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The Lovers: Part 4, The Truth

Erotic Prompts Series

By Sharlene AlbaPublished 7 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Allan Filipe Santos Dias on Unsplash

He observed every detail of her apartment. From the sleek white curtains, to the black soft carpet beneath his bare feet. He wanted to know more about her, from what she liked to do first thing in the morning to the secrets he knew she kept from him. He smiled as he observed the pink marble counter that topped off the island in the kitchen. The appliances were solid black. He remembered her fascination with those two colors. He didn’t think anything of it, but now having seen her apartment, he knew she wasn't kidding.

“Would you like something to drink?” she offered him, her fingers wrapping around the refrigerator door handle. His gaze met her back side as she bent over the refrigerator when she opened it. He knew what he wanted, what would quench his thirst. And her posture proved that she knew as well.

“Water,” he answered her as he swallowed down the lust he was trying to tame. He watched as she rummaged through the contents of the refrigerator. He grinned and decided to play along with her game.

“It stopped raining,” he mentioned, glancing briefly at the windows in her living room. Her posture straightened at his remark, craning her neck slowly so she could look at him. She stared at him, a hazy look in her eyes as he made his way towards her. Her breathing accelerated as his hands rested over her hips. His cheek, smooth and clean shaven, rubbed against hers, a soft sigh escaping her swollen and full lips.

“There are still a few drops left,” she replied, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. Her hands shook as she turned slightly to reach for a glass. His hands, on the other hand, were slipping into the front of her skirt again, he groaned as he came into contact with her still wet folds. His nose nuzzled the tenderness on the back of her neck, his tongue grazed over the teeth marks he had left on her skin earlier and he quickly wondered if he had hurt her. The thought sent his body into high alert with concern.

“Does it hurt?” he asked her, the guilt starting to pool in the pit of his stomach. He'd been told more than once he was rougher in bed than he realized. And hurting her would be like hurting himself.

She turned her head to face him then, a smile slowly curving on his favorite lips.

“Not at all,” she answered, smoothing over his worry with the caress of her thumbs on my cheeks. His thumb ran over the bite mark he'd given her, but his eyes never looked away from hers. His free fingers, which still lingered between her legs, dipped into her wetness. She gasped lightly, her tongue slipping out to lick her swollen lips.

“You look so beautiful when you come apart for me. Your cheeks turn red, your lips open, waiting for my kiss….” he explained as he placed a soft lingering kiss over her wet lips, while his hands tugged down her skirt once and for all. The glass fell onto the counter, not shattering but still making a slightly loud noise. He gripped her hips, bending her over the sink in front of her. She flipped her long dark honey-colored hair over her shoulder as she spread her legs for him. He groaned as he slid himself inside her from behind. Her loud gasp made him thrust in deeper, filling her to the core. He slipped out of her, only to thrust into her again, hard, and fast. Her muscles contracted around him, milking him for what he was worth. He pounded into her, while her hips met his, thrust for thrust. Their moans came simultaneously. His fingers spread over her hips, grasping as much of her flesh as he could once he felt the incredible swelling of his thick and pulsating cock. His jaw locked as he felt her roll her hips, still following his rhythm. Fuck, she felt good.

“Harder…. harder… baby…. harder!” Her eager words of encouragement caused the thrusting of their hips to increase. He could feel her juices surrounding him again, flowing easily around him as he still drove into her. He took her hands then, his fingers weaving through hers, squeezing because he needed to hold onto the woman he adored while he fell apart.

When he released himself inside her again, for the third time that day, he rested his forehead on her shoulder, his nose rubbing against the softness of her skin. His breathing was heavy, hers as well. But he didn’t pull out of her. It felt too good. She felt too good.

He inhaled the scent of her sweet but exotic perfume and smiled, wrapping his arms around her stomach, pulling her against him to feel her warmth.

“Where’s the bedroom?” he asked, and she laughed at his sudden curiosity. He knew she knew why he was asking. He needed to make her come again. Soon. She pointed across the living room, and he lifted her up into his arms right away, carrying her to their destination.

Her hair fanned out across the white cotton pillow when he placed her down on her bed. She was naked now, bared for him completely for the first time. It wasn’t an awkward feeling. She had already shared her most sensual desires with him, and that gave her the courage to do pretty much everything he'd been wanting to do to her since they met.

Only he could make her come apart, completely break down and make her bare her soul. Or so she always told him. He wondered what she saw in his, if it was as dark as all the others had claimed it to be when he broke their hearts.

