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The New Game of Love

A Cosmic Love Story

By Serendipity JaxonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read
The New Game of Love
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

So you have a fantasy…

Well here was mine. It all started as a vision…a dream. Then one day, the lines between fantasy, reality and experience were just…gone.

1990, he said. Oooeee. I was 14 the day he came to be. Planet Earth, a Twin Flame reunion in the making. Destiny. But what if there were three? Three divisions of the same. A soul come to be incarnate in the number three. Three unique journeys. Three separate, yet totally dependant frequencies. He knew it was me. The first moment he laid eyes on it, this beautiful earth bound body. Come to think of it, they both did. Chase and Levi. Two segments of the same soul, bound together by me. Unity. A new paradigm kind of love.

Entrainment can sometimes feel like dis-ease. Knowing their souls are suffering. Feeling their wounds overflowing in pain, self loathing, anything other than ecstasy. It’s all, sometimes, just a little too much. You see, being psychic, knowing what they are struggling in, dreaming of, fighting their way through, it’s a gift, but also feels like a sin. I know so much more than they do at times, it seems. While they are writhing, twisting and turning I see their struggle. I see their wounding. I see the pain that drives them from their Siddih’s, their Essence, their true states of being. Again and again, I see them, futile in my vision, suffering as they will to struggle to the light. Just like we all do, on this crazy path, called life.

And so I digress. This is a Cosmic Love story, not a sad, drawn out read. Well, that just isn’t true either is it though. As you shall see, this story is filled with a sweet goodbye. Time to say farewell to limited, worn out, mis-used, constricting, damning old paradigms, of love. See, love needs no bounds. Love isn’t tamed nor shamed nor wandering in the gutters looking to be saved. Not with labels. Not with hand holds. Not with showers of apology. And time, in the New Game of relating means nothing. Time means nothing. So let’s get rid of dates, ages, polyamory, labels and anything else designed to close us in, put up a sign post or direct us away from our light. 1 + 1 + 1 = more Love to share, not less. And that, is precisely what this Game of Love story is all about.

It was to be the year to beat all years. Shit had gone sideways, again. But that was yesteryear. Today we move onward, forward, into the visions of our dreams. And I, you see, am a cosmic dreamer of magnanimous proportions. I, BELIEVE. I believe in anything I want to believe. I believe that each and every desire I conceive IS, quite possibly, to be realized, created, cast manifest, thrown into my life in the sweetest of golden light. And so, I believed. I believed the special summer that has, now passed, would become one of the most precious of my life. It all started with that vision…of throwing rules to the wind, letting go of illusions, saying YES and multiplying love.

Ancient dreams now… But this was the summer. Hot, hot heat, climbing the thermostat, spreading wildfires and sticking the back of my thighs to his leather seats. Mmmmmm those leather seats though…. We’d had a few romantic encounters back there, in the van, on the side of rivers and roads, windows blacked out, music pouring in, the magic of van life fuckery criss crossing time, space and boundless stretches of eternity. Mmmmm yes we did enjoy those long days in the van…

But the time had come to change. To cross courses with my other lovers. My ‘special friends’. They were two. He and she. A cosmic couple destined to be, in Soul Love. You know, those love’s who seem to wait for as long as we need to sail out to sea. They remain. Always. Trusting. Believing. Destiny, is to wait for thee. These two were soul friends, part time lovers, room mates and, to the outer eye, an average, ‘normal’, every day couple. You see, not all is as it seems and they were also open, relating, sharing their bodies, hearts and bits of their lives, with others. But to their parents and teachers, coaches and work mates, they just looked like you, and me.

But in the side lines they sexed with whom ever, and whenever they had chosen. They agreed to free and be free. They released restraint, shelved the shackles, said to heck with conformity. “Mononogmy for the rest of my life is not for me.” But no one knew. No one really knew anything was different at all. And why should they? But the secrets jaded gemstones…slowly pressing against shadows, dictating growth that no matter how much they tried to leave it at peace, just must be shown. One day…

But today is about a Love Story…not the shadows. Today is a memory of L O V E weeeeeee:)

That is how I entered this love nest zone. A perfect match. My Twin Flame called me in and I did as well, to he. And he answered the call. But it was more pain than ease! THAT is the journey of the Twin Flame soul. It splits apart to learn how to become more whole. How to heal disillusions so they may return to the One Love, Unity Consciousness, the Whole. And THAT takes pain, destruction, the Goddess Kali to rip it apart so it can be rebuilt, this time, in gold.

We did it though. We fought through our individual darkness to find ourselves, within one another, incarnate, two bodies, one soul. And on we go…

But you see, there is a trick to this cosmic tale that is new earth love. It IS free, to believe. And she knew the real truth of it all, I did, that is. I knew we were three. Three souls, this Levi in the van, and this one, Chase, the lover of his seemingly everyday normal, Soul Mate, Jasmin.

Ooooh to be a Soul Mate. I cannot know…now, that is. But seemingly only yesterday I lived with my own heart and soul. And he walked me home. 21 years to the grave of a beautiful nest. Though we had to part. That was the journey we co-created in time immortal, a destined contract between two souls to be carried out in this life.

So I know the love that binds a Soul Mate to another. The shift that takes your heart out to sea, ensuring the fire is lit, no matter when they come home. But they don’t fulfill it. They don’t light that fire in your soul. They simply tend to it. They build the home, so you always know you have somewhere safe to grow. And you do. And they do. And the cosmos rejoice in this most nourishing, symbiotic kind of love. Ahhhhh.

