffee out of the fridge.

She sits down across from her brother, who isn't even paying attention to her or anything else for that matter. He's playing a video game while eating.

"So, I'm assuming when you say "Dove", you're referring to me?" Seri directs this question at Dereck.

Dereck looks at her from across the kitchen, one eyebrow raised.

"How do you know you're not the Robin?"

Seri huffed at him and ate a spoonful of cereal.

Dereck chuckles a bit. "But yes, if you must know, you're the Dove."

She continued to eat cereal and drank her coffee while asking questions. Pausing to chew, of course.

"So, why the names?"

Villicini stepped closer to her, but not too close.

"We're practicing really, just in case there was a situation with your family where we couldn't use real names."

She cocked her head slightly.

"A situation? Like....danger?"

He nodded.

"Yes, and if anyone was listening over the radio waves, they're none the wiser."

She nodded, seeing her brother leave the table quickly. He's finished with his breakfast, taking his game system with.

Seri looked down at her own bowl. She's also close to being finished.

She tries to ignore her new shadow, but it's hard.

She keeps glancing over at him, and everytime he's staring at her.

'Not sure if he's staring because he has to, or staring because....he wants to?' She thinks to herself.

He suddenly speaks up.

"You now have 45 minutes to get ready for school ma'am. I will be waiting outside your bedroom door for you."

'Maybe just because he has to....' Seri thinks with slight disappointment.

Seri finished off her breakfast and left the table to go get ready for school. She walked by Villivicini, catching a slight wiff of his soap or light cologne, she can't tell which.

'Oh....that's nice.' She thinks to herself,

She shakes her head of these thoughts and walked quicker to her room. Once inside her room, she goes to her closet to pick out an outfit for today.

It doesn't take her long to pick out a black shirt, her brown leather jacket, some jeans, and mini-boots.

'Okay, let's start this day.'

She goes to leave, only to realize her door was half closed.

'Shit! I must have closed over my door and didn't ACTUALLY close it! There's enough of a gap that he could have seen me change! I wonder if he actually saw anything? Why does that turn me on slightly?'

She once again shakes her head of these thoughts.

'Get a grip, girl! He's your bodyguard! The only thing he's interested in is the money. He's probably too old anyway.'

Seri stepped out of her room, closing the door behind her. Villicini turns to look at her.

"Are you ready to go, ma'am?"

'In more ways than one....' Seri thinks to herself.

She mentally shakes her head of that thought.

She walks past him to go to the garage, feeling him behind her. She walks into the garage, going to the usual limo waiting to take her to school.

She gets in on one side, Villicini on the other.

She looks around, not seeing her little brother.

"Where's Danny?"

Villicini closes the door on his side and looks at Seri.

"He decided he wanted his own limo and Garcia went with him. This wasn't the original plan, but his mother vetoed us to make him happy."

Seri stares at him in shock, slightly.

"So it's just you and me today?"

He nods.

"Yes ma'am, it's just us until he gets out of school, then Garcia will re-join us." Dereck said.

Seri rolls her eyes slightly.

"Can you talk like a normal person or is this "part of the job"?" She uses air quotes with her fingers.

He lets out a slightly exasperated sigh.

"I'm not here to please you. Just protect you, ma'am."

Seri sighs as she decided to just look out the window resting her chin on her arm, bored with his answers. After a few minutes, she got bored of doing that, and decided to try and probe him a bit.

"So, how did you get here?"

Seri had visibly caught him off guard.

"What do you mean how did I get here?"

Seri questions again."I mean, how did you become a bodyguard?"

He shifts a little in his seat. "Why do you want to know?"

She huffed in frustration.

"Well, I'm kind of bored, and if you're going to be up my ass for next few years, I'd kinda like to get to know you! If you're going to be an asshat about it, then I'll just play on my phone until we get to school."

The ride is silent, for a few moments.

"I joined the Army right out of highschool. Special Opps. I did my four year enlistment and got out." Dereck replied.

Seri turned to him, surprised he actually answered. "Oh, so you're a veteran?"

He nods and she probes him further.

"So....why didn't you re-enlist? Aren't you going to get bored watching a teenager for a few years?"

He turned away from her at these questions.

"I'm done with this interview, ma'am."

Seri notices how he sort of came out of his shell and then just shut her down again. She stares at him, trying to figure him out.

"I'm just trying to make this trip less boring." Seri said, pouting slightly.

He replied without looking at her

"Again, I'm not here for your entertainment. I'm here to protect you, ma'am." Dereck says, rather robotically.

The limo finally pulls up to the school and for once, Seri absolutely cannot wait to get out.

She grabbed her purse and backpack and get out before either the driver or bodyguard can get to her side.

She slammed the limo door and walked quickly towards her friends.