Her eyes traveled across the dips and curves on his body while he removed his shirt up over his head. Her tongue escaped her mouth running along her lips as she took in the sight of him. He was beautiful in her eyes. The ripples on his stomach, the broad shoulders, the impressive six-pack, the incredibly still hard and thick erection springing from his boxer briefs looked to be her favorite target. It all made her dizzy with desire, he could tell by the look in her eyes as they burned with lust, and anticipation, with love.

She had no idea how much she made him feel, how good, how worthy, how appreciated he felt in her arms. He'd repay her soon enough.

He captured her gaze as he crawled over her, his hands spreading her legs for him, running down to her calves, then up again to her inner thighs. With a grin, he lowered his head to where his lips rested over her opening. She sucked in a breath, her hands gripping the sheets in fists. He heard her groan as he parted her folds with his tongue. She should’ve been sore by now, but by some miracle, she wasn’t. Which he intended on taking advantage of soon enough.

When his tongue dipped deeper, and he heard her sigh his name, his heart fluttered without hesitation at the joy he was causing her. When his lips sucked at her clit until he was sure she could no longer think coherently, he grinned as her body continued to writhe with need.

When she squirted into his mouth and he licked at her until there was nothing left, she watched him lift his head up from between her legs, his eyes immediately penetrating hers. He held her gaze as he licked his lips, placing her legs over his shoulders, his hands smoothing down her milky thighs. His eyes closed briefly as he placed soft kisses along the skin of her legs.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked her, since her eyes were now closed, her head resting on its side. He waited for her reply while his lips kissed up her abdomen, all the way up to her breasts, the tip of his tongue tasting the hardened nipple. Her fingers ran smoothly through his short, cropped hair, tugging lightly as his teeth bit at the sensitive flesh. He groaned as her scent enveloped him, while he grazed his nose in between the valley of her breasts.

“Nothing important,” she answered and he knew it was a lie. Women had millions of thoughts running around in their minds constantly. His late mother had taught him that as a child.

“Don’t want to tell me?” he asked her, and she shook her head as he pulled away to study her expression. His entire body covered hers now, enveloping her in his warmth. Her hands ran over his slightly bulked up arms, her hands squeezing when they reached his shoulders.

“Why not?” he continued the line of questioning as the tip of his cock slightly rubbed against her stomach, causing her to groan softly.

“It doesn’t matter,” she replied, swallowing hard and he kissed her then, his tongue meeting hers with a hunger that consumed him, her nails scratching at his back. When his lips left hers, they traveled down her neck, ending up at her ear.

“It matters to me,” he let her know sincerely, while her breathing grew heavy, her chest pressing against his as it rose up and down in anticipation.

“Why?” she continued to evade answering him and he drove into her in the hopes of changing her mind, her loud moan filled the room as she held onto him, holding him as close as she could.

That’s why. Because you trust me enough to make your body cry out for me like that. Because I couldn’t live without seeing how your eyes look into mine, as if I were made only for you. I had no idea how much I'd be addicted to that smile of yours.” His forehead rested against hers when he finished speaking, then he pulled out of her and drove into her again, filling her slowly inch by inch, causing her to gasp, and for him to grunt with impatience.

“And I am. Damn it, I am made for you, baby. Only for you. Don’t ever forget that," she responded to him, her hands on his face. He smiled at her, with relief watering his eyes, causing him to fuck her without hesitation, nothing would hold him back. Not his guilt, not his self-loathing. Her hips kept up with his, in rapid rhythm. His hands captured hers, holding them above her head. Skin slapped against skin, moan after moan filled the room. And when he thought he couldn’t take one second more without exploding, he pulled out, his eyes meeting hers intently, then he went straight back into her core, causing both of them to cry out in pleasure.

Their breathing came in heavy pants. He collapsed beside of her, pulling her against his side in the process. Her hand rested over his hammering heart. A warm smile rested on her lips as he looked at her and he realized he believed her. He had no other choice since his body and soul had never been this alive before. She had given him hope again and provided him with another reason to wake up, ready to take on the world.

She was his truth.


About the Creator

Sharlene Alba

Full of raw and unfiltered fluid poems, short stories and prompts on love, sex, relationships and life. I also review haircare, skincare and other beauty products. Instagram: grungefirepoetry MissBeautyBargain Facebook: grungefirepoetry

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    Sharlene AlbaWritten by Sharlene Alba

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