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The main reasons why men climax quickly during intimacy, as well as tried-and-true cures to improve your sex life.

Causes and cures to premature ejaculation.

By Oluwatosin AdeyemoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Improve your sexual life and have a happy relationship

Intimate encounters where a man reaches his peak in a matter of minutes are an example of premature semen release.

However, there is no universal rule that specifies how a man should behave during private moments.

Reaching climax too rapidly might have negative effects on relationships, according to a recent WebMD article that offered advice on the subject.

Although having hasty releases occasionally may be anticipated by a male, when this behaviour develops into a trend, it starts to interfere with relationships.

Most men lose the ability to recognize a problem they are having and attempt to get help; instead, they turn to opiates and herbal treatments for relief.

It may help a male avoid reaching his intimacy peak too soon if he takes herbal remedies or narcotics.

If he doesn't want to develop a dependency on the substances he uses, he must still address the root of the issue.

The causes of the early climax can be explained by the following factors:

*First, let's agree upon a standard meaning of the term "stress."

Contrary to this definition, stress is a mental condition that is defined by persistent anxiety over balancing the demands of one's personal and professional areas of influence.

Men who work in circumstances that are consistently stressful yet lack other outlets for expressing their emotions and frustrations could experience an early release during intimate encounters.

* An irrational fear of the unknown or potentially dangerous events is the hallmark of the mental illness known as anxiety.

There are many ways that fear might appear. Men are rarely immune to the effects of anxiety disorders, which cause individuals to feel uneasy almost constantly.

It is understandable for a man to worry about how he performs in bed, given how crucial it is to the intimacy experience as a whole.

More apprehensive guys are prone to letting their guard down too fast during sexual interactions.

* Many men could struggle with self-confidence due to past or present events and worry that their climax would come too soon.

Men attain their climax and release too quickly if they don't have faith in their physical prowess or ability to perform adequately.

Their close connections frequently have issues as a result. Men who lack confidence in their performance, in particular, should be aware of this.

* Fourth, a man's romantic life could be jeopardized if he has a propensity to express his feelings hastily after having gone through a painful or upsetting situation in the past.

It is a frequent outcome of suppression and can impair a man's capacity to establish a satisfying romantic bond.

*Furthermore, depressive disorders are a prevalent mental illness that typically results in a person having a pessimistic and gloomy attitude toward life.

Although a man's brain's chemical composition may change as a result of sadness, it is true that he won't be able to feel the same level of quick release during sexual interactions.

Home remedies for premature ejaculation

Dietary Changes

Your sexual health and early ejaculation are both impacted by zinc and magnesium, which have a similar effect.

You may be able to lengthen the time it takes you to reach your climax by increasing the amount of food high in zinc and magnesium that you consume.

Those foods include:

Soya Beans




kidney beans

Dark Chocolate


Pause-squeeze Technique

The pause-squeeze technique will reduce the likelihood of premature ejaculation by allowing arousal to decline prior to climax.

As soon as you feel like ejaculating, pause for a moment and have either you or your partner squeeze the end of your penis where the head meets the shaft.

When you no longer desire to climax, hold the squeeze or have your partner hold it for you for a few seconds.

Since they won't otherwise be aware of the proper moment, make sure to keep your spouse informed throughout this procedure.

Repeat the procedure as often as you can; eventually, you might be able to stop premature ejaculation on your own.

Pelvic floor exercises

In terms of how long it takes you to reach climax, having your pelvic floor muscles strengthened can make a significant difference.

According to a 2014 study, pelvic floor exercises can improve men's ability to control their ejaculatory reflex and lengthen their time engaged in intimate activity.

Ways to perform pelvic exercise:

i. Your pelvic floor muscles should be contracted for three seconds while you are lying down, followed by three seconds of relaxation.

Three times a day, repeat this at least ten times in a row.

ii. By halting mid-stream while urinating or tensing the muscles that can prevent you from passing gas, you can locate the proper muscles.

Iii. As your muscles become more powerful, gradually increase the number of seconds. Try standing up, moving around, or sitting down.

iv. Remember to breathe and to concentrate just on your pelvic floor muscles. Keep your buttocks, thighs, and abs loose.

A temporary prohibition on sexual activity.

You can find it easier to relieve the burden of your sexual encounters if you put your attention on other sexual activities rather than sexual intercourse.

Sexual enjoyment can be attained in other ways than through penetration. Consider additional activities you and your partner can enjoy that won't frustrate or upset either of you.

Stop-start Technique

This method, which is often referred to as "edging" or "orgasm control," can reduce climax delay by extending pleasure.

Stop all sexual activity if you feel the urge to ejaculate while having sexual intercourse.

Slowly begin having sexual activities again as soon as you feel less aroused. To assist you control ejaculation, repeat this procedure as often as you can.

sexual wellness

About the Creator

Oluwatosin Adeyemo

I'm a curious and experience writer, I love to write about issues and tested way to solve these common problems.

I'm also a sport analyst

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