A rather bubbly Latino girl calls you over to her. "Over here!"

Another young woman with her. She a blonde girl named Leslie.

"Where were you?! You totally missed a badass concert!" Leslie said with a smile.

Raya and Leslie are Seri's best friends since kindergarten. You've been inseparable ever since meeting.

Raya gives the answer. "She got caught by her new boytoys, errr....bodyguards."

Seri punched her in the arm slightly.

"They are NOT my boytoys! Far from it!" Seri insisted.

Raya looks behind Seri, seeing Villicini closing in.

"Oh, I'd let him do whatever he wanted with my body." Raya says, suggestively.

Before she could answer, someone grabbed her and picked her up, making her scream.

"Oh my God, you're such a jerk!" Seri said as she laughs.

Seri knows who has their arms around her as she looked down at him.

"You know it, babe." It's Seri's on again, off again boyfriend Damon. He's the typical douche bag son of well off parents.

He put her down but before Seri could do anything else, he suddenly flies back. His arm twisted behind him.

"Ack! Dude! What the fuck?!"

Villicini has him in a disabled position.

"You don't touch her again without my permission." Dereck says with both a sense of authority and warning in his voice. The young man struggles against him.

"And who the hell are you?!" Damon yells while struggling. Villicini pulls Damon's arm further in a little, almost to the point of dislocation.

"I am her bodyguard."

Both Raya and Leslie looked on in shock as this was going on. There was a crowd of students forming, expecting a fight.

'I have to stop this!' Seri starts freaking out a little, but then started yelling at the crowd to disperse.

"Hey everyone! Move along! Nothing to see here! Just my bodyguard overreacting! Move along!

You all know who my father is!"

The crowd stares at her and her bodyguard, still holding her on again off again boyfriend in custody.

Hesitantly, the crowd of highschool students disperse.

Seri then turned to Villicini and Damon.

"You mind letting him go? He's my.....friend."

"BOYfriend, actually." Damon loudly corrects.

Villicini gives him a look and then Seri one, but the one towards her is different. Almost jealous.

' that....jealousy? No....can't be....He's just my bodyguard!'

Villicini stares at her for a second and then decides to let go, shoving Damon forward slightly.

"Next time you want to get near her, you going to have to ask me for clearance." Damon bows up to Villicini, who incidentally towers over him.

"I don't care if you are her new bodyguard! None of hers ever treated me this way!"

Villicini smiles. "None of her other bodyguards were like me."

Damon smirks.

"If I know my girl, and I do, she'll get rid of you just like she has all the others. You won't last long."

Villicini was about to reply when Raya stepped in between them.

"Alright, I think there's been enough displays of testosterone for today. Damon time to go."

Damon hesitated, but then turned and left.

Raya turns to Seri with an unmistakable pissed off look on her face.

"Uhm....did you two get back together or something? Last I heard, you dumped him for cheating, again."

Seri put her hands up in defense.

"Oh no! God No! You know how he is! Just comes and goes and claims I'm his girlfriend when it's convenient for him."

Leslie lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God! We don't need to relive that nightmare again."

"Believe me, I wished it had never happened at all." Seri says with a sad look.

The first morning bell rang.

Raya curses "Shit! I have to get to class. See you two at lunch?"

Leslie replied, sort of in a hurry. "Yeah, I'll be there. I gotta get to the other side of campus!"

"I'm just over there. See you two later!"

Raya and Leslie run in opposite directions while Seri calmly walked to class, her shadow tailing close behind.

"You know, you could've given me a list of people you associate with and their behaviors, so I know not to go tearing limbs off or breaking them." Villicini states, matter of factly.

Seri turns to him as she sped walked to class.

"I'm not doing that. They're also my awesome random pack of weirdo friends. They'll do random weird shit."

Villicini gave Seri a weird sideways look. "Like what?"

"Raya, the brunette you saw, she humps me from time to time." Seri says it, likes it's no big deal.

Villicini does a double take and shakes his head slightly.

"She does what now? Are you two like....?"

Seri laughs at his reaction and his assumption that he thinks that Seri and Raya are closet lesbians.

"Not like that! She'll put her leg across my front while she's sideways and acts like she's humping me."

He gives Seri a raised eyebrow.

"Like I said, my pack of weirdos."

She got into her first class, sitting in her assigned desk towards the back.

Villicini just stood awkwardly in the back, still pretty close to her.

An older woman walks in. She's Seri's English teacher, Mrs. Peterson.

"Okay, class today we're going to.....excuse me, are you a new student or something?"

She quickly sifts through her papers on her desk.

'Oh Jesus....' Seri thinks to herself, groaning and shaking her head, knowing this will be another production because of her Father's status.

"Young man, could you find your seat?!"