But this little light brings the fire. Once a tiny spark, filled with resentment, fearful in wounding, running hard and fast to escape the thing she once knew to be L O V E. Her’s, that’s me, was a rebound through fire. A return to her great, the Oneness that she knew always had been missing. But it was the pain. The pain of ages. Relating through karmic wounding again and again and again. So it was when I first awakened to find my own Twin Flame (s). First they were drawn to me. But I couldn’t see it straight away, because I was numb. So how could I even sense the energies that eros can roll right through you when I had my heart in a cage? I had cast aside my own desire to love, locked down the gates and thrown the key way way way below. A moat of pain lived between me and my own ability to love, once again. Scarred twice, I decided, seemingly unconsciously, to build a wall of fiery thistles, thorns, designed to stave off even the most glorious of Kings bearing love in their hearts and calling out my name. “I said NO”. I said. Perhaps, not in so many words…for I was shy to speak my truth and used ruthless blank spaces and hard fast insults to blaze my trail of pain, instead.

But they came. Then I opened. I let them touch me with a little bit of love mmm. Not a lot. Just a little. I softened. I wanted. I expressed. I stayed. And then, of course, they ran.

Far far away. These two earth men, my own soul shards, my own heart, soul and pain, at different times, yet in nearly the same frame, they left. Runners. Chasers. This, is the turbulent love of the Twin Flame. But I had two! How can it be! Because, I believe. And to that fact, I can tell you even more of what I know. There are more. Eight, total, to be exact. Some I have already entertained, to break through my own relating, love game. But most exist still to be discovered, at precisely divine time, when frequencies call one another to the precise moment to launch a new game. But that…will be a future story, for another day…

Today we travel back to the summer of, let’s call it 69;), for there certainly were multitudes of that in this foursome relating game. We played. We danced away yesterday. We remembered, our greatness, that we were all, already more than enough. We came to remember the One Soul. The great Play, of Love, that is life, the great game. Lila. The Cosmic Game. Anything less would be short of sublime. We didn’t come here to hide our capacity to love, under the shadows of some conditioned societies shame. We came here, to L O V E. And so, that, is precisely what we, four, did.

It was to be our first encounter, first it was us, then the other us, Twin Flame 1 plus me then Twin Flame 2 plus me, but next…it would be all three! But what of Soul Love sister? Of course! Because we love! Jasmin found it in her own tending soul to show her love, through expansion, in the name of devotion, to the sound of the One Heart, found in her capacity to call to her true Soul Love. And so, if you are lost in the muddle of 1, 2, 3 and who loves who and why are there 3 just believe. Just believe. For there are four beautiful humans who have been brave, fearless even, to love. Beyond the lies and illusions of even the modern day time, these four humans, two feminine and two masculine energies, all great glorious expressions of the same divine source, came to be seen. In the name of love.

The re-union was to be on sacred ground. Away up top, beside the mountains, nestled in wind and sun and tall grass, river banks and rustling trees. We had three vans between the four of us. A caravan, of new paradigm, forget everything you learned about love, soul remembering.

She, Jasmin, was as fresh, innocent and seemingly care free, as the same mountain breeze, that held us all, in her arms. And maybe that was her tie that called us into the same frequency. Her gift of stability. Holding sacred space for this four person reunion, in the game of flesh and love. She kept me calm. Kept me in my oneness, reminded me that it was meant to be a beautiful, sacred union of ease. It was meant to be easy. Safe. Belief. She held me where I feel, trust and know the most, in my centre, with her ease.

Well then, what about those boys? The men… mmmmhmmm. How can you not fall in love with that kind of beauty! Choosing the gift of love! For he and her and me and he. Yummmm. Yummmm. Yummmy. Let’s just say, they were on board and quite easy to please;)

Re-union. Of sorts. Although we had all made love in separate courts, and I was the common thread, we had yet to bare our souls in the same quest, as one.

And there they were. Pure beauty. I just love these souls. These humans just fill me with the deepest, richest, warmest river of love, ecstasy, true intimate humanity. For, yes, it is true, that we come from the stars, but here we are, human! Of flesh and blood and everything that comes with that tyranny! The bliss to be of this earth, can truly be felt under the stars, among the tall grass, beside the river bend, in her, his, their arms. When we rest, we breathe, in synchronicity. We ARE one. There is never you or she or me. In this moment, we simply breathe. We dare to love. Without edges. Without limits. Fuck the chains of someones yesterday that does nothing to enable MY love. I choose some other thing to believe. Maybe it doesn’t exist yet. Does that mean I can’t believe? In a love that has no restrictions, that dictates its own path, that tells US what, when and where it wants to be. To let love move YOU…ahhhh, now THAT is truly the divine act of surrendering.

And so we loved. She stroked my hair and I caressed her fantastic goddess breasts. He worshipped my Yoni and The Other filled my mouth with the gifts of magic, compassion and sacred lust. Pleasure is my palace, shared with the devotion of gods and goddesses who understand, to trust IN divine lust. To stay long enough to let it wash over you, to release the trapped illusions, shake out ancient stories, to clear the earth and open the soil. To plant the seeds we come here to sew. Those of Unity, Freedom, Consciousness, Kindness, and ultimately, new paradigm, cosmic love. The future knows no bounds, no limits, and there are no locks on the doors. Shall we dance in the moment here, that exists between? Between yesterdays domination and division, competition and the great cage… and tomorrows L O V E. Spacious, expansive, everlasting, timeless, sensual, divine and for everyone who feels ready to disrobe, take off the chains and let go of limits in love.

Take the key. Now you’ve seen it. It’s yours to do what you like. Are you feeling brave? Curious? Excited? Can you take a step toward your own vision of conscious connection, your own version, in the New Game of Love?


About the Creator

Serendipity Jaxon

They write me.

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