Seri looked up to see Villicini attempting to talk to the bitter old woman educator.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, I am not a student. I am Seri Lang's new bodyguard."

He pulled out a paper from his jacket, handing it to her.

'One of Daddy's "notes" to the school.' Seri thinks.

She studies it carefully and then looks up at Seri.

"Ah, our resident celebrity student. I wish they would give me more notice of these things. He is the president after all, I guess I can't give her too much flack. Grab a chair, you can sit right next to her. BUT DON'T YOU DARE CAUSE A DISTURBANCE IN MY CLASS!"

Villicini nodded and gave her a charming smile.

"Don't worry ma'am. You'll hardly know I'm here."

At this point, Seri felt like she wanted to die. The last time, her bodyguards usually stood outside of the classroom. That was embarrassing enough. This is way worse.

Seri shot him a slight glare as he pulled up a chair and sits next to her.

"Thanks by the way....for nothing!"

Seri whispers, hopefully the grouchy old lady won't see or hear you.

He gives her a quizzical look and cocks his head slightly.

"What did I do, ma'am?"

She glared at him further.

"Uh, you basically just embarrassed the shit out of me in front of the entire class! It's already bad enough the whole school, let alone the whole country knows who I am! Now, to top it all off, I have to have a hired babysitter, whose name is really freaking annoyingly long by the way, follow me around like I'm going to get kidnapped at any second!"

He began to interrupt her

"That is a slight possibility...."

"SHUT UP! You know what I mean! Being followed around like you're some lost puppy who I can't shake!"

"It's my job to follow you like your shadow, not a "lost puppy" as you put it, and if it's easier for you, you can call me Dereck, ma'am."

She scoffed at him and rolled her eyes.

"Stop that "Ma'am" stuff too, makes me feel old."

They both jumped when they hear a slap of the podium by the instructor.


Seri flinched and sank down in her seat as everyone else snickered and laughed slightly.

Dereck leans a little towards Seri.


He mouthed the words to her.

After 30 minutes of what seemed like forever, the bell finally rang.

'Oh thank God. I hate Mrs. Peterson. She really needs to retire!'

Seri grabbed her bags and headed to her next class, Dereck following close behind.

Seri rolled her eyes, feeling him bore holes into the back of her head.

'I'm gonna try and ditch him at P.E.'

She walked as quickly as possible to the girl's changing rooms. Seri slightly pushed the door open, she felt Dereck attempt to follow.

She turns turned around and placed her fingertips to his chest, pushing him back slightly.

"What do you think you're doing sir? This is a naked place."

He looked up a realizes where he was about to follow her into. He blushes slightly.

"Apologies. I'll wait out here."

Seri watches him walk to the opposite wall and stand there, beginning to wait.

She smirked to herself as she went in.

"He won't be expecting this!"

Seri entered the girl's locker room. She waited for everyone to change and then went to her locker.

She opened the door and used the shelves inside to climb up and onto the top of the lockers.

Seri gently pushed the window open and shimmied her way out of the narrow window.

Once on the outside, she rose to her feet, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket.

'Strike one, pretty boy. You're about to loose your job.'

She took a quick selfie and sent it to Raya.

"Didn't even make it a half a day."

Seri texted to accompany the picture to her.

She put her phone in her back pocket and proceeded to leave the campus, but ended up crashing into something.

Seri fells back and landed in the grass.

"Oww....what the..?"

She looked up to see a familiar face. "You?! Weren't you in the hall waiting for me?"

Dereck smirks as he looked down at her.

"I gave you ample enough time to change for P.E. When the bell went off and you didn't come out, I suspected you were up to something and left another way. Where were you heading ma...Seri?"

She got up and dusted herself off slightly. "Not to class, obviously."

He kept the smirk.

"Obviously. Let's go, get back inside."

Seri marched angrily back into class. Her phone went off as they walked.

It's from Raya. "You managed to get away?"

Seri took another sad selfie with Dereck close behind her and sent it.

"Nope. :("

Her phone dinged again.

Raya: Whaaattt?!?!?! Oh....this guy is good!

Seri responded to her text.

"I'm not done yet! I've only begun to fight!"

Dereck speaks up. "You know I can read these, right?"

Seri turned her nose up at him.

"You know it's game on, right? I'm going to get out 3 or more times and when I do, you and your friend are gone."

He smiles slightly. "By my count, Seri, you're still zero to one. I'm already ahead."

They both walked back into the school.

"If you know anything about sports, games can change very quickly." She said, defiantly.

He continued to walk next to her.

"Oh, I do and I don't intend to loose."

Hopefully you guys are enjoying! Tips are not required, but much appreciated!


About the Creator


I used to write fanfics when I was younger, now I publish my stories I didn’t get a chance to publish as fanfiction.

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    Mackenzie101Written by Mackenzie101

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